
Chapter 356: Southern War ⑦ Winds of Freedom

Chapter 356: Southern War ⑦ Winds of Freedom

「Pardon me.」

The soothing voice and the morning sun shining in wakes me up.

「Nn...... it’s morning?」

I roll around for a few seconds before getting up.

「Good morning.」

「Oh, hey.」

Celia was the one who opened the window.

The inn provided for us to stay until the next operation by Libatis was extremely comfortable so I ended up oversleeping.

「Mmm, I’m still sleepy. Can you wake me up?」

When I ask without getting off the bed, Celia smiles and straddles my stomach.


She bends down and kisses me, inserting her tongue in my mouth as well.

Feeling that tiny and soft tongue is way more effective at waking me up than washing my face.

「Good morning once again, Aegir-sama. ......you seem to be awake over here too.」

Celia reaches around behind her.

Her smooth hand gently caresses my dick.

「Hey, don’t tease me more. I’m already having trouble keeping it down as it is.」

I did not ejaculate once ever since the battle at Melisbark.

That’s because I made a promise to Myla that I would wait until her strength recovered.

「I think it was hard the entire day yesterday. If I didn’t have my cloak to hide it, everyone would think I’m a pervert.」

「Aegir-sama has a large cock so I think you’ll be fine, but normal men would have broken down.」

Celia slowly slides down, making her way from my stomach to my lower half.

「Then shall I continue and make you cum?」

Celia rubs her ass back and forth over my crotch.

I can flip her on her back right down and take off her underwear.

Then I can shove my dick in her tight little ass. I’m sure releasing all the semen stored in my balls, which are heavy enough that I can feel gravity pulling them down, would feel amazing.

「You can use the top or bottom, front or back...... use me however you wish and feel refreshed.」

As my hand slowly reaches out to Celia’s waist, I suddenly feel a piercing stare.


The door of the room happens to slightly ajar and Myla is peeking from behind it.

「......is what I want to say, but I promised Myla. Sorry I can’t.」

I lift Celia off me and put her on the bed.

「It’s a little late now, but let’s eat breakfast.」

「Muu, I was so close.」

I pat the dissatisfied Celia and head to the dining hall.

Everyone has probably finished eating already since I see Marta and Gido drinking their after-meal tea.

Luna and Ruby have apparently gone out for their morning run.

Pipi went to go see Pochi, who is resting on the outskirts of the city where the other bow cavalry are also garrisoned.

I guess that’s what the strange whining was last night. Pochi sometimes cries when it doesn’t sleep with Pipi.

Suzy, the liaison, is here with me painting her nails with a serious face.

Should I be concerned that not a single person showed up to communicate?

Anyways, the biggest problem lies with these two.

「Hamh! Habhabh!! Mogumogumogu!!」

「Hamham ......mmoghmogu.」

Irijina and Myla have a plate stacked with food and are eating voraciously.

This is normal for Irijina.

She does this all the time and it isn’t rare for her to eat huge chunks of meat in the morning.

Although she is second to the extraordinary Claudia, her appetite isn’t exactly average either.

「Ugughgh...... uuuuu......」

The real problem is with Myla.

She has an impressive body as a soldier and moves around a lot so her appetite is far from small, however that doesn’t correspond with this level of food.

She’s matching Irijina’s diet and stuffing her face with meat and bread.

「......I think you should stop here.」

「I can do a little more!」

Myla doesn’t heed Celia’s advice, and gets herself another helping of meat and soup.

After she gulped down the soup, ingredients and all, she turns blue.

「Are you okay? Do you need to use the bathroom?」

「I’m fine...... I just need to rest.」

Myla covers her mouth with a hand and returns to her room.

She must want to regain the blood she lost as soon as possible and return to full strength.

In other words, you can say that she wants to be able to accept my pent up lust as soon as possible.

「Now I have to wait for her.」

I smile wryly, put a hat on my head and push the door open with my hand.

「What do you think you’re doing!?」

「Nn, I was thinking of going to the city. And then I’ll check out if Leopolt is doing his job properly.」

「I don’t mean that! Your clothes, put some clothes on!」

Celia quickly grabs my cloak and brings it to me.

