
Volume 6, Prologue

Volume 6, Prologue

Betrayal\'s always happen suddenly.

An expected betrayal is neither frightening, nor painful. But traitors usually look for the best moment to betray you. That\'s what\'s happening right now!

"Leon, if you don\'t explain properly, you\'ll get a \'no\'."

Olivia had her neck bent over quite a bit, but her eyes were open. Her eyes released a pressure not allowing me to lie.

In front of those eyes, I, Leon Fou Bartford, was shaking.

I opened my mouth to give an excuse but my throat was so dry I couldn\'t say anything.

I was very nervous.

"C-calm down, both of you. Let\'s talk. That way we can resolve any misunderstandings."

Besides, this is a trap set by that damn Luxion!

Needless to say, my words didn\'t hold any weight to them. Angie, Angelica Rafa Redgrave, was looking at a baby cot that was in the corner of the room. She touched the crib with her hands and smiled. But that smile gave me goosebumps. She\'s angry. She\'s furious.

If I had to describe the emotions of Angie right now, would the perfect analogy be that of a volcano before eruption? Or is she about to explode right now?

"It would be better for you to think carefully about your next words in

order to make sure your excuse is reliable. Of course, I mean the excuse you’ll give us about why you would be bringing another woman to this house prepared by the Republic for your studies here, and even have a baby cot."

“L-let me explain my current situation.”

As I could not stay forever in Marie\'s house, I decided to return to the house they had prepared for me.

Right now, we have the priestess chosen by the sacred tree, Noelle Bertre, under our care. Her real name is Noelle Zel Lespinasse. As the priestess\'s guardian, I decided to bring her home to protect her.

I did not have any other intentions, I swear! I just wanted to protect her from the idiots of the Republic.

Noelle, the new priestess, is now someone desired—

and not for good intentions—by all the nobles of the Republic. That\'s why I have to keep her safe, the best path to take was to keep her close to me. She herself understands that and desires it, so up to here, there is no problem.

“I’m not making any excuses.” Noelle lowered her head.

She had beautiful blond hair, a hairstyle with a single side tail with pink tips. She was a little ashamed in front of Livia and Angie.

"I-I apologize, everything is my fault. It\'s my fault for letting it happen…"

The more reserved Noelle became, Livia and Angie’s eyes turned fiercer. That\'s why I need to stop Noelle before things get out of control.

"C-calm down a little Noelle, ok? Let me talk to them, I will explain everything"

I\'m so afraid that I’m stuttering!

I\'m not being unfaithful, I’ve been put in this situation by accident! In this situation, it’s hard to deny it, too!

The two came to my house at the worst possible time.

Both saw the moment I was embracing Noel, and yes, looking at it without context, it seemed without a doubt like cheating. Not to mention the baby cot that is in this room.

A short time after I arrived in the Republic, I got a new friend named Jean, and because of several circumstances, I ended up taking care of his beloved dog for a while.

However, it was a very old dog and needed special care, so I bought a baby cot for her to sleep. The only problem is… that the name of that dog was Noelle.

Having the same name as the girl by my side, made this situation even more complicated. That is why, in the eyes of Angie and Livia, I had not only brought a girl to my house in the Republic, but I even had prepared a baby cot.

Assuming, just assuming we had 10 people watching this, the only possible outcome would be that 10 of those 10 come to the conclusion that I was being unfaithful. In fact, if someone else was in my position, I would even think the same.

But seriously, I wasn’t being an adulterer.

The situation came to this because of Luxion’s betrayal.

Normally, in this type of situation, my fiancé’s would definitely not be here to witness this scene. In that case, why did it end like that?

Conclusion: It was because of Luxion.

I tried to use 100% of my brain to find the most optimal solution in this case. Okay, I do not have to worry about this. I\'m somehow insecure, but

if I speak with a stern expression, I\'m sure both will understand me.

