
Chapter 35 - The Beasts Of The Forest

Wait what the f*ck? Since when were animals able to talk? Wait no,,, Those are beasts, but they aren\'t supposed to be able to talk? RIGHT!?

-"Hey quieten down she can probably hear us!"-

-"No I doubt it, human senses aren\'t as sharp as ours, remember? They can barely feel what\'s 2 meter\'s behind the-... Is she looking at us by any chance? Oh crap she started running."-

-" This is why I said quieten down you idiot"-

I started swearing in every language I knew at that moment while jumping up trees and trying to escape as fast as possible. When I looked back I saw a lion with a blue mane and black fur running besides a wolf with a white mane and yellow fur.


Wont hurt me my ass. Why the f*ck would I trust some random beasts? They are intelligent so the best course of action is to run away since I don\'t think I can fight them head on. A few sniper spells should slow them down though.

I turned around while being mid air and shot a concentrated air snipe toward the lion. It barley dodged by an inch before realising it had been surrounded by 5 air bullets going straight for it. The lion roared dispersing the the air bullets in a single second, yet I didn\'t falter and shouted "SPLASH ZONE" slightly slower than a sniper bullet towards the lion. The moment the water got too close it was immediately stopped by a huge stone slab. When the splash zone exploded, the stone slab barley took any damage. The ground however, seemed to not be able to take the full force of the water explosion, consequently created a crater in the floor.

-"she\'s pretty good. She is clearly scared, maybe we should just let her go."-

-"no way dude. I just wanna speak with her, what\'s so wrong about that? She could hear us from dozens of meters away when we were trying to not be loud. She has to be a beast like us! IM going to go after her!"-

CRAP! JUST LET ME BE! F*CK EVERYTHING! If I want to win I have to find an area where I would be in an advantage.

I quickly changed directions before moving at full speed towards the lake. I used a few snipes to slow down the winged black and blue winged lion and stop it from closing the distance. It sounded like a male and had huge canines coming from the sized of his mouth which made him look ferocious while his blue veined black feathery wings made him look gracious at the same time.


I conjured 3 blue flame spears and shot it towards the winged lion at full speed. I moved in the other direction to get as far away from the blast as I could. Since the wolf isn\'t there anymore i didn\'t have to make more than three spears. I braced myself for the shockwave that never came. As i looked back, to my horror the lion had taken control of my own spell by dispelling the mana inside it and replacing it with his own. He then dispersed the fires before flying after me again.

F*Ck ME THREE WAY! HOW AM I SO STUPID?! No one in their right mind would attack someone who had an affinity to fire with a fire spell. Why did it disperse it though? maybe he does want to talk, yet I\'m still not willing to risk it! The way his running after me makes me feel like a prey. Plus, beasts eat humans right? Why would I trust someone who would eat my kind?

After a few minutes of back and forth attacking I finally got to the lake and let my plan take action. I had tried talking to him before just to receive some stupid answer like "Stop and I\'ll tell you". When I got to the lake I started to fly right over it at full speed. My leaping speed is a lot higher than my flying speed since I\'m not used to flying so the lion started to catch up really quickly, just like I had planned. My grin grew larger once I had gotten to the middle of the lake where I stopped and started to use every single speck of mana within me to cast a spell.

"SO YOU FINALLY RAN OUT OF MANA?! FINALLY! I was getting so tired of chasing you I was thinking of attacking back to stop you. Anyway come he-..."

The oversized lion choked on his words when he saw my smirk and my golden eyes flickering vigorously.

"what do you want?" I asked with a mocking tone

"What species are you from? Are you a hybrid?"

"No, I\'m human."

"DONT LIE TO ME! I know you\'re not human! You cannot fool my eyes!" said the oversized lion with outrage before continuing by asking "What\'s your name? Mine is Phoebe" while puffing his chest out with pride

"Atlas, now f*ck off. You\'re annoying."

