
Chapter 34: War!

Chapter 34: War!

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 500

Agility: 10, 000

Vitality: 2, 000

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God]


When the sun had already gone to its slumber and amidst the piercing cold of the night. A tense atmosphere had enveloped the whole magical forest of Everdeen, all denizens of the magical forest of Everdeen knew what this atmosphere meant. It means war!

But the demons are clueless about the atmosphere, they only left some of the demons to guard, and the rest of them seems to be in the midst of a feast.

Seeing the demon’s commotion, Oz sent some of the high leveled undead under Gareth who is more accustomed to the darkness. The undead scout Gareth picked is a type of a Spectre [Viscount], it had the ability to be invisible and translucent, totally invincible to any physical attack.

It went back to the camp after half an hour and reported all it saw to Oz and co. It said that the demons are feasting on the prisoners that they had captured from the tribes and clans they attacked.

“There are a lot of races inside the prisoner cage, they had made a huge cage that is used to accommodate the prisoners. There are some goblins, elves, Orcs, Kobolds, and even Dwarves!” Said the specter, reporting.

The report the specter gave lit up the wraths of the army, everyone clenches their weapon strongly when they heard the report. They remembered the faces of their loved ones and the faces of the people from their village that got killed by the despicable demons.

“Control your wrath, change it into power. Since they’re holding a prisoner, we can’t be careless, it might be the card they’ll use to counter us. We need to stay calm, but kill mercilessly!”

“I’ll be explaining our assault plan, there will be no repeat. They put the huge cage containing hundreds of prisoners at the center of their camp, while the main army led by Aegir is attacking from the north, I’ll be attacking from their south together with some of the undead!”

“Gareth! I’ll take a quarter half of the undead army with me, you’re to be stick with the main army,” Said Oz after explaining the plan.

Gareth immediately kneels and said: “I’ll go together with you my lord, there is a lot of unpredicted danger that could appear there, I could be your shield when you’re in danger,”

“No, you had a crucial role at the main army, Gareth. Your undead army will be the shield of the main army, order all of the summoners and magicians to keep summoning the foot soldiers to exhaust the enemy, you’re necessary for keeping the casualties low. Led your army wisely, Gareth.” Ordered Oz.

“Yes, my lord,” Gareth said while bowing his head deeply.

“”We could follow you right?”” Asked both Azaline and Geeta.

“No, it’s a couple of times more dangerous there,” Said Oz indifferently.

“You need an elf that could open all types of keys to save the prisoners right? And the one who’ll be leading the elves army is my second-in-command, after all,” Said Azaline haughtily.

“And I could help you distract the guards with my sleep magic,” Continued Geeta, following Azaline’s way of speaking.


“Just take them, Ren. They’ll be useful,” Advised Aegir to Oz.

Oz sighs.

“Fine then, just, be careful, and retreat when it’s necessary,” Said Oz with a stern face to both of the girls, they immediately answered ‘yes’ when they saw his stern face.

Oz raises his right hand to the air, and all of the commotions before vanished to a deep silence. All of them could hear the sound of the wind because of the silence.

“This, may not have the same result as the usual battle. All the battles we had faced before, had always resulted in no casualties. But the battle ahead of us, maybe not as easy as that. We had gone stronger because of our increase in number and our unity, but don’t let the current skills you have, made you arrogant.”

“There are lives that we need to save ahead, control your wrath, but don’t let it vanished. The wrath inside you will devour your fear and made you a dog that could swallow a wolf!”

“Your life is important, but the lives of your comrades are your priority. Don’t let anyone of your comrades die, save them when they’re in a pinch, we had a strong enemy ahead, but we’re also strong ourselves. And we have the unity that they don’t possess. Don’t fear, and don’t die,”


All of the soldiers roared after hearing Oz’s speech, his words ignited the flame inside their hearts, the feeling of solidarity and courage filled their hearts, making them couldn’t feel any fear.

Oz raises his magnificent staff, and said the words the soldiers have been waiting from the start; “March!”

Oz led the undead together with Geeta and Azaline to circle the enemy’s camp quickly. Oz only picked the swift ones and left the heavy-armed ones to the main army.

There is a total of 30,000 soldiers at the army, Oz left some of the soldiers at the kingdom to guard. As Oz, Geeta, and Azaline circled the demon’s camp, the main army led by Aegir, marched slowly but steadily with a neat formation, all of them look valorous and heroic, anyone could feel the wrath from their steps.

Oz formed a team of summoner comprises of undead that possesses the ability to summon lesser undead, their job is to continuously summon the foot soldiers throughout the battle. There is about 1000 summoner inside of the summoner team that could summon 5 foot soldiers every 1 minute, so there will be 5000 undead foot soldiers summoned every 1 minute.

As the main camp marched, and they’ve got near the demon’s camp, the magician legion walked in front of the army, reading some incantations. Behind the magicians is the heavy armored tanks, with their shield ready. And behind the tanks is the infantries with their swords and spears, and behind the infantries is 5,000 archers with their bow ready to fire.

