
Chapter 269: Solidarity from Everywhere!

The live broadcast halted!

The image on the television was interrupted!

After a few seconds of interrupted signal, an advertisement was played at the last moment. From the looks of it, the Shanghai provincial channel was completely caught off guard!

What a great speech!

What a great Zhang Ye!

The people in charge of the live broadcast and cameramen were basically all employees of the television station. When Zhang Ye’s “The Answer” came out, they already knew that an incident had happened. The television station’s headquarters immediately ordered the site-in-charge and SARFT officials to discuss, but the SARFT officials decided to go ahead with the live broadcast. The officials of the television station knew that the SARFT wanted to salvage the situation, probably by revoking Zhang Ye’s status as a host and then reprimand him. It had suited the press conference’s theme of having a review anyway. They would then cut the live broadcast off and the whole plan would have taken just a few minutes.

But what they did not expect was that Zhang Ye did not even give the SARFT officials a chance to speak. From beginning till the end, the speaking authority was with him. No one could manage to cut in! The people from SARFT did not know why it turned out this way, but Shanghai Television Station knew. This was because of an extremely talented host’s basic qualities and charisma! Zhang Ye had all these abilities. As long as he stood there, as long as he had a mouth, he would be able to control the right to speak. In the world of broadcasting, this ability was called stage presence. In a Karaoke, this ability was called—Mic Hog!

No one could cut in to say anything!

No one could stop Zhang Ye!

Of course, the most critical point was still “The Last Speech”. This was such an earth shaking speech. Every sentence was like a knife, as if it could kill. Whoever heard this speech today was shocked by Zhang Ye’s imposition and words!



Those who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference on television! Those who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference online! They were frozen at this moment!

Justice can never be massacred, because the truth will always exist!

When I stepped out of the door this morning, I was prepared never to step back in again!

If I fall! Thousands and thousands like me will…..rise up!?

Zhang Ye’s fearless, impassioned speech laced with anger echoed in their ears. Some people did not even realize they had already dug into their chests with their nails, while others had their eyes turn red without knowing why!

The internet was abuzz with commotion!

As if a grenade had been thrown!

“Zhang Ye! You’re the best!”

“Teacher Zhang! Good one!”

“I will support you for the rest of my life!”

“Teacher Zhang! We stand together with you!”

“F**k your grandpa Shanghai SARFT! I will fight it out with you!”

“Count me in! I will go to SARFT’s website and scold them everyday from now on! Bullies! Such bullies! They can’t do things like that!”

“I’m filled with anger! Why do good people not get what they deserve? Why do they have to oppress Teacher Zhang Ye? SARFT officials! I want to ask why! When a fan was diagnosed with terminal illness, who was the one who became broke to help his fan? I want to ask why! When our country was insulted and provoked, who was the one who withstood the pressure and fought back through his program! I want to ask why! When a plane was hijacked, who was the one who selflessly fought with the criminals, landed the plane, and saved hundreds of lives? Who? Tell us! Where were you all back then? What are you all doing now? Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?”

“Why does ‘Zhang Ye’s Talk Show’ need to be halted?”

“You’re even revoking Teacher Zhang Ye’s status as a host?”

“Bastards! You guys are too harsh! Are you still humans!”

“When has Teacher Zhang Ye ever offended you? Ah!”

After Zhang Ye’s speech, many neutrals could no longer sit idle. Their anger had been lit as “The Last Speech” of Zhang Ye touched countless people!

“Vindicate Teacher Zhang!”

“How can anyone look on just like that? I can’t watch silently anymore!”

“This might be the last time Teacher Zhang speaks, the last time being on stage. Shouldn’t we do something?”

“I didn’t used to like Zhang Ye much. I didn’t like his temper, his character, nor his works, but today, his speech really grabbed my heart! Hit me right in the feels! When my girlfriend walked into the room just now, she asked me why I was crying. I touched my face and then realized that I was crying! Zhang Ye is right. He’s saying what any Chinese with a conscience would say! Based on what should he be targeted time after time? What did he say that was wrong? What laws did he break? As long as it’s a word from the SARFT, everyone has to carry it out without any complaints? Who do you think you are! The emperor!?”

“SARFT, you are too arrogant!”

“That’s right! You can remove Teacher Zhang Ye! You can also dismiss Teacher Zhang Ye’s host qualifications, but let me use Teacher Zhang’s words against you! The truth will always exist! Zhang Ye may have fallen, but thousands and thousands of Zhang Ye will stand up! Those thousands of people now…. includes me!”

