
Chapter 2 - 2

After breakfast, again a sandwich and coffee to save what coin he could for when he finds a potion vendor, Cain heads to the starting dungeon as Misha called it.

There\'s a short lineup outside, and a few people in line cast glances at his starter robes before looking away. Maybe they think he\'s the monk class, A melee fighter he saw in the basic options?

"Hey rookie? Got a weapon yet?" The leader of a group leaving the dungeon asks and Cain shakes his head.

"Here. Wooden Bat, it\'s a copper at the weapon shop, but they won\'t buy them back. I just like using them for the thud." The man laughs after handing over the bat and walks away.

Most are going alone, his three person group is an oddity. Then Cain sees them line up again and realizes what\'s going on. Power level. When he gets to the front of the line the attendant stops him, looking at a timer that counts down from one minute. At zero he pushed Cain through without a word.

"That was odd. Maybe there\'s a wait so you don\'t end up in someone else\'s instance?" The total lack of explanation of what\'s going on would be a nightmare for a new player, but Cain had enough experience in VR games to be used to the baud mechanics.

"Now, to bring out the Golems.

[Summon Lesser Golem]

They\'re two small clay Golems with wooden knives. Not the most impressive, but maybe they\'re tough, Cain hoped.

Turning the corner brings him to his first group of enemies in this game world. A grey wolf and 4 angry looking feral cats. Not the most impressive, but armed with a baseball bat and no gear, they might be dangerous.

The two small Golems seem to have a vendetta against the cats, immediately charging them and reminding Cain he never set any actions for them. But the default follow and aggressive isn\'t too bad for now.

The wolf ignores the snarling and hissing fight between cats and Golems to charge at Cain, lunging with its teeth towards the startled gamers neck.

"First one catches me off guard every time" Cain mutters, swinging the bat to knock the wolf aside. The life bar turns green to yellow, indicating wounded, but it seems he doesn\'t have the experience, or maybe the needed skill, to accurately detect their life remaining.

A second hit catches the wolf in the side and it collapses to the ground, his inventory gaining one wolf claw. seconds later he gains two small pelts, and notices his Golems are looking a bit rough, but have taken down two feral cats.

Cain runs over to help and they finish the encounter, gaining one more pelt drop. The Golems are quickly returning to perfect shape, so Cain moves on to the next pack, a pair of wolves. This proves easier, the Golems distracting them gives Cain a chance to club them down with the bat, gaining three claws and a piece of wolf meat.

"I hope this can be sold" Cain says to himself "But it feels like a game, someone in town should buy them, right?"

Another pack down and a notification pops up in front of his eyes, almost startling him off his feet

[Level 2]

Sweet, a level up after only 3 packs. At least the early levels aren\'t too hard.

Busting through cats and wolves isn\'t Cains favorite sort of dungeon, but before long he stands in front of a boss. A dire wolf almost as big as he is. The Dire Wolf doesn\'t seem to care about his Golems, shrugging off their attacks and snaking at Cain who is doing his best to get a solid hit in.

It takes all of twenty minutes to down the boss, and he\'s left looking at a shining white book on the ground. Picking it up shows the description

[Book of Poisoned Arrow] usable by ranger, hunter and rogue

A book? This were supposed to be super rare according to Misha, and he got one his first run.

[Level 3] [Dungeon Clear]

The notifications popped up in front of his eyes. If it took her two weeks to get to level 11, Misha must have had a very bad time in this dungeon.

"Before going in again, I need to buy a bow. The skill says it creates the arrows, but I need to have a bow equipped. I hope this loot sells for enough."

The total for the collected items came to 5 silver, more than enough for the 1 silver cheapest decent bow in the weaponsmith. Cain clips through the combat options in his menu, finding he can individually set commands for his Golems of he wants. The most important option he\'s looking for is grayed out though.

[Hit Box Targeting] requires [Advanced Targeting] or [Auto Targeting] skill to activate.

"Fine, I\'ll go over to the Hall and see what they have for skills. Give me something to work towards.

In their records, [Advanced Targeting], a rank B skill, was put up for auction once before. Final selling price was 15,000 gold pieces.

"Well that\'s a bit unrealistic for me. What do we have available. [Ice Arrow] rank D skill, may freeze enemies on contact. 50 gold. That still might take a while, but a control skill is a mainstay for any ranged class. I\'ll work towards that" Cain tells himself, making the shopkeeper chuckle at his antics.

After buying 10 beginner healing potions for a silver coin Cain decides to head off to another round in the Dungeon. The potions don\'t heal much, and can only be used until level 10, but they make him feel much more secure.

"So that\'s why nobody needs a Healer at the low levels. If they get a couple silver to start they can get a decent weapon and a stack of potions to get them through."

The live was a lot shorter this time, not many newbies ran the dungeon all day. Both because of injuries and to prevent exhaustion. The feral cats caused heavy damage to anyone without quick reflexes.

"This wolf is too hard to hit" Cain sighed, switching to his bat when the beast got too close for arrows. He was spending so much time aiming that he wasn\'t even losing mana and still hasn\'t hit the wolf at all.

But his archery skills were getting better. He watched many streaming videos on the topic out of boredom and was starting to understand the technique better with every word he faced. By the final boss he could even reliably hit the ones standing still to fight the Golems.

But what to do about the boss? It charged right ah him last time, so the best plan Cain can come up with is to just shoot straight ahead and hope it works. When he enters the boss room though, the boss has its back turned, giving him a perfect opportunity for a second shot.

Cain aims carefully and looses his Poisoned Arrow directly into the Dire Wolf\'s flank. Quickly he readies a second firing straight ahead. The boss doesn\'t dodge quickly enough and takes a second hit before the Golems are on it. Switching to the club, Cain fends off its attacks, waving the health bar steadily fade to red with the poison and the Golems alone.

"No need to risk my own neck. That method worked quite well, I\'ll have to take some time and practice my archery.. But first, I really need to sell all this and find somewhere better than the cafe to sleep."

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