"Girls… think about this carefully. It’s not true, but assuming that I really am cheating, wouldn’t you find this setting truly weird? "

At the time I said that "it is not true", I felt as if Angie\'s and Livia\'s eyes released an even colder aura than before. My back couldn’t stop sweating neither could I stop shaking.

"Weird? Would you stop trying to change the topic?"

Angie\'s voice was cruelly cold. I swear on my manhood from now on, no matter what happens, I will never cheat on her. I must not make her angrier. That was what my mind, my heart… no, what my soul itself understood on this occasion.

"It\'s certainly strange."

"Livia?" Angie stopped looking at me and turned to Livia. It seems that she did manage to understand what I tried to say.

"Leon-san did not even go to welcome us this time when we came to sightseeing the Republic of Alzer again. Last time we didn’t let him know and he went to receive us anyway, right?"

"Well, because Luxion should have notified him, right? … ah, I understand." Apparently Angie already understood. Finally they got what I wanted to say.

"If he had something to hide, he would have had time to hide all the evidence, but if not, it\'s because Luxion did not notify him, I see".

Luxion is usually specific and noisy with his reports, but this time he had not said anything. Basically, he clearly betrayed me!

Livia nodded and then continued talking about what seemed strange to her.

"Also, Claire-chan was acting a little strange lately. If Leon-san had something to hide, he would have told her to gain time for him, don’t you

think? If there is really evidence, I don’t think he would have left it to be exposed."

Yes, exactly! Normally, some of those two would have informed me about this before. Both of them are extremely skilled, so they would have helped me with wiping out the evidence of my infidelity… obviously, it\'s not like I really need to hide something. Yes, I have not been unfaithful!

"Can’t you see?! This is clearly a betrayal from those two damn AI’s!"

It seems that the worst part had already passed after both of them reached the answer alone. This is the power of love!

When I finally had time to breathe, the woman with glasses who was seeing everything from behind on the room, murmured. "… but that does not change the fact that Leon-sama was playing intimately in this room with Noelle-sama."

“T-this woman is a…”

Her name was Cordelia Fou Easton. A trusted maid that Angie had sent to help me on my daily tasks. In truth, I believed that she was a reasonable and cool maid, but it seems that she was another traitor.

Wait a moment. Is it just me, or there are lots of traitors around me?

Angie glared at me again. Her gaze that had smoothed a little before, turned cold once more.

"In that case, would that mean that Luxion wanted to give a lesson to his condescending master?"

Then Livia supported the new theory of Angie. "That\'s possible. I guess he wanted to put Leon-san in a tightening situation, so that Leon-san stops having fun and taking advantage of his freedom."

"Luxion is quite filial. Leon, you must be happy to have a servant who cares so much to straighten his master towards the right path…"

"T-that is not quite true…"

This is not going well. I thought about several things I could say which may change the flow of these events, but my body doesn’t react.

I looked everywhere looking for someone who would be willing to help me, and in the end my eyes ended up falling with all my hopes on Yumeria-san.

Would she notice?

Maybe yes, because even in the middle of this heavy atmosphere, Yumeria-san took a breath and exclaimed.

"I… I think Leon-sama is also a man, so we should forgive him, even if he fell to temptations!"

…and her words threw more fuel to the fire.

If I had to describe this situation, it would be represented by a bomb about to fall into the fire. With this, it seems that I have really been being unfaithful.

Yumeria-san did notice that and began to try to amend her mistake.

"T-that’s not what I wanted to say! I mean that perhaps he took his jokes a little too far, but … well, I… I mean Leon-sama has eyes only for you two!


Shouldn\'t it be only for one?…"

Certainly, if we talk about what is normal and what is not, having 2

fiancées at the same time is nothing normal. While I thought about that, the situation became much worse.

Besides, this war was already a loss. No matter what I or Noelle would say, Livia and Angie will not believe us.

Also, Cordelia-san was not interested in meddling, obviously she didn’t bother with helping Yumeria-san to clarify herself. Not to mention that

the artificial intelligences that should be helping in this case, Luxion and Cleare, had fled somewhere, it is very likely that they have set me up. No, in fact, it\'s already a fact that they betrayed me.

