
DLC 6 – Gamers and Spinoff Talk

DLC Chapter 6 – Gamers and Spinoff Talk

Translator: your_pingas

“Everyone in the Game Hobby Club, what do you guys usually do?”

Since Aguri-san suddenly brought this up, the four of us can’t help but look at each other’s faces.

It’s a day of the Game Hobby Club in December. Since we often talked about irrelevant things during the meeting, Uehara-kun suggested, “Hey, maybe we should operate normally.” So, we got excited when it’s been a while since we can enjoy chatting about gaming…

However, Aguri-san, who’s the gal with zero gaming knowledge, seems to be at her limit. Although she looked a bit ashamed, she still continued.

“Uh, basically, we always talk about gaming whenever the five of us are together, or someone will report on recent events, right?”

“Of course. It’s useless to talk about my relatives when you guys don’t even know them.”

Uehara-kun gave Aguri-san a reasonable retort. However, Aguri-san said, “This is the problem” She continued the argument.

“If that’s the case, in the end, don’t you think we don’t know anything about each other? It’s okay to talk about the world outside of this place, right?”

“Hmm, …one of my uncles is annoyed at his growing leg hair…”

“Tasuku, that’s boring, stop it. Moreover, I don’t feel comfortable hearing it.”

“What do you want from me?”

Uehara-kun’s at a loss. …I feel bad for him, even though that’s indeed boring.

When everyone’s hesitating, Aguri-san spoke up. “For example-“

“You guys think that I always go to the family restaurant to talk to Amanocchi after school, right?”

Everyone immediately nodded at Aguri-san’s question. Her expression instantly died a little, but she cleared her throat and continued.

“However, a guy like Amanocchi is just one of my many friends to me.”

“W-Why do you have to put it in such a mean way!?”

“Sorry, I was a bit too mean. I should correct myself.”


“To me, …Amanocchi is just a class lower than all of my friends. He’s a slave in a special zone!”

“Wow, I’m honored to hear that I’m special! …A-Aguri-sama, your phone looks a bit dirty. Should I help you wipe the screen clean? I’m using sandpaper.”

“No, thanks! Let go of my phone, you slave…!”

“T-There’s no need to be polite, Aguri-sama…!”

We pulled Aguri-san’s phone around with a twisted smile. Once we snapped out of it, everyone in the Game Hobby Club is giving us the “usual” cold stares.

We quitted fooling around, and cleared our throats. …Aguri-san continued.

“A-Anyway, I feel pretty upset when you guys think all I do is mess around with Amanocchi after school.”

Tendou-san agreed with what Aguri-san said. “I understood.” She asked.

“Well, Aguri-san, how do you spend your time with someone other than Amano-kun?”

“Good question, Tendou-san! Uh, aside from Amanocchi, …I’ll go sing karaoke with my classmates after school. Also, we’ll cover our own expenses!”

“Eh, wait, that gal right there.”

Suddenly, Uehara-kun and I interrupted her. Aguri-san mumbled, “Sheesh, these guys always like to interrupt me.” Uehara-kun and I can’t help but slam the table as we stood up.

“C-Can I ask what’s with the whole ‘cover our own expenses’ matter!? Please explain!”

“Yeah, yeah! I didn’t you have that concept!”

Uehara-kun and I were furious, but Aguri-san waved her index finger and answered us. “No, no, no.”

“Let me tell you this, …I’m not that down-and-out. I can’t ask my friends to pay for me, right.”

“Even though you forced me to pay 90% of the drink bar bills!”

“Even though I paid for you every time we go to the claw machines and photo booths!”

“Sigh, …I’m such a sinful woman…”

“Of god damn course!”

Although Uehara-kun and I urged to follow the split-the-bill system, Aguri-san just outright ignored us. She continued to the girls.

“Anyway, just like that, I also have relationships and activities other than the Game Hobby Club. So, I want to ask whatever you guys can share about this.”

“I see.”

“Split the bill!”

The girls are nodding, and the boys are continuing their protests. So, for some reason, the girls, …Tendou-san and Chiaki are giving me a “it’s annoying to keep asking to split the bill” stare. W-Well, you two didn’t suffer from it. That’s why your attitude’s like this…! However…!


However, we’re just wasting our energy if we continue screaming. Uehara-kun and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes, …and then we sat down silently. Our fists are trembling on our laps. …Life is difficult for us.