“F**k! Me too!”

“F**k! Count me in too!”

With this, countless people responded!

Some people clicked ‘Like’, some replied with ‘Count me in’. In just a blink of the eye, this Weibo post had already gathered over 3000 replies!

Soon, Zhang Ye’s speech from the live broadcast had been edited out and was making its rounds on Weibo.

The masses were all gathered to this Weibo post and forwarding it. The number of people who supported Zhang Ye was now 3-4 times more compared to when Zhang Ye replied with “The Answer”.

Suddenly, something happened that no one had expected!

Hunan Television Station’s official Weibo had liked Zhang Ye’s “The Last Speech”. It was indicated clearly!

“Hunan Television Station liked?”

“Is this the official Weibo? F**k!”

“Was it a mistake by a staff member?”

“Doesn’t the official Weibo just announce official news? Isn’t it just an announcement platform? But to give Teacher Zhang’s scolding of the SARFT a Like?”

“This is in support of Zhang Ye!”

“Hunan Station, you are too supportive!”

“We thank you on behalf of Teacher Zhang Ye!”

Not long after, the Weiwo verified account of WebTV host Dong Shanshan also gave Zhang Ye’s video a Like and forwarded it!

Followed by a female host from Hunan Station!

Then followed by a Deputy General Manager of the online television station of Teacher Chen!

Finally, a total of more than a dozen hosts from the industry had Liked the video. Some of them were people whom Zhang Ye knew, like his friends and old colleagues, but it was mostly people he did not know in person! They did not say anything, but just used this way to show support for Zhang Ye! When these hosts did that, their fans also came along and followed the incident!

Finally, a old host, who had since retired from the television industry, called Meng Yixu said something. He was considered a rather well-known person in the circle. Although not a top host, he had a lot of experience hosting many programs before, “Zhang Ye, I’ve paid attention to this young man’s program, but it was just some attention, but after his speech today, I feel that I have to say something. Whatever Little Zhang’s character is like, whatever temper he has, I won’t comment, but his personality and qualities definitely have no problem! A person who can speak like that, how could he be a bad person? He’d rather sacrifice himself to demand an explanation! To seek justice for himself and the others! Just based on that alone, I am inferior to him. I also admire him! What I really want to know now is, who groomed a person like Zhang Ye? With that ‘If I fall, thousands and thousand like me will stand up?’ I suddenly wish to meet Zhang Ye. I want to see what kind of a talent can give a speech that excites the people!”

“Teacher Meng has appeared too!”

“F**k! Teacher Meng is giving his support to Teacher Zhang Ye too!”

“The masses have sharp eyes! SARFT is done for!”

“SARFT’s authority is given to you by the masses! With the masses, having lost our trust, what are you? What are you? You all are damn fucking nothing!”

Beijing Television Station’s Hu Fei also made a stand despite the risks, “I had thought that Zhang Ye could only recite poetry and write some novels and couplets, but who knew that he could give such an earth-shattering speech too! There are many famous speeches in the world, most of them coming from times of conflicts. These years, there have been many speeches and many of those had been commended as outstanding speeches, but to be known as a famous speech, to be labeled famous, there has never been any. Today, after listening to “The Last Speech” of Zhang Ye, I insist on saying that the world of famous speeches….should include “The Last Speech”! It is that great! He is also that great!”

Online, it was now in a mess!

Some were scolding the SARFT, some openly supported Zhang Ye, some covertly supported him!

To sum it up, Zhang Ye’s speech had put both himself and the SARFT on the cusps of the news!

“The Last Speech”. This was from Zhang Ye’s previous world and was the last work of Wen Yiduo. It was a speech that Mr Wen used to denounce political reactionaries. As to why it was called “The Last Speech”, it was actually not named as such by Mr Wen himself. The people gave that title to it afterwards, because on the day of giving that speech, Mr Wen was assassinated by political secret agents! Zhang Ye’s previous work “Dead Water” at the the Silver Microphone Awards was also a work of Wen Yiduo!

With such a background!

By such a great literary person!

Such an earth-shattering speech that had influenced Zhang Ye’s previous world!

For Zhang Ye to use it to scold the SARFT, it was really overkill. It was as if he had bullied them, but it was the SARFT that had wanted him dead in the first place! Zhang Ye naturally did not hold back! Even if it’s a case of using a cannon to kill a mosquito, so be it! It’s all of you who I want to kill!

You aren’t convinced?

Then bite me!

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