
Chapter 264

Damien is still wearing the black and gold livery of his former employers and carries a large briefcase with him. Cain can see the emblem of the tower embossed on its surface, so he must be in charge of quests and the city itself. Cain doesn’t see the actual tower though, so either Long Fang City doesn’t have one, or it’s not near the downtown core, as small as it is. 

“Greetings, and thank you for your efforts. I’m informed the merchant association has a quest for Gnolls to turn in?” The neatly dressed old werewolf greets them, all business from the start. 

“No, that would be the Darklight Host; they got most of the kills. We didn’t manage to get fifty.” Jeff says sadly, shaking his head. 

The lower levels of the group members seem to startle the old werewolf, but he recovers quickly. “And what might have brought you fine folk out this way in time to save our friends from the merchant association?”

“Duke Cain recently had his title recognized here in Skyview, and he’s looking for a summer home. I pointed out that the Manor and grounds here were available, with some conditions, and he’s agreed to help clear and maintain the area while completing quests to earn the right of purchase.” James says brightly, his disguise as Gerald having caused him to be overlooked. 

That declaration brings a mixed reaction, some hopeful, most skeptical about getting a new Duke. Cain will have to work to earn their trust if he wants to truly take over the region and not just occupy the Manor. 

“I can offer full-time guards, Assistants to help manage the region, and the efforts of my Guild to clear the area of hostile forces. We’re quite capable of taking on Gnolls by the hundred lot and value a peaceful existence over anything else.” Cain declares, getting no more than a raised eyebrow from the Administrator in response. 

“We will see. First up, your reward for the first fifty Gnolls you killed. The quests are ongoing, so I won’t close them out, only reward you as you earn it.” Damien clarifies, but Cain holds up his hands to stop him from taking out the quest scrolls. 

“Keep a running tab. There will be many more over the next few days, and collecting the reward after every fifty Gnolls and Goblins would be a pain. Instead, count the rewards towards my purchase of the Manor. Who might that be paid to, by the way?”

Damien smiles a little at Cain’s attitude. “The grounds were left in trust to the crown. Only a Duke can claim this much territory, but the conditions aren’t easy. A thousand hostile forces to be cleared from the river valley and surrounding farms, two major improvements to the Long Fang River Valley and a full-time defensive force are required to claim the deed to the lands; no cash is involved.”

“Do we have any intelligence on the location of the hostiles? Or will I be hunting them blind?” Cain asks, mentally noting the conditions. They don’t seem too difficult, but he’s not certain what the residents would want in the way of a major construction project. 

They’ve gathered a significant crowd now, the word of a Duke arrived to attempt to claim the territory having spread across the merchant quarter already. The composition of Cain’s group gives them hope that he would be a good Duke for them, though his low level doesn’t inspire overwhelming confidence among the shopkeepers. 

“I’ve got a map of all the attacks and possible locations for encampments. What is your plan of attack?” Damien asks while he pulls out a map and places it on the empty surface of one of the merchant association stalls.

The details are impressive, as is the size of the Valley, and the fact that the river is noted to be dredged all the way to the coast to move large shipments by water, a full merchant vessel at a time. But what surprised Cain was the level of the attackers. There have been a handful of level 200 or higher attacks, but most are under level 50 and in large numbers. Especially the attacks by green-skinned Goblins. 

From what Cain recalls, they’re the less civilized Goblin kin. The Red skinned ones are often Mole Dog Riders, have classes, and live in cities. The Green ones are little more than mindless monsters, killing and destroying. Even the other Goblins exterminate them on sight. The quest counts them and the Gnolls the same, though, and doesn’t differentiate by level, so Cain notes where they’re likely to be and all the places that would probably have Gnolls instead. 

“Gnolls are mostly active in the day while Goblins are nocturnal, correct?” Cain asks, formulating his plan. 

“That’s right. Are you planning to go after them separately?”

“Yeah. I’ll hit them while they sleep, if possible, for maximum casualties. As the day just started, we will leave you all to your work and go clear a few of the Goblin Dens while they’re still tired from their evening activities.”