When the boys spiral down into depression, Tendou-san changed the mood by responding to what Aguri-san said.

“If that’s the case, for me, …right. I think everyone knows this already. When there’s no Game Hobby Club meeting, I’ll be in the Game Club.”

After hearing her, Chiaki raised her seaweed head up and continued.

“Yeah, Karen-san does that. However, when the Game Club is on a day-off…”

“Ah, then I’ll go out with my friends like Aguri-san, or…”


When everyone’s paying attention to Tendou-san’s answer, she…smiled.

“I’ll go and ‘hunt’ gamers.”

“What’s that? It sounds scary.”

Tendou-san revealed her hidden side and made us genuinely scared. So, she smiled a bit bitterly. “No, no, no, I don’t mean it weirdly.” She explained.

“Like when I invited Amano-kun, I’ll go and look for students that wanted to join us or simply people that are expert gamers. For example, I visit arcades and game stores frequently.”

“I-I see.”

Chiaki pressed her chest in relief. However, …after she said that, Tendou-san casually added.

“Also, sometimes, I’ll defeat those evil gamers.”

“It’s indeed what you said earlier! K-Karen-san, what are you busy with!?”

“Busy with? …I ‘hunt’ gamers.”

“It’s not going to work even if you’re saying that like you’re just planting flowers! Please don’t hunt gamers!”

“But it’s quite usual for gamers like us, right?”

“W-What’s usual?”

“The evil gamers often bully poor villages.”

“It’s not! Please don’t say that like it’s a universal experience for gamers!”

Chiaki yelled at the top of her lungs. …By the way, what kind of world does my ex-girlfriend live in…?

When sweat began to appear on our faces, Tendou-san tilted her head in confusion.

“Huh, this is a guaranteed ‘universal experience’ in the Game Club…”

…Come to think of it, instead of Tendou-san, I believe the world that the Game Club’s in is the problem.

An awkward atmosphere surrounded the scene. Chiaki spoke up thoughtfully. “M-My turn!”

“When there’s no Game Hobby Club meeting, I’ll-“

Chiaki said that as she leaned forward. I asked, “Hmm, what do you do?” Then, she started talking about the stuff she did outside of the Hobby Club energetically…

“…Ah, …since I don’t have friends or a boyfriend, I’ll just go home…”

“Ah, …really…”

We looked down quietly in sympathy. …However, Chiaki immediately smoothed things over.

“B-But, I’ll also make F2P games myself! Yes! So, sometimes, I’ll go do research and investigation too! Hmph!”

“Oh, that really sounds like what a creator would do. It’s nice, Chiaki.”

“R-Right, Keita. I visit places like libraries often as well.”

“Really? By the way, what did you read in the library?”

“Eh? Let me think. For example, right now, I’m trying to make a classic fantasy RPG, so, every day, I’ll…”

Chiaki stopped and took a deep breath. Then, she raised her finger and told us confidently.

“I’ll do research about the history of Shio koji.” [Note: It’s a natural seasoning made by salt, water, and rice.]

“I feel like the finished game will be weird.”

Chiaki’s tastes are still the same. She didn’t realize we’re giving her a dumbfounded face, and she even continued a bit embarrassingly.

“Also, I want to do something new this time. I’ll make a fancy scrolling shooting game for kids.”

Tendou-san put her hands on her chest and smiled at what Chiaki said.

“Hey, that sounds nice. I love < Steins;Gate > too.”

“Yeah! Me too, Karen-san. So, the references that I’m looking for are…

“Ah, did you look for illustrations of flowers-“

“I’m searching for horrific incidents during the Showa period.”

“The material is really unsettling!”

What? Why did this clump of seaweed research about that when she’s making a game for children? Also, how can she still tilt her head innocently when she saw that we’re totally startled? Is she a genius? No, the most critical question is…

“Hmm? Amano-kun?”

Tendou-san found out that something’s wrong with me, so she tried to look my way. …But, I ignored her and even turning my face away from everyone secretly. …I’m struggling!

(Crap! It sounds pretty fun…!)

I’m a die-hard fan of NOBE. That overflowing NOBE feeling is really drawing me in. However, I don’t want Chiaki to find out.

When I’m trying my best to hold my laughter, Uehara-kun, who seemingly saw everything, mumbled dumbfoundedly.

“Seriously, you two can just marry each other…”

He’s being ridiculous again. Aside from me, there should be a lot of people that love NOBE’s games too. …I-I guess.

