
Chapter 92 - Flaming Cloud Crow, Flaming Feather Form!

Chapter 92: Flaming Cloud Crow, Flaming Feather Form!

Across the endless brown land, two sprites spread open their wings and flew in the skies.

Huang Tianhu sat on the back of his Winged Tiger. He bent over and hugged the Winged Tiger’s neck firmly.

Su Hao was a bit more miserable.

Carried in the arms of the Gargoyle, he held tightly onto its neck, which was made of rocks, to prevent himself from falling.

Although it was only flying at a low altitude, and even though Sprite Commandeering could save his life if he fell.

What if…

Both Reverie Butterfly and Little Fire Crow similarly endured the howling wind and clung onto the Gargoyle’s body.

There was no other way.

Their flying speed was far slower than elite-level sprites.

Even so, Su Hao stayed in the sky for more than half an hour before reaching his destination.

When he landed on the ground, his legs became so weak that he almost couldn’t stand still.

Compared to the Gargoyle, Heavenly King Zhou’s Ocean Tide Frog King really provided supreme VIP service!

With this comparison, Su Hao had also experienced the huge difference between a monarch-level and an elite-level.

The journey back then was pretty much the same, both reaching tens of kilometers.

The Gargoyle flew for more than half an hour, while the Sea-Tide Frog King only took a moment to sweep up a dozen people.

A monarch-level sprite was really strong ~!

They landed a few kilometers away from the active volcano.

Looking from afar,

Grayish-white clouds covered the sky, and there was still some hot lava flowing on the ground in the distance. Waves of white smoke emerged in every spot they walked past.

The ground was grayish-black, with a tint of translucent dark red within it.

Smoke was still spewing out of the volcano mouth. Volcanic ash filled the air, igniting fear in people as they did not dare to approach.

Su Hao didn’t plan on getting too close either.

It had only evolved for a short period of time. The active fire-element spiritual energy, activated with the help of the active volcano nearby, was enough. If it really had to fly to the volcano mouth or soak itself in a magma hot spring… the current Little Fire Crow was far from being able to do that, not even after its evolution.

But he spent a large sum of Dragon Nation currency and specially chose the evolution location near the volcanoes of the New World, of course he had a purpose.

“By taking advantage of the evolution opportunity to absorb a large amount of volcanic energy and magma heat, I can combine the few unique skills that Little Fire Crow is currently skilled in to create a battle stance that is most suitable for it…”

He took into account Little Fire Crow’s crooked path. Instead of properly spitting fire, it became a close-combat assassin. He could only constantly think and conceptualize according to Little Fire Crow’s battle style, but it really made him come up with something.

After getting the approval of the interface, he unlocked the cultivation plan, and let it undergo special training for another month. He was only waiting for an evolution opportunity now.

He looked over.

Little Fire Crow’s fighting spirit was high.

The energy of the Feather of Flames had already been absorbed. There was some dark redness on its black feathers, and the cluster of feathers on its forehead was brighter.

It was as though a cluster of flames was burning.

Even Huang Tianhu who was in charge of guarding them couldn’t help but take a few more looks.

Regardless whether it was the impressive Little Fire Crow or the bright-eyed Reverie Butterfly, both had been nurtured too well.

Huang Tianhu, who was also dedicated to nurturing sprites to the extreme, was deeply touched.

Su Hao took out the evolution materials he had prepared a long time ago.

It wasn’t as complicated as Silkworm Baby’s evolution, but it wasn’t cheap either.

Ten pieces of fire-element essence.

Two kilograms of Flame Crystals.

Two fire-element spiritual jades — spiritual jades contained spiritual power purer than jade powder.

There were also a few other materials. He put them into a basket and hung it onto Little Fire Crow’s claws.

—Su Hao didn’t dare to get too close to the volcano, so he could only let it hang by itself.

It wasn’t a big problem anyway.

“Go, Little Fire Crow.”

After Little Fire Crow swallowed ten portions of fire-element essence, its whole body glowed with a bright red light.

It spread its black feathers and flew out at a speed faster than usual.

It arrived at the foot of the active volcano, on a rock patch where the lava had frozen.

It stood there.

The fire-element essence began to take effect. The red light became brighter and brighter, as scarlet threads emerged from its body, wrapping around Little Fire Crow.

It was similar to Silkworm Baby’s evolution.

In the blink of an eye…

Crimson light intertwined, forming a gigantic light cocoon that enveloped Little Fire Crow within.

The light cocoon kept absorbing the nutrients around it.

This was the New World so there was a higher concentration of spiritual energy.

With his naked eye, Su Hao could even see the countless tiny red light dots gathering around him.

The environment was better, and the momentum was greater.

His eyes were fixed on it as he looked around its surroundings from time to time.

Little Fire Crow wasn’t the only sprite going through an evolution in the vicinity.

A few kilometers to the left, Su Hao saw another red cocoon of light. Behind it, halfway up the mountain, other sprites also stepped on the magma that had yet to cool down. Flames rolled over from all around.

The great momentum was more than ten times that of Little Fire Crow’s evolution.

“It’s probably a fire-element sprite evolving to its final form.”

Both of those sprites had owners.

The evolution of wild sprites would probably be more hidden.

Time passed second by second.

On the left, the Flame-Patterned Hound evolved into a Two-Headed Hound before it broke out of its cocoon, and left not long after.

Halfway up the mountain…

The huge light cocoon hidden under the flames also broke apart, revealing a behemoth that was two storeys tall.

— Lava Dragon Turtle.

It roared towards the sky as the flames it spewed out turned into a rain of fire, gushing down noisily.

The Lava Dragon Turtle was extremely large and weighed as much as a ton. It felt as though the earth was shaking with every step it took.

However, it was still quite a distance away from Little Fire Crow. As a sprite with an owner, it also knew not to interfere with the alliance rules of other sprites’ evolution.

It made a slight detour and walked down the mountain slowly.

Su Hao saw a Sprite Trainer leap up onto the back of the turtle. The Lava Dragon Turtle carried its Sprite Trainer away.

Perhaps it was due to the intimidating aura of the Lava Dragon Turtle.

During Little Fire Crow’s evolution process, no blind wild sprites came to disturb them.

It made Su Hao’s heart ache a little for the small amount of money he had spent on hiring a guard.


The light cocoon absorbed enough nutrients. When the red light had blossomed to its brightest, it quickly faded away. At the same time, cracks appeared on the light cocoon.

It shattered with a bang.

“Ding! Your sprite, Little Fire Crow, has completed its evolution and become a new form: Flaming Cloud Crow.”

“Ding! Your sprite Flaming Cloud Crow’s data is being updated…”

A black-feathered crow, which looked like a fiery red scarf, spread its wings and flew towards them.

Its body was larger than the previous Little Fire Crow, but it was still a small sprite overall.

Su Hao couldn’t ride it.

It circled and spread its wings. It had clearly completed the black feathers evolution but it was still emitting a dazzling red light.

Translucent feathers of fire lined up one by one, covering the Flaming Crow’s body.

It looked like it was covered with a layer of flaming feathers.

It was mighty and extraordinary.

Its cry spread far and wide.

Coincidentally, the active volcano at the back erupted again with a boom. Amidst the dark gray clouds, countless pieces of rock with flames flew down, the scene looking like a vast meteor shower.

The gravel hit the Flaming Crow and broke with a bang.

The falling fire rain and the surrounding flames were all absorbed by it. Its flaming feathers became brighter and brighter, the patterns clearly visible on them.

It was bathed in flames, sparking a dazzling red glow.

Looking like a blazing sun.

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