「Wait, it feels like I’m forgetting to wear something?」

「Something, more like everything! You’re completely naked and only have a hat on!」

Ooh, that’s right.

Celia accompanies me on a walk through Tortoent.

Regardless of it being wartime and the enemy having invaded deep into their territory, fancily-dressed couples are still walking around.

Street stalls are doing business as well and I can feel the lively energy―― even though according to Brian, this is the market feeling depressed.

「New product on sale! An original blend of perfume made with lemon and orange scents! Twenty percent off if you get it now.」

「It’s wartime so this is your chance to buy jewellery at a lower price! When the war is over, everything will undoubtedly double in price!」

With such convincing arguments, the regular citizens run in and buy jewellery and perfume with gold coins.

That just shows how wealthy the citizens are as a whole.

As expected of a country who chooses their ruler. Maybe Adolph is aiming to create a society like this.

At that moment, we come across a little dispute.

「Like I said, that necklace might be stolen. Let me inspect it again.」

「Don’t be ridiculous! You need to show me a warrant before you can take away my merchandise!」

It looks like a guard is arguing with a citizen.

「......I know. I’ll bring a warrant tomorrow.」

「Keh, stupid official, acting all high and mighty like that. Don’t come back again!」

Celia and I stare in shock.

「A street vendor chased away a guard? Things are totally different in this country.」

「If something like this happened in Goldonia, his shop would be destroyed and the owner would be thrown in prison.」

Citizens hold more power in Libatis and guards need to follow strict regulations before they can lay hands on any person or property.

「The guards must find the process annoying.」

「Fufu, it’s like there are a bunch of nobles here, I guess.」

Guards tend to be more cautious when doing an investigation around nobles.

In this country, all the citizens are like nobles.

Now then, is it about time we check on Leopolt?

――――The Next Day.

「Uuph...... I’m going to rest.」

Myla once again eats until she can’t stomach anymore and then returns to her room.

She can walk normally on her own and the color of her face is warmer...... however her stomach seems to be bulging out a little.

Her recovery is my first priority so I won’t say anything.

「Let’s go.」

Today, Mack, Gido and I are going to the city, under the pretext of doing an inspection, to a drinking party.

It would have been fine to go with girls, except I’ve finally approached the limit.

Simply getting close to girls will surely make my pants tear at this point.

We enter a bar which opens during the day and order drinks.

Our conversation includes stupid jokes, war stories and vulgar sexcapades not fit to be discussed in front of girls.

「Celia is too cute when she’s taking a nap so I drew ink eyebrows on her face. She went to do shopping and then came back through the window in tears, pounding my chest angrily.」

「Christoph-san got taken out again. During the fight on top of the walls, he was kicked off before the enemy could slash him...... fortunately for him, he fell into a heap of garbage and escaped with only a few scratches...... but he stunk.」

「Matrah from the bow cavalry squad...... she had nicely tanned skin and a nice ass.」

While we were making jokes, someone tapped Gido on the shoulder.

We turn to look and see two girls wearing gorgeous dresses that show off their shoulders.

They appear to be in their early twenties and while they aren’t stunning beauties, they’re plenty attractive.

「Hey you, why don’t you drink with us? We know a fun place~」

「They have great drinks too~」

Each of them put their hands on Gido’s shoulder and starts rubbing.

「N-no, I’m drinking with the chief......」

Mack and I stand up when Gido hesitates.

「If you’re okay with us.」

「......we can go.」

The two girls look at me, Mack, and then Gido.

「Aahー if you’re not comingー」

「Stay with your friends then.」

And there goes the girls.

「They were clearly comparing out faces.」


Gido is definitely handsome.

Although I’m not the ugliest, I’m not exactly good-looking.

The problem is undoubtedly Mack.

「You’re too big so you probably scared them.」

「......we’re about the same.」

Kuh, now is the only time I want to be skinny.

「Now, now, the chief’s charm is many times more incomparable to mine. Surely those girls――」

「Hey you, do you have some time? This little lady is free.」

Gido is being modest, but another woman, this time around thirty years old, calls out to him.

He just seems sarcastic to me.

