
Chapter 476: Group of Scum

Chapter 476: Group of Scum

I scratch my messy bedhead as I enter the dining area.

「「「Good morning.」」」

「Fuah, morning!!」

I knew I slept in, almost all the main members already gathered.

Irijina answered with her mouth full as usual.

「If you informed me, I would have brought you breakfast.」

Celia pauses mid-meal to run up to me, stopping a few steps in front to puff her cheeks.

「No, it’s fine. If I sat in bed and ate, I wouldn’t have woken up.」

I stretch and smile, my eyes moving to Myla and Natia who are looking at me harshly behind Celia.

「......you were really interrogating so late?」

That’s right. I’m lacking sleep because the intense interrogation lasted until dawn.

「......and did she spit anything out? Or was Hardlett-sama’s cock the only thing she spat out?」

Celia’s further question was not answered by me.

「Don’t be stupid. I am a well-trained covert operative. I did not leak a single word, I’ll have you know.」

The female assassin smirks boldly at Celia.

Her hands curl around my arm as she sends an upward gaze at me.

「Yes, you didn’t say anything. Unfortunately, it was a failure.」

「I told you yesterday it’s Benel, not ‘you’!」

Oh yeah, that’s her name apparently.

Benel headed to the table, pulled out a chair, swept it with a duster and waited.

「Don’t underestimate a member of South Yuguria’s elite First Division Covert Ops Infiltration squad. No matter what is done to me, my lips will remain sealed.」

After I sit down on the chair, Benel pats my lap lightly.

I spread my legs as urged by her and she sits in between them.

「How formidable. But I’m not a soft man either. Resistance is futile, I hope you’re prepared.」

「Bring it on. I’m definitely not going to lose...... aaahn.」

Benel scoops a spoon of soup and brings it to my mouth.

「Fufu, Mr. Demon seems easy to kill now though.」

「Would you like to try?」

I slide my hips forward on the chair.

Of course, my constantly erect dick presses against her ass through our clothes.

A soft gasp escapes Benel as she titst her head back and makes eye contact with me.

Our noses touch as we bring our faces closer to each other.

「Demon...... fiend.」

Our lips meet.

Benel turns her body around so she’s facing me and wraps her arms around my back.

Her whispers of “I love you” and her hot breath tickles me.

「She’s fallen all the way down! Even though she’s an enemy, it still makes me angry that she became like this in one night!」

「And what did you do? She’s been reduced to a female in heat......in the first place, it’s my job to take care of your lower half.」

Annette, whose duty was robbed, complains.

However, as she was about to resume her meal, she suddenly covered her mouth and ran off. I wonder what’s wrong.

「I didn’t do anything particularly unusual. I brought her into the room and immediately fucked her for probably three hours.」

「That sounds normal.」

When I pat Benel’s head, she rubs her face against my chest.

「Then this girl’s―― I mean, Benel’s crotch got really swollen. And I felt bad so I licked her entire body. All the way until morning.」

「Licky licky until morning...... this woman!」

「’Licky licky’―― registering new vocabulary.」

Myla stands up so abruptly that she attracts the attention of all those around her, causing her to turn red and sit back down.

I’ll do it to her next time.

「She’s basically completely trained. Assassin, my ass, dumb woman.」

Celia jabs her hand into Benel’s side like a sword.

「I don’t think she’ll run or fight back anymore. She doesn’t need to be confined...... South Yuguria’s covert ops.」

「I’m going to resist. I won’t submit―― wakyaa!」

Finally reaching her limit, Celia pulls Benel away from me and throws her to the floor.

In that brief span of time, Irijina gobbled up Celia’s portion of breakfast.

「I should probably eat a proper meal.」

Everyone’s expression tensed up when I took my seat.

「The Military Commissioner has ordered us to attack the town in front of us on our own. The goal is to act as a diversion so we can match the timing of the main army whose attack will start a little past noon.」

Myla stands up, announcing in a serious tone unlike her mysterious burst of anger earlier.

「We still haven’t heard from the fleet......and we can’t just sit idly until we do.」

I enthusiastically bite down on the breakfast in front of me.

――Afternoon. A Small Nameless Town.

「The enemy force is circling around from the right wing! A small amount of cavalry and approximately 1000 light infantry!」

Celia shouts.

