
Chapter 285

King James and Cain both had the same thing in mind this morning, to send out patrols to help clean up the kingdom. 

James is hoping that Cain can spare enough summons to cast a wide net over the kingdom and that they can operate autonomously while they’re that far away from him. The nation just got even more shorthanded, and replacing the Nobles will take time. Until then, someone has to keep the attacks in check, or they might well face the Wrath of the commoners. 

In Skyview, Commoner doesn’t mean weak; it just means broke. Either by poor choices, greedy landlords, or a simple lack of monetary motivation, many citizens climb through the levels without amassing a fortune. Then there are always those who do have a fortune but don’t want any questions asked about where they got it, so they don’t apply for Knighthood. 

The Queen Rose is already at the docks in Long Fang City, and Svetlana has explained to Damien that this is the Duke’s vessel. That lets Cain dismiss the sailors, leaving a clone of Nila with a dozen puppets on board and freeing up the Supporter Spots.

With only the Spider Queen and one pair of Kone clones that are already out hunting Gnolls active, Cain now has fourteen more Supporters to send out. Enough to cover a lot of ground looking for trouble spots. 

Kone and the Dragons are the optimal choices here, as they come with the twin copies of Su, plus the fact Su is a Companion type Dragon who gets a Bonded Force and that Kone is a Summoner herself which multiplies the body count. 

King James agrees with that, having seen them in action with their Drakes and Snapping Turtle tanks just yesterday. The sight of nearly thirty Dragons flying away from a balcony above the Palace Guest Suites displaying unfamiliar flags causes a short panic in the city, fearing another attack.

That’s not a new feeling for residents of the capital, and once the Dragons are out of sight, the residents quickly relax, deciding it was just some extra flashy noble going home. 

King James has a map with him for them to study, showing the extent of each Nobles holdings, as well as all the lands that are currently vacant. Among them are a number of very recent looking updates, so he must have struck off the ones that he stripped of their property yesterday.

“Many of these territories aren’t in good shape, so I’ve sent the Nobility allocation notifications again today, fearing that some of the Rebel Nobles might have hidden it from their people yesterday. I’ll need you at court right away, as I wish to appoint you to the Defense Council. Then there’s the banquet this evening, and I’ll need someone to rescue me from eager suitors.” King James explains. 

“No offense, Your Majesty, but in the end, I’m still a foreigner. I’ve got holdings in several different locations, and I’m not certain I can attend a council regularly.” Cain points out.

“You can send a proxy if you like; many of the Nobles do. But if you’d prefer a less formal role, that’s fine.”

Cain takes a long while to consider what might be the best outcome here. He could send a Puppet, a Guild Member who likes politics and strategy, or even a Supporter to fill the role. Then he considers the abilities of his new class, he can grant an ability to a puppet, and it should be permanent if the Puppet is created with it. 

“Let me test out this theory I have about my new class. If I can imbue a skill into a Puppet, they would be perfect for the Defense Council.”

The King nods impatiently while Cain sorts potential summons in his mind. High-quality Administration type skills, specializing in strategy. That gave him less than a dozen, and one was King Aggramor. He’s classed as a Legendary Summon, so Cain calls him into Merger. 

To say the Demon is less than impressed is an understatement. But he calms a little once he realizes he’s a clone and hasn’t been forcefully Summoned in person. 

[I need a skill that will make a mediocre Puppet a suitable Defense Advisor for a King.] Cain explains. 

[Then make it a Succubus, they’ve got natural affinities for giving proper advice, the innate skill that lets them see what will please a target also works in the council rooms to guess the best outcome for the majority. Then add my skill of [Cunning Strategist], and they’ll be an advisor that few Kings would ever deny.]

Cain follows the Demon King’s advice, creating an almost entirely human looking Puppet with the mandatory Succubus Tail. Forming it with the [Cunning Strategist] skill makes it smaller, and the Demon King laughs in Cain’s mind. 

[What Succubus needs the most to execute a brilliant plan? One who doesn’t have the bouncy breasts and swaying hips to distract and delight her target.] It makes sense, but that doesn’t make it any less amusing that the optimal form for a military advisor is a loli Succubus. 

[Puppet Created, species Succubus, Skill Cunning Strategist Permanently Imbued.]

The Succubus is wearing black plate armor with a gold cape trimmed in red fur, looking to all the world like a very short blonde human, unless you happen to see her tail, which is currently wrapped around her body under the armor. Even her eyes are a gray-blue with no hint of Demonic nature.

[Thanks for the help. I’ll let you go now.] Cain informs the clone of King Aggramor, then wonders why he did that. It’s just a Summon, after all. 

“According to the Demon King Aggramor, this is the optimal form for a Military Advisor. She’s got an Affinity for picking the option that will make the most people happy and a particular skill for creating military plans and strategies.”

The Puppet bows, and King James teaches out a hand for her to shake. “Greetings. Oh, I didn’t catch your name.”

The Puppet looks confused, then forms to Cain for an answer. “Do I just pick one? Is there some criteria I don’t know?”

“Sorry, Your Majesty, I forgot that puppets need to be named and don’t come with one. Would you like to choose? She’ll be assigned to advise you after all.” Cain explains. 

“I would like to see what she comes up with,” James suggests, and the Puppet thinks deeply for a moment. She’s clearly going through a list in her head, but neither man understands what she’s looking for. 

“Then my name will be Maria.” She finally announces, and King James laughs, getting confused looks. 

“Our Royal Mother was named Maria. Your skill is impressive; the most suitable advisor for a Young King will always be his mother.” James laughs with tears forming in the corners of his eyes, and Maria smiles back at him before gently rubbing his back. 

“Then we can announce Duke Cain as a Defense Council member, with Maria as his appointed proxy. I’ll find you a set of rooms before the official announcement. You’ll need space for plans, paperwork, and designs, but there’s currently no Defense Ministers office assigned.”

“I can create more advisors if you run out of acceptable candidates,” Cain suggests, but King James waves him off.

“Too much reliance on one person is a bad thing. I’m sure we will find enough loyal Nobles. I made a shortlist of ones who deserve to be promoted to take over some of the territories already.

A great number of suggestions were sent to my quarters last night. That should help the mood before the banquet and encourage the Nobles to attend.”

“If you don’t mind, your Majesty, we will be heading back to the Long Fang Valley before the meeting and leaving Duke Cain in your care,” Misha says, her new feathery wings spreading a little as she curtsies. 

“Of course. Nobody likes unnecessary meetings, and all you would be doing is standing around getting bored or annoyed by the unwed noblewomen who want to take your place. I’ll lead you to the locked portal, and it should take you directly home.”

That’s a much better option than sending them by Dark Phoenix, and it’s just down the hall, in the Royal wing on the same floor as Cain’s guest room. In only a few minutes, they’re gone, leaving Cain, James, and Maria looking around the office, one of many on this floor.

“How about we use one down the hall from here as the Defense Minister’s office? The two beside this office are bricked up to prevent eavesdropping, but ones further down might be a good choice for the Defense Councilors. A three-person council, one Duke, and two lower Nobles should be sufficient, and I have two Knights in mind already. Let’s get you settled before the hearing.”

The room he has in mind ends up being a small suite. There is an office in front, but a door in the back leads to a small bedroom and bathroom for use when the ministers need to sleep at work.

King James provides Maria with a necklace that proves her identity and allows access to parts of the palace reserved for ministers and upper nobility. It’s a simple thing, more like a golden military dog tag than jewelry, but it’s got the Royal emblem and serves the purpose. Plus, it fits in well with her outfit, making Cain wonder if the design was intentional. 

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