「Shit, at this rate, we’re like the clowns. Can I win against Gido in anything?」

「......there has to be something.」

Mack and I communicate through our eyes.

It feels strange, but I can’t make good decisions with all that drinking I did.

「Alright, let’s show these girls our charm.」


We put our hands on our waists and pull down our pants.

「Now, look at us! What do you think!?」

「......pretty good, right?」

The thing we overwhelm Gido at...... that is the size of our genitals.

Our proud, dangling members are in full view of the middle-aged woman and also visible to the other girls at the bar.


After a brief moment of silence――

「Gyaaaaah, pervert! It’s a pervert!」

「Call the guards, we have a rapist here!」

「What is that size!? It’s an orc, he must be exterminated!」

Utensils and bowls come flying at me one after the other, and then the store owner runs to call the guards.

「Not good, let’s run!」

「...... it’s your fault for being hard.」

「Why do I have to run too!?」

We rush out of the bar and scatter in different directions.

My erect dick bore a hole in my pants, hindering my running, however I manage to dive into a back alley with relatively sparse foot traffic.

Although I am also worried about Mack and Gido, it would be better if I kept a low profile for a while.

When I catch my breath and inspect my surroundings, I hear a muffled shriek followed by a vulgar snickering.

「Hehehe, nice ass...... it feels so good. Ooh, gonna cum!」

「Nmu! Nmuuー!」

「The girls over here have awesome tits. When you squeeze them like this while fucking them......」

「Nnghghー! Nnnnhー!」

Two women are having sex with four men.

The females are biting down on a mouth gag and it doesn’t look like consensual play to me.

I notice after a longer glance that the women being fucked are the same ones who called out to Gido the first time.

「These girls are pretty stupid, hitting on random men when they’re heavily drunk.」

「Doesn’t that just mean we’re decently good looking?」

The men chuckle.

All of them are in their early twenties. So Libatis has trash like these guys too.

Being part of a chase and seeing this unpleasant scene quickly sobered me up.

「What are you doing?」

I stand up and shout at the men.

「Owah! A guard!?」

「Isn’t it...... a simple drunkard?」

The youngsters abandon the two girls and stand around me, bringing their faces uncomfortably close to me.

「We’re just getting to the good part. Drunk guys like you should run on home!」

His breath stinks. It makes me want to murder him.

「Hey look, this guy has a boner. Kekeke, he must have been peeking on you, big bro.」

My dick has been hard since this morning.

It has nothing to do with your foolish sex.

The leader guy who was riding one of the girls up until now comes closer with a nasty grin on his face.

Exposed outside the front of his pants is his small, filthy penis.

「Why don’t you stay there and watch without doing anything unnecessary. I’ll give you some money.」

A copper coin gets slipped into my chest pocket and then the four men laugh mockingly at me.

「Oh yeah? I better make use of this money then.」

This copper coin and that pecker of his are a good match for each other.

I grab the man’s dick and give it a half-turn like a doorknob.


A strange clunk sound tells me something inside his crude tool broke.

「Ah...... ah......aaaaah......」

The leader’s mouth was left gaping open as he crumples to the ground.

「Big bro’s proud tool...... b-broke...... you bastard!」

The next man pulls out his knife and charges at me.

「Proud? Aah, proud of how small it is that it wouldn’t even hurt a little girl?」

I know a pervert like that.

His knife is easy to see through and his arm gets knocked away by the armor on my right hand.

I merely knocked his arm away, but I heard the sound of bones cracking.


The man holds his arm and writhes pathetically in pain.

Now is my chance. I should castrate this guy for the sake of maintaining public order in Libatis.

I raise my leg and step down on the man’s crotch.

Stomping harder, I feel his rod and balls get smashed, which makes the man twitch and pass out.


Another guy attacks me from behind...... I’m glad he’s a complete amateur.

He was out of my field of vision and he had to alert me by hollering.


I turn my body around to face him, grab him by his arm and half-grown hair, and then take him down, holding him with my foot.

「Should I use this?」

I pick up an abandoned broom left in the back alley and shove it up the man’s ass through his clothes.


He cries out and tries to pull out the shaft jammed into his rectum, although he’s having a hard time.

