
Chapter 413

“Vincent, are you implying that you possess a bag of holding with special enchantments to contain the cabin you are commissioning my company?” Byron asked while showing interest in where this discussion was going, and his eyes gleamed with the desire to hear a good response.

“Yes, I have a soul-bound storage, but that is all I can say.” Vincent noticed the maids glancing at him. Vincent trusted Byron, but he didn’t know who the people working for the Sunrise family were. To reveal too much information around people with unknown agendas was dangerous.

*Clap!* “Vincent. How about we make a deal?” Byron became happy with the response. A friendly business-like smile appeared on his face after an idea of a way to hasten the building process was in front of his eyes.

[Deal?] “Deal?” Both Vincent and Kazumi asked at the same time with a surprised yet curious expression.

“You see, two of our transport wagons are at the workshop. My people need one to two days to fix the wagons and assure they are fit to transport heavy materials.” Byron grinned and tapped on the table. “And that is where you come in, Vincent. It takes time to transport heavy materials and in low quantities on every trip because I would need enough money to buy a city to carry all the heavy materials in bags of holding.”

“Lord Byron, to cut the story short, you need me to transport your heavy materials from point A to point B, correct?” Vincent asked.

“Exactly. As for the payment of this favor, I will furnish your requested cabin, and I will also be able to guarantee its completion by the last Sunday of this month.” Byron offered.

Byron snapped his fingers, and a butler quickly approached with a tray. On it was papers, an ink bottle, and a quill. He swiftly wrote the details and snapped his finger again. The butler respectfully took the document and presented it to Vincent.


Vincent and Kazumi carefully read the document. On it was written how Vincent will need to transport building materials from the Sunrise Building Company supply warehouse to the construction site. Also, the amount needed to be transported was substantial. The materials were only wood of various sizes and stone of various sizes.

However, only one requirement detail was a bit problematic. Vincent needed to do all of this by today since he could only leave the academy once every Sunday. The construction couldn’t wait another week to receive his assistance.

“Lord Byron... how long do you think it will take?” Vincent questioned.

“Four hours tops. That is why the price for the cabin will be fifteen silver. I cut the cost by seventy-five percent and also furnish the cabin for free.” Byron answered.

[Well, currently it’s about ten o’clock in the morning so that you would be home at about two o’clock in the evening. Honestly, four hours of your time for seventy-five percent discount and free furnishing is a fantastic deal.]

[But at the same time, we still haven’t met with Sakura. You would only have approximately five hours to spend with her.]


‘I don’t have sixty silver coins, so this deal is important... but Sakura is also important to me.’ *Gulp* ‘Both are important, but because I can have both of them, then I will do my best to spend the remaining time of the day with Sakura and hope she can forgive me.’ Vincent made up his mind and decided to let Sakura wait four more hours. He hoped she could forgive spending four hours of their precious time together.

“I will do it. ” Vincent said. He received the quill, signed his name, and asked to start immediately.

Vincent was taken to the material storage warehouse while Sofy returned home with the news of Vincent’s return four hours later.

Vincent arrived about one and a half hours later. Inside, the warehouse was mostly filled with different kinds of wood and sizes, while stone and marble were placed outside, beside the warehouse.

“Lord Vincent. Please follow me to take the specified amount. I hope it will not be a problem since the amount is too much for an ordinary enchanted storage container.” One of the warehouse managers guiding Vincent said.

After assessing the amount, Kazumi figured they needed to upgrade Soul Dimensional Storage by five times which would be ten additional cubic meters of space to compensate for the two wagons being repaired.

Fortunately, everything becomes liquid mana, saving unnecessary empty space. The space was more than enough, but Kazumi wanted to make sure.


[Notice. The host has initiated the desire to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage ten times.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 340sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 320sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 300sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 280sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 260sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 240sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 220sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 200sp will remain.]


[Notice. Soul Dimensional Storage will become stage two at the next mutation, and the host will have a -20sp discount on the following mutation.]


[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 180sp will remain.]

[-0sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 180sp will remain.]

[-20sp will be used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage once. 160sp will remain.]


[Does the host wish to proceed with the desire of mutation?]

[Yes] [No]


Vincent looked at the substantial amount of materials in front of him and murmured with a smile, “Yes.” The free unexpected upgrade surprised both him and Kazumi.


[-200sp was used to mutate Soul Dimensional Storage. 160sp Remaining.]

[Soul Dimensional Storage 13xCubed mutated to 24xCubed.]

[Soul Dimensional Storage stage one (2/10 | 8) increased to stage two (3/10 | 8)]


Multiple flashes of green light illuminated the warehouse, and all the needed materials to be delivered were in Vincent’s possession. Afterward, Vincent rode the carriage and left for the construction site.

The storekeepers working on the Sunday shift couldn’t believe their eyes at how one single man caused a vast amount of materials to disappear. As they saw Vincent leave with the carriage, the managers ordered all the workers to gather for an emergency meeting.

Later everyone present that day had to sign a document of secrecy. The document referred to what happened in the last couple of minutes as a trade secret. Anyone revealing what happened would receive the harsh treatment of an industrial spy.

However, if the workers were in a sticky situation one day, they were allowed to lie about a new green lighting product that didn’t exist. It was something Byro had thought of to cover Vincent’s light upon storing and summoning items.

*One hour and a half hours later – Emerald Lionheart Mansion*

Vincent exited the carriage after he was taken to the construction site and delivered all the material. Similarly, the workers had to sign an I don’t know anything document.

Vincent looked at the butler responsible for being his guide and attendant, “Tell Lord Byron that I appreciate how he added an extra hour in case there was an unaccounted delay. Also, remember to tell Lord Byron how the foundation needs to be ~VERY~ strong.”

“Yes, Lord Vincent. This servant will emphasize the word very as you have requested of me.” The butler said. He closed the carriage door and knocked on the wall for the coachman to depart.

“Good that you have returned. Unfortunately, no woman as you have specified has approached as.” Fliara said.

“And that soldier I heard about didn’t come as well.” Eliara continued.

“Thanks for the info, but it will be their choice in the end. ” Vincent said before heading inside.

Vincent looked around, but Sakura and Maria were the only ones missing.

Vincent visited the kitchen, living room, and garden while meeting all the mansion residents. He learned how Sakura was waiting for him in the workshop while Maria went to take a stroll nearby alone after asking for their whereabouts.

Zefine was at the barn when she heard from the children how Vincent returned, and he was talking to everyone. She mustered her courage and went to find Vincent after telling them not to approach the animal without an adult’s supervision.

Zefine had already gratefully thanked Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, and Sakura. Vincent was the only one remaining. After she arrived in front of Vincent, she swiftly lowered on her knees and thanked him for the magnanimous help he provided to a woman with one arm.

Zefine was thankful after she was allowed to live a life without becoming someone’s slave-like wife and mistreated.

Vincent accepted her gratitude and asked how Zefine felt living in the mansion and, most importantly, how she felt living with a woman of the demon race.

The response was a positive one. Zefine talked a lot about how she feels at home taking care of the animals. Letting the children play with the small animals was also a thing she came to enjoy.

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