
Chapter 313

“Qiao Qiao.”

Zhao You Jia holds Gu Qiao’s hand and persuades her patiently. “Hear me out. Don’t fight with Jing Bo Yuan. He is not your opponent.”

Gu Qiao looks at Zhao You Jia with cold and disappointed gaze.

“Just because I don’t have anyone to depend on so I should accept other’s mistreatment?”

Zhao You Jia speaks out his own thought. “Jing Bo Yuan is complicated and tricky. He will not fight you if you do nothing. Do you offend him?”

After what happened with Zhao You Chen, Zhao You Jia cannot help but to admit Jing Bo Yuan’s greatness.

Based on Jing Bo Yuan’s ability, he can not only cut Zhao You Chen’s one finger. He even can kill him with no effort at all. But he didn’t do anything to Zhao You Chen. He just used a picture to scare him off. One is for give a warning to Zhao You Jia. Zhao You Jia is someone with weakness. Second to give Zhao You Jia warning that it is easy to do something to Zhao You Chen.

Moreover, Jing Bo Yuan has the video. He doesn’t act agains an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents. Zhao You Jia cannot do anything now. He even cannot stop Gu Qiao.

Gu Qiao’s temperament changes so suddenly that Zhao You Jia is suspicious that Jing Bo Yuan should know that Gu Qiao has bad intention toward Ye Qing Xin. Jing Bo Yuan might leave him beside Gu Qiao to be a watcher.

Thinking of this makes Zhao You Jia feels that Jing Bo Yuan’s scheme is frightening.

“Qiao Qiao, hear me out. You shouldn’t want to fight them. You will never win.”

Gu Qiao looks at Zhao You Jia. “After some time of not meeting, I feel that you have lost a lot of your ambitions.”

Zhao You Jia frowns, he notices Gu Qiao starts to mocking him. “Qiao Qiao, I am afraid that you will suffer a loss.”

“I only have one leg. Everyone is laughing behind me, what kind of suffering can make me even worst. Move away, I want to go home.”

“Qiao Qiao, promise me. Stop fighting with that man.” It’s the first time Zhao You Jia doesn’t do what Gu Qiao’s wish. He clutches both of her shoulders.

“Let me go!” Gu Qiao struggles.

“Qiao Qiao, it’s not the time you be stubborn. This time you should listen to me.” Zhao You Jia is serious.

Gu Qiao feels somehow that she is betrayed by her most intimate person. She thought that everyone might neglect her, but her Da Ge will not. But the reality proves that she is wrong.

Previously for her, Zhao You Jia ordered a young nurse to spread out rumor about Ye Qing Xin to prevent Ye Qing Xin to enter Jing family. Now her only protector has changed of heart.

Gu Qiao’s tears start to fall down. She looks at him and nods.

Zhao You Jia is relieved and hugs her. He strokes her head. “Qiao Qiao, I do this for you. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

Gu Qiao places her face on his chest. Her tears keep on falling down.

The night has a lot of stars.

Ye Qing Guo hurts his leg. He somehow turns well-behaved, after the dinner, he just directly goes to sleep.

In the midnight, Ye Qing Xin wakes up. She remembers Ye Qing Guo’s injury. She goes downstair to check on him. Ye Qing Guo is having a good sleep though his blanket is on the floor.

Ye Qing Xin wants to pick it up, but Jing Bo Yuan is faster than her. He picks it up and covers Ye Qing Guo with it.

Her heart is touched because of his action.

Ye Qing Xin hugs him when they are back inside the bedroom. Jing Bo Yuan helps her to sleep again.

The next day morning.

Ye Qing Xin wakes up, Jing Bo Yuan is not at the bed anymore. She sits up and get off the bed. She looks at her phone. Now it is 06:15 a.m.

She sees a notification from an entertainment news app. She notices it is an information about <<Sheng Sheng>>. She opens it and it shows her the trailer. The trailer shows all Ye Qing Guo’s beautiful feature. He doesn’t look like a retarded person.

The female leading role is the famous Jiang Xiao Lou. Though she is thirty years old, she looks younger. She acts like she is eighteen to nineteen years old young woman.

The movie schedules to be screened at 03 August. That day is also Sheng Sheng’s birthday.