"I knew it, people should not trust artificial intelligences."

Among all the things that human beings have built, artificial intelligences are always the most susceptible to betray them.

Apparently, Luxion was not the exception. He betrayed me! I definitely won’t forgive you, I will not forgive anyone from the two!

"Luxion, do you listen to me? I know you did it. Remember that we, the humans, always end up on top! So I hope you are ready!"

I said it out loud while laughing at the end to Luxion, who surely was watching this from somewhere else.

Now, the only thing I could possibly do was laugh. If I did not, I might possibly end up crying. Seeing me laughing at nothing, Noel was left surprised while Cordelia-san felt repulsion. But what really dealt a blow on me was Yumeria-san’s face who was really worried about me.

"Leon-sama, don’t snap, return to yourself! Everything will be fine, I’m sure everything will be solved!"

What is going to be fine? Doesn’t matter, thanks for the concern anyway. I love that kindness that you exude. After seeing me laughing without control, Livia and Angie took each of my arms and gripped me.

Anyone who saw this without context, would say that I have two beautiful flowers, one in each hand, but in reality, they were preventing me from fleeing. Both had empty smiles on their faces. From my arm you could hear the sound of my fiancées tightening them.

"Leon-san, it’s better to tell us everything… if not, you will be treated like a bad kid.”

"Ready to tell us everything? It will be better if you brace yourself, we have all the time in the world so I will not let you sleep."

That "I will not let you sleep" would have made me feel embarrassed and even excited if she had said it in another situation.

Yes, if she had said it in a normal situation!

And so, both took me out of the room, dragging me from both hands.

Then, Noel extended her hand towards me. "Leon?!" I turned my face, yes, just my face and tried to smile with all my remaining forces to reassure her.

"Do not worry Noelle, I\'m sure they will understand me after explaining everything."

I am innocent. I have not been unfaithful. That is why Livia and Angie will understand me.

Yes, if they just let me talk-

"Leon-san, this time you have been a bad kid!"

They surely will…

"I should have lectured you a little more about relationships with girls before letting you come here. I will not tell you to don’t have fun, but from now on, you\'ll have to do it knowing what will be waiting for you."

… Will I make it back alive?

"Luxion, why did you betray me?" While both of them took me from the arm, I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the ground. As if I were a newly caught criminal. But I swear I have not been cheating!

I have not done anything wrong!

In the Academy of the Republic of Alzer, the summer vacation had already begun.

There was a girl who took advantage of those vacations to enter a dungeon. She was Leila Bertre.

She had pink hair with a hairstyle similar to Noelle, a single-sided tail, but on the opposite side of her.

Both were twins so they seemed quite alike, however, they had some clear differences. One of them, and the most important thing, is that Noelle\'s younger sister, Leila, is a reincarnator.

"Here, it\'s right here. I know, I have seen it before."

Right now, she had a backpack on her back and her clothes were dirty with mud. In her hand, she carried a pick.

From her appearance it is obvious that she has gone through a lot to get to this place. It seemed that she had to endure more than she expected from how rough she was breathing.

Seeing her like that, his companion, Serge Sara Rault, got a little worried. "Hey, are you okay? You’re not used to this, don’t overwork yourself." "Don’t worry. It will be fine once we arrive…"

"Ummm… though, I’m surprised you have known about this kind of place. "

Serge was a boy with a slightly tanned skin, and black hair combed backwards. He was tall and fit with well defined muscles. In short, someone totally contrary to Leila\'s fiancé, Emil Laz Pleven. But there was a reason why Leila decided to search within this dungeon with Serge.

Serge scanned his surroundings, everything was covered by roots of the sacred tree. The roots were stuck and spread around all the metallic walls.

After that, they came to what seemed to be a passage, but the door placed behind did not open. First, because the door itself was broken, and second, because the roots of the sacred tree filled the area.