「That’s a diversion. Their true aim is to attack with the roughly 6000 militiamen on the left wing, so concentrate your arrows to the left and dull their momentum.」

Myla responds calmly and shuts down the enemy’s offense.

「They’re coming from the front too! Those aren’t militia, they’re regular soldiers...... 2000 of them!」

Yakov says as he jumps down a ladder of a watchtower erected by his subordinates.

Fumu, things are quite busy.

Normally, Leopolt would take care of everything. However, he’s currently not here.

I probably should have asked at least Tristan to stay behind except Ivanna made a fuss about Leopolt not being enough. I wonder how Ivanna’s doing now that not a trace of her former degenerate self is left.

「Lord Hardlett, the pressure on both wings is increasing. I suggest committing 1000 bow cavalry to the front to make the enemy aware of a potential frontal breakthrough and push them back......」

I’m slightly hesitant to implement Myla’s suggestion.

「The ones in front are powerful. If we collide head on with them, we’ll likely suffer casualties.」

Being afraid of losses in battle is foolish, but this is a critical time before the decisive battle.

It’s preferable if we avoid as many sacrifices as possible before that important stage.

I consider going myself and put my hand on my sword, stopping myself almost immediately.

「I just thought of a good idea. Since Christoph is acting as captain, I’m sure he wants some merits.」

I give out an order to the penal unit.

「Charge at the enemy in front. Advance regardless of casualties. I won’t tolerate anyone taking a single step backwards.」

It doesn’t matter how many losses the penal unit suffers.

If the entire army is annihilated but Christoph is saved, Zillia won’t complain either.

A mix of swearing and screams come from the penal unit.

「Those guys...... how dare mere criminals complain about orders.」

Celia is angry, although cursing isn’t such a big deal.

I don’t expect them to be loyal or disciplined.

「They simply have to follow orders and charge. I don’t expect anything else from them.」

I could care less if a bunch of villains died, in fact, I’d probably smile knowing there are fewer pieces of trash in society.

They are individuals bound to be executed anyways, so it doesn’t hurt to try and change their way of thinking by letting them achieve something.

「Alright, show me what you got.」

The penal unit rushed straight at the enemy......

「Hooh, this is-」


Facing us are 2000 of who we believe are an infantry unit of the enemy’s legitimate army, while the penal unit has 400 or so members.

I thought they would be overwhelmed, but they are somehow holding out.

「Don’t die yet, you shits! Massacre the enemy! Let the captain and I pile up the achievements!」

The one howling in the middle is Guige...... the superior-killing guy I scouted.

With that said, they’re not in the best situation.

「You say that, but there are too many of......gueh!」

「There’s no way we can win! Gyaa!? My stomach! I’m gonna die!」


The disadvantage in numbers magnifies with the mounting losses and the end gradually comes closer into sight.

「Dammit, what are you collapsing for!? There’s a hole in your stomach? Your sword broke? Then throw your dirty guts at them! I’ll do it for you!」

「W-wait...... igyaaaaah!!」

Guige slices open the belly of his dying comrade and actually hurls the internal organs at the enemy.

Celia and I instinctively turn our eyes away.

「Trash, what are you staring at? We’re the ones who will be killed if we don’t kill the enemy first. If we run away, Goldonia will hunt us down. There’s no time to look away.」

The blood-soaked Guigue laughs maniacally.

None of the villainous members of the penal unit could disagree and start throwing anything the can get their hands on, such as swords, rocks, sand and even the severed heads and limbs of ally and enemy soldiers.

Their war cries are different from normal shouts.

I could only hear unbearable cursing and repeated vulgar words.

「They’re a mess......」

「D-disgraces of Goldonia. Let’s get rid of all of them already!」

Celia recoils while Myla prepares to aim her bow.

「Why not let it play out?」

「Wah...... auu.」

I suggest to the girls, hugging Celia to my body and neutralizing the filthy scene.

「At least those guys are moving according to my wishes. They’re fulfilling their roles.」

The disgusting scene hasn’t been getting closer to us.

In other words, the penal unit has completely halted the enemy’s advance.

I direct my attention at Myla and call over Yakov.

「Send the 105th army corps to the right wing. Ignore the enemy’s diversion and try to detour to the rear――got it?」

「Y-yessir! The left wing launches an all-out attack when the enemy falters. Once the enemy collapses, the cavalry will overrun them. If this works, our losses will be insignificant.」

I look at the battlefield with one hand squeezing Celia’s cheek.