Where’s the fourth guy?

「D-don’t come any closer. If you do, I’ll kill these women!」


The last man’s knife is pointed at the woman lying on the ground.

With her being gagged and still shocked at the prospect of being raped, she can’t resist.

「If you release her, I’ll let you off with only a broken arm. If not......」

「S-stay away! A drunkard like you has no authority to capture us!」

I really might not have any in Libatis.

In that case, I’ll have to make sure this guy doesn’t say anything again to cause me trouble in the future.

As the man and I were having a staring contest, someone yells from behind me.

「Hey you, what are you doing to that femaleーーー!!」

I saw the blurry image of a running man the moment I turned around.

「Justice Lariat!」

Using the momentum from his charge, the large man sticks out his arm and whacks the rapist right under the chin.

「Evil will not be forgiven!」

That blow with all of the large man’s weight knocked the rapist into the wall and caused him to lose consciousness.

Looking closer, I realize that man was the commander of defense in the capital, Jim.

「Hey miss, are you alright!? Ooh, what a horrible thing that was done to you! I’ll take you to a doctor right away!」

Jim picks up the woman who was held at knife-point and runs off resolutely.

「You over there, take care of the other female!」


I have no objections.

I wrap my cloak around the woman whose clothes were torn and gently help her up.

「T-thank you...... wait, you’re the one from the bar?」

「Yeah. Now you know not to follow suspicious men. Nothing good will come out of judging people by their face alone.」

She buries her face into my chest and sobs.

「Gusu...... you’re right. Fufu, what a lovely chest...... I might have a thing for macho men despite them being uglier.」

She’s praising me, but the way she phrased that makes it seem like I’m ugly. I don’t know how to feel about that.

After sending the girls back home, Jim and I end up drinking together.

「Seems like I misjudged you.」

「Is that so?」

Neither of us use keigo.

According to Jim, both of us are simply regular men on days we are not working.

「Not for money or for the sake of one’s own benefit, but simply to enact justice. That is what a man is.」

Jim tells me that the four rapists are actually from wealthy families who purchase witnesses and hire skilled attorneys――which I have no clue what that means―― to slip through the fingers of the law and avoid going to jail.

I guess these kinds of stories are common wherever you go.

「I like this country―― no, you can say that I love this country. If it is for the sake of Libatis, I would gladly offer my life!」


His fervor brought his face uncomfortably close and caused me to instinctively pull back.

「The bad thing is that there are too many people in this country who give in to money. A certain amount of responsibility and determination are needed to protect freedom!」

Jim gulps down the liquid in his glass.

「I think I went pretty wild myself. How is that classified in Libatis legally?」

「It goes without saying that it’s excessive. Destroying genitals and injuring internal organs, it’s a mystery how those three didn’t die. This is unmistakably excessive defense.」

Jim stares at me briefly with a serious face before changing his frown into a smile.

「Although it was pretty dark in the alley and I couldn’t see anything clearly.」

When I asked if he was fine with that, he replied with “it’s fine as long as there is justice”.

I didn’t like the fact I was hated by him without reason for all this time, but Jim is a surprisingly interesting character.

The somewhat drunk Jim is getting too close, but our conversation is unexpectedly stimulating.

Eventually the topic shifts to Brian, the Secretary of Defense.

「His Excellency, the Secretary...... No, General Brian has wonderful qualities as a person and as a soldier. He is the person I respect the most.」

Jim continues with a red face.

「The general graduated from the officer academy at the top of his class. Normally with grades like that, he would be on a promotion path to becoming a staff officer...... instead, he purposely chose the harder route and became infantry commander. Not only that, he climbed to the highest ranking as a soldier.」

So he made his way up with his own efforts.

Still, something doesn’t feel right.

「He appears to be acting rather obedient. It doesn’t look like he raised both hands in support of this all-out attack either...... was it because he didn’t voice any complaints to the instructions of his superior?」

Self-made men are generally strong-willed, meaning their commanding officer will find them harder to handle.

「The general, like me, trusts in and loves both the system of democracy and the citizens of this country. That extends to the President chosen by the citizens. No matter what he may think of him......」

Jim goes quiet.

