
Chapter 632 632 Giving Them Ideas

Once everyone had picked an item from the accessory shop, which ended up not having any truly outstanding items at all mixed into the pretty trinkets, the procession made their way to the arena where they planned to watch the Inner Sect Disciples compete.

"It\'s a good thing we came early. The lineup is pretty long." Elder Ling observed.

Long, in this case, meant most of a city block, as opposed to the four or five blocks that the other stadiums boasted at every entrance.

"It\'s the Forbidden Treasure Sect. Congratulations on your win in the Outer Sect competition." The group in front of them greeted them as they moved into line.

"Thank you. It was a pleasure showing those arrogant disciples that they shouldn\'t look down on us." Luna replied with a smile.

"I bet. The last time an all-female team won it was the Shadowed Blade Sect, and they mostly got lucky with Sects that couldn\'t deal with their speed and stealth." A disciple from the group in front of the one that they were talking to answered.

"Too many cultivators forget that there is more to life than fighting and meditation. Devoting your entire life to trying to extend your life seems like such a waste when there are so many other things you could enjoy along the way." Cain told the Elder of the Sect in front of them with a wink that made the Immortal laugh.

"Is that how you ended up getting your core shattered?" The woman countered.

"A wise man once said that bedding a divine woman will bring divine retribution. From what I know, that actually refers to her husband." Cain joked, making all the Immortals chuckle.

"At least you lived to tell the tale. I hear that Miss Luna is your biological daughter. Might the two topics be related?" The Elder asked slyly.

"Why would he have to steal my mother? She literally leads a Cult dedicated to worshipping him." Luna asked innocently while all the women present, both disciples and Elders, gave Cain an incredulous look.

"It seems that you have had an interesting time living your life for more than cultivation and battle." Elder Ling told Cain with a smirk.

"It\'s not as bad as it sounds. Well, from one point of view, maybe it is, but she started the Cult. It\'s not like I took advantage of some brainwashed worshipper." Cain replied.

"I am not certain that it can be called commendable, but it is certainly less despicable than what I had thought you had done in order to conceive a child." An Elder further up the line reluctantly agreed.

"It worked out well for me. Because of the time flow differences between the world that we were on and the one where his other lover is, I got to be the firstborn." Luna replied proudly, not helping things at all.

"I think we will need to be seated to hear the rest of this story. Or better yet, we can pretend that we didn\'t hear it at all, and the disciples with overactive imaginations won\'t have any more fuel for late-night fantasies." One of the Elders joked.

"Then don\'t tell them that he can use [Transmogrification]," Tena added, throwing fuel on the fire.

"You lot are just loving this opportunity to cause trouble, aren\'t you? Keep moving forward, or we are going to lose our spot in line. They\'re bringing people in pretty quickly." Cain admonished his disciples.

"Even more than I had expected to, yes." Tena agreed but dutifully followed along with the group so that they kept up with the flow of the spectators into the stadium.

"We should get seats up close this time. I want to see all the subtle details in case something gives me an idea about how I want to progress next." Luna suggested.

"I think we are going through quests too quickly these days. You didn\'t even have a chance to wear the Tiara that you invested into an entire skill path for. Maybe you should hold off until you have had time to really master the last set of skills instead of pushing forward with new ones." Cain suggested.

"I suspect that those are all very valid points, but consider this. New and shiny skill options." Luna countered, making the other Disciples facepalm.

"I don\'t think that is going to convince him, Luna." Penny pointed out.

"Why not? It\'s a very good point."

The Lycan considered it for a moment, then phrased it in a way that even Luna would grasp immediately. "It\'s like asking for a new flavor of cake, but you ate the last one so fast you didn\'t even have time to taste it."

Luna looked horrified at the idea and was deep in contemplation all the way to their seats. Even as the vendors entered the stadium, selling roasted nuts and mugs of weak alcohol, she was still absorbed in her thoughts.

"Having a moment of epiphany?" Tena whispered to Luna as the other girl remained lost in thought.

"Have I really treated life like an underappreciated flavor of cake and failed to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate all that I have been blessed with? Am I nothing more than mediocre cake? I must work harder to fully utilize my skills once we are back on the road again." Luna replied.

"Of course, it was the cake reference that finally got through to her. I think the problem is that you have had things too easy with Master Cain guiding you through everything, so you haven\'t had to work for every tiny advancement the way that most have to." Penny suggested.

"Oh, you are right. Like back home when we forcefully level up disciples. They pass out from the overload, and when they wake up, they are dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than they were before. But it takes them forever to get used to using their skills properly since they didn\'t have to fight their way up on their own." Luna exclaimed, finally putting all the pieces together.

Cain nodded happily, seeing that she finally understood the situation, and gave her a pat on the head. However, every other eye in the vicinity was firmly fixed on him, clearly expecting some sort of explanation.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Cain asked.

"You can forcefully advance disciples through major portions of their training in a single event while they are unconscious?" Elder Ling asked, shock the only expression visible on her face.

"They actually pass out because of the process. It\'s a bit mentally taxing. But yes. I have somewhat limited the effect with these disciples, but even then, the training method that I taught them passively increases their advancement rate, so they are flying through their cultivation far faster than should otherwise be possible.

I know you are all eager to know the method, but I am afraid that it is a Sect Secret that I simply can\'t divulge to the public." Cain informed her.

Elder Ling gave Cain an adorable pleading look that was suspiciously similar to the one that Luna employed when she really, really wanted something. Sabbat leaned over to whisper to Penny and Tena, giving her fellow disciples a conspiratorial look.

"There goes the Sect Secret. We all know that he\'s weak in two things in this life. Pretty women and that look."

"An excellent try, but you forgot one vital factor," Cain told Elder Ling, then tapped her nose with his forefinger, making her sneeze.

"What did I miss? I swear I have the technique correct." Elder Ling pouted.

"The face isn\'t a solo technique. You need to add in the correct pleading posture. You are still too rigid from decades of teaching Disciples and upholding your image. But practice a little more, and you will be able to break hearts with a single look." Cain replied with a smirk.

"Bah, I swear I will get it right soon." Elder Ling told him, then shook her head. It was easier to give up on getting that secret from him for now. Once she had mastered the pleading look technique and his guard was lowered, she could try again.

"The hurdle of Master Cain is too high. If you used that skill on any other man, they might well turn over their own Sect Elder to you without questions." One of the Elders that was sitting nearby laughed, then stuck out her tongue at Elder Ling, who was giving her a dirty look.

"Forget the secret. I need to learn that technique. For a sugar trap assassin, that technique would be devastating with a face like yours." A female Elder from the Shadowed Blade Sect added very seriously.

"Sure, you can make fun of me now, but I swear that it is an actual technique." Elder Ling replied.

"Oh, I am certain that it is. But if you\'re not careful, it will lead to more than just answers." The assassin teased, enjoying the flustered state of the Lotus Blossom Elder.

"Erase that idea from your mind, Disciples." Elder Ling informed her followers.

She might not be able to read minds the way that Cain can, but even she could tell that their minds had taken a turn for the obscene.

"How did we even end up on this topic? I only wanted to know how to speed up my Disciples\' cultivation. Forget it. The fights are about to start. Who is sitting in our area? We will cheer for your team to help motivate them." Elder Ling offered, changing the topic to save herself from further harassment.

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