
Chapter 18-31. Boy in the Labyrinth City (4)

18-31. Boy in the Labyrinth City (4)

We were chasing a big rat in the labyrinth, and before we knew it, we were suddenly in a position to be hunted ourselves by villains called thieves.

"I\'ll charge in first. Everyone should follow."

"No, you\'ll be killed if you\'re alone."

I whisper to my friends.

Zaki stopped me, but the only way to help is to break through the center.

"Oh, scary, scary. Don\'t listen to the consultation over here."

When one said so to mock me, the bandits around him shout with a similar expressions.

"Yeah, I came up with a good thing."

The leader held back the other thieves and only one person comes forward.

"If you can beat me, oh, I\'ll let you be."

He said while hitting the sword on the palm of his hand, licking his lips and leering at us.

"Do it"

"Yeah, that\'s it."

Gon said in a quivering voice, and Zari agreed in a crying voice.

We all hold a spear and run out all at once.

"Good yeah, that\'s the correct answer! Come, come!"

The sword flashes while the leader is speaking, and the tip of our spear disappears.

Then, the head thief slowly swung up the sword, as if to hit us who stopped involuntarily.


I throw away the spear that has only a handle, and pull out the dagger at my waist while stepping in.

The leader swings down the sword.

So fast.

It will cut me through before my dagger arrives.

If this is the case.

I use my back hand.

"--Ground Shrink "

An "off" skill that requires most of your magical power just by advancing by two steps.


You can avoid the sword once.

The sword in his hand shook, and I slipped into the pocket of leader. Dagger ready.

Aim at the flank and pierce with the blade.

My life decrease. I fell unprotected from standing to the ground and rolled on the floor of the labyrinth.

What happened?

What I see is the figure of the head thief with his leg raised. Did I get kicked?

The head who changed the sword to the other hand walked toward me.

My body is numb and I can\'t move.

Gons-no. The spear is broken and the fighting spirit is lost.

Only Lhasa was seen sneaking up and leaving.

That\'s fine. Run away, Lhasa. Save yourself.

"You did well for newcomers, but I\'m not stupid enough to be hit by single-digit level small fry."

Will it end with this, in such a place?

Such despair is? ?Denied.

"Lavna, go!"

A pretty voice echoes on the wall of the dead end.

"--Sage Sword!"

The knights, who were as strong as Iwao, kicked the thieves behind their heads with a blunt of the sword.

"Is it a knight of Iwa ?! Did the hunters of the thieves come out!"

He confronted the knight of Iwao with a bitter face.

Two aides who had a curved sword solidify the left and right sides of their leader.

"Shiga Kingdom-style swordsmanship" Cherry blossom flash ""

Another knight, dressed in silver armor, appeared at a great speed, sprinkling a petal-like pale pink light, and flicked his sword.

One of the aides catches the second shot aimed at the neck with a curved sword.

"Why so angry \'the nobleman of the flash\' Gelitz?"

While pulling out the dagger at the waist, the head thief eyes narrow and the aides slash at the noble

"Add \'sama\', Scrub. Mine is not a name for someone like you to call casually."

Four knights appear one after another around the noble and slaughter the minions of the thieves, who were blocking the passage.

The one who complained to the head thief was a chubby knight. Even though he has such a figure, he is strangely strong.

"My guys! Come!"

With the command of the leader, the thieves who were watching near the ceiling jumped down one after another.

The knight of Iwao moved to a position to protect his friends.

That\'s okay for them.

"Don\'t run ahead by yourself, Geritz"

A beautiful girl wielding a sword appears next to the noble and takes charge of one of the aides.

Another chubby knight slashed a thief who tried to slash the beautiful girl from a blind spot.

"Maryan, you have to be careful"

"Thank you, Luram"

"Is it" Sword Princess "Maryan," Goken "Lulam, or" Black Sword "Paison and" Silver Sword "Jans? I\'ve been regarded highly. "

Said in a tone that makes you feel like you\'re abandoned.

"Don\'t call us by such a vulgar name, Shirou"

The noble, who slaughtered one of the aides, said unpleasantly and swung his sword to shed blood.

"Hmm. I\'ll tell you that this Shirou has a way to fight. Let it go!"

The thieves left on the ceiling unleashed a flock of Labyrinth Maze Moths.

"Again, this hand--"

"Yeah, Dirun"

A chubby knight sighs, and noble orders with a sharp voice.

" Heavy hurricane hammer!! "

A storm from the other side of the aisle instantly smashed the labyrinth moth and slammed it against the wall of the dead end.