I finally calmed down, so I sat back down and faced forward. So, Uehara-kun spoke up this time.

“Ah, I guess I’m the same as Aguri. I’ll go out with my other friends too since I’m not in any clubs, after all.”

“Ah, right-“ Tendou-san answered.

“Uehara-kun, sometimes, …you’ll play with Nina-senpai, …Nina Oiso-senpai from my club, right?”


Aguri-san raised her ears explicitly at what Tendou-san said. Her face made Uehara-kun answer stiffly.

“Y-Yeah, b-but I didn’t invite her out. Uh, it’s because Nina-senpai’s always there when I go to the fighting games area in the arcade. So, I’ll try to learn a thing or two from her…”

“Oh, I see. Oh…”

“Eh? Uh, …ugh…”

Aguri-san’s releasing her “ex-girlfriend’s pressure” to pin down Uehara-kun. What is this? …Even though it’s happening to me, my stomach hurts just as much. Perhaps it’s because we’re both guys. I’m getting upset from seeing it alone.

However, the seaweed girl didn’t seem to notice the situation. She even spewed an innocent…yet extremely brutal sentence out to Uehara-kun.

“Hey, unlike us, …Uehara-kun has a lot of girl friends!”


The sudden friendly fire nearly made Uehara-kun choke in pain. He glanced at his ex-girlfriend’s dark aura before gazing at Chiaki bitterly. Yet, Chiaki continued like nothing’s wrong.

“I can’t believe he managed to build good relationships with several girls at the same time. Uehara-kun’s really amazing.”

“Eh? Uh, hey, Hoshinomori? Can you be quiet for a second…?”

“Right, when I just knew Uehara-kun, I think he treated a first-met girl like me better than Keita, who’s already his friend-“

Crap, as a guy, …as Uehara-kun’s friend, I can’t stand this anymore.

I stood up and went behind Chiaki. Then, I covered her mouth that keeps spewing words out with my hands.


“Eh, don’t force yourself to talk! M-My hands are getting itchy!”

Chiaki kept moving around as if she’s protesting to me. I don’t want to admit defeat, so I hugged her seaweed head tightly-


-After I hugged her, I realized that this time, my ex-girlfriend, …the blonde angel, Ms. Karen Tendou-san, is releasing a shockingly menacing aura. The intimidation is too intense, and I can’t even look at her face.

I’ll die if I even took a single glance- I felt that.

“Ugh, …ugh!”

However, Chiaki still struggled like she can’t read the mood at all. When she’s messing around like that, my hands can feel her breaths and lips. Honestly, I’m pretty embarrassed. However, Tendou-san can sense how shy and hesitant I’m as well. This is making me uncomfortable too.

Well, how about I just let go…? However, this way, this seaweed head will keep on screaming and worsens the situation.

(…We’re stuck…!)

Uehara-kun and I can’t stop sweating. …What’s happening? Right now, this is the first time that I experienced the dark side of the “2 Boys: 3 Girls” ratio. …Well, I can’t deal with this.


The otaku girl that’s struggling to speak, and, with her as the center, the two pairs of broken-up couples being dragged into this dangerous atmosphere.

In this difficult situation, Uehara-kun pulled the last trick out of his sleeves.

“R-Right, Amano, what about you? …Did you know anyone outside the Hobby Club?”

“Eh, …ehh!”

This conversation is too hard for a lonely passerby! I can’t believe I have to introduce friends outside of Uehara-kun and others. How could I possibly have-


-No, I do. Well, I actually do have. However, this way…


Everyone besides Uehara-kun tilted their heads at my confusing silence. Instead, Uehara-kun’s clearly urging me to talk about “them.”

They would be-

(Kiriya-san and Saika-san…)

-Those two. I didn’t really bring up the relationship I have with those two university students.

Indeed, the current topic does allow me to talk about them. More importantly, this can solve the eerie atmosphere right now.


Anyway, I let go of Chiaki’s mouth, and she already stopped moving. Tendou-san and Aguri-san stopped radiating their intimidating aura too.

However, in contrast to this, …everyone’s paying attention to the “relationship outside of the Hobby Club” now. …Honestly, I’m about to suffocate.


I scratched as I went back to my seat with a bitter smile.

…Well, what should I do?

