
Chapter 481: Dashing into the battlefield

Chapter 481: Dashing into the battlefield

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Graced with such a wonderful opportunity, Sheyan charged straight towards the opposing boat! His shouts seemingly shaking the sea.

"Lasaike! Get out, a mighty viking wouldn’t lead his men from the rear. Ye shivering scum that cowers inside the hold, the glorious sanctity of us pirates be tarnished by men like you. Only a woman’s corset and gown are fitting for you!"

When the pirates ahead of Lasaike heard Sheyan’s words, they glanced towards him with fright and dismay; spontaneously opening out a way as they trembled.

Witnessing such a scene, a defensive persona contestant stepped forward; snarling aloud as he charged straight at Sheyan while opening fire with his shotgun. Instead, Sheyan endured the rumbling booms from his shotgun, as he rushed in and smashed three punches in; knocking that contestant tumbling away with a mouthful of blood. Striking the iron while hot, Sheyan then lunged in like a fierce tiger at Lasaike.

Naturally, those contestants aboard weren’t idle, but similarly razed assaults at Sheyan. Except, the assaults of those contestants were influenced by the 40% realm regulation, while Sheyan had nearly 49 points of physique in damage reduction! Ultimately, Sheyan was reinforced by his newly awakened innate ability ‘Stronghold’!

Hence, when their attacks landed onto Sheyan, they were deemphasized by Sheyan’s resistive blocking! They were totally incapable of threatening Sheyan’s life. Seeing the situation was going out of hand, Lasaike immediately jumped overboard and fled! His swimming speed in the water was unbelievably fast, and even Brother Black couldn’t make it in time to slay him; he probably had a substantial boost in swimming movement speed, from a certain equipment or an ability.

With him escaping, the rest of the contestants obviously wouldn’t persist in defending, and respectively fled. Meanwhile, those raiding pirates who had realized their bosses were actually cowards, had tears flowing as their morale crumbled.

At present, Lasaike was feeling immensely vexed in his heart, as though he wanted to vomit blood. Those pirates were recruited through his painstaking efforts and resources during his previous stint in this world. He was hoping to rely on them to reap a fortune now. Hence, when he noticed the manpower and boat on Sheyan’s side, he had planned to kill them and commandeer their boat; before employing the surrendered pirates as cannon fodder. Little did he expect, an affair he deemed in the bag, would actually transpire into his head knocking into an iron board - a molten hot iron board!

Since their leaders had abandoned them, the remaining pirates lost all fighting spirit; offering little resistance before they surrendered. As for those surrendered british marines, they naturally faced a fate akin to being delivered to a hanging post. On the contrary, those fearsome pirates were given a new lease of life. In this current era, skilled pirates were always welcomed, and yielding was as simple as changing ships.

Sheyan observed the crestfallen pirates who had surrendered, before he rudely called out.

"You scums and cutthroats, bunch of ignorant foolish donkeys! You should show gratitude to my leniency, if not necks shall be slashed and thrown into the sea - your one and only ending! Kneel and kiss the deck in submission, pledge your allegiance to me; or the fishes of the sea will feast on snacks tonight!!"

Listening to Sheyan’s exclamation, contestant Lasaike who had stealthily hid away almost vomited blood again! These pirates were elites and confidants he had laboriously gathered previously. He was originally hoping Sheyan would only plunder the ‘meat’, while leaving the ‘soup’ behind. Yet with Sheyan’s exclamation, he was clearly desiring to seize everything with one net.

At this moment, Lasaike only hope that a single pirate would step forward in loyalty for him, facing death with equanimity. At least, this would allow his heart a sliver of solace. Sadly, the pirates of the caribbean world seemingly didn’t understand the term ‘loyalty’. As Sheyan’s words faded, all the pirates instantly fell to their knees and kissed the ship’s deck.

Under Sheyan’s sonorous rebuking and commands, the adequate reserves of pirates swiftly bustled into action; engaging in rebuilding works for the nearly intact boat mast. Furthermore, they tossed heavy objects overboard, allowing this lighter boat to sail faster.

After a brief chaotic operation, Sheyan begun arranging his crew with rapid precision. Being relatively gifted in his field, the orderliness of the boat soon transformed neat and tidy; while the pirates became increasingly efficient when managing the boat.