"Hey Hey. Calm down there. Lets talk this out. I don\'t like fighting muc-"Th lion chocked on his words when he felt every hair on his body stand up.

"I said...F*ck off"

I threw my hands in the air before turning my wrist to let my palms face the lake. I plunged my arms down so fast and with so much force that my arms went all the way down to my feet. That is when the oversized lion realised what I had done. As he looked behind him he saw a huge influx of water flowing into a single giant ball of water. The water rivers moved around like snakes before coming into contact with the huge water sphere in the air. Several vortexes can be seen on the sphere from the violent current within it.

The sphere of water I created takes water from the area like splash zone and makes the currents within it collide. This consequently creates vortexes within the sphere that clash and merge while some clashes cause the current to become stronger, other clashes cause both vortexes to explode outwards just to have the water circle around and returning to the sphere, almost like a solar flare. As I moved my hands down I shouted "RAGING SPLASH ZONE".

The sphere darted toward the lion before he could even react at speeds that made you think the inside of the sphere was hollow and without weight. When the water hit the lion, the vortexes started to bombard his wings and ripped a few feathers off. Once the bombarding stopped, the sphere swallowed the lion whole before giving it the full brunt of the mismatched colliding currents of the water inside. This further ripped feathers off his wings and squeezed him tight while threatening to break all his bones the moment he relaxed.

After a few seconds of torturing the lion, I couldn\'t keep the sphere in shape anymore, so I extended my arm before clenching my fists and muttering "implode". The resulting shock wave caused the waters to rise and for me to be sent flying. I crashed into a few trees before being able to restore my balance mid air and finally stop myself. The moment I stopped, the waves of water had already reached my position resulting in me being swept away by the currents while continuously crashing into the trees that I failed to dodge.

A few seconds late, the wave subsided allowing me to finally rest for a bit before running away again. I knew that the raging slash flow wouldn\'t kill the lion, even with its weakness to water and me taking it by surprise. I had already used all my mana to break a bone or two at best, meaning I have become a sitting duck to any beast that would decide to attack me while I\'m in this state. I used my remaining energy to jump up a few branches before lying down on one of he huge ones that could sustain my size and weight.

Man I should really eat. I used all my mana up and the only way I\'m going to get my mana back any time soon is to eat, yet there isn\'t a single animal nearby due to the shockwave from my spell. I have to rest of a bit befo-

"To think you would actually beat that buffoon ,hahahahaha" said the wolf with a white mane and yellow fur.

I immediately jumped up while conjuring an ice spear in front of me with the little mana I had regained. Pain coursed through my body the moment I conjured the ice spear but I didn\'t care.

"wow wow, easy there. I am not here to hurt you and neither was Phoebe. We wanted to talk to you about the humans you had killed before and why your physical prowess is so high. Anyway, my name is Keaurin and I\'m a white wolf. I can use light and earth magic so do you mind if i heal you?"

"yes, I do" I said trying to regain the little strength I have left. I racked my brain for ways to get out of this situation without dying but i could find non. If this wolf was as strong as the lion, I\'m basically f*cked.

"Come on... If I wanted to kill you I would have done so already. How about you come and meet my tribe? We are friendly with all races but we do have a sore spot for humans so don\'t mind their attitudes.

"If you heal me ill think about it" I said while gritting my teeth

"that\'s more like it! Now give me your paw and put it on mine." he said while extending his paw

I was about to rebuke him for saying paw, but I realised beggars cant be choosers so I obliged without complaining. The moment my hand touched his paw, I felt my stamina be refilled and my body feel healthier than ever

"well that\'s weird. Not a single scratch on your body and you look like that? Anyway, I can\'t replenish your mana, but I can fix everything else. We should probably move before Phoebe comes back since he will be pissed at you for plucking his feathers. Hurry up and get on!"

I again, obliged without saying anything, yet the moment my head touched his fur I felt relaxed, without a care in the world.. In that moment I almost went to sleep yet I kept going until we got to the wolf tribe entrance.

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