
Chapter 139 - 139

"Welcome everyone. I\'m certain you all know why we\'re here, the Montauk Guardians and all four of their sub Guilds have been defeated and dissolved. They exist no more. This is thanks to the members of the Darklight Host, a Beginner\'s Valley Guild that came to investigate our situation. They will be taking over the Guardians main Guild House, but I\'m told they\'re not interested in the others, should anyone wish to purchase them. 

They do not intend to take over the city, instead returning it to my care as mayor, along with a city council to be elected. Was there anything you wish to add hero?" The mayor gives a short overview before calling Cain to the stage. 

"As the mayor said, I\'m not like Guild Master AllNatty, I have no desire to run a city. In fact, I wasn\'t even here to save anyone, but the Guardians declared war on the Darklight Host, and I believe in finishing what you start. My suggestion is to find trustworthy friends and form new Guilds, ones of friends and like minded transfers to live the life you dreamed of before leaving the valley. If nobody acts the fool, there\'s no reason the city can\'t have peace and quiet. 

Also, to the healers and others that fled the Guild before its destruction, if you can get a solid reference from the mayor or a trusted city figure, I see no reason you can\'t be given a second chance. But remember what happened to the others, if you were a Tyrant before, don\'t expect kind treatment." Cain says his past and then steps back. 

"Those who want to run for council, step up to the stage. We will pick a temporary council tonight and then hold a proper vote two months from now." The mayor calls and one by one people start stepping forward. A few are dragged back by the crowd, but it doesn\'t take long until they\'ve got ten faces in front of the stage. 

"I\'m Bill, the butcher who lives by the west gate, for those that don\'t know me. I\'ve run my shop for thirty five years now." A huge man in a leather apron carrying an axe introduces himself and the crowd greets him happily. He seems well known and liked. 

"I\'m Agatha, the apothecary and midwife. I know most of you already, so I hope you\'ll support me for the city council." Says a kind faced woman with a deserter tag next to her name. She\'s also over level 120, one of the strongest they\'ve seen in the city. She seems to make some people uncomfortable, but all the children like her, which is a good sign. Likely she\'s strict in her role as physician. Or very blunt spoken. 

They go down the line until they get to the very last one in line. A grim faced warrior with heavily damaged armor on. The crowd is not at all pleased to see him. 

"Please let me finish before you lynch me." He begs. "I\'m Sheriff, formerly the treasurer, book keeper, and as everyone hates me for, tax collector. I know I\'m not well liked, but I\'ve kept the budget balanced and the city services running for the last six years. I\'d appreciate it if you give me another chance."

Other than the fact they demolished a large chunk of it today, the city is in pretty good shape. Everything works, the public buildings have been maintained and such.

"Keep in mind that the mayor will be changing whatever tax system was in place, so judge him based on how he did his job and what he was like as a person. If he was good at his job, consider keeping him for the transition." Cain calls to stifle the anger in the crowd. 

After much argument in the crowd, it\'s agreed that he was a good treasurer, but he\'s not trusted in the council, so he gets to keep his job doing the budget, but they need one more Councilor. 

"What about the white winged Demon? She saved my son." Someone calls and a number of others agree. 

"Or the Guild Master Cain. He did lead the force and cancel all our contracts when they transferred to him. He could have had us all, but he ended it without penalty." Another suggests. 

"While I\'m honored, I\'m also a Summoned Being. Where my Summoner goes, I do too. So I couldn\'t serve on the council." Vala says, shocking most of the crowd. The thought that she wasn\'t a transfer never occurred to them. What sort of class can Summon something that powerful? 

"Who is your Summoner? Maybe we can talk to them about it and work something out." Agatha, the apothecary suggests. 

"That would be me." Cain says, raising his hand and Agatha laughs. 

"So really, both votes are votes for you. Welcome to the city council, Guild Master."

"Fine, but I\'m not running for the permanent position. I\'ll just stay long enough to clean up the mess I caused, and organize a new Branch location for the Darklight Host Guild." Cain reluctantly agrees. 

"So your whole Guild will be moving here?" Someone in the crowd asks. 

"No, only the ones that level out of the valley. We\'re keeping both of our houses there active by recruiting lower level transfers to fill in the spots left by departing members. That way they can have a smooth transition from the Elven Forest or Dwarven Hills right to level 100 and our new location here." Cain clarifies for them. 

"You said you have a house in the hills, did you mean Ironheim?" A Dwarf asks and Cain shakes his head. 

"No, Graska. We set up in the Dark Dwarven capital, a good spot inside the mountain next to the wall." Cain smiles as the Dwarf looks excited. 

"So Houses with the Elves and Dark Dwarves but none inside the human cities? You\'ve got an interesting Guild, Cain." The Dwarf says in approval. Cain\'s announcement seems to have made a lot of the locals relax. Perhaps relations between species isn\'t always as good as Cain thought it was? 

The formal part of the night is a lost cause, everyone has broken off in groups listening to everyone\'s complaints and congratulations. Cain is quickly surrounded by Elves and Dark Dwarves looking for news. They get a bit from the transfers coming out, but many of them made it to level 100 entirely in the human and Orc kingdoms. 

"Do you happen to know a fellow named Ragnar? He stays at a hostel near the dungeons." A stout Dwarf with a prodigious black beard asks. 

"You mean Bertha\'s place? Not only do we know him, he\'s been working in our forge on and off for a while. We hired Gramps and a few from the Orphanage as well. The Darklight Host Guild House is the old tavern next to the Orphanage in the smithy district." Cain says and the Dwarf launches into a lively tale of drunken nights with Gramps and Ragnar. 

Kone, being Spirit Folk, gets all of the Elves attention. She might know more secrets of the Elven Woods by the end of the night than anyone currently living in them. Cain rescues his young friend when he notices her head start nodding, sometime near midnight, many snacks and mugs of local ale later. 

"My apologies everyone, it\'s been a long day and we should get home." Cain waves to the crowd, carrying Kone on his hip before retreating to the newly acquired house. 

There\'s one thing left to do tonight. When he learned the Duke ability, his companions became Advisors. Which granted them the [Bonded Forces] ability. But none of them have selected their Bonded Forces yet. 

He suggests that they take time to think it over, but Vala picks in seconds. Wrath Bringers. The larger cousin to her own form. Nemu takes a while longer, but ends up selecting Felian Assassins. They\'re adorable. Shorter versions of Nemu, the same Seal Point fur pattern, but they\'ve got a disguise skill so they can freely change their outfits to blend in with the cowd.

The final hold out is Laura, she can\'t decide on who might be worthy of serving her. The fact they must be Golems and from the Dragon category is pretty limiting too, compared to Demon and Beastkin. She\'s pretty much just got Drakes to choose from. And there are no Drakes with her unique scale color, at least not that her or Cain know of. Eventually she settles on Ice Drakes, nearly white with a light blue under tone. 

Compared to Laura, these things are huge. They are considered Greater Golems, but Drakes are large creatures compared to most. Only the original Laura Summoned them, so Cain isn\'t sure if the clone can as well, but 8 flying Drakes is a lot of firepower. 

"I thought about Fire Drakes to burn things that won\'t freeze, but they\'re stupid and smelly and I don\'t want them around all the time." The Dragon, still in her Pixie looking smaller form explains. She\'s got a point too, Fire Drakes smell of Sulphur and Ash.. Not exactly the most pleasant of odors.

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