(I guess Kiriya-san doesn’t want people to know him too much…)

Although I didn’t make a promise to him, I do want to avoid bothering him. While I hope that…

I glanced at everyone’s look. …Perhaps it’s because I’m trying to stay quiet. I can tell that they’re trying to say, “Just spew it out, dude.”

(…I can’t lose both things at once. Sorry, Kiriya-san. I’ll try to keep your name and the content as vague as possible…)

After I made up my mind, I took a deep sigh. …Then, I carefully minced my words and explained.

“Uh, …recently, sometimes, …I play with someone outside of the Hobby Club twice a week.”


Tendou-san and Chiaki gasped at the same time. After that, …both of them started sweating for some reason. They suddenly leaned forward and asked me.

“A-Amano-kun? I’ve never heard about this before, even though I’m your girl- ex-girlfriend.”

“Eh? Ah, right. I think this isn’t something that I have to tell you…”

“K-Keita? I always thought you were a loner like me…”

“No, I mean, I’m still just as lonely right now. You know what happened to me during the school trip, right? 90% of my school life is still being afraid of other people looking at me. I just play mobile games alone in my seat.”

I tilted my head since I don’t get what they’re fussing over.

So, …for some reason, the two of them slammed the table hastily and asked me in unison.

“So, is the person a guy!? Explain it clearly!”


I can’t help but come to a stand-still. I don’t get it. …What’s wrong even If the person I hang out with, …Kiriya-san, is a girl…?


I quickly shook my head when I realized what’s wrong.

“No, no, no, no, no! How could that be possible!? We’re talking about me now!”

“Yeah! That’s why we’re worried about you!”

“You’re saying that like I’m a B-grade rom-com protagonist…”

“You’re a B-grade rom-com protagonist!”


Those two finally stood up and got real close to me, while I remained speechless. …I really don’t know what the girls are trying to say. When will a rom-com protagonist try his best to ignore the classmates that are teasing him every day? I’m playing mobile games sheepishly during lesson breaks…

When Uehara-kun and Aguri-san looked at us with freezing eyes, I answered my ex-girlfriend and gaming buddy with a bitter smile.

“No matter what, this time, it’s not what you guys think at all. I’m just…hanging out with a guy you don’t know sometimes. That’s all.”

“Phew, … a guy…”

For some reason, they pressed their chests before sitting back. …Basically, these two have opposite personalities, and yet they’re incredibly cooperative sometimes. Is there anything common between them?

After the two calmed down, I continued.

“Uh, well, sometimes, I’ll…visit that university guy’s ‘one-person apartment.’ Then, he’ll teach me something that I ‘never experienced’ before.”


The two girls stood up abruptly and screamed at the top of their lungs. Although they freaked me out, I managed to throw a question at them.

“Eh, …i-is there something wrong?”

“You’re still asking that!? It’s wrong from top to bottom, Amano-kun! It’s more like, this is the most serious ‘OUT’ situation since we’ve known each other!”

“Yeah! How could you join that circle behind us!?”

“I-I’m joining that circle behind you…?”

I have no idea why these two are so excited.

Although I acted sheepishly, I suddenly remembered one thing is wrong.

“Ah, sorry, I was wrong. It’s not one-to-one. Sorry.”

They calmed down a bit somehow.

“I see. R-Really? If it’s just not you two…”

“Y-Yeah, Karen-san. If that’s the case, it feels like there’s a buffer…”

I was relieved at what they said, so I continued.

“The ‘wealthy lady’ that shares an ‘adult relationship’ with him will sometimes join too. The three of us will ‘have fun’ together.”


The two beautiful girls finally screamed to the point that the whole school can hear them. …What’s with this exceptionally rare cutscene? Aguri-san and Uehara-kun even took the opportunity and kept taking photos of us. …I do hope that those two can be a bit more interested in my friendships.

When I’m sighing, Tendou-san went around to my side. She grabbed my shoulder and shook me crazily, and questioned.

“WHAT. IS. GOING. ON!? Amano-kun!”

“Keita, …you’re horrible!”

Tendou-san’s face as red as a tomato, while Chiaki, who’s standing behind her, cried out loud. …Uh, seriously, what’s happening?

I still don’t really understand their emotions, but I tried to smooth things over.

“It’s nothing. …To put it simply, it’s just that a perfect university couple is willing to play and teach me…”

“That’s the problem we’re talking about! You’re too dirty, Amano-kun!”

