
Chapter 339

[Name] Sakura

[Condition] Minor Injuries, Frightened

Vincent checked her condition and asked, “The injuries are minor, but how are you feeling? What happened?”

Sakura looked at the hammer with blood still dripping from it. “... I...”

“I know you are scared, Sakura. Not only you met people with bad intentions, but they were humans as well.” Vincent embraced Sakura and rubbed her back. “I know it is difficult to forget what happened to you, but remember that we are here for you.”

“My mate is right, sister Sakura. I ran to help when I heard a voice I never heard shouting, “attack the demon” I ran to help with my claws itching for a fight.” Lupa tried to comfort Sakura.

Ester, Lenn, and Renn arrived next. They saw the man with a hole in his chest lying on the ground, and Sakura was covered in blood splatters.


The twins asked if there were more intruders. Vincent shook his head. Ester asked Sakura how she felt, but she didn’t reply immediately.

“All killed... I killed... I’m a murderer... ” Sakura mumbled.

“It’s fine, Sakura. We are beside you. Lean on us. Let us help you overcome this situation.” Vincent remained gently rubbing her back to reassure Sakura.

Sakura took a deep breath. She mustered her courage and said, “Door opened, and I hoped it was Vincent... but four men looked at me surprised... I was scared to be alone with humans I don’t know... my legs became weak and I couldn’t stand... but then I heard “we can’t get caught,” “kill all witnesses,” and “kill this weak demon slave”... they attacked me, but I don’t want to feel death again... my new life started days ago.”

Sakura raised the hammer and continued, “I grabbed the hammer and defended myself... three swings, three dead... I became a... a murderer...”

“You are safe now, Sakura. You protected your life and saved the lives of the good people living here. What if they got to Leah, Clara, Beth, Olive, or Lian first? You are a hero. You saved their lives.” Vincent said, hoping to reassure and praise Sakura.

Vincent knew taking a life was emotionally scarring, and the men prepared to attack Sakura must have brought memories of when she was humiliated and tortured.

“Lupa, you have made a mess if they met with her first, haha.” Vincent joked about changing the subject. As he thought, Lupa crossed her arms and pouted.

“Humph! I am the best hunter here. I am sad to hear my mate does not trust best girl Lupa.” Lupa lowered her ears when she heard Vincent faintly chuckle. Her pride took a critical hit.

“Maybe later I will make some more sweet boiled apples, okay?” Vincent offered.

“Hehe, I will accept the apology.” Lupa happily said. Her ears twitched, and her tail wagged from excitement.

Sakura felt better after hearing Vincent and Lupa talking as if nothing had happened. She took another deep breath and exhaled. She felt a little bit less stressed and less afraid now.

“That human ran and shouted many things... “Demon, monster, no wonder the wall is tall, why did we try to steal from this place, and why did they say this place was easy to steal from... but I kept chasing him even if my heart felt it wanted to stop... me living here will bring trouble to my... my new family... I don’t want to betray everyone’s expectations of me...”

[So these men were thieves that leave no witnesses. What a bunch of murdering thieves.]

[They listened to the rumors or received a tip that this place was an easy job. But they started with the newest built and wealthy looking building and found Sakura.]

[Sakura must have gotten terrified to her core. I think it is better to let her rest while we take care of this situation.]

-I agree with you, Kazumi. The other three dead men will have Sakura’s name on their reason for their death.-

[Yeah. The witness only saw one man inside. So only one man died.]

Vincent stopped embracing Sakura and ordered, “Ester. Lupa. Take Sakura inside and help her get cleaned while I take care of the rest. Sakura is shaken after what happened, and she needs all our support. ”

“Lenn. Renn. See that the fainted woman at our gate is secured. We need her as the witness of what happened.” Vincent summoned the demon mask and placed it on his face. “I am the only demon living here.”

Lenn and Renn felt slightly intimidated. Both nodded and ran to the gate.

“Vincent, leave Sakura in our hands and call for us if you want Lilith’s noble identification card. ” Ester said. She grabbed Sakura’s blood-covered hand and took her inside.

