
Chapter 526-7: Slapstick Side Story 7 Non-humans

Chapter 526-7: Slapstick Side Story 7 Non-humans

I awaken with the sun shining on me.

「It’s midwinter, yet the morning air feels warm.」

Thanks to that, getting out of the futon is easy for me.


However, it seems to be a little tough for a naked woman.

Nonna gropes for the futon I pushed aside and wraps it around herself.

There are no plans today either and therefore no reason to wake her up so early.

She should be tired from yesterday’s activities too.

I kiss Nonna’s forehead and her abundant breasts before tucking her into the futon.

「My hips......afuu.」

I kiss Carla’s neck next and then cover her with a blanket.

「It’s flowing......inside......uuun.」

I move to kiss Mel on the cheek and close her legs.

「Too big......reaching my womb......」

I plant a kiss on the back of Melissa, who is unconsciously twisting her hips.

「More......until my stomach breaks......」

「My hand......cover...... which way is your peepee?」

「Slap my ass more......aah.」


「I like the cowgirl position......」

Unable to distinguish the legs sticking out, I give a kiss to Catherine, Gretel, Mireille, Irijina, and Runa, then leave the bedroom.


「Good morning.」

「G-good morning!」

I greet a young maid in the corridor.

She tenses up in surprise, but when I rub her ass, she scolds me adorably.

「Good morning.」

「Good morning, master. Ah!?」

I greet a middle-aged maid.

She replies politely so I give her a kiss on the cheek, which turns her face red.

「Ah, good morningー」

「Hey, morning......nn?」

I unconsciously return the greeting from the window and then realize this is the second floor.

Doubling back, I see Lammy wiping the top of the window with a cloth.

「It was dirty up here. I figured cleaning would be difficult since there is no footing.」

Lammy the lamia can reach the second floor from the courtyard comfortably simply by extending her body.

Maids and cleaners in the courtyard stare awkwardly when they see me.

「Don’t get mad, I wasn’t forced or anything. I’m getting properly compensated.」

I notice that her human half from her belly button and up is wearing stylish clothes and a nice necklace.

She is also wearing a skirt around her waist.

「The maids made it for me. There weren’t any clothes that suited me in the stores.」

Even as a lamia, Lammy is fairly fashionable and likes girly things.

Primitive clothes crafted by herself probably won’t be satisfying enough.

「I assist with work in high places and narrow spaces. In return, the maids make clothes and accessories for me. Isn’t it fine if everyone is happy?」

Lammy smiles, proud that cleaning work which typically requires time, effort, and the use of ladders can be completed by her in a mere minute.

If both parties are content, there is no need for me to get involved.

Just be careful not to be seen by Rita or Nonna, they’ll get angry.

「About that.」

Lammy’s eyes darken with a slight shadow.

A recently-hired maid flees at the sight of Lammy.

「I can become friends by working together with people. I’m a lamia, yet I’ve seldom eaten humans these days.」

Lammy shrinks by coiling her body and talks to a maid below the window.

Apparently she is being thanked with grilled chicken.

Once Lammy filled her stomach, she changed into her work clothes.

「We’re going to the outside field next.」

I trail Lamy a short distance away.

Lammy played an active role outdoors as well, entering cramped waterways and fixing leaks in the roof.

Although some were still frightened, many individuals were accustomed to Lammy and exchanged jokes with her.

Ever since the battle at Rafen where she stood on the frontlines, Lammy’s presence has become well-known and thus there is no need to hide her.

In the first place, Lammy is not as shocking compared to the unconcealable Pochi and smoothie.


「Gyaa! That kid, again!?」

Some brat splashes water on Lammy’s tail, causing her to jump and rapidly slither after him.

At this point, she’s more similar to a town girl whose lower body is a snake than a lamia.

She accepts as much gratitude as she can carry in both arms and heads home.

「Ah, hold this for a bit.」

Lammy hands me her baggage.

Something with the same color as dirt is creeping about in her line of sight.

「A boar is digging at the wheat seed. It’s rather large, can you handle it?」

「Yeah. I’m fine.」

Lammy lowers her body to the ground and slithers forward.

As expected of a lamia, she doesn’t make a sound and her presence is hidden well. The boar doesn’t sense anything.


Lammy pounces on the boar, and once she topples the beast, wraps it with her body.

The animal’s bones break as she constricts the boar until its legs twitch.