Serge took a lantern and started looking around.

"I never thought that there was a dungeon like this under the sacred tree. Leila, isn’t this a great discovery?"

The two were in a dungeon that was very beneath the sacred tree. In short, they were underground. Leila was drinking water from her bottle and then cleaned her mouth with her sleeve. At this moment, she didn’t even have the leisure to worry about her appearance.

"Don’t tell anyone, it would be troublesome if someone else decides to come to explore. Also… Serge, are you listening to me?" Leila glared at

Serge who was looking at her with a smile. But Serge just laughed. "Don’t be like that. I just thought that you’re a fantastic woman." "What?"

What is he blabbering about in this situation?

Leila did not know how to react, but Serge gave another step. He walked until he was in front of Leila.

"I mean you\'re fantastic the way you are now."

"I know I don’t have manners." Said Leila annoyed, thinking that Serge was making fun of her. However, on her inner thoughts, she was already thinking what was the next thing she needed to do.

Leon, found Luxion in the Kingdom of Holfart, so there should also be one here.

Like how Leon found Luxion in the Kingdom of Holfort, there should be another powerful item in the second game. A pay to win item equal to Luxion.

There must be one. If there is none, I\'ll be in trouble …

I will not have anything to go against Leon and the others.

Leila was afraid of Leon, who had a powerful weapon on his hands. If Luxion attacks seriously, if it is an order from Leon, he would destroy the Republic along with the whole continent without sparing a second thought.

When Leila learned about that, she could not stand still waiting to be slaughtered.

That\'s why she decided to go into this dungeon in order to find her own powerful weapon. But, as expected, she couldn’t do it alone. However, she could get up to this point thanks to the help of Serge, who wasn’t just another noble but an adventurer.

Leila continued to walk through a dark corridor. Many times she almost fell due to tree branches, but every time, Serge caught her before she reached the floor.

"Do you want to rest?"

"I-I\'m fine. There’s not much left, let\'s continue a little more."

The object was just in front of her. Little by little, she had reminded all the information from the second game she had possessed.

A little more. Yes, it should be just behind this door.

Both of them arrived in front of a humongous door.

Leila approached it and entered a password on the control panel.

Luckily, I have the password.

After entering the digits that she had remembered after squeezing her brain dry, the door reacted. The automatic door opened, and on the other side was an immensely spacious room.

Serge was looking at Leila surprised.

"How did you know the way to open this door?"

"I have some secrets. Forget about that, now, walk."

Leila pointed the lantern to the room which was full of tree roots.

It\'s broader than the one that was shown in the game according to my memories.

After that, Leila began to look for an airship… No, a spaceship. This huge room was actually a dock. In the past, it was here where the old human civilization kept their weapons.

At this moment, it was already abandoned and filled with broken futuristic ships. But Serge got really excited.

"Leila, this is awesome! If we report that we found this, our names will go down in history!"

In addition to discovering a new ruin, they had also discovered ancient objects. Serge was excited and happy to be the adventurer who had achieved that. But Leila doesn’t.

"You haven’t seen anything yet. Follow me".

Serge obeyed and walked to Leila who advanced before him, and, arriving almost to the end of the passage, she suddenly noticed something.

She pointed the lantern to a corner of the room, and there she realized that a weapon had ended up buried here.

Something with a humanoid figure, strongly tied by tree roots. "Is this… an armor?" She did not see that in the game.

Although, it may be some other pay to win item and she simply does not remember having seen it before.

Of course, Leila didn’t get too interested in the weapons from the second game. In fact, she considered that the adventurers and weapons were just for the sake of making the plot advance. And while she was immersed in her thoughts, Serge approached the armor.

"It does not look bad. The bad thing is that it has been cut down perfectly. The guy who had piloted this should have died ipso facto."

Leila found herself afraid as soon as she heard that.

The soul of the pilot may still be wandering around here. Following this line of thought, she felt as if this place was a graveyard.

