
Chapter 203 - Side Story Misha's Troubles

Evangeline and Misha are facing off across the living room when Lickity comes in with an armful of cloth, followed by Aramia and the Spider Queen. Misha has only just learned the story of Evangeline\'s arrival and she\'s not taking it well, much to the Seraphim\'s dismay. 

"I don\'t see what you\'re upset about." Evangeline insists, clearly confused, her pouting face enhanced by her Aura is so adorable that Misha almost forgives her. For a second, before the memory of why she\'s upset returns. 

"Of all things, you decided to show up naked, with an Aura that causes lustful thoughts cranked up to its maximum setting, and you don\'t understand why I\'m upset?" Misha does her best to avoid shouting at the Seraphim. 

"It doesn\'t do that to Seraphim. We don\'t feel lust at all. It just makes others friendly and encourages them to like you more. It\'s a highly valued talent among our people, who thrive off of being beloved by all. Plus, it\'s ridiculously hot here. If that stupid Demon would stop making fun of me for not knowing anything about mortals I wouldn\'t have clothes on now. How do you tolerate that? Especially as a human, who gets all sweaty in the heat?" The exasperated Seraphim responds, throwing her hands in the air and spreading her wings, sending a gentle scent like sunshine and baby powder through the room. Being a Seraphim comes with a great number of innate advantages, like not sweating, or getting sunburned, even dirt and odors don\'t stick to them. 

"She\'s got a point, flying around naked is very freeing. I do it all the time, it\'s not like I wear clothes in Dragon form." Laura agrees and Misha gives her an icy glare that the Opal Dragon thinks might actually cast a Blizzard spell one of these days. 

"I\'m just saying, we\'re not humans, why are human clothes such a big deal?" 

Vala starts laughing at Laura\'s logic and decides to help out a little. "In Dragon form, you\'re naked, but obviously nonhuman. Possessing none of the secondary traits they\'re hardwired to find sexually attractive. Evangeline doesn\'t share that luxury. Other than the pair of wings, she looks like a young blonde pop star who has had her skin bleached and a load of plastic surgery to fit some innocent but sexy archetype. And that\'s before considering that her Aura makes human men want to fawn over her. She\'s even got the unnaturally perky chest that doesn\'t sag. Of course, Misha will be upset if Evangeline starts walking around naked like some porn star trying to steal her man."

"Technically I\'ve got two pairs of wings. See, the little ones are slightly lower on my back?" The Seraphim starts before the Demon waves her off, not wanting things to escalate any further. The concept of human sensibilities just doesn\'t compute with the Seraphim, so she\'s going to have to explain some things later. 

"So you\'re saying it\'s all a big misunderstanding and I\'m overreacting?" Misha asks in a deceptively polite tone and Laura, hovering out of her line of sight, frantically signals not to answer that. 

But of course, the Seraphim will. They\'re generally terrible at lying and it wouldn\'t fool Misha even if she tried. 

"I wouldn\'t go that far. You\'re just taking me as a human, with human logic and emotions. If you\'d like I can try to behave more like one? You know, blend in with the crowd? It might be a bit difficult if you\'ve gotten used to the Demon though."

That brings a smile to everyone but Misha since all the Companions have been instinctively drawn to the unfolding drama. Vala is the least Demonic Demon they know. She\'s more like what they expected an angel to be than the out-of-touch with reality Seraphim they got. 

"Alright. I will let it slide this time. But I had better not catch you doing anything strange." Misha agrees, still upset with the Seraphim, who promptly turns her Aura up another notch. There are only females in the area so that should be fine, right? She doesn\'t want anybody to dislike her, she\'s not at all good with rejection. 

With that, the group disperses. The entertainment seems to be over, for now, so Lickity, Mythryll, and the spiders head for the Tailoring room. The Elven Mage doesn\'t sew but enjoys watching the others work, so she had originally decided to kill a little time there today. But now, she suspects that her friend might need a bit of comforting. 

"Feeling better?" Mythryll asks once Misha makes it to the room they\'ve set aside for sewing projects. 

"Much. As upset as I was, it is too hard to stay mad at her. She\'s just so naturally likable that it annoys me to no end. Especially when I know she\'s alone with Cain and his Companions, and only has Vala around to provide common sense." The Healer says, throwing her hands in the air, unable to properly vent her frustrations. 

"Why don\'t we skip the sewing today and go to the Library in Assah? We can look at the books, maybe pick out something that looks good and then get an afternoon snack?" Mythryll suggests, a trip to the Library has been high on her to-do list anyhow.

"That\'s a great idea. Let the others know, and we can head out."

With the portal system between their properties, it\'s only a few minutes to get to the library, waving a greeting at Red, who is debating the benefits of two different abilities with a cost-conscious visitor. 

"So, where first? Shadow Spells?" They\'re very compatible with the Dark Acolyte class, so Misha might find something good there. 

"That works for me. Maybe a new Skill will help, I just can\'t seem to focus lately with all these silly thoughts." Misha agrees. 