「Hamhmhm......crunch crunch......」

I hear chewing sounds, dragging sounds and slurping sounds.

A few minutes later, Lammy tosses away a red-stained towel she used to wipe her face and returns.

「Sorry to keep you waiting, let’s go.」

Her stomach is bulging like she’s pregnant.

「......you ate the entire thing raw?」


The boar was greater than one meter in size.

「I can store food in my stomach. This will let me go without eating for a week.」

No matter how familiar you are with her, a lamia will never be a human. If that boundary is forgotten, a tragedy will――

「Hey, now that I’m full......I feel like doing that.」

「Alright, let’s do it.」

Love is born between a man and a woman. Racial differences are trivial.

―― Half an hour later. Lammy’s house.

「Here I go......eei!」

Lammy’s wet tongue wiggles out of my urethra.


That unbelievably intense stimulation pulls my hips up with invisible strings.

A mixture of Lammy’s saliva and my pre-cum drips from the tip of my dick.

「It got like this after one time. Then I’ll do it one more time......」

Lammy’s tongue invades my urethra again.

Only lamia with long thin tongues can perform this technique.

Her tongue, slippery from the saliva, wiggles down my urethra and reaches the bottom.

This sensation doesn’t get old even though I’ve experienced plenty of oral service.

I let out a groan as I close my eyes and hold down Lammy’s head.

「Aegir’s is really long......half of my tongue entered. Should I go to where your piss is stored?」

「No, that’s good en-......guooh!!」

She pulls her tongue back out in the middle of my answer, causing me to arch back and grunt pathetically.

「Aha, it’s twitching. You’re really sensitive to this, huh.」

No man can withstand this stimulation.

One more time and I’m done.

「Fufun. Then let me do that!」

She grabs my waist and inserts her hot tongue.

My swollen cock wiggles sporadically, on the edge of its limit, but I can’t hope to ejaculate with my urethra blocked.

Her long tongue passes through the urinary tract to what’s considered my internal organ.

Lammy rests her upper half on my body, takes my hands and rubs her breasts with them.

「Okay. You can cum.」

She yanks out her tongue.

As soon as the tongue is removed, my lower body spasms uncontrollably.

I normally would have ejaculated immediately, but the semen wasn’t able to rise due to the suppression of her tongue.

It takes several seconds for my seed to travel through my dick and Lammy waits for the exact moment of release to launch another attack.


「You’re going there!?」

Lammy’s long tongue slides into my anus this time and pushes against my testicles from the back.

With a rather nasty sound, a huge load of semen wells up.

Lammy abruptly ceases all stimulation and separates from me.

However, no additional stimulation is needed at that point.

My dick rampages wildly as it sprays out a fountain of white fluid everywhere.

「Oh, incredible. It’s like your dick broke!」

Lammy wraps around me as I continue to groan and shoot my load.

「Are you going to eat me too?」

「No. What I’ll be eating is this.」

Her serpentine body immobilizes my body.

Lammy gobbles up my genitals.

「Ooh, that feels good.」

「Ehehe, here’s more.」

Lammy retrieves a bottle of perfumed oil from her collection of gifts and pours it on herself.

Now, we will become slimy if we tangle with each other.

「My instincts taught me this. It’s how lamia copulate.」

It is said that the mating process of snakes lasts for days.

「We have water, food and oil. Let’s stay wrapped together forever......and ever.」

I continue to ejaculate endlessly while buried in Lammy’s body.

「In reality, I won’t last though.」

「Auuu......cold......so cold......」

In the afternoon, the northwest wind started to blow and the sunshine disappeared.

At the worst timing, the firewood in the furnace ran out and Lammy froze from the temperature drop.

Being half a snake, she really can’t move when it’s cold.

「I’ll go get some wood and a hot water bottle, release me.」

「I can’t, I’ll hibernate if Aegir leaves.」

What do you want me to do then?

「Give me warmth directly into my body. I might be able to endure five minutes.」

「I’ve already emptied everything today, you probably won’t get enough seed to stay warm.」

Lammy then replies with a face filled with humiliation.

「Give me your piss......it’ll leak out if you pour it in the front so give it to me in my ass...... uuu, what the heck am I saying?」

The world is a big place, but I think I’m the only one to urinate in a lamia’s rectum.

I ponder such a thought as I pee into Lammy’s twitching ass.


I sit by the lake at the starting point of the aqueduct.

Mirumi scoops water into her mouth and then ejects it from her gills.

