
Chapter 146

“Good Day, to you two. It’s been some time since our last meeting Mr. Rosales, as for you Shin, since you’re always here why don’t you just join the military after you graduate.”

“Well, if you could convince the elders in my clan I don’t mind joining the military. Fighting in the frontlines seems plenty exciting. Just imagining it is already giving me the chills.”

As he spoke the smile on Shin’s face was rather frightening. Seeing that smile of his made Tang Ao frown as he shook his head.

“I take back what I said, we already have too many bloodthirsty fools like you in the military.”

‘I was also one of those bloodthirsty fools,’ Tang Ao sighed as he was once again reminded of the past.

“Heh, saying things like that just makes me want to join even more.”


Tang Ao looked at the excited Shin and shook his head, knowing that no matter what he said at this point won’t dissuade the young man. So Tang Ao ignored Shin and shifted his attention to Michael who was standing beside Shin.

“Anyway, how about you two take sit first.”

Shin who was being ignored shrugged his shoulders as he sat on the chair in front of Tang Ao’s, Michael did the same and sat in the chair beside Shin.

“The reason why I called the both of you today, is because of the incident two days ago. I know you already told one of my subordinates what happened that day, and I already heard his report, but I want to hear it directly from you guys. So can you please tell me everything that happened that day?”

Shin and Michael told most of what they remembered happened that day, of course, they left out the part where Fade asked them to help, the Fletchers. Tang Ao listened carefully to their story without interrupting, and he carefully examined the two as they spoke. Once they were done he went straight to the first question that popped into his mind.

“So you met Larry Fletcher for the first time and he asked you for help and you did it?”

“Well, I decided to listen to his story first, after hearing his request I thought that I might get to fight some underworld thugs and I was pretty curious so I helped,” Shin answered without missing a beat.

“When he asked me for help while looking so desperate, that’s all I needed to hear, I didn’t need any other reason,” Michael answered without hesitation as that was what he truly felt.

Tang Ao looked at the two for a while, by the expression on their faces as well as the slight actions they made it doesn’t seem like they were lying. Yesterday Tang Ao had already spoken with Larry before meeting Michael and Shin.

In Larry’s story, he had contacted Fade and asked for help. Fade met with him and told him to ask for both Shin and Michael’s assistance.

Tang Ao was rather curious as to why Fade trusted the two students for this job. The only time they had interacted was when he had rescued Michael and defeated Shin. That was the only instance Tang Ao knew that three had interacted with each other.

Tang Ao looked at Shin and Michael again but no matter how hard he looked the two of them seem to be telling the truth, but for some reason, despite what he has seen he felt that there seems to be something wrong.

“Are you two sure that those were your only reasons for helping?”

“Yes,” The two responded at the same time. Seeing that Tang Ao knew that he wouldn’t be able to make them speak without forcing them.

‘Whatever, it’s not like it matters if they have ties with Fade.’

“Okay then, so is that everything you can remember that happened that day?” Michael nodded his head in response as for Shin he shrugged his shoulders.

“I was barely conscious throughout that fight, so I can’t really say if my recollection of the events is accurate. I don’t know what he used but it was extremely effective. Anyway, now that we have answered your questions, how about you answer one of mine, that should be fair right?”

“... Fine, I will answer one question for each of you.”

Shin nodded his head and looked at Michael. “So who’ll go first, do you have anything to ask, Michael?”

“You can go and ask your question first.”

“Then I’ll go right ahead. There’s only one thing I want to know from you, who the heck was that guy who attacked us? Based on the importance you have given to this incident, he can’t just be a nobody.”

“Why do you think, it wasn’t Fade that I was interested in and not that guy?”

“Oh come on, who are you trying to fool? If Fade was truly under the radar of the Elite Dragon Brigade, you would’ve set up a few soldiers to observe the remaining gang leaders as those are his primary targets. Yet despite how long Fade has been operating, you guys haven’t done anything at all.”

“Oh, how can you be so sure that we haven’t done anything?”

“Well, let’s just say the wind told me.”

“The wind, huh... Alright then, since you did cooperate and I did promise to answer any one question, I’ll answer. That man you’ve encountered is one of the highest-rank criminals in the entirety of Zothril. The Alchemist Johann, age unknown, origins unknown. There’s not much information regarding that person’s past, it’s like he just popped out of nowhere which is similar to Fade. Still, unlike Fade we do have a bit more information about him. He was once part of the Eye of Truth and later moved to the secret society named the Sorcerors Circle which he also left due to unknown reasons. Well, that’s about as much as I can tell you.”

“That guy sounds even more formidable than I expected how powerful is his combat strength?”

“I already said I’ll only answer one question each.”

“Come on, don’t be so stingy Captain.”

“A deal is a deal, so what is your question, Mr. Rosales?” Tang Ao once again ignored the protesting Shin and looked at Michael.

“I want to know if there are any reports of a weird book in the Alchemist’s hands.”

“Hmm, that’s a rather interesting question you have there. Do you mind telling me why you want to know something like that?”

Michael looked at Tang Ao and hesitated and after a few seconds, he shook his head in response.

“Well, if you don’t want to tell me, you don’t need to. As for the answer to your question, yes there is a rather special book that the Alchemist took from the Sorcerers Circle, that book was the reason he got the nickname the Alchemist. The book was called the Book of Alchemy.”

The moment Tang Ao spoke the name of the book, he noticed the change in Michael’s expression, it was brief but Tang Ao who was observing Michael from start to finish was able to see a glitter of excitement.

“Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Yes, thank you for answering my question.”

“No need to thank me, it is what you deserve. So anyway, thank you for taking your time to come here. I would’ve wanted to chat a bit more, but I am pretty busy today. Please allow one of my subordinates to escort you out.”

Tang Ao signaled one of his men to come forward. The soldier stepped forward and saluted Tang Ao.

“Please escort, Shin and Mr. Rosales out of the base.”

“Hey Captain, I noticed that you keep on calling me with my first name, while Michael is Mr. Rosales. This is discrimination right?”

“Goodbye you two, if you have any problems in the future you can come and visit me.”

Tang Ao once again ignored Shin as he smiled and waved his hand goodbye. Michael nodded his head in response, while Shin kept on shouting at Tang Ao as he was being led out by the soldier. Once Shin and Michael were gone, Tang Ao contacted his deputy officer.

A few minutes later a man with an impressive height and build entered the room. Upon entering the room the man saluted Tang Ao. This man was First Lieutenant Vreni Braun, Tang Ao’s second in command.

“Sir, you called?”

“Yes, First Lieutenant, I had a very curious conversation recently and I feel like there is something there. So I want you to assign a few soldiers to monitor Michael Rosales’s movement.”

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