
Chapter 608: After the war 【Subscription】

  Hearing this familiar voice from the void, Chen Wen, who was curled up in a state of embarrassment, couldn\'t help laughing out loud in the golden translucent shield.

   "You guys are finally here, I caught a big fish!"

  If there were only three druid elders, he wouldn\'t be so excited.

  There is not much difference between three druid elders and four druid elders, as long as there is one alive.

  But the beast master who appeared at the end is definitely not a Druid.

   Otherwise, if the three of them make a move at the same time, he may not survive even if he runs out of cards.

   On the basis of attracting the druids to teach these lunatics, he also lured a master-level beast master who was secretly hostile to him, and this time he made a fortune.

   "Damn it!"

  Hearing Chen Wen\'s words, the face of the middle-aged beast master who was above the dragon\'s head suddenly became very gloomy!

  He also learned that Chen Wen was in a secret place near Daocheng through the black market, so he hid around.

  After the battle started, he rushed here quickly and hid himself.

   Then, after Chen Wen used teleportation one after another, he shot instantly.

   This is an inevitable lore!

  What he didn\'t expect was that Chen Wen reacted so quickly, and also had the top special defensive props.

  With the terrifying bite force of the shadow dragon, it didn\'t kill Chen Wen immediately!

   This is nothing at all, if you fail once, you can make another shot, anyway, it doesn\'t take much effort.

  However, something even more unexpected happened to him!

   As soon as he made a move, Liu Jianguo, who was originally in the capital, arrived?

   Are you sure this isn\'t aimed at him?

  Although he was full of shock and anger, he still had reason in his heart.

  In an instant, the center of his brows was already shining brightly, and then the shadow dragon under him immediately bit Chen Wen, and decisively turned into a black rainbow and shot towards the sky.

  Like a meteor piercing the sky, the black Changhong is about to disappear into the sky.

  At this moment, Liu Jianguo stepped on Xiao Hei and stopped in front of the black Changhong. He said with a complex expression: "There are people who can run away in front of me, but that doesn\'t include you, let\'s wait...Long Chen!"

  When Chen Wen heard this name, his expression changed and his heart turned cold!

  Gold Guardian cannot give him a sense of security at this moment!

  He finally knew who the beast master who assassinated him in the end was.

  At the same time, he also knew why the beast master still grabbed himself when he ran for his life.

  Because he is Long Ming\'s father!

   The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, Long Chen obviously wanted to kill himself.

  In an instant, white lights bloomed between his brows, and he frantically shared a large amount of spiritual energy from Abao and the others through the talent of beast control.

  Long Chen glanced at Liu Jianguo resentfully, and said madly: "I didn\'t expect you to come, it seems that this is a trap... But I can\'t escape, and Chen Wen can\'t even think about living!"

  After saying that, he shot out several ghostly lights between his brows, and summoned beasts to protect him.

  At the same time, the Shadow Flood Dragon under his feet erupted with terrifying aura again, all the muscles in the mouth tensed, and the sharp fangs instantly overflowed with cold light.

"hold head high-!!"

  Accompanied by a dragon chant that resounded through the sky, the Shadow Flood Dragon burst out with all its strength, and bit the golden protective cover in its mouth.

   "You dare!"

  Seeing this, Liu Jianguo couldn\'t help but let out a roar.

  In an instant, the Void Mantis teleported to the side of the Phantom Flood Dragon, its forelimbs flickering like a big knife, and it was about to cut off the head of the Flood Dragon.

  At this moment, all the beasts around Long Chen erupted with aura of darkness attribute, interweaving and outlining a dark space in an instant.

  The big knife of the Void Mantis continued to slash down.


  In the darkness, there is blood floating.


  Hearing the sound like broken glass, Liu Jianguo roared angrily: "Long Chen, you are looking for death!"

  Liu Jianguo was about to break through the dark barrier created by Longchen\'s beast, when he suddenly discovered a terrifying aura erupting from it.

   "Ang ~!"

  Accompanied by the wailing sound of a flood dragon, the dark enchantment actually swelled and became larger, and then a pair of big hands stretched out from it, tearing it completely apart in an instant.

  The next moment, a giant wearing big underpants was soaked in blood, tearing apart the space and seeing the light of day again.

  Beside him, Phantom Flood Dragon\'s mouth opened more than 180 degrees, and a lot of blood kept spilling.

"here you go!"

  Seeing that Chen Wen was out of trouble, Liu Jianguo\'s eyes flashed with joy, and then he quickly communicated with his three beasts.


   Following Xiao Hei\'s roar, a huge spatial vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

  In an instant, the space below seemed to freeze.

  Even Chen Wen, who has performed the law of heaven and earth and has a deep understanding of the laws of space, finds it difficult to act.

  Facing Long Chen and his beasts who were almost stationary, the Void Mantis slashed continuously with both arms like knives.


  In an instant, the void trembled, and the void blades congealed instantly.

   Suppressed by the power of space, the pet beasts around Long Chen couldn\'t react in time, and two pet beasts that were less than the epic level died on the spot.

  The remaining three epic monsters erupted with aura in an instant, and moved forcibly for a certain distance, but they were also slashed by the blade of the void, and their blood spilled into the sky.

   At the same time, Xiaoqing, the epic Tianba snake, took the opportunity to affect the law of space, and used her aura as a chain to bind Long Chen.


   In just a short while, Long Chen was **** so that he couldn\'t move.

   Until this moment, the vortex in the sky slowly disappeared.

  In an instant, Chen Wen felt that the shackles on his body were gone.

  Looking at the extremely ferocious Phantom Flood Dragon and other epic pet beasts around him, Chen Wen, who was seriously injured and depleted of aura, did not fight reluctantly, and directly used teleportation, flashing to Liu Jianguo\'s side.

   Shrinking rapidly like a punctured balloon, Chen Wen, who was relieved of the Fatianxiangdi state, sat powerlessly on Xiaohei\'s back.

   After eating two spiritual fruits, Chen Wencai barely regained some energy.

  While watching Liu Jianguo finish, Chen Wen asked curiously: "Principal, I\'m still not your most beloved student, why did you let Xiao Hei hide his secrets? You don\'t teach Dashewan such a powerful skill like the closed space."

   "I hide my secrets? Even if I hide my secrets, what can you do?"

   Glaring Chen Wen angrily, Liu Jianguo explained: "Most of the legendary-level potential pets master the field of law. Although Xiao Hei has broken through the limit of his own potential to become a legend, he does not have the corresponding inheritance skills.

  The space ban just now was researched by me by asking Xiao Hei to refer to the domain skills of other beasts, and it has not yet become a system. "

   While speaking, Xiao Hei sealed off the space again.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Void Mantis beheaded the seriously injured Phantom Flood Dragon, and Xiaoqing also took the opportunity to swallow the bound Long Chen into the original space.

   Then, Xiao Hei and his three beasts worked together to **** the other two beasts contracted by Long Chen into the original space to suppress them.

  The battle on Liu Jianguo\'s side had just ended, when Chen Wen saw Chen Fan rushing over in a hurry.

   Naturally, he did not come empty-handed.

   Carrying a master beast master in one hand!

  (end of this chapter)

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