
Chapter 38 - The Prideful Woman Is In Love? (Edited)

The Next Day, Morning :-

Kyle woke up from his bed, groggily opening his eyes, he looked at the bedside clock, the display showed 7:00 AM. Kyle just kept staring at it blankly for some time, then it hit him. "Holy Shit!!! I\'m going to be late! Why didn\'t anyone wake me up today?!" ​​

He immediately dashed towards the bathroom, and brushed his teeth with such speed that his hands became a blur and the foamy toothpaste covered his lower face like Santa\'s beard. Afterwards he took a cold shower, washed himself with body wash and shampoo and immediately after dove into the artificial hot spring. 10 seconds of soaking and swimming inside the hot spring was enough to rid him from all the grogginess of sleep and make him refreshed for the rest of the day. Coming out of the hot spring he immediately went to his room to wear his uniform and finish the additional preparations to go to school.



Done with everything, he went towards the kitchen to find some food, inside the kitchen he saw Tohru happily cooking an egg roll, he entered and greeted her. "Good morning Tohru."

"Good morning Kyle!" She replied with a smile, her smile was a refreshing sight, especially so to start one\'s day, she had been smiling a lot ever since they had come back from that shopping trip where he had promised to accompany her on a date.

"Hey, Tohru why didn\'t you wake me up? You know that I have school today right?"

"About that… I tried to wake you up, but… you were sleeping so peacefully, so I couldn\'t forgive myself if I were to wake up!" She had a shy expression as she said that, seeing her act like this Kyle was taken aback. \'What the... she\'s acting exactly like a newlywed wife!\'

The way she acted around him became more intimate than she usually did, she might have possibly been holding back all this time, which changed after that trip they took, he had to admit, this felt strangely pleasurable, he felt that they had gotten closer, their relationship was steadily progressing like he wanted and it made him happy.

This was just the first step, he smiled at Tohru, but his tone was a bit helpless. "Is that so? What kind of reason is that? Anyways since it already happened I won\'t talk about it anymore, but please next time if I oversleep, wake me up okay?"

She nodded. "Okay, I just finished boxing your bento here you go!"

"O-oh thanks? You know... you are acting like my wife or something."

"Your wife?! Ehehehe~!" Her expression was pretty creepy right now, it was enough to scare the shit out of Kyle, he immediately snatched his bento from her hands. 

"Anyways! I have to go see you later then!" Snatching the bento Kyle ran like his life depended on it, he was sure if he stayed there for some more time Tohru\'s delusions would make her proceed in a direction he was not ready to step upon, even after he left he could still hear her delirious laughter.

She was probably imagining what it would be like to be his wife and what they\'d do together, Kyle drove his motorcycle toward his school with the fastest speed he could muster, still unnerved by Tohru\'s perverse laughter.



Kyle arrived just in time, he could finally breathe with ease, he was worried for a second there that his perfect attendance would be in jeopardy. It was funny to think that he was literally a God, but nothing changed in his life, he was the same as before, he was glad that he didn\'t get a God complex along with his \'Divinity\', otherwise he couldn\'t live with becoming the type of character he hated all his life.

Well one thing did change however, he became more good looking, another change was that he could finally say that his peaceful life was in the process of breaking apart. He knew that he was deluding himself before, keeping himself illusioned with the belief that his life would always be peaceful if he willed it so. But the recent events had finally woken him up. His life was never peaceful, at least since he got the system his life was already plunged in the cycle of change. Now he knew that he was a fool, no matter how much he denied it his life would never be in peace again. He felt it laughable that he even thought about leading a normal peaceful life. He felt amused and was laughing self mockingly, he really was pathetic to even have that thought. Anyways, it was in the past, it was good that he was able to get out of that delusion before it was too late.

Kyle\'s gaze locked onto his school, a place also oozing chaos and troubles, he just had a feral grin etched on his face as a response. "I don\'t care anymore, what is destined to come will come! I\'ll just be ready for anything and everything life can throw on me, always."

Finished with his declaration, he felt a weight lifting from his body, he felt refreshed and free, free from the restraints he had self imposed on himself. Now, just the thought that it took him such a long time to realize everything felt ridiculous. But it was true, he really went delusional for some time. Shaking off the feeling of regret he slowly walked towards his academic building and in extension his classroom. Entering, he greeted everyone with a refreshing smile of confidence. 

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Kobayashi-san!"

"G\'morning Kobayashi-kun!"

"Yo! Mornin\' Kyle!"



Kyle came to another realization, he was kinda popular in his class, and the thought that he was the only boy in the class just stroked his ego further. Kyle was fast to dismiss that egoistic thought, he knew it would only lead to trouble. He was just about to reach his seat but a bold classmate of his, which means a beautiful big tittied girl, sidled close to him and quizzically asked. "Kobayashi-kun, is it just me or are you more good looking than before? Did you perhaps put on contact lenses? I mean your eyes aren\'t as scary as before! Don\'t misunderstand it wasn\'t like that they were scary in the first place but now your eyes look pleasingly good."

