
Chapter 365

Their surroundings were slowly becoming dark, yet they were in front of the cave the wolf used as a den, but they didn’t have a shelter. Not finding the wolf in the den and having the need to wait made him doubt his choice.

Vincent frowned and became angry at himself for calling this a honeymoon. This was the second time he made a mistake after becoming overconfident and placing those he wanted to protect in danger.

It would be fortunate if the wolf didn’t return so soon and force them to fight in the dark. They had to cover their tracks and wait for the wolf without lighting a campfire in a safe area as the smoke would announce their presence.

On the other hand, unlike the contemplating Vincent, Lupa became excited and impatient to hunt. Her natural predatorial instinct didn’t mind a fight in the dark. Furthermore, she wanted to see how much stronger she became since the last Great Gray Wolf they won from pure luck.

If Vincent’s mutation didn’t trigger and gave him a second chance, they would have died and eaten on the first day of arrival.

“Haha. Ambush! I like to ambush. I hope my prey comes soon.” When it involved a gray wolf, Lupa was pleased to fight at any given moment.

[Vincent, you look troubled.]

[How about taking a deep breath and taking things step by step? Let’s regroup first and find a good hiding spot to wait for the Great Gray Wolf. I think we will need to sleep while we wait.]


[Oh, but Lupa and Plow will need to stay awake. They are our enemy detector in the dark.]

*Sigh* Vincent felt reassured to have Kazumi’s support. “Lupa, let’s go back to the others.” He turned and walked away.

Lupa grinned, and her fangs poked from behind her lips. She appeared to be more excited after thinking about what sort of plan Vincent would make. The thought of patiently waiting for the right moment to strike and kill the wolf excited her.

Lupa already imagined Plow’s envious frown after she lands the final killing strike from the privilege of being Vincent’s right-hand girl.

Shortly, Vincent and Lupa returned. He informed of his and Kazumi’s findings while Lupa mentioned no smell of fresh blood or scent of the wolf being recently in the area. It meant the Great Gray Wolf had left many hours ago before they arrived.

“So, what will we do?” Asked Ester.

Vincent looked at his wives. Ester didn’t look too afraid as this was nothing compared to what they faced before. Lupa was excited, so she was more of a problem because of being impatient and excited. Iris had her hand in her pouch, ready to fight with poison and harmful crushed plants.

The last two women felt different emotions.

Sakura looked nervous and afraid now that the time to fight neared. It was her first fight, after all.

The recent thief incident happened so suddenly that her body reacted before her thoughts to defend herself were in her mind. Sakura could prepare herself emotionally because she had the chance to wait and think this time.

On the other hand, Lilith was already covered in a cold sweat and was not fit to fight. Lilith found out what Vincent already experienced firsthand upon switching worlds.

Reading stories is different than experiencing and participating in one. Real-life is different than fiction. Every action they decide to take has a consequence that could cost them their lives.

Lilith’s stamina was at the lowest, and she never had to fight. Furthermore, her class is a healer. She couldn’t fight even if she wanted to.

“Even if we decide to return to the village, it might have been already attacked by now. Furthermore, it is getting dark, and it will become more difficult to fight without light if we meet the wolf. So it is best to rest around the cave and have Lupa and Plow stay alert.” Vincent patted the heads of Lupa and Plow and continued, “These two important members need to stay awake at night while we rest and wake us up when the wolf returns.”

“It... it is dangerous to light a lot of fires. I don’t want to hurt the trees. ” Iris mentioned after not wishing to harm nature. The trees were not too far from one another.

Vincent gave Iris a head pat next. He smiled and reassured, “We will decide to attack based on the time and if the wolf is planning to leave again. We will attack in daylight if possible.”

Ester could see Vincent was conflicted about choosing his family over the safety and possibly the lives of the people living in Okan Village. She could see it in his gaze that he was afraid she and her Lionheart sisters might judge Vincent for being inhumane.