Lupa glanced at the corpse one last time and proudly smirked as if she was proud of Vincent’s power. Her tail wagged as she followed Ester and Sakura inside.

“Hmm... should we call the soldiers now, or should I start with the workshop?” Vincent rubbed his chin and contemplated where to start first.

[I would suggest starting with the workshop while we wait for our witness to wake up.]

[Furthermore, your lack of nervousness or concern is making me scared, to be honest. I hope you remember who you are. Remember you aren’t a blood-thirsty man.]

Vincent shook his head. “Don’t worry, Kazumi. I am acting like this because I am still angry. I will probably feel bad after this.” He looked at his hand, and it was slightly shaking. He couldn’t hide his real emotions completely.

Vincent looked at the man, yet there was no indication of him being an assassin. The clothes looked old and dirty. The man looked like an ordinary person without a class. Unfortunately, Inspection can’t show the class or stats of a corpse as it becomes classified as an item.

[This soon? Look, the soldiers arrived. They are interrogating Lenn and Renn.]

Vincent made a few tears and cuts on his shirt. He also removed the bandage on his arm to appear as if he had no choice to protect himself while being involved in a dangerous fight.

Vincent rushed to the gate and shouted, “Thank the gods! Help arrived.”

Ten soldiers looked at Vincent and saw him acting injured, weak and tired. However, half of them had the Blackheart family insignia on their armor, and among the sponsored five soldiers was vice captain.

The vice captain stepped forward and said in an authoritative tone, “State your identity, or we will arrest you.”

“My name is Vincent. I managed to defend myself from a thief with a dagger that entered this property. ” Vincent held the wound on his arm he had inflicted to mutate Tusk and Nix and continued, “The violent thief wanted me dead. He didn’t want to be caught in a noble’s property and tried to kill anyone who saw his face. So I had to fight for my life.”

“The witness mentioned a demon killed a man. Is there a demon inside? Where are you hiding the demon? And where is the man you said you fought for your life against? Speak, or you will have to be arrested.” The vice captain said in an authoritative tone again.

[This vice captain is quite insistent in sending you to prison. Perhaps, did the Blackheart family send the thieves? and later planned for these soldiers to be nearby, enter our property and who knows what they were tasked to do.]

-To harm Lilith for what happened to Demel Blackheart then-

Vincent found it difficult to contain his anger with this thought in mind.

[Your idea might be valid. Their response to the woman’s shouting is too fast to be considered a coincidence. Furthermore, what are the chances for a vice captain and one sponsored by the Blackheart family to be nearby.]

Vincent’s weak and innocent gaze turned into a hateful glare. He wore the mask and sent a murderous intent with hatred for the Blackheart family. It convinced the ten men the demon was standing in front of them.

“The witness saw me with the wooden mask on my face. I used this precious mask to protect myself from attacks to the head.” Vincent took off the mask and temporarily loosened his intense glare into a frown. “The innocent woman was used to distract the two young guards while the man I had to kill to save my life entered inside. His goal? I heard him clearly say how he wanted to steal from the Lionheart residence with the intention to kill.”

“So you are admitting to murder!” The vice captain shouted and later smirked. He heard what he wanted to hear. Words of self-defense meant nothing to him, it seemed.

“What I did was self-defense. I can’t die before I get married in two days and become a noble. Furthermore, I can’t let the man roam free in my property and harm my future wife, Lilith Lionheart.” Vincent frowned, and his murderous glare returned. He pointed with his thumb and continued, “Follow me to retrieve the body. I hope your quick arrival was a coincidence. I don’t want to ask Duke Biro Hawkins to look into this conscience.”

The vice captain drew his sword and shouted, “Don’t act arrogant, commoner! You are coming with me with charges of murder and threatening soldiers!”

Lenn and Renn went behind Vincent. “We stand with our teacher!” Both said with resolve.

“Soldiers! Arrest them!” The vice captain ordered.

[Damn! It’s too far to reach the girls and ask for assistance.]

-They can’t help now.-

“Overheat. ” Vincent said. He wore the mask and looked at the soldiers with his glowing emerald soul-piercing gaze.

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