
Chapter 408 - Spirit Mountain is in Sight and Time is Changed

Chapter 408 Spirit Mountain is in Sight and Time is Changed

Where is Penglai?

Perhaps Li Yishan has pointed the way to it for others in his poem but they think it’s just poetry of love and then they study it word by word. However, they never think that perhaps that famous poem has a literal meaning.

He doesn’t speak metaphorically... Lin Luoran’s eyes flicker and she is staring closely at the crack where some light pours down.

The cyan phoenix comes out of the crack again after a few seconds. That gorgeous tail sprinkles some starlight, lighting up the night of Shen City.

When its entire figure is revealed from the crack, Lin Luoran discovers that it is dragging a magnificent jade-colored carriage and flies around the sky. The sound of flute and strings rings. Several fairies in beautiful dress are sitting before the carriage, playing the flutes or strings. They look different but all have a sense of ethereal romance.

Most of the civilians are afraid to look at them. Occasionally, some daring soldiers peek at them and they are all blushed because of their aloof and magnificent look.

It is different from the beauty of Mortal Heart Fairy. People who have peeped secretly are all surprised. However, they still like the Mortal Heart Fairy more because of her kindness.

Lin Luoran has totally ignored what people under her feet are thinking. She can’t tell others how complex her feelings are.

Suddenly she remembers the famous sentence that she has learned when she was young—Hundreds and thousands of times/for her I searched in chaos/suddenly, I turned by chance to where the lights were waning/and there she stood. The situation and object are both not very correct but the feeling is so similar. It’s all about the feeling of sudden enlightenment.

Cyan phoenix swoops down with the large magnificent carriage and circles around Lin Luoran. When it passes by Lin Luoran, she can clearly see the fluttering eyelash of several fairy musicians and the fragrance of flowers from them.

They are exquisite and fully devoted to the beautiful and moving music. They don’t care about Lin Luoran but the carriage is always hovering around her.

The cyan phoenix which has left Sang Ye’s eyebrows is dragging the magnificent and generous carriage. It is always circling Lin Luoran. Because of this, even though the women who are performing music say nothing, Lin Luoran still feels that they are inviting her to go up—Lin Luoran has a strong intuition that behind the crack, it is Mount Penglai which she has been struggling to pursue for more than ten years!

Get in! Get in! It’s just like dreaming. She can’t help raising her feet and steps on the carriage.

It’s like stepping on a mass of cotton, extremely soft. Lin Luoran gets on the carriage and couldn’t help looking around. Outside Shen City, there are respectful believers. They probably think Lin Luoran is going back to somewhere like heaven so there is such a big scene.

Only the seventh prince Sang Ye who has been together with her doesn’t think this way. He struggles from the ground and touches the burning place between his eyebrows without a word.

Only he knows that Lin Luoran doesn’t return to where she is from. The truth is that she has found Penglai.

He remembers what he has read in an ancient book in the cold palace when he was a child. The book said that there were three Spirit Mountains, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou. Cyan bird is the messenger of the Queen Mother and it can travel through worlds freely. Sang Ye always thought that he could read that book because his mother wanted to comfort him so she deliberately asked people to let him read it. After all, he only reads it once and then he never sees it again.

However, why did he believe it?

Perhaps subconsciously he wants to prove that the birthmark between his eyebrows is the incarnation of lucky charm, not the doom as people have been talking about in the palace.

Later on, he checked the ancient book and finally found Shen City. Even so, Sang Ye has never expected to see cyan phoenix leading the way one day.

He has been suffering with indifference and hostility for more than 20 years. It seems that he can finally vent his anger now.

The place between his eyebrows is so painful and he is so thrilled but his face is still shrouded in tranquility.

Sang Ye, the cold-blooded seventh prince of Penglai now looks gentle. Ximei is next to him. She has lost her mother and she is holding her younger brother’s hand tightly. The girl looks at the sky and cries like a hungry cat.

Children’s emotions are most sensitive. She knows that “Sister Lin” is about to leave.

What to do in the future? Ximei is at a loss and she can only hold her younger brother’s hand tightly.

Sang Ye is moved. It’s a bit lonely to live alone in the Prince’s Mansion. Maybe it will be more lively with two more members?


A group of believers are seeing her off respectfully down there. When Lin Luoran is seated, the cyan phoenix hisses. Without a trace, it glances the tiny human who has been with it for more than two decades and turns its head toward the crack of the sky.

The brilliant sparks illuminate the pavilions which are faintly visible the moment when lights are swallowed by the crack.

Does Penglai with true immortals really locate in the mountains floating in the clouds?

The carriage is spacious but Lin Luoran is swayed by considerations of gain and loss so she doesn’t feel comfortable at all. With a burst of white light, cyan phoenix pulls hard and drags the carriage through the crack.

The darkness is left behind. When Lin Luoran opens her eyes again, she sees light which will never extinguish.

The tall mountains are high into the clouds and flowers and willows here will never wither all year round. The exquisite corners of pavilions can subtly be seen in the mountainside. If you don’t look down your feet, this is just a tourist attraction which is very ordinary in earthly world.

The music has stopped and the carriage also stops on an unknown jade platform.

The cyan phoenix has disappeared. Lin Luoran stands by the carriage and looks around. The whole mountain is suspended in the air. This is a place without connection with the sky or the ground. A pumice path is the only place where the jade platform is connected to Spirit Mountain.

The winding path leads to a quiet secluded place, extending to the end of white mist.

It’s like the magnetic raw gemstone in adventure movie which is totally against common sense. Lin Luoran observes it for a while and does not immediately step on it.

Because she finds that the women who played music before now become some human-shaped figurines with a height of only two inches. Some are holding strings while some are holding flutes. They are all very exquisite and lifelike. It turns out that they are not real people at all.

Lin Luoran hesitates for a while and picks up these pottery figurines.

Looking closer, she realizes they are the same as real people in terms of faces, postures, or even the feeling of skin. She thought they were so beautiful that looked ethereal, but she didn’t know they are actually some dolls.

She finds it interesting but she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to just take them away without asking their owners. She is about to put them down when one of the stones floats to her. Lin Luoran is distracted and she stands on the stone cautiously.

The floating stone is like a bus, slowly flying towards the end of the white mist. It is drifting in the track in the air, steady and slow.

Well, she is still holding the pottery figurines!

Lin Luoran is blunt and she wants to put pottery figurines back. Looking back at the jade platform on the way here, she finds it has already disappeared in the white mist and even her cleared eyes cannot see it.

She is not so bold to challenge the immortals’ ability with the personal ability of a Bearing Essence cultivator. She can only temporarily hold these female figurines in her hand and follows the floating stone while looking around the Spirit Mountain in front of her.

As she gets closer, the scenery is much clearer. At the end of the white mist, there is a small stone road. Two crooked pine trees are standing on both sides. They are ordinary species but maybe they have lived for millions of years.

Lin Luoran sees the road of pines and feels that it is almost the end of the floating stone. However, she almost falls asleep on the stone.

Well, the distance doesn’t seem to narrow at all after so long?

Lin Luoran feels so gloomy. She wants to take out her cellphone to check the time but she realizes the time has stopped.

In the space, fire phoenix narrows its eyes and mutters, “Changing the time... Now I believe there are immortals in this mountain.”

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