「Mmm, the water’s pretty. But it might be a little mossy.」

I write the number 20 on a piece of paper and also include an order to clean the sluice gate.

「Thanks. That’s enough.」

I stow away the documents and take out a fishing rod.

「Can I do some fishing?」

Mirumi jumps out of the water, sits beside me and smiles.


This lake is the intake point of the aqueduct that supplies all of Rafen’s water and so nobody is allowed to fish, let alone go near here. It will cause huge problems if the water is poisoned.

That means we have to be careful of scheming fellows, but half of the guards keeping watch are decoys and my real aim is to allow free swimming in the lake.

In short, it’s to protect Mirumi and her children.

Nobody fishing means that plenty of fish is left in the lake.

「Oh, here it comes, here it comes. Fufufu, I guess this is the feudal lord’s privilege.」

I reel in my catch, which is a giant carp.

This will be great for tonight.

「I don’t know about humans, but we don’t mind if one or two fishes get caught. That’s no different from crows or cats.」

「Is that so?」

I dangle my string once more and catch something bigger than the carp...... Mirumi’s children.

They should have been born at the same time, but their individual traits vary substantially from each other.

The larger ones are close to Mirumi in size and can speak, whereas the small ones flounder awkwardly.

「I’ll give you a carp.」

「I’ll give you a trout.」

「I’ll give you a weird thing.」

What’s the last one, it’s squishy and has eight legs.

It squirted out an ink-like substance. Can we even eat this? Wherever you found it, go put it back.

「Well, that’s if you fish responsibly. If anyone casts a net, cuts their line and leaves it in the water, or throws any foreign objects......」

Mirumi opens her mouth.

The bottom half of a mermaid is like a fish and the upper half is that of a woman, but they have jagged teeth as sharp as saws.

Speaking of which, a vendor infamous for serving bad food and ripping people off disappeared suddenly. Do you know anything about that?

「I don’t know anything about a person who dumps waste oil into the lake.」

「The liver was tasty.」


If she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know.

Oh, take that hollowed out skull thing out of the lake.

This water goes to our mansion’s bath too. I don’t want that gross thing in there.

「Alright then, let’s stop chatting about work and unimportant subjects......」

I grab Mirumi’s shoulder.

A mermaid’s upper body is that of a human’s, but because they’re always in the water, they don’t wear clothes.

That’s why her soft boobs are not covered.

「Umm, is it okay that I’m not laying eggs?」

Sexual intercourse is also meant to satisfy each other.

It isn’t purely for breeding.

I pick Mirumi up and carry her to a grassy area.

「So good! Right there! Deeper!」

Mirumi’s body trembles.

Holding her in my arms sideways, I grip her shoulder and tail fin tightly, penetrate her from the front, and ejaculate.

Unlike humans, mermaids can’t spread their legs so a special technique is needed.

「The hole where eggs come out is not supposed to be used for sex! But it feels good!!」

Yes, I am fucking Mirumi’s ovipositor rather than her vagina.

Because mermaids need a male to fertilize their eggs after they are laid, they don’t have intercourse to make babies.

「Does it matter though?」

I say as I kiss her and fondle her breasts.

「My tail is twitching. Even though I don’t have eggs, even though there’s no point in receiving your seed...... I want to keep having sex!」

I hug Mirumi and ejaculate.

My semen climbs up her egg-laying tube, floods her egg sac and gushes back out.

「That was awesome. Who knew putting it in there would feel so good, I’m sure mermaids never knew about this.」

I mutter as Mirumi floats on the lake.

Just when I was about to wear my pants, something grabs my leg and drags me into the water.

「Hey, it’s cold. What are you doing?」

The culprits were Mirumi’s children.

Everyone for the most part seems to be breathing hard and blushing.

They are also baring their saw-like teeth.

「Hey, hey, don’t eat me.」

Also, it’s cold so let me get out.

「We’ll warm you up.」

Over ten children cling to me.

It certainly isn’t as cold anymore.

「We’ll help you breathe too.」

The children take turns sharing air with me via mouth-to-mouth transfer.

Upon closer inspection, they aren’t looking at me like prey, they are simply aroused.

「Do the same thing you did with mama.」

「Stick something in the egg hole.」

「My stomach feels hot!」

My clothes are torn apart.

I can’t even object if I wanted to because I’m underwater, plus Mirumi is drifting absentmindedly on the surface still in a post-orgasm daze.