He is probably hesitant to continue saying everything to me.

In the end, he looks at me and opens his mouth.

「I’ll tell you because it’s not something hidden. The previous election was a race between the general and President White.」

「Hooh, that’s amazing.」

Brian could have became President then.

「The general was also popular among the citizens. It was a close contest...... however Libatis is not particularly fond of former soldiers. That was thoroughly targeted. President White advocated to cut back funds for national defense and return it to the people. The reason for today’s difficult situation was―――― nevermind, this isn’t something I should say.」

President White also had a towering appearance.

Despite being trained, Brian at 175 cm was still shorter than White who was over 180 cm.

Moreover, the boorish Brian was being compared the handsome middle-aged White.

Everyone was not prudent enough and decided based solely on outer appearances.

「Doesn’t that complicate things?」

I am not aware of the details regarding democracy, but there is no way the two of them could get along after competing against each other for the position of highest authority.

「Umu, the general is very popular with the people even now and was given the position of Secretary of Defense...... there still seems to be something between them.」

Jim adds that he hasn’t heard anything from the general before draining his glass.

He’s incredible. He chugged that nastily strong alcohol like it was nothing.

「Regardless, is it alright to be telling all this to a soldier of a foreign nation? I might be a spy.」

When I jokingly ask Jim, he chuckles and pats me on the back.

He’s powerful and has a loud voice.

All the guests in the bar are focusing their attention on us.

「Hahahahaha! A man who stands out as much as you can’t be a spy!」

He fills my glass back up to the brim.

「I believe that you’re a good guy. Men who love justice and are gentle to women are all good guys.」

I don’t know about the first half, but I agree with the latter half.

「Alright, let’s have a match as a proof of our friendship. Master! Ten more of this alcohol!」

「Ten of that strong stuff......?」

I can’t back down now that I’ve been challenged.

Besides, drinking with Jim is fairly fun.

Obviously it isn’t as fun as flirting with girls.

――A Few Hours Later.


I get out of bed holding my aching head.

It’s been a while since I’ve experienced such a distinct hangover.

「Where is this?」

I don’t have much memory after agreeing to Jim’s drinking contest.

When I open the window, I see a faint red glow on the horizon.

So someone must have carried me up to the second floor of the bar.

「...... uunnh.」

I hear a voice coming from the bed.

There’s even a slender pale leg sticking out from under the covers.


「Hey mister...... you’re awake already?」

A naked woman languidly rises up from the bed.

Now that I look, our clothes are strewn all around the bed.

I remember seeing that apron and the plain skirt.

So I must have slept with the waitress at the bar.

「Uu...... I can’t stand...... all because of that enormous thing of yours.」

I realize I’ve done a terrible thing.

I might have betrayed Myla.

「Wait, did I ejaculate last night!?」

The woman puffs her cheeks.

「Do you have to ask~? Aah, remembering it makes me lose confidence. I thought I did a decent job...... I used my mouth and rode you and you didn’t cum at all. In the end, I was the one who kept cumming and passed out~」

I look down at my dick and see it hasn’t shrunk, rather it seems more swollen and my balls have also enlarged.

I guess I haven’t betrayed Myla.

「Hey mister. Would you like to become my lover?」

She puts her hand on my thigh and gently rubs me.

「I don’t mind if it’s only a casual relationship...... that thing of yours was so terrific, I don’t think I’ll be able to forget about it.」

The moment her hand reaches for my crotch, a loud yell comes from the adjacent room.

「Noooooo!! I did it under the influence!」

That’s Jim for sure. His voice really resonates.

「You said you loved me! After all you did, you better make me your lover!!」

He is also in a similar situation on the second floor.

「I have a wife I love! I can’t betray her! It’s my justice!」

They’re arguing.

「You were married!? You’ve gotta be kidding! You even did all that!」

「Punch me, step on me! Find it in yourself to forgive mee!」

His voice is so loud that everyone in the inn can hear him.

「Ahaha...... shall we go?」

「I guess so.」

The woman beside me smiles wryly and starts putting her clothes back on.

Jim is a good guy after all.

Cheating under the influence isn’t something you can really control but he’s kind enough to apologize.

