
Chapter 492 492 Deal With The Demons

With the battle over, Cain turned to inspect the state of the Demon armies. Since he had taken care of the greatest threats they hadn\'t taken as serious of damage as they were expecting, leaving them mostly intact and ready to start cleaning up the beach before the bodies began to rot.

Frost Giants have been frozen their entire lives, if they were exposed to warm air after death they would rapidly decay, and from what the demons had heard the smell was terrible.

The healers had already started resurrecting as many of the fallen demons as they could, while Cain didn\'t have much to do. If the demons were running short on time, he could assist with the resurrections, but they had proper professionals for that, so they could take care of their own for the most part.

"Excellent timing. Thank you for the save today." King Aggramor greeted Cain, coming forward from the rear ranks of his army. He had been rallying as many troops as he could while also dealing with today\'s spawned monsters, so he had only now arrived on the scene.

"You\'re going to need a bard to make a proper story for Neffie. I don\'t have Nemu with me, and she is pretty upset that we didn\'t let her come here and play with the Frost Giants. Her power level is a lot lower outside of Port Nefheim, and her mother would never allow her to come here to battle anyhow, so I brought the army that I had available." Cain explained, indicating the Wave Riders on the horizon.

"It\'s been a long time since the Elves showed up to help out the Demons, even if they are the Dark Elves. I will have to send a proper gift of gratitude." King Aggramor said in a formal tone he wasn\'t hearing. This was King Aggramor, leader of the Demons, not Uncle Aggie, doting adoptive Uncle of Neffie. He couldn\'t be quite as casual in front of his army as he was in private.

"I have more propositions for you if we have a moment to talk," Cain suggested, looking towards the village that the army was defending.

"Call the sailors to shore, the army will be having a victory feast, and it\'s not complete without every fighter present," Aggramor said with a curt nod of his head, turning back towards the city.

[Nila, bring everyone to shore, the demons are holding a victory feast and everyone is invited.]

[Got it, boss. I\'ll bring them in right away and we will wait for you and the King to finish whatever you have planned for the Demons.] She sent back, and Cain saw the sails of the ships raise enough to gently propel them to shore without the effort of bringing all the spells online.

Cain made his way after King Aggramor, finding him inside a community hall that had a collection of tables set up inside. From the look of it, this was the Demon\'s war room, where the four separate sects of Demons worked out the war plans. They work together in battle, but they don\'t do well with taking orders from the other types of demons, so they set up four different areas for their strategists, with one commander organizing them all.

Today that was supposed to be King Aggramor if the throne at the end of the room is any indication of what occurred before Cain arrived.

"I dismissed everyone else, there\'s no need for all the formality now," Aggramor informed Cain when he walked in.

"Thanks for that, I\'m terrible with court etiquette. I\'ll start with the essentials, I would like to advance a few of your top demons to Awakened so that you have a proper chance to fight back against invasions from the other Continents. They all have awakened areas on them, so the Central Continent won\'t be safe from invasion for long now that the barriers that kept the Awakened beasts contained are broken. Both the monsters and those that hunt them will start expanding sooner or later, so it\'s best if you are ready.

Plus, Demons have a particular advantage. Once they awaken there is a good chance that their body will adapt as well, making them not only Mythic Awakened but Mythic Quality, which increases their modifiers by a huge margin."

From the look on Aggramor\'s face, this was going to be a very easy negotiation. He didn\'t seem to have any sort of objection at all, but he had a calculating look like he wanted to ask for something else as well.

"I don\'t suppose that we could get more towers built around the Continent, could we? The one in Long Fang Valley and the one in my capital are both already overcrowded with adventurers going there to try for the special rewards that they are known to give out. Talk of how Lady Cyrene was rewarded with a Mythic spell inside of the tower in Long Fang Valley spread everywhere in only a few days thanks to the Guild Members, and now there is no end to the demand. Everyone is willing to give it a try just on the thousandth of a percent chance that they will be the next to get an awakened reward." Aggramor explains.

That\'s actually not a bad idea. Cain wanted the one in Long Fang Valley to be a landmark item, but smaller towers, like the one he made for the demons, could be placed almost anywhere, and both the Echoes and the Lesser Watchers could make them.

They could also staff them, making sure that there wasn\'t much trouble outside of them due to the visitors. He would have to suggest it later, and they could build one everywhere that he had Lesser Watchers stationed.

The only issue was the slow progression of Cain\'s own levels. The towers couldn\'t make opponents stronger than he was, the spell design didn\'t allow for it. Since it was originally a training device spell that a student modified, it was supposed to be built by the instructors, not the students, so the level would never be an issue.

"I will talk to my people and I will see what we can accomplish." Cain agreed.

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