
Chapter 218 Peaceful Death

Now he knew why he felt something strange upon first seeing him. Like great distaste and also…

A feeling of betrayal?

That’s strange. Perhaps there was something more about the fact that he said he ‘destroyed half of Fausforus’ castle’.

After all, in the Darkness of the night, there was also absolute peace. Death was called ‘The Eternal Peace’.

Peace was a default state like these two other concepts. When there was no war or conflict, there was peace.

Not to mention Pallas was also callous and manipulative like him.

Ronin had encountered individuals who were like that. They were many, surprisingly.

People who knew how to utilize deceit and secretiveness on the top of his head would be Lovushka, Calla Lily, the former friends of Cermin except Zeriav, and perhaps his brothers too.

But Pallas was the only one that he felt was almost identical to him in ways of deceit.

Not flamboyant, but also not that reserved. Only using theatrics for the fun of it and aesthetical purposes, using half-truths and a poker face.

Why was why that true form given him a sense of ‘a kin attacking its own kin’. A betrayal of someone of its own kind.

He shook it off, that image of a being made of nothing but words. Not letting any escape as it permeates through everything, existing everywhere around you, all at once.

He turned his focus on Cermin, who would bleed to death if he didn’t move fast. There was a large crimson stain on his shirt, and many more all over his limbs.

And yet…..

He still managed to smile peacefully before falling unconscious.

Ronin was unnerved by it, that smile for being able to sacrifice oneself for someone.

After all, he distrusts everyone and believes that every action has an ulterior motive somehow. He could list down many things to discredit Cermin’s sacrifice for him.

He had no one else to save him, so he needed to save Ronin or else both of them would die. He had no companion left in this world.No companion meant no help in case of battles like this.

So on and so forth. And yet…

He knew very well that none of them came into Cermin’s mind when he sacrificed himself for him.

He would not even care if he died right now, and got ‘logged off’ for saving a friend he made in this fantasy world.

That was why he was smiling.

Ronin rushed down the mountain to bring him to a doctor and get him to take a potion. Specifically something blessed by Aurion.

He had reached the place, used his One-Word Command to demand the service and potion for free, and managed to secure a place for Cermin to recuperate and rest.

He doesn’t need it at all. The Flame transfer healed him, and also increased his own Flame.

There was now the issue of the two gods knowing his identity and potentially going after him. He stayed alert for it, but honestly knew that if they appeared again…..

It would be game over for both him and Cermin.

However, they chose not to. Ronin could guess why.

For one, they needed the help of humans. And if he were to tell the humans in that party or even just spread a rumor that gods wanted to use them as sacrificial lambs…..

Their faith would lessen even more than ever, weakening them.

Part of the reason why they haven’t attacked the Daemons yet wreaking havoc was that the attacks increased their prayers.

Sure, it could also increase fear, but it was like a benefit for both sides. With this prayers, they can recuperate until they’re ready for another Celesto-Abyssal War.

The second reason was Cermin. His last few attacks…..

It was a blur in Ronin’s memory because he was speeding away that time and feeling lethargic from all the damage he received from Pallas’ attacks.

Still, he can feel how powerful it was. More power that he had ever seen, perhaps even a bit more than Pallas’ true form.

That was the power of Aurion coursing through him, and even defeating gods with just a tenth or less of his full capabilities.

He was the King of the Celestial Gods for a reason. He has equal strength as Fausforus, which was why the Lord of Darkness respected and befriended him despite his weak will and impression.

And some of that power had been transferred as Flame now inside Ronin…

He could feel how different it was. Kai was right when he said even at lower levels, Cermin would still be passively stronger than him.

With this much precious power inside him and Flame…..

Ronin should not let it get to waste on anyone else. Only he can receive it, he must convince Cermin not to use Sacrificial Light ever again.

Cermin was asleep for many days, the healing taking a very long time even when Ronin made him drink potions everyday.

If only he had Zeuxis or the resurrecting machine around, perhaps it would be faster. But he had neither.

Speaking of Zeuxis, the fight between him and Lovushka was also quite long. Perhaps time flows differently there, or they were just that equal in battle.

No matter the victor, Ronin would still manage just fine. If it’s Lovushka, he can defeat him again as he was now a mortal and not a god like Pallas and Vesuvius.

But still…. He hoped it was Zeuxis.

While Cermin was asleep and the amber necklace remained uncracked, Ronin went back to the Phoenix Mountain for two reasons.

Taunt the two gods by going back on their turf and showing that they can’t do anything about it…

And killing some more phoenixes because he was close to getting to Level 80.

It was all thanks to Cermin’s Flame. It seemed that the worth of his Flame levels were almost double his own.

He would be a force to reckon with at Level 100, but Ronin won’t let him reach that far.

He just need to have his own body ready as Graphite and at Level 100, then take his Flame. and survive the Baptismal Grounds.

Ronin killed the phoenixes faster this time with all his new skills using Cermin’s sword. He was apathetic and only wondered if something would change once he returned.

Wondering “When will Cermin wake up already? When will Zeuxis escape already?”

He was alone, and it felt like it was like that forever the more time passed by.

That was only when he realized how he actually does not like being alone. He can say all he wants that he prefers it rather than dealing with pathetic people.

But loneliness was an impossible opponent to fight, as it was just like peace, night and death.

It’s inevitable. All encompassing. All-powerful.

He remembered the loneliness Ou had always felt since he was a child.

It has existed since he was born, it seemed. And the more he grew up, the worse it got. His classmates hated him except one, his mother died and left him, and even his friend…

That friend he so valued also left him.

So he was alone to fight loneliness. It was like an incurable illness. Everything seemed like a temporary pill that won’t last forever.

He had eventually killed a whole swarm of phoenixes except one.

This one was younger, and had one of its wings and legs broken. It looked at him with great fear….

Because Ronin just taken away everyone from it.

It was alone.

Ronin kneeled beside it, and the bird tried to limp away from him. Ronin just moved closer, and said:

“Should I end your suffering by making you join them?”

Somehow, the bird understood.

It went closer to him, accepting its fate and begging him to end this loneliness by letting him join the others in their death.

Ronin sliced its head quickly and mercifully.

He heard a Ding! and Kai appeared.

But this time, it didn’t give him a notification about reaching Level 80 immediately.

Instead, his system said in a grim voice:

[That may be the kindest thing you’ve ever done.]

“It’s not kind. I am Death, it is my duty to bring the End to everything.”

[But how you do it could differentiate a ‘cruel death’ from a ‘merciful’ one.]

Ronin did not answer, and just stood up. “Just give me my notification.”

[Why don’t you just kill him mercifully like this? When the time comes, he doesn’t need to know. You can do it in his sleep, you can do it while he was blind and in the dark, unaware.]

“I already considered that.” Ronin said.

Kai was a bit surprised. [Since when?]

“Since he foolishly tried to die without me ending him.”

Ronin wondered if he did indeed kill Cermin peacefully, making him believe in their fake friendship until the end…

Would he also smile?

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