The crowd looks startled that he’s headed out so soon after arrival, and even more so when he calls for two copies of Danni to come to give them a ride.

“Memorize that map, especially the Goblin dens. We will be clearing as many as possible of them this morning,” Cain instructs before the chatterbox Dragon can start speaking. 

“Got it, boss. I have them down now, I won’t forget. Are we headed out right away, then?” There is no time like the present, so Cain doesn’t answer, simply jumping up on the Dragon and helping the ladies board in front of him. The two Legendary Ice Dragons are in the air moments later, leaving the population of Long Fang City in shock, wondering what exactly they just witnessed. 

The Goblins live in caves, either natural or ones they’ve dug themselves using their very limited earth magic and crude tools. Dragons and large demons really aren’t suited to the tight confines of a Goblin cave so Cain decides to try something new. 

“There’s the first one; I see the guards. Laura Frost them up and fill the cave with Ice Fog. I’ll transform and call the summons once we land.” Cain’s idea for the day is spiders. The Spider Queen loves underground tunnels, and she excels in large numbers of low-level summons. They’re stronger than Cain’s Puppets, a fifth of her level, not a tenth, plus they’re poisonous. Perfect for clearing caves full of low level Goblins. 

Cain didn’t bother to explain the plan, he simply dismounted and activated [Ancient Resistance], choosing spiders, then Summoned eighteen spider Queens using six of his available Supporter spots. That should be more than enough to do the job. 

He can feel his body enlarge and lengthen, the feeling of extra legs and multiplexed vision becoming natural as he transforms. The others see Cain growing into a twenty-meter-long arachnid, gigantic pincers in front of its mouth, a black Armored carapace with light brown bristly hair all over the body, and vicious spikes ending every limb. No trace of humanity is visible in this form, just a spider the size of a dragon. 

The Spider Queens stare at him in awe, chattering happily at the sight of a Spider Elder. Like his Ancient Form, this one also communicates mentally, and when Cain forms the intention to speak, he finds he can sense the presence of every arachnid for Kilometers around. Even the little ones living in the trees are under his purview and will obey his orders. 

Cain instructs the Spider Queens to call all their summons and wipe out the Green skinned Goblins wherever they find them, plus any Gnolls they happen across but focusing on the Goblins. They’re happy to comply, sending dozens of Spider Kin guards and hundreds of tiny spiders into the cavern.

The sound is horrifying, a continual stream of screams overlapping and echoing through the tunnels as the spiders attack the Goblins, coming out the exit as one long shrieking wail. Cain looks over the group, and their disgusted looks, before noticing that James is crouched against a tree, covering his ears and muttering something to himself repeatedly.

The noise has brought back traumatic memories for the young Royal, a factor Cain overlooked, being so used to how the System dampens his emotional response to horrific acts and brutal deaths. It’s the same for Misha and Mythryll, who suspect it’s the System’s way of helping transfers adapt to their new surroundings without questioning too much or going insane immediately.

King James was born here and enjoys no such protection, much to his own detriment. 

It’s not long before the noise stops, and Cain calls the spiders out. Once they’re all at grounds level, sends two Dark Acolytes, minor feathered demons who specialize in fire, the same one Misha keeps as her companion, into the caverns after anything that might have survived, with orders to use Holy Fire to cleanse the caverns themselves of all remnants of the Goblins. 

“Good work, everyone. It’s only a kilometer to the next location. Instead of flying, let’s just run over and clear it out. Spiders, no need to stand on ceremony.” The unusual form of communication isn’t helping James’s mental state, but Mythryll has wrapped him in a blanket and passed him to Danni, who is making comforting noises, calming him down. 

Cain decides it’s better if they hang back a distance. The spiders can take care of everything, he only needs to direct them and the demons between possible nests all day and keep the others out of earshot. 

“How about we take a look at the farms and talk to the locals? They’re bound to know more about the state of the country.” Cain suggests, and James perks up a little. That’s why he came out of the castle after all. Well, that and avoiding the threat of assassination. 

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