
Chapter 55 - 55

They gift their new Guild member the handful of blacksmith recipes they\'ve gotten by chance, much to her delight. The only downer is that they lack materials.

In order to solve that dilemma, Cain proposes a solution. To take a list of needed items and go through the Naga dungeon a few times.

"I\'ll have to stay behind though." Dimnys says "I\'m too low level, and if you enter with 6 or more it triggers the raid dungeon. It\'s already tougher than the demons, and the raid makes everything elite."

Nothing but elite groups to fight? That\'s practically paradise for them with the increased drop rates. We all share a happy glance, in agreement that the raid is the best choice.

"Oh, you\'re coming. Even if we need to put the Vala twins and the Treants on defense, we\'re definitely doing the raid." Char laughs.

"I could sit by the door then? If you kill everything in the area it should be fine and I can run out if there\'s danger? I couldn\'t come back in though."

"You\'ll understand our technique when we get inside. You\'ll be fine." Mythryll insists. "Most dungeons I don\'t even get hit."

She\'s got a point, the Elf has an uncanny ability to be well away from anything dangerous.

Cain is about to go get the new couches when there is a knock at the door. Tanya dashes over to answer and an old Dwarf stands outside with a big smile.

"I\'ve got your new furniture here, thought I\'d bring it myself in case you needed a hand with the placement." The furniture maker says.

"Great idea. We\'ve got more work for you too. We want 5 rooms decorated in the basement. The dwarves will let you know what they want, and there\'s a pair of Tengu twins here somewhere, then do one spare room."

"All work is good work. Let\'s get this couch placed." It\'s a three sided sectional with a pair of ottomans that turn it into a huge daybed if you push everything together. The cushions are the expected rich brown leather, but the trim is a mix of carved jadeite stone and metal. It\'s beautiful.

"The frame is a mix of stone and old growth Redwood, with no iron. It should be comfortable for every species to relax in." The old Dwarf says and takes his leave to go start planning the renovations.

The custom couch really went above and beyond their expectations. He\'s right too, there\'s just enough support to not get buried, but it\'s not so stiff as to feel solid, no matter who sits on it. Mythryll and Dimnys are out within minutes and only wake for dinner.

"It\'s a good couch." Mythryll gives it her seal approval, yawning as she heads for the dining room.

"You and the twins can come eat with the rest of us." Char insists to Tanya when she enters with the first dishes. "There\'s plenty of room, and we don\'t bite, I swear."

Dinner reminds Cain of a family reunion he once went to. A lot of people with one random thing in common all getting together. It\'s fun, he decides.

Morning comes and Cain knocks on doors to get everyone started, so they can do the Naga raid at a reasonable time today. He gets yelled at by every door but one, Misha\'s door sits open the bed already made.

He smells coffee, so he heads downstairs to see what breakfast looks like, only to find Misha did not actually wake up early. She\'s passed out on the oversized sectional with Ciara and Clara, using an open fairytale book as a pillow. Maybe the Dwarf put a sleeping spell on it? That\'s 5 now that have passed out on the couch the first day.

Dimnys is far from enthusiastic about today\'s plan, but having new armor and a large shield Char found, plus her newly made axe has given her enough confidence to at least enter the Naga Raid dungeon.

Once they\'re inside, she understands, this is no normal Guild. The raid allows between 6 and 10 party members. They\'ve got 8 viable tanks between the Trolls and the Vala twins. Plus, the Vala twins Heal not just themselves, but a little bit towards the whole group.

A patrol of 6 Naga Warriors meets them just inside the door. As expected, they\'re all elites and level 70. It\'s a bigger level difference than they\'ve faced before, but Cain is feeling hopeful. With double the buff from Vala, they\'re cutting through the Naga like they\'re equal leveled. As they\'ve got as many Trolls as enemies, all the Treants are left behind to protect Dimnys. Mythryll has cast her clones, who have all summoned their Treants, so there is a small forest around the blacksmith.

"Guys wait, stop, help, I think I am gonna vomit." The Dwarf moans as the Naga Warriors die in rapid succession.

"What\'s wrong? Did something get through? You\'re at full health." Misha calls.

"Notifications. So many notifications. My head is spinning and they just keep coming." Dimnys wails.

For every 5 levels lower than the target you are, the experience gained doubles. Dimnys was 50 levels lower than the first Naga that died. Plus, there\'s over 50 members and constructs in their group, with the Golems, Wasps, Treants, Vala twins, Mythryll clones and party members. That\'s a 4 digit bonus tacked onto the modified experience gain. It will be a little bit before the unfortunate Dwarf stops being flooded with notifications.

[Guild Raid Quest: Terror of the Naga] complete Naga Raid within 3 hours.

Conditions: All Guild Raid Group. No Raid Member above level 60 at start of quest.

Grants individual quest completions [Iron Man: Naga] [Iron Man: Naga 2]

[Accept? ] Y/N

"D, I\'ve got good news and bad news." Cain smiles an evil grin.

"Good news?" Dimnys begs.

"You\'re about to get a lot of levels and an Ironman title."

"And the bad news?"

"There\'s going to be just a few more notifications."

Everyone gives Dimnys a look of sympathy. Iron Man quests spawn at random. If they turn it down they may never see it again. So they\'re going to try their best to get the coveted quest reward. And it\'s not going to be much fun for the Dwarf until the notifications slow down.

[Raid Group Quest Accepted]

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