“Ehh! I’m just playing games with them. Why do you have to describe it as dirty…?”

When I’m feeling annoyed, the two of them gave each other a confused look and asked.

“P-Playing games?”

“Hmm? What’s with the confusion at this point? Didn’t I say this before? The three of us are just playing video games.”

“You didn’t say that!”

R-Really? I guess so. I was at fault here. …Uh, but, even if I didn’t say that it’s gaming, I don’t remember which sentence of mine pissed them off so much…

I explained directly, and they finally acknowledged and sat back down.

“I see. In other words, …it’s just like what happened with me in the Game Club. Aside from the club here, Amano-kun will sometimes look for other friends to play as well. That’s what is happening. If that’s the case, you should just explain it earlier.”

“Uh, eh, …yeah. …I think I meant that at the start…”

“You got a problem?”

“It’s fine. I’m sorry, madam.”

I stood still and saluted. …Even though our relationship is no more, this world’s social hierarchy still isn’t going to change. I learned something today.

Then, Chiaki sighed in relief this time as she said.

“But, even so, it’s still kind of unexpected. Keita actually befriended a university student…”


I hesitated on my words for a bit. Then, I peeked at Uehara-kun at the corner of my eyes.

(I think I introduced him as my cousin when I met him a while ago…)

I remembered that, so I decided to continue with the setting.

“Uh, he’s my cousin studying in the university around here. Then, his girlfriend will join him and play with us sometimes. …That’s all, I guess?”

“Ah, I see. Well, I can accept that. You can go.”

Why do I have to ask for this seaweed’s permission? Although I’m baffled by this, I don’t want to cause any troublesome arguments anymore. So, I wisely remained silent.

Then, for some reason, Uehara-kun smiled a bit mischievously and joined the conversation.

“Well? Did you have fun playing games with your cousin, Amano?”

Perhaps Uehara-kun understands what I’m thinking more or less, so he didn’t specify it’s Kiriya-san. Instead, he followed me and called him my cousin. I appreciated that.

“Yep, of course. He’s really good at games. …Also, more importantly, those two are really nice people.”

“Oh, they’re nice, right? Ay, that’s quite important. Yep.”

Uehara-kun nodded thoughtfully. I’m a bit baffled, so I wanted to ask what does he mean by that. -At this time, Aguri-san suddenly gasped. “Ah.”

When everyone’s looking there, Aguri-san looked at me and spoke up.

“I think I brought this up to Tasuku before. A while ago, I saw a guy that looked like Amanocchi on the streets. He seems to be talking to two people that are just as young.”

“Hmm? That happened?”

“Yep. So, after I’m done with my stuff, I tried to talk to them. …At that time, the guy that looked like Amanocchi already disappeared.”

Really…? What did that happen? Was it when my cousin was together with his girlfriend?”

Talking to someone that Aguri-san doesn’t know, …I feel like Kiriya-san’s the only option. After all, I’m still a loner.

When I’m lost in thoughts thinking about where she saw me, Aguri-san waved her hands with a bitter smile. “It’s nothing. It’s nothing.”

“I think I got it wrong in the end. Actually, I did talk to those two people after a while. The two said they don’t know Keita Amano. I feel like it’s definitely not the cousin that Amanocchi mentioned.”


“Moreover, the most important thing is…”

Aguri-san rolled her tongue out at this point. She told me while looking down at me.

“Those two ‘beautiful girls’ will never hang out with a guy like Amanocchi.”

“Those two beautiful girls…”

I got nervous after hearing that for some reason. …Huh?

(Kiriya-san and Saika-san standing together, …they do look like…two beautiful girls…)

What the hell? My heart’s starting to beat faster. …I think I just…foresaw something…really terrible. …However, …I’m like a step away from the truth.

(What’s happening? …Which part of what Aguri-san said made me worry so much…?)

To search for the worry in my heart, I slowly sank into the ocean of thoughts. However…

< Bang! >


-The sound of someone slapping the table freaked me out as I raised my face. So, in front of me, …my girlfriend’s getting angry again.

“Meeting two mysterious beauties, what’s happening, Amano-kun!?”

“T-That’s not true. Didn’t Aguri-san say it before? She got the wrong person…”

“Seriously!? Don’t tell me you’re raising flags on those beautiful characters like a light novel protagonist in a spinoff volume!?”

