
Chapter 734 - 734 The old man’s real identity is revealed

“However, ladies and gentlemen, please remember that we are here to be present and witness the two sides with different truths. We here are to decide on who is the most honorable and the side the dragon gods watching over us want to believe.”

“Thus, until we have a victor, no one can be labeled as a perpetrator or as a victim.”

“Now, with that out of the way, joined beside me to help me comment on what is happening are two important guests.”

“On my left side is the headmaster of the Lusterfall noble academy, Marquis Darwin Griffinheart. He is a noble of great standing, and with his help, we will all be able to understand what is happening.”

“Thank you, Egidio Faulkner. I am on the Lionheart side because one of the academy students will be participating.” Darwin responded with a sound-enhancing gemstone in his hand.

“Interesting. I thought Marquis Darwin Griffinheart sat on the Lionheart team’s representative side because you were rooting for the.”

Darwin frowned. “I am on the side of my students.”

“One out of the ten combatants is a student with the potential to participate in this year’s grand alliance tournament, and he is on the Lionheart’s side. That’s all.” He publically said while trying not to show favoritism.


“Ahem.” the commentator understood it would be best to change the subject. He turned his head and continued, “On my right side is a retired B Ranker working for the Broklight noble family. This family is one of the five currently participating in this trial against the Lionheart noble family.”

“Good to be here Egidio Faulkner. I am proud to be chosen as the representative of the winning side.” The proud representative boasted.

“Now, now. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” The commentator said while expressing discomfort with his authority as the commentator was being challenged.

“I will be receiving the details about the ten combatants and their familiars soon. Before they arrive, let’s chat about the venue recently refurbished for this special occasion.”

In the private royal balcony surrounded by a lot of royal soldiers and royal mages noticed an old man approaching. Without asking, they cautiously prepared to attack the suspicious old man at a moment’s notice.

“Ho ho. The security is lax, as I expected.” The old man, the same old man who gave Ester the sword, told the dozens of soldiers in front of him.

“Do not take a step further, or you will be under arrest. Only high-ranked nobles and royalty can come here.” A royal soldier warned.

“Ho ho. How can you not know if I am a high-ranked noble or not? My hearing is still good, I believe, yet I didn’t hear anyone ask for my identity?”

“Hey. Who is making this ruckus?” A female’s voice questioned the soldiers. Her voice sounded angry, as if she was pissed.

“That is the suspicious old man.” One of the royal mages explained while pointing at the old man.

“What old man!?... huh? Hahaha. I didn’t expect my teacher to tell me the truth! And here I thought you were going to remain locked up in that castle. Hahaha.”

“Ho ho. Young student Karta. I didn’t think you had the time to enjoy yourself here. You always love to roam about as if you hate being bound in one place.”

“Haha.” Karta sarcastically laughed. “I just like the feeling of the wind on my young dark skin. Unlike someone who loves the dampness of the castle walls on his wrinkly old skin.”

“Duchess Karta. May we know if the old man is a guest? And by teacher, can we know what you mean?” One of the royal mages asked Karta.

“Haha. Did you hear that, teacher? He called you an old man.” Karta couldn’t hold herself from laughing. “You see what staying more inside than outside does to your reputation?”

A royal guard approached Karta. “Duchess, is there a problem?” He questioned.

“Hehe. They sent you to check on me, newbie. Did they distrust me because of my skin...”

“That joke isn’t nice to hear, Karta. I hope you can stop teasing, or it might bite you in the bottom one day.” Luciano interrupted.

Luciano looked at the royal guard Karta called newbie and introduced himself. “I am Duke Luciano Di Mauro. The sage of the Berlucia Kingdom.”

All the soldiers, no matter what ranks of nobility they possessed, almost forgot to breathe from shock. They couldn’t believe they were about to attack a powerful and influential figure of the neutral neighboring kingdom.

*Smack* “Isn’t it rude not to introduce yourself?” Karta told the royal guard newbie after landing a swift smack on his back.