--Amazing! Is this magic!

In the corner of my field of vision, I saw the crawling head thief that slinks his body into the gap between the rocks on the wall.

The nobles are busy slashing a number of thieves and are unaware of it.

"He\'ll run away!"

I strain my throat and manage to squeeze out my voice.

"Don\'t worry"

Before I knew it, the pretty princess appeared beside me.

This voice is the first person to send out the Knight of Iwao.


"Yes, princess"

When the princess ordered, the female knight who accompanied her shoots a bow.

The shot arrow sticks between the eyebrows of the thief leader and eyes as if aiming at it, and kills it.

This person is also a great master.

Better than the hunter Pongo.

"Your Highness Meetia, I ask you to handle that too"

The noble calls out to the princess while tying up with a hand-crafted thief.

There was a giant mantis monster in the direction indicated by noble.

A man like a slave is sandwiched between sickles and eaten.

" Soldier Mantis, it\'s a small fry. Similar to the labyrinth ants brought by the thieves. Are you dealing with Chain Train? Then, by all means "

The princess hold a beautiful stick that looks like a sword or a wand .

I saw a thin line of light connecting the princess\'s stick and the mantis.

When the princess moves her wrists rhythmically, the neck and arms of the mantis fall off, and after a short delay, a strange smell like burning air pierces my nose.

"Hmm, isn\'t it amazing? The light from Satou Hidden treasure Artifact, right? "

The princess said something, but I don\'t remember it well.

Because I couldn\'t take my eyes off the pretty figure of the princess, as if I was robbed of my soul.


"Can\'t you hear Geritz-sama\'s words!"

I was struck by a chubby knight and noticed that was called by a prince.

Before I knew it, all the thieves had been defeated.

"You have no gratitude to show your lifesaver!"

"Lulham, justice doesn\'t ask for words of gratitude."

The noble looks at a chubby knight.

"Sorry, I\'m sorry! Thank you for your time!"

I stood up in a hurry and bowed to the point where I could touch the ground.

My sister always said, "Be sure to express apology and gratitude."

Before I knew it, all the thieves were slashed down, and the monsters that seemed to be brought by the thieves also began to be dismantled with the appearance of their followers.

"Are you injured?"

"Yes, but not too bad."

The spear broke and the kicked belly hurts, but nothing like this.

For some reason, I didn\'t want to look awkward in front of the princess.

"If you want to go home from the labyrinth, I\'ll put on Luram on task."

"Well, am I a babysitter?"

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"No! Not at all!"

A chubby knight is ordered by your prince. We are escorted by Mr. Luram, and were able to get out of the labyrinth.

Zari seems to have got along with Mr. Luram, and he told me about various delicious stalls in the labyrinth city.

After sending us to the Labyrinth Gate, Mr. Luram told the guild staff in front of the gate about the thieves, so we returned first.

"—So tired"

The moment we saw the white building of the guild from the west gate, we sat down on the ground.

"……That was scary"

When Sina started crying, we were caught in and started crying too. Even Gon and Lhasa joined in.

The explorers who passed by were surprised at something, but soon lost interest and left.

"What happened? Did you feel scared?"

It was Mr. Gel, The Large Shield, who called out to us.

Before I knew it, the surroundings were getting dark.

I wipe my tear-stained face with my arms and tell him that I was about to be killed by a thief.

Gel listened to the end without interrupting and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Well, it was a disaster, but it\'s an avoidable disaster."


I didn\'t expect to be told such a thing, so I instinctively looked up at Mr. Gel\'s fearless face.

"You said the other explorer parties were gone? They felt like a thief lurking. Didn\'t they stop you?"


They certainly stopped.

I thought that they wouldn\'t take on the big mouse.

"It looks like you have a clue. If you attend a newcomer explorer class in the guild, you would be able to tell that too."

"Is that so……"

It was a mistake to forget my sister\'s advice because I lost to the desire to go to the labyrinth.

"It\'ll teach you a lot more, so if you want to enter the labyrinth, take a class. If you don\'t have the money, you can collect veria in the wilderness or do chores in the city. Because there is, you can survive if you earn only the food bill. Even if you don\'t have the food money, you can get one meal a day. "

We listen to Mr. Gel\'s lecture.

What I just heard is that the staff will tell you even in the Explorer Guild.

And when I think about it now, I wonder if there were many sheets of paper overhanging the walls of the guild.

Gel hits his knees and stands up.

"Okay, do you drink or do you prefer some rice?"