As if getting a signal, all of the girls hoarded around Kyle asking him questions, everyone\'s intentions were clear they were trying to flirt and get his attention.

"Let me see! Woah it\'s true his eyes are less scary than before!"


"Girls! Let me see!"

"Kobayashi-kun is more charming than before indeed!"

Amidst the praises of the girls a sudden shout, filled with anger and authority stopped the ongoing ruckus. "Hey you people! He\'s mine, don\'t touch my prey!"

"""Huh?!""" Every girl who approached Kyle cranked their heads threateningly to look at the person bold enough to utter those words, but as soon as they did all the hostility they had turned into a cumulative echo of fear, the reason; it was Kagamiin Kyōka uttering them and in this class her voice was authority itself, commands nobody dared to disobey.

In thai classroom only Kyōka had the qualifications and authority to utter her claim on anybody, and if she wanted Kyle, no matter how unwilling the others were, they had to leave him alone. "You lot, go back to your seats I\'m talking with this guy."

Her words were iron rules that were imposed on the girls, they couldn\'t deny it, they couldn\'t even dare to defy her, so they did what was the norm, they obeyed. "Good morning, Kyle."

Hearing those words everyone gasped in shock, surprise was all they felt, the room went completely silent. Nobody could believe that the arrogant, reckless, shameless and savage Kyōka wished someone good morning. They were questioning their sanity and their Hearing ability at this point, such was the shock they felt from her words.

There was no doubt about it, everyone had suspected that there was something going on between Kyle and Kyōka, only now did they understand that, Kyōka was in fact in love with Kyle. The strongest dragon of Nango-Kuren was in love! This may sound as a rushed conjecture but, the way Kyōka was smiling with slightly flushed cheeks as she so sweetly wished Kyle, yeah the body language was enough to indicate that Kyōka had fallen deep in the pit of love. It may seem illogical but defining girls with logic was a stupidity in itself. The point was Kyōka, the apex predator of this school would never greet someone.

Even in the off chance that she did, it would be a fist of greeting that would end in you getting hospitalized. Now, the savage, arrogant and prideful woman was greeting someone so gently with affection, moreover the person greeted was someone from the opposite gender. Yeah, this was love. Even if Kyōka denied it nobody in this classroom would believe in her!

The most surprised amongst everyone was Kyle, he knew Kyōka far better than any people present in this class. It was surreal for her to greet someone so sweetly. He had an inkling where it was going, he smirked playfully and decide to tease Kyōka a bit. "Oh, my! Am I hearing things!? The great Kōgōryū is greeting me with something that isn\'t her fist!! Oh, my! What a surprise, what a surprise indeed~"

He teased her with the expectations of ruling her up, make her a bit angry or at the very least annoyed, the result though was something he didn\'t take into consideration.

Kyōka blushed, heavily, her cheeks upto her ears was dyed in pinkish hue, her eyes darted about unable to answer Kyle, Kyle simply went blank, just looking at her blankly, which managed to deepen her blush. Coming back to his senses, his mind went in a wondering stupor, he just couldn\'t make sense how Kyōka was even capable of making that expression, it was truly a day of surprises.

"To think even you\'re capable of making such expression, God forbid I don\'t want to think anymore what else you\'re capable of. Hey, coming back to topic, just when did become yours though?"

"Th-that was a joke…" Kyōka was in full blush mode, her blush had even creeped onto her scalp, slight smoke could be seen leaving through her ears, her stutters were also cute as she tried to deny the obvious.

"Then what about the prey part?" He asked.

"Oh that, I was serious." In an instant all the pinkish hue disappeared from her face, replaced with a serious face filled with determination.

Kyle again blanked out, he couldn\'t fathom what was happening today. How was she even able to change her emotions like that. It was like her emotions were a switch, changing in an instant ok her command. He even fancied the thought that if she were to participate in Guinness Book of World Records, she\'d be able to become a record holder in the fastest emotional fluctuation category.

"Oh, is that so? Then will you mind moving? Because I\'m going to sit down in my chair."

"Oh, right." Kyōka moved making it possible for Kyle to sit down on his chair.

As soon as he did, he glanced at Kyōka waiting for her response, Kyōka was seemingly hesitant to utter what was on her mind, Kyle wasn\'t in the mood of waiting for her.

He grumblingly ordered her to spill out what was in her mind. "If you want to say something, then say it. The class is about to start, we don\'t have all day."

Snapping out of her hesitant spell, she decisively asked. "Do you have some time later?"

"...If we are having another episode of \'talking privately\' then no, I don\'t have the time for annoyances."

"No, no of course not I\'m not going to do that anymore, at least for now."

The last part of her words made him swuint suspiciously at her, mentally he was pondering about her words though, after slight deliberation he had his answer. "Yes, I do have time."

"Great! Then meet me after school." She practically shouted her response, one could see the excitement she felt reflecting in her eyes as well as his voice.

".....Okay...….." Kyle answered, but a bad premonition was looking in his senses. He suddenly had a thought that he was going to regret affirming her request. How? Well, that was for him to find out soon.

( `END` )

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