"S-stop fooling around!"

"It looks good, can we bring it with us? Although it is completely black and broad. I believe the armors from ancient times were always like that, though this one is also huge."

It was bigger than the traditional armor of this world.

Facing this armor, Leila immediately remembered another quite similar. "…Umm? This one and that ‘Arroganz’ look pretty alike."

"Arroganz? I think I\'ve heard that word before. It means… Arrogance, right? "

"Huh? You kidding?" By hearing the meaning of \'Arroganz\', Leila didn’t know what to feel towards Leon.

Is that guy a chuuni? Who the heck would call his own armor arrogance?

She thought about that while looking at the armor trapped in the middle of the tree branches. Then, Leila got goosebumps.

W-what the hell!

…This armor utterly scared her.

She was about to take a step back in fear, but Serge became even more intrigued by it.

"Leila, let me take this boy. I\'ll have it as a souvenir if I’m not able to repair it." But Leila immediately rejected Serge\'s suggestions. It\'s not that she had a special reason, but her instincts were screaming that she wouldn’t get into that armor.

"Of course we won’t! Come on, walk".

"Wait, don’t be like that!" She took Serge from the arm and advanced.

Serge wanted to resist for a moment, but immediately calmed down. They both walked out holding hands.

Then, they found a huge spaceship with an ominous presence. It had a simple shape and a geometric design, though a part was trapped between roots. The color, apparently, was dark green. Unlike the other spaceships around there, this one has been left intact and doesn’t seem to be others.

Serge was watching that spaceship with a dumbfounded face.

"I did not think it was possible for a airship to be crafted that big, not even in ancient times."

While he was flabbergasted, Leila lost interest in him and immersed herself again in her own thoughts.

No, this is a spaceship… or rather, a space vessel She tried to remember a little more about what to do from now on from the game, but her memories were still vague. The spaceships of ancient times …those were aircrafts with high performance on delivering supplies and also perfect for battles. Their capacities were far above what the ones of the current era could manage, and judging by the dimensions from the one in front of her, it could be said that it was as outstanding as Luxion.

With this I will not lose against Leon.

Leila started walking, leaving back Serge who was still spacing out. As he realized that she was leaving him behind, Serge pursued her. But suddenly, Serge ran towards her and pulled one of her hands to put her behind him.

"There’s something approaching from behind!" "Huh? W-what?"

Everything was so fast that Leila couldn’t process it.

In less than an instant, Serge was already fighting with the monsters that had appeared with his own hands.

The monsters were crushed on the ground and became black smoke and then disappeared.

Isn’t this guy just slaughtering them? Isn’t this a little too one sided Serge was killing some of the monsters with his bare right hand. While the other hand held a spear, which swung in a perfect circular shape, killing the monsters around him. He seemed to be quite confident in front of the monsters.

"So nine of them, I see. Leila, you stay back".

"C-can you defeat them all?" Serge held his spear with a fancy pose, wanting to show his reliable side to Leila.

"A piece of cake!"

Then he began an unilateral fight. Serge swung his spear, and with each cut, a monster fell, defeated.

Serge always admired the adventurers, that\'s why he trained a lot and became a warrior who could even be matched with his other self with the best specs he could achieve on the game.

That is why he could easily defeat all the monsters that showed up. Leila felt a bit disgusted after she saw the destroyed heads of the

monsters that Serge had defeated with his spear. However, for her it was more than

enough having Serge to take care of those monsters similar to flying sharks.

After all, she could not do it alone.

It was a good idea to bring Serge with me. He’s stronger than I had expected. He might even be stronger than Leon and those idiots.

The Kingdom of Holfort was the home of the adventurers, for that reason, Leon and his group had a certain degree of skill. But for Leila, Serge did not fall behind. Moreover, he seemed so reliable in front of her.

Who would have thought that Serge was such an adept fighter.

"And this is the last one!" Said Serge after leaving all the monsters beheaded. And after checking that there were no more monsters, he lowered his spear.