「You did all that with this big thing! Take this!」


Apparently he has a big dick too.

He’s seeming less and less of a bad guy.

That’s how Jim and I became frank with each other.

And then, the thing we expected to come finally came.

――――Libatis Army Supreme Headquarters.

「All of you brave freedom fighters. And everyone from Goldonia.」

President White is giving a speech in front of the gathered army of Libatis soldiers and us.

「The time to counterattack has come. Those dictators of the South Yuguria Empire will realize...... the will of our free citizens, our determination to protect freedom!」

Speeches are so boring.

Let me rub Celia’s ass...... mu, Celia isn’t here.

Myla is, although she’ll probably get mad if I touch her.

「Brave citizens and the army which will act as a shield――」


I try poking her and she remains facing front.

Ooh, is she going to let me touch her?

If so, I won’t hold back.

「We will definitely take down their despicable autocracy――」


Sorry Celia.

I unfortunately can’t reach your ass.

「―― will be!」

Oh, the speech is finished.

I can’t help being drawn in when Wilhelmina speaks, however it isn’t the same with this guy.

The only thing I remember is the feeling of Myla’s ass.

Not only that, she was getting a little wet in the later half of the speech.

When the soldiers cheer, the President responds by raising his hand and waving.

Brian stands at attention beside him and shouts in a booming voice.

「Counteroffensive operation Liberty Fang is now in action!」

Now then, let’s begin.

I just hope things go well...... I’m getting a bad feeling about this.


Side Story: Myla’s Complete Recovery.

After returning from taking a bath, Myla stands in front of the room.

She’s wearing a knee-high skirt and thin shirt...... an unusually casual appearance for her.

「......Lord Hardlett.」

「What’s wrong? Don’t stand there, come in and sit down. It would be bad if you got sick.」

Myla’s eyes dart around embarrassingly and her cheeks turn a shade of red.

「I ran a lap around the inn today...... I also went by myself to the garrison and rode a horse. I also swung a sword.」

Myla looks left, then right, checking to make sure nobody is around in the halls.

「Everything is back to normal. Even the doctor confirmed I’ve made a complete recovery. In other words......」

Myla slowly lifts up her skirt.

Her white underwear is exposed.

「A-as promised, I will accept everything.」

At the same time she finishes her sentence, the sound of ripping cloth can be heard.

My pants got torn.

I silently pick Myla up and carry her into the room.

「I-I will do anything you desire...... what do you prefer?」

「Strip for me. Get naked.」

I rip my own clothes off and pounce on Myla.

My pent-up lust is going out of control and I can’t keep up appearances anymore.

Right now, I can’t help acting like a virgin boy having sex for the first time.

My cock seems to be excited to finally release its load too.

Myla smiles, then takes off her thin shirt, followed by the cloth covering her breasts.

The string tying her skirt together also gets undone and the piece of fabric flutters lightly to the floor

「Could I ask you to remove the last piece?」

「Of course.」

I’m grateful for Myla’s generosity. I give her navel a kiss and then slowly pull down her underwear.

Her neatly trimmed pubic hair and subtle slit gradually come into view.

「How pretty......」

「Don’t say that about there.」

With her underwear lowered, I give her slightly sticking out lips a soft kiss.

「Aah...... it’s embarrassing.」

I stand up to give Myla a kiss next, except my dick hits her stomach first.

We both burst out laughing.

「Sorry, my little guy here is quite eager.」

「Fufu, it’s far from being little. This might be the first time for me seeing it so big......」

Myla gives me a peck on the lips before sitting me down on the bed and crouching in between my legs.

「Sorry for being selfish. It was hard for you not to cum, right?」

Myla speaks to my cock in a tone she would use with a child.

I flex my stomach to make it twitch.

「You can go as wild as you want today, so clear up all your frustrations.」

She kisses the tip.



At that moment, fluid squirts out from my dick.

It splatters on Myla’s face.

「All of a sudden!? N-no wait, it’s watery...... this is-」

「Yeah, pre-cum.」

My pre-cum was shot out with much force.

I can’t imagine what would happen when I ejaculate for real.

Maybe the stream will send Myla flying.