「By the way, I see Guigue standing out. Where is Christoph?」

「......who knows. The penal unit is not allowed on horseback even if he is a commander so I couldn’t tell you.」

Mmm, I gave him the chance to earn some merits so where could he be?

Don’t tell me he’s already been killed.

I’ve set the table for him already. If he’s going to die so easily, then I’ll be taking Zillia.

「The 105th army has broken through the right wing!」

「The left wing has also collapsed! They have completely fallen apart!」

This battle has been decided.

「Tell the penal unit to cease the operation. We’ve splurged on today’s food and alcohol. If they do anything more, we’ll have to hang them.」

However, Myla draws her sword with a furious expression.

In front of her, the penal unit is slaughtering the enemy soldiers who have already surrendered and assaulting women.

Well, we have to deal with the aftermath.

「Our losses are minimal and our consumption of rations is within an acceptable range.」

I listen to Celia’s report by the bonfire after the occupation of the town has been settled.

「It was called a battle, but we only defended and chased them down. That much is expected.」

Myla continues as she writes down some letters on the scroll with her brush.

「The highest achiever is......Irijina-san. She defeated two enemy commanders and five soldiers.」

That’s incredible. It’s a result worthy of a knight baron.

「......lastly, there’s the penal unit.」

Myla’s eyes narrow.

「The two who flayed the skin and played with surrendered soldiers while still alive――were executed on the spot. The three who were about to set fire to the town without permission―― were given a hundred lashes. The two who raped citizens――were made into an example over there.」

I follow Myla’s eyes and see two weights hanging from a watchtower and swaying back and forth.

「They’re all from the penal unit. From here on, the rules will be thoroughly enforced and the captain will be given a strict warning......」

「There’s no need.」

I reject the proposal, which surprises Myla for a brief instant, who then quickly puffs her cheeks.

It hurts when an upstanding adult woman does that, but that’s also fine.

「Nobody sent to the penal unit will listen to what they’re told. If they violate the rules, we’ll kill them. That will be enough to teach them what not to do.」

I give the signal in the direction of the supply corps.

「If they lose, they die. If they run, they’ll be killed. If they disobey orders, they’ll also be killed. If they do everything they are told and survive, they will be rewarded with delicious food and wine. That will be the extent of our relationship.」

In the first place, there’s no way the weak-minded Christoph could ever rein in those prisoners.

「I will personally apologize to the women who were raped. That’s a result of my orders after all. How many were there?」

「Three. I’ve already handed them a fee in Lord Hardlett’s name as compensation though.」

That’s not the problem. I have to meet them face-to-face and show sincerity.

「If only showing yourself will prove you’re sincere.」

Lately, Celia has been speaking ill of people more frequently.

I’ll have to extract the poison tonight by rubbing her entire body or something.

On the way to the town, I hear the conversation between some of the penal unit members who were given alcohol.

「So Rahbeck got hanged.」

「Yeah. He was shaking his hips on top of a woman and was slashed in the back by the commander, then dragged away.」

Oh, that must be the guy who was hung to set an example to the others.

Are they going to discuss how to get revenge on me?

「......pfft! Gyahahahaha! What an idiot!」

「The way he was captured was hilarious! “Forgive me~ It was a sudden impulse~!” Gahahaha!」

「Did you see that hanging guy? His ugliness was enhanced. What a masterpiece.」

They cackle as they chug more alcohol.

If they’re going to act like such scum, it helps me feel less guilty sending them out to die next time.

「Hehehe, of course someone who screws up that badly will die. If you’re gonna fuck a woman, you have to make sure not to get caught. Isn’t that right, Guigue, sir?」

These guys did more in the shadow?

「Don’t open your stinky pie hole. I’ll fucking kill you.」

Guigue takes a swig of his alcohol and stares down his subordinate.

I knew it, this guy emits a different aura than the others.

「Hah, besides, if it’s a masterpiece you want...... there’s nothing that surpasses the captain.」

Is he referring to Christoph?

He cannot possibly be used to this kind of atmosphere or is he.

「......hehe, yeah, of course......hehehe......」

As I suspected, he’s trembling.

His hand is shaking so much that the alcohol he’s holding splashes on the bonfire, which ignites and creates a huge pillar of flame.

