
Chapter 193. Former Hero – Gains a Place in Another World

Chapter 193. Former Hero - Gains a Place in Another World

Well, it’s finally the wedding ceremony.

However, there is nothing special about the wedding situation.

Basically, we’re walking on the red carpet, the so-called Virgin Road, reciting an eternal love oath to God, and exchanging kissing vows. I repeated it 9 times in total. It takes four and a half hours even if each process is completed in 30 minutes.

And also, we did it in pure white dresses and outfits.

The schedule may have been a little strange.

We had a wedding from morning until evening.

Although each family was confused by the unfamiliar wedding ceremony in a different world style, I kept swearing love earnestly.

After the whole wedding relay ends, it will be a dinner party for the whole family.

Sharon’s family was nervous since it was their first time. Meanwhile, Aura’s family is trying to get closer to Celes’s family.

Kagura-san’s family came to me and cried again., I think our friendship deepened further as it was.

And at night…

When the clock struck 11 o’clock, each invited parent returned to the inn that I had arranged beforehand.

After seeing them off, I walked alone in the corridor of the mansion to return to my room.

Phew… I’m exhausted…

Although it didn’t tire me physically, I feel more mentally exhausted than ever before. The mental fatigue often made me feel like being physically tired many times over.

Was a wedding this mentally straining, I wonder…

Moreover, it was done 18 times for both Japanese and Western styles.

I got used to it in the middle after repeating it so many times, but it is inevitable that I still need to do my best for all of them. I should not show preferential treatment between the first bride and the last bride.

Honestly, I didn’t feel this tired even after fighting the Demon King.

However, now all the planned steps have been completed.

Even though it was a ceremony only for relatives, I’ve finally got as many as nine brides in both name and reality.

[Fuh…Fuhahaha! Hahahahaha!]

Although it was just a sudden thought, I was gradually feeling it. A feudal lord who suddenly laughed in the hallway at midnight sounds horrifying, right?

[Haruto… Are you alright?]

When I was laughing in joy, Sharon, who only showed her face from the door of the room, worriedly called out to me.

[Sorry. I’m alright. Don’t worry about it.]

When I came to my senses, I took a deep breath in front of the door of my room.

When I go through the door of my room, it’s as if you put your clothes in order.

[Thank you for your hard work, Haruto.]

In my room, all of my brides were waiting for me to return.

And, as I wanted, their figure is wearing their wedding dress.

It’s all pure white in my view.

Rithina called out to me, but I couldn’t speak in front of my nine brides in wedding dresses.

The wedding dress was designed to further emphasize the big breasts of Rithina, Kagura-san, and Aura.

The cute wedding dress with abundant ribbons while being orthodox for Sharon, Mina, and Celes.

And for Laurier, Tanya, and Ercule, they were wearing frilly wedding dresses that are known as the so-called lolita fashion.

The design of their dresses was my idea and Mina finished it perfectly as I imagined.

As for Tanya, it was a good idea to prepare two dresses, a large one and a small one.

It’s wonderful!

What is wonderful without saying this is wonderful?

Furthermore, the fabric of those pure white wedding dresses is also the best.

I don’t know the specific name, but is it something like silk on Earth? Or Is it something like that?

Anyway, it feels good on the skin and when you touch it, the softness spreads to your fingertips. It is smooth and slippery.

This fabric seems to be a high-class item that you usually can’t afford to buy and it’s a trade item bought from a distant country to Verde, the port town where Etna’s parents’ house is located.

This is the identity of the mysterious baggage that Sharon brought back from Verde.

…I don’t think it was necessary to hide it from me, but when she told me that they would go buy the fabric for the wedding dress used for the wedding by themselves, I would become biased. I think so?

It may have been meant to be a surprise too.

Actually, when I actually saw everyone in the dress, they even looked shiny in their beauty.

No, the shininess may possibly be because the light is reflected.

When I looked at everyone who wore the wedding dress in this way, I was suddenly excited.

When my excitement rose, the tiredness that I had just felt earlier was blown away.

This power boiled endlessly from the bottom of my body.

In my case today, I am confident that I will definitely win no matter how many enemies appear.

This is… the power of love that I always heard about!

Hahaha. My reason is about to collapse.

[Haruto-sama? Are you okay?]

[You were laughing loudly in front of the room a while ago. Maybe you should take a rest tonight…?]

[We were only watching the others’ ceremonies, but Haruto-kun was on the stage all the time, so perhaps that’s the reason you’re more tired than usual?]

