
Chapter 350 336 Naming A Port

With an army of Granite Golems and Earth Elementals, he immediately began the process of building the fortress as the two sailors gasped in shock. When Mary had left home, she wasn\'t level 200 yet and was a Shaman specializing in sculpture. Because of that, they\'ve never seen the might of a Puppet Master in action.

It\'s a much easier process this time than it was in the desert, thanks to the increased number of summons, as well as Cain\'s higher level, so they\'ve got everything, right down to a collection of single room stone guest houses with slate shake roofs built near the keep, finished by evening. Neffie insisted those were important additions in case visitors snored.

Neffie insisted that people who snore too loud shouldn\'t be allowed in the main house to sleep, so she added these houses to the design. Cain added a barracks for the Puppets that he would need for working the docks, as well as a dry dock and some warehouse that Neffie didn\'t include in her village planning.

Making the Central keep as a replica of the baby Demon\'s image as requested wasn\'t structurally possible, but they did make four gargoyle statues of her for the roof.

That will have to do for now.

Cain spent almost an hour searching through his summons before he finally managed to find just the right one to finish off the Port. An Earth Element Legendary Demon that specialized in Inscription and Enchanting.

Cain explained what he wanted, and the stout Demon with its long beard smiled happily up at him. The look made Cain wonder where Dwarves came from. They\'re technically Fae, but these guys definitely look like they are the progenitors of the Dark Dwarves.

The Demons work together to ring the entire wall and the pier with inscriptions and enchantments that should make them virtually indestructible. They finish off with an area of effect magic cast on the nearby ocean. If anyone in the designated area fires at the port, a group of twelve Epic Krakens will be Summoned.

It will need to be recharged between uses, but that\'s an excellent start to their defense against naval attacks.

Now that the structure is built and complete, Cain opens his interface to add the port to the Guild Inventory. Surprisingly, once registered, it doesn\'t just count as a castle; it counts as a Port and allows them to set ships as Guild Vessels. What the benefit of that is, Cain doesn\'t know, but he suspects that it\'s the minor version of having their own navy.

That brings Cain to the next dilemma. He forgot to ask for a name. He\'s terrible at naming things, and he can\'t exit this interface without calling it something. Yes, it can be changed later, like they did for the Castle, but the first name will be announced to all Guild Members when he finalizes the addition.

He doesn\'t want to embarrass himself with a bad name, so he\'s got to come up with something. Cain panics for a moment before the most brilliant of ideas reaches him. He will name it after its designer.

[Port of Nefheim Has Been Added] Guild maximum members increased to 600.

"Yus! Suck on that; I\'ve got my own Port City!" Neffie cheers in Guild Chat, and Cain can see the tears of laughter rolling down Cyrene\'s face.

[You know nobody lives there, right?] Char teases the ecstatic Demon.

[Yet. Nobody lives there yet. But soon, they will, and we will train raptors as Cavalry, and it will be glorious.]

"What appearance should we go with for Puppets to work the docks? What species live near here?" Cain asks Juan and Manuel, who are more familiar with the area.

"Mostly Elves, but a few species of half-giant live in the nearby villages as well. If you mix the two, that should work out well." Juan suggests.

He needs to describe to Cain what these half-giants look like, but it only takes a few minutes, and Cain has a Puppet ready. He makes ten default versions, then five with shipbuilding, carpentry and sail making skills. That should take care of the docks.

Two male Elves with accounting skills are made to keep things organized, and then Cain creates five Elven maids and two clones of the Honey Badger cooks. One cook and two maids go to the keep; the others will be running a waterfront seafood restaurant.

Misha finds uniforms for the restaurant staff, a version of the sailors outfits with aprons added for the servers, or to go under the chef coat for the Honey Badger. That seems much more appropriate than the default Maid look Cain gave them.

They\'ve got lots of food and building materials in the Guild Bank, which won\'t be a problem, but as a precautions, Cain created a half-giant lumbering team.

The trees nearest to them are big Rose Oak trees, the same pink material that Queen Rose is made of but it is also suitable for fires to keep the ocean chill off without magic and it makes for cheap ship repairs, should anyone need them.

They\'re over three meters across; dropping a single tree would last the Port for months, so Cain has four cut down and pulled near the walls. They can dry and split one for firewood and planks, then let the others dry naturally.

All they need now is furniture, which the Guild happily adds to the bank. Chairs, tables, beds, a bunch of wood stoves. It doesn\'t take long to get everything transferred, but it takes quite a while for Cain and the Puppets to set the essentials up while the others watch the organized chaos.

The last thing to go in is the circle. The intercontinental Circles have to be matched to a destination, so Cain asks Cid to set up the second copy in the open area outside the Long Fang Valley Manor. It\'s near the main road, and the open field will give room to set up a new market or stage wagons to head to the Port to be loaded onto merchant ships.

With that complete, they\'re ready for their very first visit. Who else but the Port Namesake could be worthy of being the first to visit the Guild\'s New Port?

Neffie comes through first, followed by her family, and immediately begins doing a happy dance while cheering "Nefheim". No amount of convincing or animals by Lickity will get the hyper Demon Queen to stop celebrating the fact she has a town named after her.

"You know, you\'re never going to be able to change the name of this place, right? She won\'t allow it, and I\'m certain she will have King Aggramor on her side as usual." Cid laughs, watching his daughter celebrate.

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