There’re lots of comments about this movie and also Ye Qing Guo.

Ye Qing Xin reads all about it, suddenly she realizes that Ye Qing Guo is really likable.

Jing Bo Yuan comes inside the master bederoom. “Are you awake?”

Ye Qing Xin shows Jing Bo Yuan her phone. “This will be showed on 03 August, that time let’s watch it together.”

Her due date will be in third week of August.

Jing Bo Yuan frowns and doesn’t refuse or agree.

Approaching the due date, there will be more frequent check up.

Ye Qing Xin’s belly is too big. It’s too big that everyone feels that she is suffering.

Ning Yi Sheng and Bai Yi Sheng asked her whether she wants to proceed to have Caesarean or natural birth. Ye Qing Xin answered that she want to undergo natural birth. After all, the kids will more mature the more time they are inside her belly.

Ye Qing Guo stays to recover for two to three days. On the last day of July, he is picked by Xu Jin Huan. <<Sheng Sheng>> will be shown soon so there will conference pers so Ye Qing Guo should show up too.

He is picked by Xu Jin Huan in the morning. After he is picked, she feels somehow unease. Her heart is beating so fast.

She thinks that something is wrong with her kids so she tells it to Jing Bo Yuan. Jing Bo Yuan lets Cheng Ru Yu to ask a doctor to come over. But after the check up, nothing is wrong.

Doctor says. “Jing Tai Tai might be worried because of the due date is approaching. She is worried. Jing Tai Tai, you don’t need to be worry. Our hospital has twenty four hours maternity ward, we have professional doctors and nurses there. So we can ensure you and your kids safety.”

Ye Qing Xin relieves.

In the afternoon 03:00 p.m. The sky is a bit gloomy because of the cloud sky. It somehow let someone feels worried and twitchy.

Ye Qing Xin stands in her room’s balcony. She feels somehow unease again.

Today is not the weekend. Before Jing Bo Yuan was in the company, he returned home because of her call. He hands over the business matters to his subordinates. He reads his own materials in the mansion or does the video meeting.

Suddenly there’s a heavy wind and lightning flashing. He puts down his pen and walks around to find Ye Qing Xin. He goes upstair and realizes that she is standing on the balcony. She is daydreaming. He goes to the dressing room and takes a coat for her. He drapes on her shoulder.

“The wind is blowing so hard, why aren’t you coming inside?”

Her hair is in a mess.

“This weather lets me nervous.”

Jing Bo Yuan hugs her from behind. “I’m here, don’t be worried.”

It starts to rain. Jing Bo Yuan takes her inside. “Get inside.”

Ye Qing Xin follows him inside the bedroom. She takes her phone and calls Ye Qing Guo. She dials him for the third times. There’s no one answering it.

Ye Qing Xin doesn’t stop dialing. She is worried.

Jing Bo Yuan takes it from her. “This time he should be doing the press conference. Xiao Guo should be kept from him.”

Ye Qing Xin just realizes it and leans back on the sofa. She suddenly remembers that Xu Jin Huan said that the press conference will be aired live. She takes her phone away from Jing Bo Yuan and goes online.

She watches the press conference online.

A woman under the stage, who is probably Ye Qing Guo’s fans, holds a microphone and asks Ye Qing Guo: “Sheng Sheng, who is your most favorite person?”

Ye Qing Guo sits down on the chair, he seems to use to be called ‘Sheng Sheng’. He holds his microphone: “My most favorite person is Jie.... Huanr.”

Huanr is the name of the leading lady in the movie.

Jiang Xiao Lou is sitting down beside Ye Qing Guo, she is wearing a white skirt. Her medium long hair is hanging on her shoulder. She shows a shy expression.

Everyone starts to roar and clap their hands.

The movie has no significant ups and downs plot, the story only shows a simple act of a woman who never gives up for the man she loves. It gives a great waves and touching moment.

The movie ends when Sheng Sheng recovers from a traffic accident, he will disappear from the world. The trailer shows the bit of last moment. Sheng Sheng is bleeding and laying down on Huanr’s embrace. Sheng Sheng strokes her face and smiles.