「It can’t be helped.」

I’m not exactly unbothered by the request, but I use my finger to tease her hole.


The reaction is intense.

After all, this is the first time getting stimulated since being born.

Some children are 14 or 15 in appearance, but there are also clearly some much younger.

I obviously can’t use my dick, that’s why I’m satisfying them with my finger. Suddenly, one of the more developed children grabs their belly.

「I-it hurts! My stomach hurts!!」

I worry that I teased her poorly, but she rises up to the side of the lake and spreads the opening of her egg-laying tube.


The original purpose of the ovipositor is......to spawn a large number of eggs on the shore.

I’m not sure when the spawning period of a mermaid is, but I guess my stimulation triggered the process.

Almost like the effect was transmitted from one to the rest, even fairly young children climbed onto the shore and one by one started to lay eggs.

If I only look at the upper halves, the girls arch back and cry out in succession.

「This is quite the amazing sight.」

A mountain of eggs is quickly created.

The children grab onto me and lead me to their eggs.

「Give our eggs your seed.」

「Spray your thick seed on them.」

「Splurt it out please!」

The children follow their instincts and rub against my cock.

Brushing them away and running at this point is still easy.

「Judging their age by their looks, making babies is not possible, but......」

They aren’t human girls and I’m not penetrating them.

There shouldn’t be any problems if I am only going to pour my seed over the eggs they already laid.

While I’m hesitating, two mermaids draw close to my ear.

Not good, that’s a weakness I’ve recently been made aware of.

「Our eggs――」

「Spray your thick stuff over them?」

The moment they whisper from both sides, my semen gushes out onto the pile of eggs.

It can’t be stopped now. I can only see this through to the end.

My ejaculation stops after a few minutes, and when I throw a cloak over Mirumi so she doesn’t get mistaken as a pervert, she comes back to her senses.

「It’s about time we eat......wait, someone laid eggs!? At this time――!!?」

Mirumi hops out of the water in shock.

「There’s so much......did all of you lay these!? Why all of a sudden......eh!?」

Mirumi reels when she sees the mountain of eggs.

「T-they are fertilized......which means-」

Mirumi narrows her eyes and bares her teeth.

「These kids are Aegir’s seed! With your own children......you savage, brute! I’ll bite it off.」

It took several hours to convince Mirumi.

Specifically, the children helped hold her down while I cheered her up by penetrating her egg-laying tube again.

「Boat, boat.」

「Found it in the grass.」

Shortly after, one of the children pulls a wooden boat over.

By its shape, the boat oozes a handmade feel, but seeing how there are no leaks, it must be the work of a craftsman.

「Why would someone build a boat in a lake? Hm, a name is carved......L-Levi......it’s incomplete.」

I don’t know the reasoning, but I hear it isn’t good for a boat to be nameless.

「Name......a name......I can’t think of one. Oh well, let’s go with that.」

I carve the name “Aless of Aless II” over the unfinished name.

Alright, let’s go home.

The next day, Sekrit and Ivanna got into a serious fight where both of them unsheathed their swords.

“It’s you, isn’t it? Don’t play dumb.”

“What? Who cares about your crappy boat?”

I have no clue how this meaningless argument came about.


「Hey, can’t you also multiply?」

I prod the potted alraune as I drink alone in my room.

The alraune lets out a strange squeal and curls a thin vine around my finger.

Currently, the only remaining parts of the alraune consists of this small potted plant in my room and the tree-sized plant in the courtyard.

At one time, this thing grew frighteningly dense, but ever since the battle of Rafen, it hasn’t propagated.

「The tiny amount you greww wilted when it became winter too.」

I carry the potted plant and head to the courtyard where the main plant is.

I thought I might as well continue my drink next to the big plant, but someone preceded me.

She is a maid from the mansion. Her age is in the early twenties...the perfect age to eat.

「There are......no insects. This leaf is dried up so I’ll pluck it.」

She looks to be taking good care of the plant.

The human part of the alraune is also behaving well.

「Now for the water......and compost......and done!」

After the maintenance is finished, the human figure of the alraune copies our gestures and bows.

「Fufu, cute. ......so, I have something I want to consult with you.」

I can’t hear what the maid gossips about.

That is when the human figure in the pot opens its mouth.

『The guard is 40 years old and has a wife so he doesn’t respond to my approach.』

No matter how much the alraune multiplies, they all share the same will.

So this kind of ability is possible, huh?