Mina and Sharon are worried and Rithina is worried about my fatigue.

Eh? Who’s tired?

Rather, I’m getting more energetic than ever before? Especially on my lower body.

[No, onii-san, that’s about it…]

[Umu. Morelike, you’re showing a rather dangerous face.]

Celes, who understood me well, and Laurier, who looked at me and used her wild intuition.

[Certainly, it looks like a beast.]

[T-the beast… My husband is the beast… the beast…]

I wonder what kind of face I have when they say it’s like a beast right now?

And while saying such a thing, Kagura-san and Aura seemed to be somewhat happy.

[Hey Haruto. Are you okay?]

Tanya approached me and hit my waist several times.

[Ah, ahh. Umm, well, thank you for your hard work today. I’m okay for the time being. Don’t worry.]

I managed to keep my reasoning at the last minute, and succeeded in responding to everyone. It’s a tough battle.

[Thank you for your good work!]

[Umu. The food was delicious. I’m satisfied.]

[Thank you for your hard work.]

[Thank you for your hard work, Haruto-sama.]

[I’m tired from sitting over there.]

[The Earth-type wedding was interesting.]

[I still haven’t fully accepted that I’ve gotten married yet.]

[It’s too great of an honor.]


Everyone replied to me.

W-wait a minute. I cannot listen to who said what when they were replied to me all at once.

Well, that’s fine.

[By the way, Haruto. Why are we still wearing these dresses?]

When everyone was talking about their impressions of today’s wedding, Laurier asked me.

Why are you still wearing a wedding dress?

That’s a stupid question…

Is there only one reason for that, you know?

[Hmm… Laurier. What the hell are you talking about? Today is the first night of marriage, you know?]

[First night? More like, why are you suddenly offended?]

Laurier doesn’t understand the changes in my expression. Her face looked like it was saying [I don’t understand what this guy just said.].

Isn’t that right? It’s ridiculous to take off your wedding dress on the first night of your marriage.

[Listen, Laurier. Today is the first night we got married. It’s the first night, right? What do you do when your wedding dress is taken off?]

I grabbed Laurier’s shoulders and emphasized it.

[O…ohh…I see?]

It seems that Laurier was convinced when she saw my serious face. Did my message reach you?

[Everyone knows what Haruto-kun is thinking, but isn’t this not everyone’s first night?]

It may not be a helping hand to Laurier, but Rithina asked from the side.

Certainly, I and everyone here had a real [first night] already, but that’s a different story.

This Princess seems like she doesn’t understand at all…

Isn’t there any reaction to the special meaning on the first night of marriage in this world?

So sad.

I am sad.

[Well, isn’t it fine? If Haruto is happy, we should wear it. It doesn’t matter whether you wear it or not, isn’t it the same thing?]

Oh. Tanya unusually said a good argument.

The words are a little too direct though.

However, for me, it’s the biggest argument.

Of course, if you want, then do it…

[That’s right, Tanya. Nice opinion.]

When I stroked her head, Tanya gave a broad smile.

So cute. I want to stroke her forever.

[I-It’s not like I said I hate it though? I just want to say that it’s just a little difficult to move…]

Laurier hurriedly said that in hurry. So cute.

[I know. If you don’t like it, you will take it off without asking. Here I go.]

I picked up Laurier and lifted her in a princess carry.


Laurier and I are in a wedding outfits,

If we’re being seen from the side, it would be really like that.

[I’ll be back soon so please wait here for a moment.]

I said that to everyone else. I took Laurier, who was still holding on princess carry, to the back room.

The back room is a bedroom.

And, there is a specially huge bed in the bedroom.

This bed was prepared in a rush for tonight.

It is still good enough to be on time for tonight with that in mind.

The bed is big enough that even a double-digit number of people can still lie down together and honestly, it is on a level that makes me wonder if this can be called a bed.

I am not on the same level as a King nor an Emperor.

It’s just a dedicated bed for my harem.

I will name this a harem-size bed.

It is a good naming sense for me. Fuhaha.

Pomf, I put Laurier on the bed.

Laurier in a wedding dress sits a little on the edge of a huge bed.

Laurier with a slightly red face looked up at me for a moment ago in the bed after receiving a princess carry.


That Laurier that usually shows a clear and blank face even when we’re doing erotic things, her embarrassing facial expression that she rarely shows is really impactful.

This alone makes me want to push her down right now.

It has considerable destructive power.