Leila thanked Serge, looking at him with great surprise and a bit of interest.

"You are strong, now I see you under a new light!"

"Well no one would survive in this kind of place without being able to do at least this much. Have you already fallen in love with me?"

"No, not even a single bit, but at least I consider you a completely different person now. Thank you for protecting me, Serge."

Both of them joked, and little by little, the uncomfortable environment started fading away. Then, Serge saw the supply ship again and began to think in silence, so Leila asked him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Well, I thought that this treasure is amazing, but I get the feeling that it was a little too easy up to now."

"And what about the fights we had so far? You can’t even imagine how many times I thought I was going to die on the way here!" For Leila, who was not used to adventures, it could even be considered a great achievement reaching her destination without dying in fear without leaving a body.

But to Serge, who was already accustomed to this, it seemed too lacking.

"In fact I was surprised that we arrived here after walking in a straight line. Did you already know that there was a treasure around here?"

If I answer yes, he surely will get curious about how I knew it. After reaching that conclusion, Leila decided to make an excuse.

"I didn’t think that there would really be something here… I just heard rumors in the past." She acted as if she was genuinely surprised, and then

she focused on the ship to avoid Serge\'s gaze. At that moment, the door opened by itself.

Unlike the previous door, it was slowly and silently.

Then, from the other side, emerged a floating sphere as big as a softball, with a single red eye. The object stayed still at the same height of Leila and Serge\'s view. Everything was so unexpected, that Serge didn’t need to think twice about raising again his spear and pulling back Leila at the same time.

With his spear in hand, he shouted at Leila to stay back. "Leila, stay back!"

However, Leila was relieved. That was because the sphere in front of them was not Luxion… it was another blue drone.

"Serge, calm down. We\'ll be fine." "R-really?"

Serge lowered his spear a bit, staring at the blue robot’s movements. Leila was convinced that the thing in front of them had no bad intentions.

That was because, if he was an old Luxion\'s companion, then he could not fight in that form.

"I want to have a talk with you." She said and then the blue robot responded with a lively voice.

"It has been a while since the last time I received visits." It was a robotic voice, but somehow masculine.

The difference with Luxion is that this robot felt much more human than the first one.

Serge was surprised, but Leila continued talking. "I want this ship. Give me the rights of ownership."

She said with a haughty attitude and the robot responded with intrigue.

"Do you want to be my master? …Umm, there are several things that I find shady about you and your request, but the truth is I can’t stand being waiting in this place for so long, but I can not move without permission. So a master appearing is a very tempting situation!"

Why would this new human know about his existence and the rights of a master? The robot seemed intrigued about that, but more than that, he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, so he had accepted gladly.

Meanwhile, Serge got really worried about that conversation. "Leila, are you sure about this? What is that thing in the first place?"

But who answered Serge’s question wasn’t Leila

"—Oops, I forgot to introduce myself, I apologize for my rudeness! My name is ‘Ideal’, a ship in charge of supplies." Leila released a small sigh. A sigh of relief.

Good, it has the same name as the one I bought on the game.

The name of the powerful pay to win on the second otome game was Ideal. That’s why she was convinced that this powerful weapon was the same drone she had encountered before. So, Leila took a step forward confidently.

"In that case, let\'s do it immediately."

"How do you know about the privileges of ownership?

The truth is that I’m really intrigued and something seems fishy, but it\'s okay. Let\'s move forward to the next topic for now."

The blue drone, Ideal, turned his red eye brighter and scanned both of them. Then Ideal began to wander around Leila making circles quite intrigued.

"What happened?"

"I got very shocking information. It seems that today will be a great day. " "You think so?"

By seeing Luxion, she thought that this other AI would respond with a much more lack of emotions, but for the moment, it was quite friendly.

In addition, his attitude towards Leila, who would be recorded as his master, was adequate.

