
Chapter 14 Magic Test (Part II)

Leaving the target practice, I could see Serena gloating at her victory. It pissed me off very much. I need to calm down. Getting any angrier than this could be detrimental to my mental state.

For the third test, my chances of winning were near a hundred percent if I gave it my all.

Serena and I then walked to the magic damage test. There was a dummy there. When you hit the dummy, a damage value will show you how strong your attack would be.

As a member of the Solaris family, our magic has the highest damage value when using our magic in the Star State country.

Serene, who always had a smile, started to frown. She thought that I would win at most one match now that it\'s coming to the wire with me in the lead. She had to take it much more seriously.

"Why don\'t you go first, since you won the last match." I needed her to go first so she wouldn\'t be able to get any references when it came for her to go.

"As the heir of the Celeste family, I don\'t think it matters who went first, right?" Provoking her, the chances of her going first would increase. Serena\'s pride wouldn\'t allow me to look down on her.

"Hmph! Don\'t say that would make your chances of winning any higher." With that, she went towards the dummy.

Standing a few meters away from her target, she used her magic. "Ray Of Destruction!" Using her magic, a ray of purple darkness appeared. She used destruction magic, a magic branch that isn\'t from this country.

Destruction magic comes from the country of Ethela, the Ethela was a neighboring country with the habitants of demons. It wasn\'t surprising if she used that magic. If Star State had the Solaris, then the Ethela had the Orpheus. As the heir, it wouldn\'t be surprising if she met with the Orpheus family.

Serena then began hitting the dummy with her ray attack. There weren\'t any effects when shooting it. The dummies were made from extreme magic resistance material that could easily block a fifth-rank magician. The numbers were shown. Her magic had a value of 850, much higher than her capacity due to the nature of destruction.

Looking at her, she was satisfied with her results. Hitting a value that was much higher than your mana value was impressive.

Finally, it was my turn. Standing where Serena had stood before, I had thought of a move I had seen in a show. I then charged my mana in a single spot, and a scorching heat came from my palm. With my hands up in the air, mana was gathering.

Overloading my charged beam, I aimed it at. "Overload Solar Beam!" Using all the mana, I gathered in a short period. I shot my beam towards the dummy, and the blinding orange light beam hit the dummy doing a damage value of 970. It was my win, but I had overused my magic. If I had used my magic in the sun, it could have easily multiplied the damage by 1.5x.

The score was now two to one, I needed one more win to settle this game, but I had overused my mana. I needed an event to stall for time.

"Are you tired already? Why don\'t you give up now, so we can get this over with." The proud and arrogant Serena was excited when seeing my condition, knowing that her worries were for naught. I shook my head hearing that. What a great "lover," I thought to myself.

If I had to choose a challenge that could stall for time, it would be defense training. The defense training was a test that allowed you to see how well you could defend yourself.

"Our next challenge is the defense training." Choosing this challenge would allow me to regain most of my mana. If Serena was careless enough to waste enough mana on this event, my chances would increase. On the other hand, if she manages to do worse trying to conserve her mana, I could use this opportunity to win.

Serena, who already thought that she had won, went up first. The defense training was a piece of machinery with mini magic cannons around the walls. For the testing to be stopped, one would\'ve to give up voluntarily or take a blow that would do enough damage so that the protective badge would be disabled.

Like the battle arena, we had a protective badge so we wouldn\'t be badly injured during a match. With the defense training starting, a magic bullet shot out. Since it was the first shot, it was weak, and Serena built a magical barrier around her. The shell made an impact on the barrier, and it completely dissipated.

At the ten-second mark, the power of the bullets doubled, but it still didn\'t do anything to the barrier. Thirty seconds had passed, and the bullet\'s speed and strength had increased. Finally, Serena\'s barrier began to shake. My ran hit the forty-second mark, and the barrier began to crack.

Knowing that her barrier wouldn\'t be able to hold it any longer. She broke the barrier surrounding her and created an enhanced barrier focusing on the spots the cannon would shoot.

A minute had passed, and she started using magic to counter the blow. A few seconds later, a blast was going to land. But using her space magic, she redirects the shot, making it miss. Then, finally, when a blow landed at the one minute and thirty-second mark. With that blow, a second hit her; distressed by the second hit, the third hit finished her.

Her time was one minute and thirty-five seconds. Leaving the area, it was my turn. I knew that my chances of winning were low.

Starting, all I could do was physically dodge them. For the first twenty seconds, I could avoid them without using magic. Then, in the next ten seconds, I was hit. Without using anything to help me block, I couldn\'t do anything to stop them.

Losing the match was two to two with one more round to decide it all.

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