「That’s why......I want your pollen. It’s a risky day for me today, so if I let him attack me, I can gradually erode him.」

The alraune shakes some of its pollen into the maid’s drawstring purse.

That pollen is not like an aphrodisiac.

If people sniffed it, they would strip naked even on the main street and pounce on the opposite sex.

「Make sure it doesn’t spill......okay.」

But it seems she is responsible enough with its exposure anyways, and as an outsider, I don’t know if it’s my place to interfere with her relationship.

「――sama. This time for sure, I will fulfill my desire tonight.」

Let’s leave her alone. She is determined enough to use a love drug. It is a man’s duty to be quiet and watch.

All of a sudden, the potted alraune twists its body.

Judging by the gesture, some weeds must have tangled with the roots.

I was allowed to have a drink with the alraune, the least I can do is help remove some weeds.

「If Nonna saw it, she would probably scream――saying how ridiculous it is for a lord to be plucking weeds.」

I say as I bend down and grab hold of a plant resembling a weed.

Isn’t it this?

I pull out a thicker weed as well.

Oh, that was a flower planted by Nonna. Crap, let me put it back in the soil.

The next weed I grab excites the alraune.

This is the correct one, I guess.

「I can’t pull it......hrnngh!」

I had to use more force than I initially thought to pull it out.

Immediately, someone lets out a piercing shout.


I slam the weed to the ground.

When I look at it, the weeds are large and shaped somewhat like a human.

Did some daikon seeds fall here?

A few seconds later, pigeons and crows land on the ground nearby.

What was that all about?

The alraune checks my body in a panic.

Besides being annoyed, I’m fine.

No actually, my dick twitched a little, but that’s probably because of the cold and from cumming too much.

「The roots are tangled after all. So this daikon is the culprit......hm?」

The more I pull on the root, the longer it extends.

It leaves the courtyard, the mansion and runs deep underground in front of Rafen’s main street.


When I poke the potted alraune without warning, dirt bulges in the corner of the main street and a root pops out.

「I thought you weren’t multiplying, but you were just growing your roots underground? How far did you spread?」

The potted alraune points toward the mountain far into the distance.

「Hahaha, you learned how to tell a funny joke? I left my alcohol behind. Let’s go back.」

I think I caught a glimpse of the humanoid figure of the alraune smiling too.

――Midnight, I was hungry and went to the dining hall to snack on a servant’s prepared meal.

I hear the voices of a man and a woman.

「Haa, haa......Lilime! I can’t take it anymore, you’re not getting away, stay still and spread your legs!!」

「Have mercy Tolf-sama. Don’t insert it so suddenly. If you do it with your wife around, it’ll become adultery.」

A guard and a maid were having rough sex in the storehouse.

The man is drooling as he shakes his hips furiously, almost like he’s raping the woman, and based on the amount of semen flowing out of her, he has cum inside her multiple times, but she clearly seems to be enjoying it. I should ignore them.

「Aahhn, you came inside again. So hot~ It’s risky for me today, I’ll get pregnant.」

I hear another voice from a different room.

「M-mandragora! I don’t know why it’s in the garden, but now my secret medicine is complete!」

It seems Natia found a rare ingredient.

Ma......what a nasty ingredient, I’m getting excited.


「We aren’t doing it for your sake, you hear.」

That’s the first thing they said to me when I went to check on the elves’ pioneering work.

「I know. I brought some presents, so don’t be cruel.」

I have some baked sweet pastries and confections topped with sugar and cream.

They are products which cannot be eaten from the forest.

「Hamu hamu......we aren’t going to thank you.」

「Hamo hamo, this is all we’re doing for you.」

「The sweets did nothing wrong, so we’ll accept them. ――geho! Geho! Choked!」

With no need for gold or territory, the elves are provided with food and amusement that cannot be found in the forest.

『Oooh why, Elisabeth!? Why did you thrust that blade at me!?』

『I won’t give an excuse, Mauram. You’re in my way! I’m going to be the bride of a much better lord!』

A play is being performed on an improvised stage.

We are likely reaching the climax.

「Horrible......stabbing a person who did so much for her!」

「She’s the worst kind of woman! She was dazzled by the life of luxury!」

The pure elves want to get involved in the play.

When the villain appears, they look like they want to throw objects at the actor.

「It isn’t as bad as that one though.」

A young female actress points to the opposite side with a troubled expression.

The side with more black elves, huh.