Myla opens her mouth wide and takes the tip of my dick into her mouth, swallowing the pre-cum and then licking the sides of my rod too.

「Aah, that’s good. Feels great.」

Hearing me groan in pleasure, she becomes more enthusiastic and flicks her tongue all over the head.

Thinking about how the same mouth which normally shouts at the troops and Tristan is now being used to service me arouses me further.

「It feels heavy. Plenty of semen must be stored inside them.」

Myla carefully rolls her tongue along my balls and sucks on my testicles.

Every time she sucks, my hips bounce up.

「It feels wonderful...... but I want to make you feel good too.」

I pull Myla up onto the bed and rest her on my body.

With the both of us in opposite directions, we can pleasure each other’s genitals at the same time.

「What a nice pink color. How does it stay in such a beautiful color after all the times I made love to you? Nn.」

I spread apart Myla’s ass cheeks and stick my tongue into the fleshy opening right in the middle.

「I take care of it properly. How about yours, being so big and dark...... Nn!」

For some time after, we focus purely on caressing each other’s most precious parts.

The room is filled with slurping sounds and moans.


My tongue occasionally flicks her clitoris as I suck on her vagina.

In the meantime, my hands gently rub her thighs and prod her ass when an opening arises, prompting Myla to tremble and let out a high-pitched squeal.


In retaliation, Myla concentrates on licking the underside and around the rim of my tip, and at the same also fondling my balls.

Her thighs and stomach hitting my nipples is probably deliberate too.

I can’t hold back a groan and my hips lift up on their own.

Lastly, I finish by sucking hard on Myla’s clit while she inserts her tongue into my urethra.

Both of us take away our mouths when we feel the other start to twitch.

「Haa, haa...... should we get started?」

「Fuu, fuu...... I’m at my limit too.」

We naturally transition into the reverse sitting position with me cross-legged on the bed and Myla on top of me.


Myla slowly lowers her hips.

She seems to be suffering, but her salvation is the fact my earlier caressing made her vagina leak like a waterfall.

With ample lubrication, my dick slowly gets guided into her hole.

「Aaah! I-it’s going in!」

My dick pushes in to her folds.

It doesn’t go all the way to the base, however it’s deep enough.

After Myla arcs her back, she clings to my shoulders and steadies her breathing.

「Haa, haa...... don’t hold back. Right now, my joy comes from letting you cum even one drop more. Pump it all inside me. I will also be happy even if you break me.」

Myla urges me to move in a way such that I feel good regardless of the fact my dick is too big for her.

She’s willing to go this far.

「I’m moving then.」


I rock my hips slowly.

Myla supports herself with her hands on my shoulders and also tries to match my timing.

「Kiss ――uummh!」

I seal her lips before she finishes.

In response, Myla grabs my hands and guides them to her breasts.

My hips pick up the pace while our lips overlap and tongues entwine.

Both my hands roughly squeeze Myla’s breasts and she wraps her arms around my back in response.

「I can’t endure it anymore. I want to move faster.」

「Yes, go ahead!」

My hands drop to Myla’s ass and I stand up with her still connected to me.

I hear the sound of flesh pushing apart as my dick sinks a little deeper inside, causing her to dig her nails into my back.

「Here I go!」

「Come! Embrace me passionately!」

I let out a growl and furiously buck my hips.

My dick rampages inside Myla without restrain.

「Auuuu! Uuuuuー!」

Myla hangs onto my shoulder, withstanding my relentless assault.

Actually, she’s even moving along with me to grant me more pleasure.

「I...... don’t mind if you let go.」

「You sure?」

If I let go of her ass, all of her weight will rest on my cock.

Having turned hard as steel, I know my tool will be fine. Myla’s pussy on the other hand will be in trouble.

I might pierce into her womb.

「But...... you want to do it too, right?」

Myla takes my hands and moves them away from her ass.

She gradually relaxes and her body sinks down.

And then――



Her flesh gets spread apart and my entire length buries itself up to the root accompanied by a sticky slurp sound.

My dick has entered Myla’s uterus.

Myla screams with tears and drool dripping down her face, then smiles.

「I-I’m fine. Please continue.」

Myla starts moving herself.