However, as expected, it is not possible to leave everyone behind and start the first night only with Laurier.

[I will bring everyone here, so please wait a moment.]

[Nn…u, umu…]

I stroked Laurier’s head lightly and I left the bedroom.

When I returned to everyone who was still waiting in the next room, I began carrying them in princess carry one by one.

I know it would be faster if everyone just moved by themselves, but I want to carry them in a princess carry.

I cannot help myself.

It’s quite enjoyable to do.

When I’m done safely bringing all of them to bed, I also sit on the bed. And I’m surrounded by my wives.

It feels amazing to be surrounded by my wives.

This is exactly a harem. Uhehe.

As an endless ambition, I would like to welcome Etna-san here. Shia and Chiyu-san too.

…No, it’s not good to think about that now.

Now I have to do my best for my wives in front of me.


It’s the best time to do what I prepared for this day.

[Ah… Well, I have something to say to everyone.]

I was sitting in bed and surrounded by my wives, but then I stood up and stood in front of everyone.


A question mark appeared on their faces with my actions, compared to their happy reaction when I held everyone in my arms.

[I’ve talked a bit about this before, but I’m a human being born on Earth and in a different world. Well, I think everyone already knows so I’ll leave it aside. You see, right now I’m using translation magic to talk to everyone.]

[Translation magic… Ah, that’s right. That’s why it’s strange. Haruto cannot speak the official language. And yet, I don’t feel any discomfort with the movement of his mouth!]

Sharon answered my words.

The translation magic conveyed the concept of language so the movement of the mouth is irrelevant.

It’s not the language that is being used by Sharon and others.

This is because everyone can only hear the Japanese language and understand its meaning.

The reverse is also true.

That’s aside now, but what I mean is a different story.

[Well, let’s put the trivial matters aside, but anyway, right now I’m talking in the Japanese language, that’s all. What I want to say is that I also practiced the language of this world for a while.]

[Haruto-kun, the official language…]

It seems that everyone isn’t quite sure what I’m saying.

[But, even if you can talk normally, does that mean anything?]

Laurier tilted her neck.

…no, when being asked what it means, it doesn’t mean anything… Well, whatever. I should not be discouraged yet.

[Well, don’t worry about the details. It’s not translation magic, I just wanted to convey it in the language of this world. Um… well, the pronunciation may be a little strange, but listen.]

I set them all aside for the time being and I decided to say it quickly. I’m getting embarrassed.

My nine cute wives are waiting for my words. Everyone is staring into my eyes. Doki-doki.


I took a breath and I will say the words that I have devised for this day. In the language of this world.

[Thank you, everyone. Thank you for your continued support. I love you.]

I didn’t understand why I also put the confession word there, but if I didn’t say it now, when would I be able to say it?

Moreover, if I said that I love them, it can also be said that I’ll do it with all of my power.

How was it? Was the pronunciation okay? …did it get through to everyone?

[W-why is it… suddenly I’m so excited…]

[Umu…I feel strangely embarrassed…]

Sharon and Laurier… No, not just two of them, but everyone was fidgeting and even their faces turned red.

Cute! Everyone is super cute! All of them are my wives!

We expressed our feelings by kissing each other.

Despite what Rithina said earlier, it might have felt really like her first night and we overlapped our lips with a fresh feeling.

Since I have nine wives, just kissing would make a lot of difference.

Some of the girls are embarrassed when our lips are on top of each other, and others passionately entwine their tongue.

By the way, the former is Sharon and the latter is Aura.

I can get sandwiched between Rithina and Kagura-san’s big breasts, have Celes and Mina serve me well, and enjoy the licking combination of Laurier and Tanya.

I also took advantage of Ercule, who becomes aggressive once her switch is turned on.

I don’t mind the pure white wedding dress getting wrinkled or getting dirty, I will embrace everyone to my heart’s content. I’ve been abstinent for 3 days now and now I can go all out as much as I want.

This place isn’t paradise?

Fuh, fuhahaha!

Yes, this is just a paradise.

A wide variety of my wife’s volumes, from small, palm-sized, perfect size, to the sizes that cannot be grasped.

From humans and demons to elves, dwarves, and beastmen.

And all of them are cute.

The paradise that I asked for in another world, a harem, was now in my hands.

[Haruto…what’s wrong?]


While I was enjoying the happiness and loving Sharon, she suddenly looked worried and put her hand on my cheek.

I had no idea why she was worried as she made a very rough voice.