『Your wife and daughter belong to me! I’ll let you hear their screams. Gehehehehe.』

The scene is one where an evil governor torments the villagers.

「Die, you fiend!」

A black elf unsheathes her sword and jumps onto the stage.

Someone who looks like a bodyguard catches her just in time.

「That is a frequent occurrence. It is an honor for actors when the audience jumps in.」

Both the elves and black elves are that pure-hearted.

There is another stage which is quiet in comparison to the two previous rowdy ones.

『That won’t do, Michael. You have a wife and I have a husband.』

『Like I care. You can call me unfaithful or laugh that I’m a playboy. You won’t stop ......my love.』

The actors’ lips meet and they slowly take each other’s clothes off while caressing their partner.




Both the eyes of the white and black elves widen.

They occasionally peek to the sides and twist their bodies restlessly like innocent maidens.

『Aaah, fine I don’t care what happens! Burn me! Set me on fire with your hot thing!』

Once the upper bodies of the couple became naked and they started passionately touching each other, the ears of the elves collectively began to flap.

「I’m interested in the love scene, but more importantly......」

「Those ears, you want to touch them, right?」

An elf’s ears possess a strange charm.

No matter how often Natia gets angry, I can’t help pinching or biting her ears.

Alright, moving on to what I came here to check.

From what I can see, the area that was desolate last week has been transformed into arable land.

If I employed humans to do the same work, it would take months to complete.

「What I want to know is......why there is a tree growing in the middle of the field?」

Yes, the entire surface is a field, but there are trees planted at fixed intervals almost like a boundary.

I was answered by an elf who is wiping her sweat with a towel after finishing her work.

「We have a rule that whenever we mess with the land, we always plant trees. It is sacrilegious to nature to fill the earth only with edible crops. I won’t forgive you if you cut them down.」

That’s a very elf way of living with nature.

I don’t want to ignore their law just to get a harvest, I’ll allow it.

The elves plant another tree in an open land.

「Isn’t this tree a dense fog cedar? It produces a hundred times more pollen than normal. You brought something pretty rare.」

The black elves are also planting vegetation by the water.

「Geh! There was an immature roper just now! ......it escaped. Oh well, I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.」

I want to pretend I didn’t hear anything.

And unexpectedly, I overhear a conversation between the elves from the shadows.

「Yesterday, you see, the humans......I saw it. That farmer, got on top of the wife and......」

「R-really? You watched all the way?」

Oh, naughty stories.

Their ears droop and stand up as they listen.

「In the end, the man groaned and collapsed. Then there was a strange smell.」

「D-did that come out? Did the white stuff come out?」

People say elves have a low sex drive.

But by how much their ears are flapping, I’d say they’re pretty curious to learn more.

「You know that boy who does our chores? Last night, while acting sweet to him, we shared a bed......」

「Ah, I know that. If you fake sleep, he rustles around while calling your name.」

「Right, right. He woke up early to frantically wash his pants. I wonder why......for some reason my crotch tingles.」

I’m jealous.

But there is one thing I know I have to do now.


I jump into the group of elves sharing their stories and bite down on their ears.

They scream and blow me away with wind magic, then three of them repeatedly stomp on me after I land, but I have no regrets.


「How is this?」

I am out picking clothes with Brynhildr on a cloudy day so dark that it was hard to believe it was daytime.

Her clothes are of such high class that craftsmen in Goldonia would be impressed, let alone the ones in Rafen’s clothing stores...... there is no need to compare the ready-made clothes, but because she had worn out some outfits, she dragged me along.

「Fumu, for someone as beautiful as you――」

「If you say that everything suits me, I’ll rip your mouth off.」

I smile sheepishly and examine her choice again.

Her dress is black with a simple but elegant design, perfect for Brynhildr’s image.

「It suits you like no other, but because of how similar it looks to your usual clothes, it might not give off the same novelty.」

「Mm, that’s fine.」

Brynhildr returns the clothes and then matches some cheap-looking clothes decorated with fancy ornaments.

「It’s fun to look at, but because of how pretty the wearer is, the clothes pale in comparison.」


Brynhildr selects her next outfit cheerfully.

It is a tight-fitting leather outfit emphasizing her body lines......one that a whip will be a perfect match for.

「It’s nice. I want you to beat me and step on me.」

「You fool.」

Brynhildr retorts with an expression that is not as annoyed as I thought she would be, and then she chooses her next outfit.