"Gel-san, we\'re out of money."

At the labyrinth gate, I sold each magic core, but it didn\'t become even one bronze coin per person.

It\'s enough money in a village, but Mr. Luram says that you can buy and eat at the stalls from at least one bronze coin, so I don\'t think you can pay for the store that Mr. Gel invites us.

"It\'s okay. Leave it to me!"

When I followed Mr. Gel, it was a brightly lit open space.

A lot of people are gathering and it is lively like a festival.

"OK, drink and relax!"

"Oh! Guild Chief! It\'s a game!"

"Come, young!"

I saw a rabbit and an old woman in a blue cloak swallowing a large mug.

"Today we are having a send-off party for" Fang of Fire "and" Pendora. "If you mix here, you can eat and drink as much free sake and free food as you like."


"Is that okay to do that?"

Gon was obediently pleased, but Zari worriedly asked.

"I don\'t mind. I\'m the best shield of" Fang of Fire ". They can\'t complain because I invited five or six children."

Gel said that and asked someone nearby for sake and food.

"How about a hamburger, Mr. Gel?"

A cute maid gave us bread too.

Leafy vegetables and meaty things are sandwiched between them.

"Oh! Are the maids in the mansion also serving today?"

"Yes, it\'s a celebration before Usasa-san. Yes, there is Miterna-san."

When I lost the delicious smell and bite into it, the softness and deliciousness that I had never eaten exploded in my mouth.

What\'s this? What is this Bun kebab ? ? ? ? ? ? ?What is that cooking!

"Oh, I have to say hello later."

"Huh? Don\'t you go to the persuasion today? Are you tired of it?"

"Isn\'t that the case? Even today, did you go shopping for a gift to propose to Miterna?"

I wanted to praise this deliciousness, but the maid seemed busy talking to Gel, so I repeat with my friends, "It\'s delicious."

"Time to switch."

"Help Rosie! The soup is about to run out!"

"Okay, Annie. I\'ll be there soon, so wait."

A maid called Rosie handed me a basket with a bun kebab and left.

Friends pick up the bun kebab one after another and bite. Even China and the quiet Lhasa have a beast-like momentum.

I also bite into it.

"Did you feel a little better?"

Gel said with gentle eyes.

"Yes, I\'m fine, I\'m out."

When I was full, my anxiety and despair had gone somewhere. It\'s simple for me.

"How about the soup?"

"Oh, give me"

"Ah! Gel-san, Miterna is…"

A maid girl about the same age as us came to hand out the soup.

"I\'m going for a moment. If you get in trouble, say it\'s a Gel invited you."

Perhaps he was worried about a woman named Miterna, Gel apologized and stood up.

"Did you guys come too?"

After Mr. Gel left, it was the nobleman who helped us from the thieves.

Luram and others are with them.

What is different from before?

"--Blue cloak?"

"Because it\'s a start-up ceremony today. I\'ve arrived."

The nobleman says so and walks up to the "Pendora" rabbit-kin.

Well, they were also members of "Pendora".

"It looks like you\'re feeling better."


A pretty princess with a knight of Iwao called out to me.

"Well, a while ago--"

I started to say that I could see a strange place, but I was somewhat embarrassed and had a basket.

"Don\'t worry. We were once caught in a thief\'s trap and saved by Satou."

The princess mutters enchantingly while blushing.

It\'s many times more cute then before. It\'s too cute and dazzling.

But why? My chest is a little clouded.

"One day you can do the same."


"That\'s right. Just as Satou saved us, as we saved you, now you should be stronger and save someone."

The words of the princess were deeply engraved in my heart.

By the way, did not the veteran explorers say the same thing in the "death passage" to the labyrinth?

That\'s what it means to be an explorer.

"You have a good look. You will be stronger."

"Yes I will try my best!"

I can boast that the princess helped me.

"Your Highness Meetia! Here!"

"Okay! I\'m coming, Ravna, Lula"

The princess, who was called by the prince, left with two female knights.

Right now I can only see her back, but one day I\'ll definitely be a great explorer that she wants to count on.

At that time I want to tell her my name.

I looked up at the sky and entrusted my determination to the brilliant full moon.

◇ [At a certain cold village] ◇

--Sneeze .

"No way, a bad insect was on my brother who went to the labyrinth city …"

I had an unpleasant premonition of unseasonable sneezing.

"Is this a revelation to move the plan forward and go to the labyrinth city?"

Looking up at the moon seen through the window, I muttered to myself.

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