“Vincent told us this when we ended up fighting a life-threatening fight and saved Tula. He told us I’m your hero, not theirs. I will only sacrifice my life for my loved ones.” Ester looked at Vincent and smiled. She wanted to show how she stood by his decision to protect their family first.

Lupa wanted to chip in. She patted her chest and boasted of leaving everything to her. Similarly, Plow barked and boasted of her much sharper senses. The two of them eyed each other with a frown.

“Ahem. Let’s find a place then. Lilith needs to sit down.” Ester interrupted the two competitors in attention.

“I am sorry for dragging everyone down. It is my second time leaving the city in ten years. I wanted to go out with my family even if it was dangerous, but I can see now that I needed to start with baby steps first.” Lilith said with a tear in her eyes. She thought of herself as a hindrance after being pulled by Vincent most of the way.

“Ester and Lupa have already experienced deadly fights. So I do not need to worry about fighting alone.” Vincent said.

Vincent looked at Iris and said, “Iris, you bravely fought in your tribe’s deadly fight. I can also depend on you to watch my back.”

Vincent looked at Lilith and said, “Lilith, we know this trip is taking a toll both emotionally and physically. You never had to participate in a dangerous fight, but we all know you want to help us.”

Vincent looked at Sakura next and said, “Sakura, please depend on us if you feel scared or nervous. Even if you are tall or strong, emotions are what’s important in a fight.”

*Sigh*Vincent shook his head and said, “I thought we would meet the wolf, kill it, return home, and call this trip a honeymoon. But I was naive...”

“I-I heard of the fights you all encountered. I thought I could do it, but the waiting is making me feel anxious now.” Sakura interrupted. She clenched her fists to muster her courage and continued, “But still. I want to help even if I throw rocks. I don’t want to see my family get hurt.”

“We will all depend on you then. ” Vincent said with a warm smile. Soon, the others smiled warmly at her as well.

Sometime later, they found a good spot with a couple of clustered trees near the side of the cave, yet it wasn’t too far from Lupa and Plow’s hearing distance limits.

They ate a light meal and tried to sleep. It was dark, and the moon was their only light source.

Lupa and Plow remained awake and used their hearing to catch the Great Gray Wolf’s return. Kazumi was also paying attention, and she was ready to use Soul Invite to wake Vincent in seconds.

Like that, the next day arrived.

*Day 80 – 28 August – Morning*

The sun was rising yet no magical beast wolf returned to its cave. The start and the end of the night had passed, waiting to have the advantage of the attack, yet Lupa and Plow spent a tiring night focusing on their hearing.

Well... Plow’s eyes closed shut after a few hours. Plow was still young, and she was used to sleeping when Vincent was asleep. The temptation of watching her bed, yet she couldn’t go to sleep, tired the little fox even more.

Lupa became happy Plow lost to her sleep. She smiled and placed Plow on Vincent to have a good sleep.

Nevertheless, Lupa was still awake because the thought of the Great Gray Wolf returning excited her enough not to fall asleep. Every sound she heard got her excited, but she would soon become sad it was a false alarm. It was a night with a roller coaster of emotions.

Vincent and Kazumi decided to make a plan in the morning as they ate a sandwich for breakfast. After everyone accepted the plan, they split into two teams. The offensive team and the support team.

The support team consisted of Ester, Iris, Lilith, Plow, and Zero. They were to remain behind.

Iris and Lilith were on recovery duty. Iris could also use a Seed Guardian to assist in fighting, but she was banned from using Overload unless someone’s life was in grave danger. Another monstrous and uncontrollable Seed Guardian would make the situation worse.

Plow was to detect any approaching enemy and also announce what she is hearing. On the other hand, Zero was lying on Iris’s head as if she had a weed headband on her head.

Ester was to protect Iris, Lilith, Plow, and Zero and stall for time with her spells if the Great Gray Wolf goes to their location first or there are more wolves.

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