This one is a blatant indecent outfit. The hem is short, it is designed to reveal plenty of skin, and the material is thin.

「......mmm. It’s lewd and arousing, but how should I describe it?」

Brynhildr approaches while wearing the sexy clothes and grabs my crotch with a seductive smirk.


Then she changes her clothes with a curious look.

This one resembles the clothes of a town girl found in most places.

Brynhildr already looks like a 12 or 13 year old girl, but these clothes make her appear even younger.

Brynhildr toddles toward me awkwardly.

The shopkeeper is staring blankly at the ceiling......likely due to one of Brynhildr’s abilities.

「Do you want......to do naughty things with me?」


I feel my crotch being grabbed at the same time I exclaimed.

She reacts with a surprised expression and she stares at me in disgust.

「Why are you reacting to this outfit better than the vulgar clothes you supposedly like? Did you perhaps......」

Brynhildr pokes me with a finger.

「You developed a fetish for young girls!?」

「Don’t say something so scandalous. I’m not Andrei.」

That doesn’t stop Brynhildr from pressing further.

「No, a man who gets turned on by children’s clothing does not have a fetish for young girls! Time for punishment!」

Brynhildr pounces on me in her commoner’s clothes and sinks her teeth into the top of my shoulder.

She’s breathing next to my ear. Not good......

「――you pervert.」

A bulge immediately grows in my pants.

Brynhildr and I make eye contact.

「You’re a masochist and you have a young girl fetish...... what’s wrong with your fetishes!!?」

I’m only turned on because it’s Brynhildr, I’m not so far gone that I’d be aroused by any child.

As for the other accusation, I’ll avoid it.

「Alright, let’s investigate bit by bit.」

Brynhildr takes the children’s clothes and the sadist’s outfit and leaves money in front of the dazed shopkeeper.

If I question her intentions, she’ll revive the issue so I’ll stay silent.

「Bring them back.」

Brynhildr says recklessly and tosses her clothes.

The one who catches them in the shadows is a girl I don’t recognize.

「Clothes were lost because of the stupid war. I replenished them.」

「Hey hey......」

I was going to reprimand her, but she made the first move.

「Half of this girl’s body was crushed when she tried to drown herself. If I didn’t turn her into my servant, she would have rotted away in minutes. This one is a part of group of bandits. I killed two other young females, but would you have preferred that I let them run?」


I can’t complain about either.

That girl is quite pretty for someone who would drown herself. I want to get to know her if possible.

「Understood. Brynhildr-sama, I will return to lov-......I mean, I will return to Siegfried-sama.」

Hm? I have a feeling she was going to say something disturbing.

「I have trouble when it comes to being a pervert but I have the upper hand in regards to a young girl fetish. With that woman’s low-grade flesh, she could never act like a young girl.」

What are the both of them saying?

「Fortunately, the sun didn’t shine for the entire day today. Why don’t you take me to a meal for fun?」

「Fumu, then I’ll bring you to a special place I know.」

Although the store opened recently, they serve an excellent soup that packs a real punch.

「Fumu, sounds like a place you’d like......」

「Haha, I can’t help what I like. Try it.」

I gulp down the soup.

The burning sensation in my throat and the pungent smell is irresistible.

「What do you think?」


Brynhildr doesn’t reply.

I wonder if it didn’t suit her tastes.

「......shopkeeper, what do you put in this soup?」

Brynhildr inquires with a trembling voice.

「Pork simmered until tender, spiced daikon and carrots, a heap of garlic, and then topped up with my manly essence――」

Brynhildr collapses, foaming at the mouth.

That night, Brynhildr literally bit my dick until it was riddled with holes.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Winter.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City. Mad Demon God. Poison Resistance (strong).

Appears in the present story:

Lammy (intimate), Mirumi (grandmother), Alraune (To the ends of the earth), Brynhildr (extremely sadistic girl)


Territory Population

Total: 364 000

Rafen: 47 000, Lintbloom: 8 000

Richemott (former Libatis): 34 000 (+1000) Populace gathering, Zwei Elfie: 2100 (+600) Increase of scoundrels


Personnel: Infantry: 1000, Cavalry: 500, Escort: 30

Armaments: Cannons: 30, Large Cannons: 15, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 10 +1, Chariots: 30

Assets: -300 000 gold (elf compensation amusement -500), (gold ore medium +8 500)

Sexual Partners: 814

Children who have been born: 71 + 567 (++)

Current Location: Rafen

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