
Chapter 614: Prophecy

  Yuan Yan let out a long sigh, but Xie Zhiwei was extremely stunned. Seeing this, Xiao Xun asked, "Who did you send the letter to, sir? And who do you intend to present it to?"

  Yuan Yan said, "Ask Gao Xianchen, the magistrate of Guangyuan Prefecture, to take him to the capital. Hehe, he must have been deceived!"

   "Gao Xianchen?" Xiao Xun pondered for a moment and asked, "Did he go to Beijing last year to report on his work? Did he tell you by himself?"

"He and I are in-laws. My eldest daughter promised his younger son to be his wife. Although he has not passed the school, I and he are in the same subject. We met on the way when we were taking the exam in the capital. Xiangguosi borrowed, at that time, I just got married, he said his wife was pregnant, we discussed articles, pointed out current problems, very speculative, so we made an appointment with in-laws."

Yuan Yan laughed at himself, "Later, I was selected as a good scholar, and when I was watching the government in the Ministry of Rites, I accidentally offended Shangfeng. Before the time of watching the government was over, I was sent out to Shu to make up a county magistrate. I haven\'t moved my position for many years. I thought, what is an official? I am the county magistrate of Cangxi County, but there are vacancies in two nearby counties, and no one can fill in. I am equivalent to half a state official. A few days ago , I found that Uyghurs came and went frequently. After careful observation, I found that some Uyghurs entered Chengdu Mansion. I tracked them to Chengdu Mansion and found that there were Uyghurs entering and leaving the Chief Envoy’s Yamen in the middle of the night..."

Speaking of this, a messenger who escorted him came forward and knocked on the table with a simple knife. If he hadn\'t seen that Xiao Xun and Xie Zhiwei were well dressed, especially Xiao Xun had an openwork dragon and yellow jade pendant around his waist , he had driven Xiao Xun away long ago.

  Yuan Yan had no one to talk to him along the way, he was almost suffocated, let alone complaining for himself, when others saw him like this, they didn\'t even have the desire to talk to him.

  Yuan Yan smiled, this meal, he ate enough, drank enough, and even drank a jar of the peach blossom wine he dreamed of, even if he rushed to Caishikou tomorrow, he would have no regrets.

   "Little brother, let\'s say goodbye today, and there will be no future!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to the messenger, who put the shackles on him again, led him by an iron chain, and the three of them left the teahouse together.

  Xie Zhiwei didn\'t take a sip, so Xiao Xun threw the wine jar and bowl out, put a piece of silver weighing five taels on the table, and walked out of the teahouse with Xie Zhiwei.

The two got on their horses and continued to walk south. After walking for a mile, Xiao Xun made a gesture, and a man dressed like Songfeng appeared. Xiao Xun said to the man, "Follow me and say hello. , to save his life, this man, I am useful."

  Xie Zhiwei didn\'t pay too much attention to Yuan Yan, but said, "If the Sichuan chief envoy colludes with the Uighurs, will it affect you?"

  To the north of Guangyuan Mansion is Shaanxi Xingyuan Mansion, and further up is Jingzhao Mansion. Xiao Xun\'s camp in Shaanxi is now set up in Jingzhao Mansion, Xie Zhiwei is inevitably worried about his safety.

"It\'ll be fine. I\'ll take you out to play today. Let\'s have fun if we don\'t want to do anything else. Look, there is Nanshan in front of the mountain. To the east of the mountain, there is a mother-in-law who sells rice cakes. When I passed by her before, I ate her." The rice cakes here are very delicious, and the expensive thing is that the food is also quite clean.”

   "Mmm!" Xie Zhiwei said in her heart that it was lucky that she didn\'t bring Qiu Mama and the others out today, otherwise, it would definitely be impossible for her to secretly eat outside.

   It’s just that the two of them didn’t go far, and met several groups of refugees with their families. When they asked, these people all came from the south and wanted to go north.

   "Isn\'t there a war in the north?" Xie Zhiwei was very puzzled. It used to be that only the north ran to the south. Why is it reversed now?

"Little son, you don\'t know that Liangjiang can\'t stay here now, not to mention the heavy taxation, because the emperor wants to tour the south, and he spends a lot of labor in the cultivation palace there, and only gives him two bowls of porridge every day. The hard labor was heavy, and many people died after the year, and the government didn\'t care, and there were rumors of a plague in Songjiang and Jurong!"

   An old man dragged his two grandsons, and because he wanted to rest, he stopped and said a few words to Xie Zhiwei.

A man in his twenties next to him chuckled and said, "Old man, it\'s not that the government doesn\'t care about it. Those two prefects, I heard that they are members of the White Lotus Sect, and those who died, have gone to serve their gods." , It is said that people are not really dead when they die, it is a blessing.”

The young man shook his head and sighed, "Although there is a war in the north, in the winter of last year and the spring of this year, no one died of starvation or freezing. I heard that the officials over there dare not let people starve to death. Those of us Ordinary people, don’t you just try not to starve to death or freeze to death?”

   "Yeah, what\'s wrong with the world! Those officials stand up and say, \'Zhaoyang collapses, heaven and earth perish, Xiao family dies, seven stars come back\'!"

   There have been prophecies in all dynasties, but when Xiao Xun and Xie Zhiwei heard it suddenly, they were still surprised and looked at each other.

  The old man probably knew that he had made a slip of the tongue. After drinking the water, he didn’t rest anymore. He took two burdens under the sun and led his two grandchildren to the north.

  There is a pavilion on Nanshan Mountain. After Xiao Xun and his wife came to Nanshan Mountain, they abandoned their horses and climbed the mountain.

  Nanshan is not high, but the sun is at the top, and the Dragon Boat Festival sun is already extremely hot. Halfway up the mountain, there is a big rock by the tree, which feels cool and pleasant to the touch. Xie Zhiwei and Xiao Xun planned to rest by the roadside for a while.

Xiao Xun sat on a rock and asked Xie Zhiwei to sit on his lap. The wind from the mountain was blowing slowly, and there were a few wild peach trees not far away, dotted with some residual red. When the wind blew, the petals fell, and time seemed They all slowed down.

   Xie Zhiwei leaned on Xiao Xun\'s shoulder and was about to fall asleep, when there was a sound of arguing not far away.

"What do you mean, I saved your life for nothing? Is there anyone like you? If I had known earlier, I should have let you die. Do you know that the wound medicine you used is unusual, Princess Duanxian personally prepared it, if that person knows, I stole his precious wound medicine, I tell you, in my life, I will only end up in exile!"

   "That\'s your business!" The other party was concise and obviously dismissive.

  The man became anxious, and his voice became even more urgent, "How could you do this? Did I save a dog\'s life? Do you know who brews the wine that is in short supply now? It\'s Princess Duanxian..."

  The voice no longer approached, but stopped, the man said, "What do I have to do with Princess Duanxian? I don\'t know her!"

   "Why doesn\'t it matter? What you want to kill is Princess Duanxian\'s husband. If you kill Prince Chen, Princess Duanxian will become a widow?"

   The second update!



  (end of this chapter)

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