If I worry too much, then I’ll waste her kindness.

「I’m moving.」

I take her hand and interlock our fingers together.

Myla is now held up with only my dick.

I move slowly until her back hits the wall.

Once I feel the soft impact, I press her back against the wall and then I start pounding her hard.

「I can feel it trembling...... a-are you going to cum?」

「Yeah, cumming. An incredible amount is going to come out.」

My meat rod pulses, indicating how near to climax it is.

Myla licks my neck with a heartrending expression.

「Go ahead and cum. Everything you have saved up...... fill my womb with it!」

I squeeze Myla’s hand tightly while thrusting up my hips and fixing them in place.

「Uugh...... oooh......」

My balls twitch and my entire shaft convulses.

Nothing comes out though.

I don’t think I fired an empty shot.

The semen from my balls have already risen up and I can feel the dull pain as my urethra is being pushed open.

It must be extremely dense.

「Myla...... I’m cumming...... this is going to be a big one...... get ready.」

I’m sure this is an unprecedented level of viscosity.

「The base of your dick is slowly expanding...... aah, now it’s half way...... the tip is swelling...... aaanh, you’re cumming!」

As Myla requests for a kiss, my seed finally spurts out from the tip.



Myla and I both howl simultaneously.

An abundance of seed flows out...... rather it was like a solid mass being sent from my body to hers.

Myla shrieks as she feels my seed gush into her womb, but at the same time hugs me tightly.

「My love! I love you! I’m so glad to be your woman! Being embraced by you is such happiness!」

Her expressions of love keeps my seed flooding in.

Myla’s stomach grows bigger as it gets pumped with my semen and puddles of her love juices accumulate on the floor.

「Push me down!」

I comply with Myla’s request, toppling her to the floor and mounting her.

The sound of my ejaculation is loud enough to be noise pollution and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping.

「Sorry, it won’t stop. You might be suffering.」

「I don’t mind. Don’t even pull out...... let’s go to sleep connected like this.」

Myla wraps her limbs around me, unwilling to let go even if she loses consciousness.

I return her embrace.

I don’t know if it’s been minutes or hours.

Myla eventually faints and after a long ejaculation, my eyes start to close too.

The next day, a blanket was covering us when we woke up.

Celia must have thrown it over us so we don’t catch a cold.

Celia was surely very reluctant as an angry face was drawn on my ass and a face with a tongue sticking out was drawn on Myla’s belly with lipstick.

「Myla-san...... why don’t you do something about your belly?」

Celia complains to Myla in the dining hall.

After all, her inflated stomach is exposed.

「......I’m not trying to boast of my victory. His seed is just so thick that it won’t come out.」

Myla hands something to Celia.

「What is this? It’s like jelly and it bounces when it hits the ground. ......eh? You mean to say this is semen!?」

「That was the amount that couldn’t fit inside. This is the same thing which has filled my womb to the brim, you know? It won’t spill......」

I’m surprised at what came out of my body too.

「By the way, you did it, right?」

「What do you mean?」

「The scribbling! Lord Hardlett’s butt was marked with lipstick however you used red dye on my stomach, didn’t you!? It won’t come off even if I rub it!」

「I don’t know what you’re talking about. My memory is hazy.」

The two of them argue boisterously.

We can only have this kind of interaction because Myla survived.

Our future fights may get even more intense.

I won’t let the same thing happen again.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 24 years old. Winter. Wartime.

Libatis Reinforcement Army Supreme Commander

Subordinate Squad:

Goldonia Royal Army – Seventh Division Army Corps

Infantry: 9000

Archers: 1500

Cavalry: 1800

Hardlett Army

Bow Cavalry: 3800

Escort: 180

Chariots: 75

(wounded soldiers returned, heavily wounded sent home)

Subordinates: Leopolt (at work), Celia (scribbled), Myla (belly of a pregnant woman), Irijina (meal), Luna (commander)

Gido (escort unit), Pipi (Pochi rider), Pochi (crying at night), Marta (attendant), Keith (corps commander), Sekrit (temporary squad member)

Suzy (liaison)

Current Location: Tortoent

Achievements: Defeated siege army, Successful defense of Melisbark

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