[Because… Haruto is crying.]

[Eh? H-huh?]

Although I don’t understand and wasn’t sure what I was saying, Sharon noticed that. I don’t know why, but before I knew it, I was crying lightly.

Eh… Wa-wait, why is it a moment like this?

Why did I cry at such a time?

[Are you okay? Haruto. Should we stop?]

Laurier, who was next to me, looked into my face with anxiety.

[N-no… it’s different. It’s not like that.]

What’s with this?

My tears suddenly broke out. What’s happened?



Mina and Rithina, who were on the opposite side of Laurier, also worriedly stroked my cheeks.

Everyone, who had previously laid down and rested, got up and worried about me who suddenly started crying. Everyone’s temperature that touches my body is warm and comfortable.

Why am I crying? I was surprised.

I’m confused because I don’t understand at all.

[Dear husband, do you want to rest today?]

[The whole process is already finished so don’t overdo it, Haru-kun?]

Aura and Kagura-san also worry about my body.

[No, that’s not really the case…]

…Because you see.

Actually, the lower half of my body is still fine.

[Certainly, considering the number of what onii-san recently did, this number of times was still okay.]

[It’s barely a half-lap yet.]

Celes-chan. Did you count how many times I usually do it?

Stop making up statistics, please?

Tanya also lightly says a half-lap, but a half lap of nine people is already double digits, right?

No, I think it’s still okay.

The number of times does not matter in the first place.

Whether I become a sage or not, I will have the first night of my marriage until the morning… Maybe I will still be hungry and keep enjoying it all day long.



I kissed Sharon, who raised her body when I stopped my movements.

[It’s alright if you’re okay, but… don’t overdo it, okay?]

[Y-yeah… Un. Alright.]

Sharon embraced me with a compassionate feeling, which is different from being passionate… and I can feel her excessive love.

[Then… umm… if it’s okay… I mean… at times like this, once…if you did it once, you will feel better and refreshed, right?]

Sharon stuttered terribly, and she said the words that I remembered hearing somewhere.

I said I heard it somewhere, but that’s mine.

[Refreshing… buhahaha!]

I hugged Sharon and laughed back while feeling amusing.

[Hou…Even Sharon can say something like that too.]

[Sharon-san…so bold.]

Laurier grinned at Sharon’s words, and Rithina was surprised that she closed her mouth.

Everyone else was surprised and laughed at Sharon who suddenly said something outrageous at such a time.

[Eh? M-mou! Everyone is so cruel to laugh at and even Haruto is laughing too! Even though Haruto said that in such a case!]

Sharon got angry because I laughed at her, even though she took great care of me, and she hit me on my back while I hugged her.

[Sorry, my bad. But, thank you. I don’t know what it is, but it seems that my tears came out when I felt happiness. Thank you everyone for worrying about me.]


When I held her firmly and thanked her, Sharon became quiet and hugged me in return.

[Well, we’ll do anything to make Haruto feel better. After all, we’re all members of Haruto’s family!]

Laurier unusually said something mature.

And she taps my and Sharon’s head. Although what she said is rather vulgar.


I was surprised to hear Laurier mention family.

I see, family, huh.

Sharon, of course, as well as all 10 people here, including me, are already in the family.

Although I’m not entirely sure, it made me happy and I cried.

Everyone who grew up together at the orphanage was like a family, but I still think it was not a true family.

When I got married to everyone I met in this different world, it’s an unmistakably real family.

I see, is it a family, huh.

Family. It’s good.

[Hmm, that’s right! Everyone is part of my family and my cute wives.]

After I realized that, I looked around the faces of everyone here. Then everyone will smile back in my eyes.

It’s extremely lovely.

It made me completely forget the reason I was crying and being confused; my tension ran high again.


Then Sharon, who I was still holding, exhales a little.

[Hmm? What’s wrong, Sharon?]

[Umm…Haruto became big…]

When I asked that, Sharon turned her face red and replied, burying her face around my neck.

Ah… I’m sorry. The tension made me on edge, which also caused me to be ‘on edge’. Tehe.

[Fufufu… That’s right, sorry about that, but could you make me feel better right away?]

[Eh? Ah, yeah. P-please? Umm, that…refreshing…thing?]

Sharon answered me timidly.

This is too cute. If I was told something like this, I would have to do my best as if we had just begun.

I repeatedly kissed her, despite how many times I had done so with Sharon, and experienced happiness.

Thus, in this way, I got a place called a family in a different world.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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