
Chapter 187: Harvest and Desolation

Chapter 187: Harvest and Desolation

Zhang Xiao Qiang turned and looked at the other Type-S zombie. Having been shot at three times by him, it laid on the ground like a delicate and weak girl being oppressed by a tyrannical big brute. Zhang Xiao Qiang’s new subordinates all wielded their shovels and hammers as they fanatically smashed down onto the slightly twitching Type-S zombie. These few brutes were huddled too tightly, but even more, men carrying tools were rushing in from behind as they screamed and shout, all of them wanting a bit of the action. By the time they dissipated, the Type-S zombie had turned into a pile of mincemeat. When a few of them saw the zombies on the wall, they excitedly shouted and got the others to run over to the zombies. Behind them came along another group of men. Zhang Xiao Qiang was dumbstruck. He had never seen such an initiative towards killing zombies. More correctly speaking, it was not them being initiative but more of crazy. All 30 odd men rushed up regardless of stature or age. Every single one of them screamed and howled. The men who initiated the pummeling of the Type-S Zombie rushed forward like a gust of wind. By the time they separated, not a single zombie at the wall was left standing.

“Fear....fearless.” Zhang Xiao Qiang became agitated as he walked backward in excitement for a more accurate assessment of the men. The difference between these men and Zhang Xiao Qiang’s combat team members was that his combat team members were extremely good at dealing with humans but just barely able to deal with zombies, but the construction workers were weak towards other humans while being unhesitant towards zombies and were ruthless and efficient zombie killers.

What Zhang Xiao Qiang did not know was that these group of men were completely convinced and had complete respect towards Zhang Xiao Qiang for bringing just 20 odd of his own men to defend against 2000 zombies. They all knew that zombies could be killed by destroying their heads, but would 2000 zombies give you time to aim? But Zhang Xiao Qiang’s subordinates did just fine. Against the zombies which got to the 10-meter mark, they did not panic. None of them even tried to turn and run. Not only can they finish the winning battles, they would rush straight towards smaller groups of zombies while scattering and flanking larger groups of zombies.

Wang Chong retrieved his rifle, looked at the dead zombie at his feet with his heart at his feet while continuing to shoot at the zombie horde without stopping. He had no time to brood over his emotions, the apocalypse tribulation had refined him into a steel-hearted man. He had turned into a fighter, so long as he did not die in battle, he would continue fighting until he fall.

Even with the massive number of zombies, they were unable to drown out the survivors’ firepower. As time elapsed, the throng of zombies slowly lessened. When the last shot was fired, there was not a single zombie left standing in their eyes. The combat team members all dropped their rifles and leaned on the walls to rest. Zhang Xiao Qiang held his Desert Eagle and inspected the vicinity behind the wall. The designated battleground entrance was littered with layer after layers of zombies, the original black and brown ground was completely covered with the zombie corpses, where the majority of them were incomplete with limbs missing. All of these zombies were shot and split into pieces with their arm at one location and leg in another, while there were many still emitting smoke, half of their bodies were buried by soil. These were the ones killed by the explosion of the grenades.....On the chaotic battlefield, the dense mass of zombie corpses resembled piles of dead fishes on the sand piling on top of each other layer by layer, the highest points formed mounds, some of the zombies that had their limbs destroyed but were not dead wriggled in the piles, they wanted to crawl out of the mess and continue towards the scent of the blood. One after another, the men wielding blades or shovels walked towards the piles. As long as they saw any zombies moving, they would either send a bullet into its head, causing the entire head to explode, or smashing the heads with their shovels......


The doors were kicked open, three men equipped with shields and torches rushed in. They then shouted from within: “clear.....all clear...no zombies here!”

After that, a few men equipped with gloves entered and started overturning the furniture and boxes, wrapping anything they could find with bedding. All the junk and tools were brought out, and with the systematic flow of people moving in and out, aside from large electrical components or machines left inside the house, the interior was completely emptied in less than 10 minutes. Once the last person darted out of the house, the place became quiet once again.

Zhang Xiao Qiang walked to the large main street. At that moment, the entire town belonged to him, and the location where he was standing on was the center of the town. He looked at the various buildings and structures that had been through the elements and looked at his subordinates break down doors after doors, rummaging through the houses and shifting all sorts of supplies one after the other. For some reason, he lost the joy that he always felt, his emotions turned increasingly unhappy.

Yang Ke’er led the little girl and tore open bags after bags of tidbits inside a non-staple food shop, and started feeding the little girl with all sorts of snacks as though she was feeding a dog. The little girl never refused anything that entered her mouth, she would eat however much there was. Yang Ke’er grinned from ear to ear, she was extremely happy.

Zhang Xiao Qiang’s combat team members and construction team members were ecstatic, they carried various goods while talking and laughing with one another, some were even arguing over spoils of war, to which were only settled after they found more spoils and where everyone earned some profit. Three of the assistant machine gunners carried a large backpack each, they did not care about the men’s spoils of war, their target only necessities, shampoo, shower gels, cosmetics and hand lotions. All of these items were thrown to the ground by the men were all grabbed by the three of them and thrown into their bags. They were like treasure hunters wandering in historical sites with the occasional squeals of joy. Soon after, laughter could be heard in the quiet town, some of them had grass in between their teeth while waiting.....everyone was happy. To them, it was a day of bumper harvest for the objects and supplies in the past few days were construction materials and were useless to all of them. In the few days, they had to look for spoils of war for the camp and not for themselves and did not find much joy in them. But to be able to obtain spoils of war that were used for themselves, they were ecstatic and became extremely grateful to Zhang Xiao Qiang. It was the first time they were truly happy again after the apocalypse and were able to let out real joyous laughter. The chance to let loose and laugh after the daily oppression and depressed life, it was something worth holding on to.....watching them in laughter and joy, Zhang Xiao Qiang actually did not feel any sense of happiness and continued walking on the street alone and in silence. He walked over various litter and scattered bones slowly, bypassing the rows of shops along both sides of the street. He even saw a small internet cafe which had about 20 sets of computers, the internet cafe was in a mess, the furniture all over the place with older and box-ed monitor screens flung across the floor. Zhang Xiao Qiang also noticed a dark sports shoe under a toppled vending machine that had brown stains of dried blood around it. A few bloodstained bones scattered about revealed the tragic end of the dead person.

The other shops around were roughly the same as the internet cafe, they were in chaos and dilapidated. There were even traces of despaired survivors who left behind marks and corpses. Zhang Xiao Qiang raised his head and looked at the mountain in the distance, the vegetation at the peak was still as lush as before aside from the patches of yellow around. He looked at the flyover, the tall and lofty flyover reminding him of his previous win. He raised his head up and looked at the sky. It was a day with no sun, the gloomy and dark clouds floated by depicted his emotions. There was a stifling emotion in him that he could not let out. He continued to walk ahead.....

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