However, the others treat it as entertainment and cheer.

「That enemy soldier cracked me up. Did you see his satisfied smile after getting the jump on the captain and kicking him down?」

One of the comrades continues telling the story to Guigue.

「He was like “Got ‘em”. Then, you should have seen the despair on his face when he found out he was surrounded immediately after!」

「It was also funny when he screamed as his eyeball was getting gouged out!」

「I have to say, the Dirty Angel is pretty evil. You faked getting knocked down because you wanted to see that change in expression, right? I mean, you weren’t even hurt from that major fall.」

Christoph could only smile stiffly as the rowdy penal unit soldiers laugh obnoxiously.

I wonder what this Dirty Angel is.

「O-obviously. I love watching happiness turn into hopelessness!」

He’s trying. He’s trying really hard.

Although nobody notices the pain on his face.

「And also......what’s with that prisoner who is talking so overly familiar with the Dirty Angel? Telling us how we can’t kill and stuff.」

Did someone he knew during his time in South Yuguria get captured?

「They were so friendly......yet it only seemed to be inconvenient, so why can’t we kill? Is it because of a stupid reason like not being able to kill an acquaintance......?」

Hmm, at this rate, they will discover Christoph is a chicken.

To my surprise, Guigue grins and speaks up.

「Are your ears useless? The Dirty Angel is firstly opening up about the past. Then he’ll claim their friendship will never change......before tearing it down―― and proceeding with the torture.」

「Building up rapport first―― I see, I heard that’s the best way to break someone’s heart. Man, I thought for a moment he’s some good-natured person who treats his friend kindly...... for the sake of his own pleasure ...... now I know he’s more of a devil than an angel.」

Oh, things sorted themselves out.

「That’s exactly right! I’m acting polite in order to nurture more despair!」

「I get it, Dirty Angel. I don’t have the balls to interfere with your fun.」

Christoph chugs the alcohol Guigue pours for him.

That’s probably a desperate attempt to get drunk.

But Guigue doesn’t allow it.

「By the way, what happened with the orphan I gave you? I thought it would make a nice toy or did you already break it?」

I unconsciously lean forward.

If he says that he raped that kid, I’ll regrettably have to kill him.

「Oh, that kid’s right here.」

A small girl who appears to be seven or eight years old emerges from under Christoph’s arm.

「Would you like to eat?」

The girl happily accepts and eats the meat offered by Christoph.

「You gotta be kidding, she’s not crying or broken. Don’t tell me you haven’t done anything yet.」

「Seriously, what a waste. If you’re not going to do it, give her to me. As long as it has holes, I’m fine with a kid.」

The scum reaches out his hand.


The girl clutches tightly to Christoph’s arm trying to hide from the others.

「Don’t be dumb. This girl is a poor child who lost her parents.」

Christoph sticks his hand in front of the scum to protect the child.

If he was a few seconds late, I would have jumped in there.

「I like Christoph...... I hate you guys!」

The girl clings to Christoph.

From the way she’s acting, it seems Christoph hasn’t done anything horrible to her. What a relief.

「Hey, what are you doing?」

「Are you telling me the Dirty Angel has feelings for a brat of all things......」

Uh oh, things aren’t looking good again.

「You bastards! What are you doing with that girl!!?」

Arriving along with the thunderous roar is Myla.

The fully equipped security unit is in tow.

「Crap! It’s the female commander!」


Christoph and the others were quickly surrounded.

「......I’ll ask one more time. What are you doing with that girl? If you are committing cruel acts on an underage girl, I’ll have to kill the lot of you......」

Myla is burning with anger.

It’s a natural reaction. If I encountered such a situation without knowing the circumstances, I also would draw my sword.

Myla beckons the girl to come to her side by holding her arms out.

But the girl stands up and declares firmly.

「Christoph didn’t do anything mean. He plays with me!」

The statement shocks Myla, who then stares at Christoph doubtfully.

「......is that true? Is he not just making you say that?」

That’s a logical assumption.

In fact, it would be weirder if she hadn’t been raped considering the people she is with.

「You’re wrong. Christoph is kind. He gave me food, he gave me marbles and taught me how to play a fun game. He also took a nap with me.」

Myla’s suspicions were not cleared.

「Oh really? He didn’t touch you naughtily? For example, touching your crotch or your chest.」

「I didn’t!!」

Christoph protests.