"Silly thoughts?"

"You know, like that, I don\'t belong to him but the Companions do. That feeling of distance because he orders them but asks me or just does things for me instead. You understand, right?"

Mythryll nods and gives her friend a one-armed hug, realizing that the problem was an entirely different one than she imagined. Misha doesn\'t want to be a pampered girlfriend and brought presents, no, she wants something much more intimate. The Elf makes up her mind right then that she will help see this through, even if she has to straight-up tell Cain what his woman wants to get it to stick in his head. 

He cares for her a lot, but he\'s pretty clueless about some things. Mythryll suspects he hadn\'t had any intimate interaction with the opposite sex during his previous life, and it wasn\'t because of lack of time. 

After a few moments of searching through the spell description summaries under the tomes containing Shadow Spells, one catches Misha\'s eye. A Spell that both she and Mythryll might like. If they can use it. 

[Corrupt] Rank C. Causes targets caught in the area of effect to be attacked by shadows of their surroundings, Causing [Slow] effect and 120 percent of Spell Power as Shadow Damage over 10 seconds. Usable by Mage, Warlock.

The Dark Apostle Class she gained can use both Cleric and Warlock books, so they\'re in luck. It\'s a bit odd for a Nature Mage to be using such a spell, but the effect fits in well with her Treants and Vines, both of which are control-type abilities already and should cause unpredictable and distracting attacks from the area Spell. 

"Did you find something good? I\'m on Library duty today, so I can give you a little helping hand if you don\'t want to pay full price at the Inscriptionist." Red says in a soft, conspiratorial voice. His presence startled Misha, but she holds up the book she found.

"This should be good for both me and Mythryll. She\'s a Nature Mage with Treants, so I was thinking haunted woods." Misha explains. 

"Oh, that is a good one. But it goes very well with a Mage Spell by the same name as your idea. [Haunted Woods]. It adds Shadow damage to Nature attacks with a chance of causing Blindness." Red suggests and they hear light laughter from the next aisle. 

"Found it. Yep, this is very good. Especially with Treants and their multiple low damage attacks and control bindings." Mythryll calls out. 

"It\'s a Rank A book, but I\'ve got everything in stock to make it. Just give me a moment and keep looking around. There are so many good things. Plus, there\'s a Dark Apostle exclusive shelf over in that corner. You\'ll see the label on top." Red adds, carefully collecting the books. 

They both wonder what sort of interesting abilities might be available to the class, as it has been heavy on healing and Unholy Fire so far, but using Warlock books it should have at least something to do with demons and conjuring. It can certainly use the Warlock books that enhance their base Imp anyhow. 

There is indeed an entire shelf for her class, holding 6 books in total. Three of them are healing or cleansing type spells, and not as good or mana efficient as the fully upgraded ones she got from the Cleric Class. They must be for the transfers who got the class while being a Warlock, however, they managed that, and came up short on versatility as proper healers. Two are attack-type Shadow Spells, but Misha likes the flames a lot, so she holds off on them. Finally the last one, which she pulls from the shelf, is a true Gem. At least for her. 

[Greater Minions] Rank S. Increases the Dark Apostle\'s Summoned Demons by 1 Rank in quality. 

The only Summon the class normally gets is a [Summoned Helper] that becomes available about 20 points in, a Greater Golem. Plus the Warlocks would still have their Lesser Golem quality Imp, which they could have two of if they fully specced into it while holding the Warlock Class.

So this book granting the class an Epic Quality Demon is already worthy of the S class designation, but Misha is Cain\'s [Lieutenant] with Lesser and Greater Golems to call upon and a Member of Darklight Host that all gain a [Personal Guard] of 2 Epic Golems. 

With this skill and the latest upgrade to her Lieutenant Designation, she should be able to Summon Golems every bit as fearsome as Cain\'s. Well, almost, she\'s not geared like he is for a thousand percent extra construct damage, but she will have Legendary Demons. Actual Legendary Demons of her own. 

Misha has broken down in happy tears, sitting on the floor clutching the class-exclusive book with Mythryll rubbing her back when Red comes back. 

"Is it that good?" He whispers to the smiling Elf. 

"Quality Rank upgrade for Summoned demons. Normally, her class only gets one, but you know."

Red does know. He\'s met the Puppet Master of Gillibrand and learned about the skills of a Lieutenant. The dragon also knows that the Dark Acolyte in front of him has a much greater advantage than most Lieutenants. With this book, it\'s now from her class, and from the dual-tree nature of her own Puppet Master and that ridiculously broken misuse of a Guild Skill. The Red Dragon might not know all the details, but he does know Cain\'s summons are far beyond the average and is determined to get him in one day to fill out a full diagram of the Skill Tree to add to the class data collection. 

"I\'ll have that one made for you. On the house, it\'s good to see someone so happy about our Skills Library. Here are the first ones you ordered.." Red smiles, exchanging coins with Mythryll and walking away to let them learn and celebrate. 

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