“Spinoff. There isn’t a difference between the main story and spinoff in my life in the first place…”

However, Tendou-san didn’t listen to me as she expanded on her paranoia.

“Ah! A-Amano-kun, …don’t tell me, I, Karen Tendou, is nothing but a heroine in a spinoff?”

“I didn’t say that! Tendou-san, who do you think I am!?”

“I think you’re a terrible man that plays with a girl’s emotions unintentionally!”

“My image is horrible! If that’s the case, Tendou-san, I feel like your life’s main story should take place in the Game Club!”

Facing with my complaint, Tendou-san answered calmly with a serious face.

“No, it’s not like that. The story on that side, …it’s merely a spinoff based on saving the world with gaming.”

“What life are you living to treat that as a spinoff!?”

“Amano-kun, of course, my main story is all about you.”

“My ex-girlfriend’s love is too heavy! Even though I’m excited, …while I do, I feel like I’m pretty stressed! The story between you and me isn’t that valuable!”

“It’s not like that at all, Amano-kun. You’re my main story. However, …to you, Karen Tendou is just the main heroine that appears on a spinoff movie.”

“Even though it’s all spinoffs, you’re raising your status.”

“It’s not that. A girl like me…will just be the central character of the movie. Even if I can quickly get close to the protagonist, I’m still strolling towards a melancholic ending. It’s like those spinoff heroine that gets first place during the fans’ popularity votes.”

“How are you slowly climbing up the ranks in the spinoff heroine realm?”

“It can’t be helped! To you, …to you, I’m a…”

“You’re the main heroine!”



The two of us looked at each other lovingly. …The two normies that were once a couple and the seaweed observed from the outside.

“…What’s with this super terrible ripoff of < How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend >?”

“I think there’s should be a limit of messing around. Did you forget that you two already broke up?”

“Ah, can I go home and play games already? I’m not used to rom-coms like this.”

We were brutally insulted. …Ay, honestly, I think Tendou-san and I got into the mood too much since the middle part.

Tendou-san and I cleared our throats and concluded the topic.

“Anyway, …this means that everyone in the Game Hobby Club still did a lot of things outside. Our lives aren’t so bad.”

“Yeah, Tendou-san. This means that everyone has a fulfilling life besides Chiaki.”

“Hey, hey, hey, that bean sprout midget over there, why don’t you just end with Karen-san’s conclusion!? I-I have a fulfilling life too!”

“…Yeah, Chiaki’s life is great too, …no matter what the others say.”

“But no one said anything to me!”

“…Yeah, you’re right. Chiaki’s having her best time! Isn’t that great!? If someone dared to oppose you, …I, Keita Amano, will immediately punch that person!”

“Then please punch yourself first!”

“…Tck, …this lonely seaweed is noisy…”

“Lonely seaweed?”

“Hey, those two over there, stop teasing each other lovingly. The Hobby Club’s closing down.”


When Uehara-kun told us this, we backed down obediently. It’s hard to say at the start, but Chiaki and I won’t fight each other seriously anymore.

Moreover, according to what Aguri-san said, our reaction is like watching a video of kittens nibbling at each other’s necks gently. Although I can’t really accept her metaphor, …I remembered the high probability of experiencing the evil “Top 3 Spirit of Japan” aura from Tendou-san. Regrettably, I think Aguri-san’s right. Do I look so close…to Chiaki?

We quickly packed everything up to go home. After that, we bid farewell to each other near the classroom’s entrance just as usual.

Tendou-san’s going to the club, Chiaki’s heading to the library, Uehara-kun and Aguri-san’s meeting with their friends, so everyone dispersed.

I’m walking with Tendou-san all the way until the entrance. Then, she headed off to the club while I changed my shoes.

“…It’s cold!”

Walking out of the entrance, the cold breeze of the northern area immediately stabbed my skin. I rubbed my arms outside the coat as I stepped on the snow.


It’s not too early or late for going home, so the bus stop is empty. After that, I watched the evening sky dazedly.

“…Indeed, I met a lot of people recently…”

I mumbled subconsciously after hearing that “spinoff” talk from Tendou-san.

…This is something that I wouldn’t have imagined a while ago.

This is an unbearable honor for a guy like me. …Yes, …I can’t bear it.

“…Kiriya-san, right…”

I unintentionally mumbled his name.

So, today, I can’t help but sink myself in thoughts… His face looks a bit too tidy for a guy, and I’m still not wholly convinced with that bra incident.

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