「After losing papa and mama......and also my house......Christoph was the only one who was nice to me. So don’t say bad things about him!」

The girl puts her hands on her hips and intimidates Myla.

Even Myla won’t press the issue further after witnessing such a display.

「......let me know right away if anything happens. I’ll lop off that guy’s head.」

Myla mounts her horse in frustration.

「Keh, fuck off crazy bitch―― gyaa!」

「Why don’t you apologize by sucking my―― gueh!?」

Myla kicks the man who curses at her and I throw a rock from the shadows at the man speaking vulgarities, crushing his nose.

「......what’s this about, Dirty Angel? Why is the brat so attached to you?」

「One word from that woman and everything is over, yet you played with her? You slept innocently with her? Did you possibly......」

What are you going to do now, Christoph?

Guigue smirks and stands in front of Christoph.

Is it over? Is this goodbye?

「Dirty Angel, did you possibly――train that brat!?」

「That has to be it! There’s no way the Dirty Angel won’t fuck a woman whose right beside him even if she is a kid, and there’s no way children would become fond of someone exceptionally evil. So there can only be one answer......he fucked the brat silly and trained her!」

「Amazing...... making a girl who doesn’t even have hair down there go insane from pleasure. That’s impossible for someone like me who only knows how to break women!」

What a strange development.

Christoph seems nervous around the clamoring soldiers, while the little girl, having used up all her emotional strength in the exchange with Myla, has fallen asleep with her head resting on the lap of the cross-legged Christoph.

「Hey, hey, hey! That little kid is trying to suck him off!」

「Haahahah! Her heart has already been turned into that of a woman in heat! Let her do it, Dirty Angel!」

「You idiots, don’t teach her bad things! Also, don’t be so loud, you’ll wake her up!」

I don’t know how, but Christoph survived.

Since it doesn’t look like this will be a problem, I better go complete my objective too.

「E-emergency order――!! I-it’s urgent――!!」

A horse comes running in carrying a terrifyingly frantic rider.

When I raise my sword, the horse rushes toward me vigorously, almost tripping over its own legs.

「I have a message from Leopolt-sama! The fleet has successfully crossed the city state territory!」

「Oh, so it worked out.」

That’s good.

So that means the plan they said will......

「They immediately encountered South Yuguria’s Teries fleet afterward! They’re rushing into battle as we speak――!」

My smile fades and I clench my teeth.

Meeting the enemy right after crossing the land is completely outside expectations and this timing is way too early.

Is this simply a case of bad luck or were they waiting for us?

The messenger closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.

Condition (Evil God Mode)


Myla (indignation), Celia (assistant), Irijina (commander), Luna (commander)

Gido (complete recovery, crying), Pochi (in construction), Leopolt (!), Tristan (!), Agor (commander)

Yakov (commander), Mack (military engineer), Jim (anguish), Christoph (desperate), Guigue (respect)

Altair (small happiness), Remia (satisfied)


Sekrit (!), Ivanna (Admiral of Teries Fleet), T-99 (cool time), Brynhildr (ー)

Natia (research), Felteris (pride of an elf), Ijaris (moving), Yularen (moving)

Annette (nauseous), Piris (house arrest), Baroness Rukino Escaote (free), Seika (?), Naesys (playing), Nasis (playing), Busco (double agent)

Zillia (relieved)

Army – Southern Goldonia

Under Protagonist:

Escort Unit: 55

Infantry: 4500

Cavalry: 540

Archers: 580

Cannoneers: 360

Bow Cavalry: 7100

Independent Celia Squad: 400

Conscripts + Security Unit: 9700

Cannons: 40, Large Cannons: 21, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 15, Chariots: 35


Reinforcements / Allied Forces

105 Army Corps: 3700

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200

New Penal Unit: 395 ⇒ 200

God Altair’s Army: 130 ⇒ 230

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship ???, Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7 (all temporarily repaired)


Ally Forces:

Western Front:

Royal Army: 39 000

Conscripts: 46 000

Eastern Front: ???

Enemy Force: Regular Soldiers: 20 000?

Conscripts: 40 000+++

Cavalry Army: 10 000??

???: ⇒ ?

National Volunteer Corps: ⇒ ∞

Teries River Fleet: ???

Assets: -10 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 796, children who have been born: 69 + 567

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