*Gulp* “I-I am Viscount Melvin Taurus. I-I am a recently recruited royal guard. I-it is a pleasure... no, i-it is an honor to make your acquaintance.” Melvin respectfully said while nervously stuttering.

Luciano moved forward. The royal soldiers and royal mages made a path for him to walk.

“Come this way, teacher. His majesty and her highness will definitely be happy to see you.” Karta said before moving as if she owned the place.

Princess Anna and her father, the king, noticed Karta returning, and on her face was a smile. It meant the commotion turned out to be a false alarm, and a guest with the ability to make Karta smile appeared.

“What an interesting guest decided to visit me. Now I feel a little disappointed to know the judgment by combat was more interesting than me.”

“Ho ho. Your majesty. I am very busy managing almost all the kingdom because there is still no rightful heir to the throne.”

The king chuckled. Whatever the reason for making Luciano visit was, the king appeared to be delighted.

Luciano’s eyes opened wide the moment he saw Anna move in front of him. He couldn’t believe Anna could manage to move without any help. Furthermore, he was surprised to see Anna’s usual hidden sadness gone.

“Little princess Anna, good to see you again. But may I ask, what is that moving chair you are sitting on?” He curiously asked.

“Hehe. Isn’t it nice?” Anna glanced at her father and continued, “Baron Vincent Lionheart’s wife made this for me because a certain someone didn’t want to build one until it was perfectly safe.”

Lucanio understood. A smirk appeared on his face. “Ho ho. Still overprotective as always, I see. When we walk, we can fall. Doesn’t that mean her highness can never be allowed to walk?”

The king chuckled as if he didn’t mind Luciano teasing him.

The king snapped his finger and moved his gaze beside him. Shortly, a comfy luxurious chair was placed beside the king.

“Please take a seat. The judgment by combat is about to begin soon.”

“Sure. I will take you up on that.” Luciano took the offer and sat comfortably. “Ohh! Before I forget. While I was on the way, I killed a couple of pesky mosquitos targeting a person I am interested in.”

The king, Anna, and Karta were shocked to hear this. They didn’t know what kind of person could make the famous sage of the Berlucia Kingdom interested enough to travel and protect them.

Bilka, with her arms crossed, appeared behind Anna. With a frown on her face, she bluntly asked, “Don’t tell me you came because of Vincent Lionheart? He is always at the center of attention. It is unpleasant.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have the registration documents of both sides. As per the Lionheart family side’s request, they will make their appearance after the coalition of the five noble families’ side appears first.”

“How about we enjoy ourselves? The commentator is about to start with the introductions.” Luciano said as if he was trying to change the subject.

“Don’t change the subject, old friend. Did my daughter’s servant speak the truth?” The king frowned. “Is he an important person to you too?”

“Ho ho. I wanted to see a red-headed dancer perform a blade dance. As you know, they have stopped leaving the central continent. But I still have not found out why.”

“So you aren’t looking for the man who gave my daughter the blueprints of the wheelchair creation?” The king asked. He was like a man who didn’t want their daughter to have romantic feelings until they grew up.

“I came to see his wife, and I waited in front of the entrance until they arrived.” Luciano frowned for the first time and continued, “But my conversation with them was interrupted, so I removed the assassins targeting them painfully.”

*Gasp* Anna couldn’t believe Vincent and his wives were targeted by assassins in front of the arena’s entrance. She started to worry after hearing the commentator mention the Lionheart teams requestion to appear after the first team.

The king signaled with his hand, and the soldiers stepped away to allow a secretive private conversation.

The king crossed his arms. “Tell me the truth. You aren’t a vindictive man, so why did you kill them painfully? Wanting to watch a dancer dance doesn’t make that much sense to me.”

*Sigh* Luciano reclined on the comfy chair. He looked at the sky and said, “I didn’t come to see a dancer. I came to see my granddaughter, Ester Lionheart.”


The king, Anna, Bilka, and Karta, couldn’t believe Luciano had a surviving member of his family alive.

“Yes. She is my deceased son’s stepdaughter. I would have never found her if the investigators I hired didn’t tell me of a young dancer nomad marrying into nobility.” Luciano responded.

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