"It seems that you both are really tired. I’ll prepare a room, so go on, you

can enter," said Ideal, entering ahead to guide them, leaving the two of them shocked once inside the ship.

It was in a pretty clean state. Serge was surprised while passing a hand on the wall beside him.

"It\'s the first time I see a lost item kept so clean and well-conserved".

Having Serge\'s words picked his interest, Ideal turned towards Leila and asked.

"Lost item? Well, in the current era, the technology that was used to build me should have been lost. It seems that it will be fun to take a walk. "

"Fun? Can you even feel that being an artificial intelligence?"

Leila was flabbergasted by the fact that Ideal was really impatient to get outside.

"…yeah, you\'re really intriguing people." Said Ideal in front of both of them, and then returned to guide them.

Then Serge said. "Hey Leila… What is that artificial intelligence thing you mentioned before?"

Leila sworn inside her mind after hearing that question.

Damn, I left my guard down.

"I-it is nothing. We should take the offer of that thing and rest a little bit here."

"You\'re right. Though I was a little worked up about exploring the inside of this ship."

Serge sounded seriously excited, with his gaze looking around the entire place.

Then, Leila looked at the floating sphere that was in front of her.

I got it, I finally got my own cheat item. With this I won’t have to fear Leon.

That\'s what brought Leila the most happiness, much more than having gotten this kind of lost item.

"Wait a moment please".

Ideal took them to the room, which was more like the resting area of a company. There was some furniture, vending machines and even decoration plants. Serge sat directly on the couch without taking away the dirt on his clothes.

"This couch is amazing. Leila, come sit."

"Seriously you\'re like a barbarian. But yes, you\'re right." Leila sat down and relaxed her shoulders to alleviate the pent up fatigue.

After that, Ideal went to some other place, leaving them the both alone in the room.

"If you excuse me, I will take my leave" "Where do you have to go?"

"I will make some preparations to go outside. Also, I will bring you some food in a moment." Ideal left and Serge smiled.

"What a thoughtful guy."

But, is there something to eat in a place like this that was abandoned so many years ago. While Leila was wondering about that, her gaze was obstructed by Serge. Then, he brought his face near to hers.

"W-wait!" She quickly tried to cover her face with both hands, but Serge grabbed one of them. Serge\'s look was serious.

"…Leila, why did you get engaged with the weakling of Emil Family?"

Leila felt a little awkward hearing him asking that. That\'s because she knew that Serge was madly in love with her.

"This doesn’t have anything to do with you, you were never at school, so

we could never hang out too much. Do you have any problems with that?"

Leila already knew what Serge wanted to say.

"You know what I feel for you, right? Leila … I love you, you\'re the only woman I love."

Those were straight words coming from his heart. However, Leila looked away.

I love you? There is no more empty phrase than that.

thought Leila, rejecting the confession after remembering a little about her past self.

"…you made me wait too much. I am already with Emil."

She got up and then moved away from Serge, but he didn’t give up. Serge grabbed Leila\'s shoulders and brought them close to him.

"I swear I\'ll make you happy. I want you to stay with me."

When she saw Serge so serious, she doubted for a moment … but in the end, she pushed him aside with her hands.

"Serge, stop joking. Also, you are a son of the Rault house, do you get it? We are not fit for each other."

"And what of it matters?! The same is with Emil. I-I’m only-"

Unfortunately, the door opened again and Ideal entered interrupting their discussion and with a cheerful voice said

"~It has been some time since I prepared a meal. But don’t worry, I’ve made sure to keep the ingredients well preserved, so everything is in perfect condition.

Although, in fact, I can produce many things inside this ship, so there are more than enough ingredients! …

Mmh? Did I come with a bad timing?"

Ideal came back right after Leila rejected Serge’s confession, but thanks to that Leila was able to change the topic.

Leila walked away from Serge and then crossed her arms. "Nothing happened".

I don’t understand. Can an artificial intelligence have emotions?

Thought Leila, after seeing Ideal unable to read the atmosphere.

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