Aegir looked at Fedra who gave a nod, signaling that the troops are ready to attack. Aegir replied with another nod, and take some glances at Ibra, Brad, Gareth, Magra, Gurolf, Razor the kobold’s leader, Talak the lizardfolk’s leader, and Firenze the centaur leader. All of them nod, showing that they’re ready.

When Aegir glance a little bit more to the right, he saw the group of Oz’s other clones, and the lich king clone nodded to him. Seeing Oz’s clones together with the main army relieved his tense heart.

Aegir smirked, he raises his huge greatsword forward.

“ATTACK!!!” Aegir shouted with all of his might.

The shout of the goblin king made sound waves to the demon camp, it’s more like a roar rather than a shout of command. It made strong wind crashes to the demon’s camp, and following the roar, hundreds of fireballs, and thousands of arrows showered the demon’s camp.

The demons that are enjoying the feast got panics, just by that round of fireballs and archers, thousands of the demons got dead. All of them rushes to the front of their camp, readying themselves to battle. But their reaction is still late, the second round, the third round, the demons keep on taking hits and their formation is still a mess.

As 7 minutes had already passed from the three rounds of ranged attacks, there is already 35,000 undead foot soldiers summoned. The magicians retreated to the back of the archers, and the archers shoot another volley of arrows, killing another thousand of the demons.

But the number of demons can’t be underestimated. Even after all of those attacks, there still about 50,000 of them at the demon camp. But because of that number, they’re having difficulties in arranging the formation, their formation is still a mess.

Seeing their messy formation, Aegir shouted another command with the same frequency as before: “MARCH!!!”


All of the soldiers marched with high speed towards the enemy flanks, Aegir’s and the rest’s roar staggered the demons, as another minute passed, an additional 5,000 undead foot soldiers got summoned from the summoner.

As the troops got near the enemy, Aegir rushes in front of the troops and jumps.


Aegir blast the ground with his greatsword, sending a hundred demons blasted away.

“Attack!!!” Fedra and Ibra followed suit.

“Don’t die, Fedra!” Shouted Ibra as he blasts away several demons with his hammer.

“You too! Ibra!” Replied Fedra with another shout, as he spins his body together with his ax, slaughtering lots of demons.

Ibra and Fedra use their herculean strength and slaughter lots of demons just by one swing of their ax and weapon. Different from Ibra and Fedra, Brad and Gurolf fight skillfully with wisdom. Brad switched between his short sword and his bow, he fights as if he had eagle eyes that watched from above, every time a comrade is in a danger, their enemy will get hit by an arrow that came from unknown place. His fighting skills and martial arts are far above Ibra, Fedra, and even Aegir.

Gurolf fights rather scarier than before, he’s converting his wrath to mana, everyone could feel the wrath from the spells he used. He usually uses the spell very efficiently, using the spell with the lowest mana cost to kill, but today, he used advanced spells that cost a great amount of mana and blasts the demons with all kinds of magic.

Gareth fights calmly as he always, and pierce the enemy flanks together with Aegir. His objectives are only one, finish the battle quickly and catch up with his master. The undead foot soldiers did a great job at the battle, they jumped to the enemies and made them open to be struck by the Tarot soldiers, and they would be a decoy anytime a soldier wants to retreat.

Some of the demons started to think to run away, seeing the invincible enemy troops. The centaur sent away the enemies only by charging them with their mighty bodies, and they also have excellent swordsmanship. The elves excel in both archery and swordsmanship, and their agile body made them hard to be killed, furthermore, their great amount of mana makes them excel at magic too.

The kobolds are firm and fast, their sword style is cold and merciless. They like a samurai that killed their enemies with one strike. The orcs stumbled the demons, their strength and power made them cower in fear, they ram their body when they can’t use their hands. The lizardfolk had an excellent spearmanship and unpredictable tails, they strike with both spear and strong tails, their scales are hard but they still covered themselves with armors, making them harder to get killed.

The goblins surprised them the most, the coward goblins had become stronger and far braver than the centaurs and the orcs. The unusual swordsmanship that they learn from Oz made them totally invincible, not only their swordsmanship, but their teamwork with each other is also perfect. Tricking the opponent by switching opponents is one of the crazy tactics that they easily used.

The Tarot kingdom’s troops easily overwhelmed the demons, and pierce through their flanks. There are still no casualties until this point and the soldiers are still as vigorous like before the battle began.

Oz, Geeta, and Azaline had already arrived at the south part of the demon’s camp. The demons only left some guards that made to sleep by Geeta’s mind magic. Oz infiltrates quickly and silently inside, and arrived in front of the huge cage.

But suddenly.


7 presence of high leveled entities suddenly appeared with their murderous aura gushed out from their body. 4 of them are in front of the main army. 3 of them in front of Oz, Geeta, and Azaline.


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