“Ren Sheng De Yi Xu Jin Huan, Zu Yi” << Ren Sheng should have a Xu Jin Yuan, it’s sufficient.”

That is Shen Shen’s last words for Xu Jin Huan.

The fans are regretful.

They love each other but at last they cannot be together.

Ye Qing Guo doesn’t know what other people’s feeling about the movie. He just watches other people crying for the movie.

His answers before during the press conference were also set by Xu Jin Huan. Xu Jin Huan somehow can guess what the fans will ask. She let Ye Qing Guo to remember all the answer.

Ye Qing Guo can memorize everything well.

Actually the one that he likes the most is Jie Jie.

Ye Qing Xin knows that Ye Qing Guo is preplanned before.

Ye Qing Guo’s injury is also seen as the injury because of the movie so a lot of people are praising Ye Qing Guo for his seriousness in acting.

Ye Qing Xin watches the press conference for a while then she logs out.

The press conference goes for two hours.

It ends before 05:00 p.m.

Tonight there’ll be a feast. Everyone will come to attend.

Xu Jin Huan helps Ye Qing Guo changes his suit and takes him to show up. Before getting to the hotel room, she asks him to not anywhere, he should stay beside her all the time. Ye Qing Guo nods.

Xu Jun Huan is wearing a feminine long party dress.

After interacting with Ye Qing Guo, she realizes that Ye Qing Guo and Ren Sheng are so different. Ren Sheng has no personality like Ye Qing Guo, he is not as smart as Ye Qing Guo. Ren Sheng also his own will. Ye Qing Guo can rebel like a lively person.

Xu Jin Huan somehow feels panic.

The time Ye Qing Guo is not beside her, she feels that she remembers Ren Sheng less frequent. A lot of time, she remembers Ye Qing Guo’s bright smile.

Perhaps it is because Ye Qing Guo’s smile really resembles Sheng Sheng.

Xu Jin Huan calms herself down.

The car drives through the rainy weather and stops under the shade of the lobby. Someone comes over quickly with the umbrella to help them get off the car.

Xu Jin Huan tries hard to not make her dress or shoes be wet. She lowers her head and her hair somehow sticks to the corner of her lips.

Ye Qing Guo extends his hand to move away her hair, his finger somehow touches her cheek.

She is startled. She looks at Ye Qing Guo and notices his bright eyes.

He purses his lips and looks at her.

“Xiao Guo?”

Ye Qing Guo smiles and says: “Xu Jie Jie, you have hair near your mouth. Xiao Guo help you to move it.”

He sounds like a kid that is waiting for a compliment.

Xu Jin Huan smiles. “Thank you Xiao Guo.”

Ye Qing Guo just smiles: “No worries. Jie JIe said that the time we can help, we should help.”

Xu Jin Huan. “You really have a great Jie Jie.”

Ye Qing Guo also praises Ye Qing Xin, he smiles happily. “Jie Jie is the best Jie Jie.”

“Let’s go inside.”


Xu Jin Huan gives their name to the waiter and the waiter takes them to the dining private room.

Ye Qing Guo is wearing a formal suit, he follows behind Xu Jun Huan.

In the waiting hall.

There’s a man sitting down with a magazine raises up. He watches Ye Qing Guo from his sunglasses.

Ye Qing Guo looks over because he feels someone is watching him. That man quickly shifts his gaze.

“What are you looking at?” Xu Jin Huan notices something is strange with Ye Qing Guo.

“Someone is watching me.” Ye Qing Guo scratches his head.

Xu Jin Huan sighs: “Everyone here is looking at you. Let’s go.”

There are lots of people come for the feast. Xu Jin Huan takes Ye Qing Guo around to greet everyone.

Sheng company is the main investor for the movie. It’s the first movie that the company invests in.

This because of Yu Geng Xin and Jiang Xiao Lou’s relationship, though not many people know about it.

Looking at how busy Xu Jin Huan chatting with other people and ignroing him, he goes around and takes a look. He is enchanted by the hanging chandelier. He is curious about everything.

The time no one pays attention to him, that man in suit stands up and comes over to him. He just passes by Ye Qing Guo without stopping.

It’s just.

Suddenly Ye Qing Guo turns his head and looks at him. He chases after that man quickly.

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