Approximately 10 minutes had elapsed from drifting along the sea. Sheyan had mostly grasped the state of each and every pirate on board; understanding clearly who were adept at combat and who could operate the boat well. He commenced an incessant issuance of orders.

"Smartly there, hurry up! Lads, busty arse whores are beckoning for you lot!"

"Report to me the draft of the boat, Cuiji. Stop being a slow nut, you really wish to be fed to the sharks?"

"Pull those darn hooks up, you only have ten seconds!"

"Aye, that’s the way. Just like adding oil to door hinges, it’s starting to flow smoothly. I’m glad you lot haven’t turned rusty."

"Full sail ahead, course west!"

Flutter! Following the unfurling of the thick sailcloth, the strong eastern winds instantly swelled the sail. The crew of this single-masted boat immediately clutched onto firm objects, before a pulling inertia overwhelmed their bodies; like being in a sports car and stepping on the accelerator.

Neither Brother Black nor Reef had experience in this aspect, thus they lost their balance at the same time. Instead, the former casually did a frontward flip before landing nimbly onto the ground, while the latter stomped his feet down ferociously; causing the solid wooden deck to emit pressurizing creaking sounds. Then, Reef played it down by successfully gripping onto the mast.

One of the newly recruited pirates on the lookout shouted.

"Hillho! Cap’n, there be a battle right ahead!"

Sheyan resolutely declared.

"Aye, we’re headed for that battle!"

A minute after their conversation, this tiny sailboat carried a tryhard loftiness as it protruded into the northern region of the naval battlefield. A dense smog previously separating their vision from the specifics, had now cleared up.

This naval battlefield was panoramically vast, with minimally close to 40 enormous medieval styled ships; large 5-masted ships or even 7-masted ships, were locked in desperate contentions!

Around the perimeter of those enormous ships, were an innumerable mess of medium-sized 3-masted ships tangled in battle; the rumbling of cannons, and slaughtering screams were deafening to behold! During naval warfare, seizing the wind direction was a tremendous life-and-death affair. Hence, the battlefield was in a state of complete disarray, with the extent of fighting spreading out expansively.

Those humongous wooden monsters clashed vehemently, erupting with flames of collision, smoke, blood, and massacres. With every fleeting second, masses of humans perished on the battlefield. The weight of a single second was stretched to the extremes of limits.

The overflowing sounds composed of complacent ludicrous laughters, coupled with blood-curdling screams; instead, most of it belonged to the crackle of flames when devouring wood, ropes and the sails of ships.

Though the pirates occupied superiority in numbers, the situation was disastrous due to the intermingled mix of poor and skilled pirates. Many pirate ships were restructured merchant ships, terribly lacking cannon artillery. Some pirate ships hadn’t gone through maintenance in years, where their sails were densely riddled with self-mending; even the gales of the sea would suffice to rip them apart!

In stark comparison, the warships of the British Royal Navy were mostly unified; ships appearing like multi-functional military Scandinavian ships, could be found everywhere. While inferior ones minimally appeared like medium-sized ships of the eastern seas. Their ships mostly differed only in transporting capacity, while their marines were vastly superior to the pirates; in terms of training, discipline and equipments.

Their only aspect found wanting, was an indomitable spirit to face death unlike the pirates. Whenever a situation of a naval boarding battle occurred, they frequently wouldn’t be a match for the pirates.

Sheyan’s selected position of entry into the battlefield was relatively strategic, and resembled an incisive saber rapidly thrusting 7 inches deep into a venomous serpent! Their current position, was coincidentally far behind the frontlines of firefight of the two parties; while strategic in the sense, that the pirates would discover them at first notice. On the contrary, the british navy fleets had their backs towards them.

Concurrently, Sheyan’s ears rung with the notification:

[ Verifying status… ]

[ Status verified. ]

[ Contestant no.1018’s status: Third Mate of the legendary Flying Dutchman. ]

[ Contestant no.1018, you fulfill the qualifications to enter this historic storyline battlefield: Destruction of the Paragon Fleets. ]

[ Contestant no.1018, do you wish to enter the historic storyline battlefield ‘Destruction of the Paragon Fleets’ while on board this single-masted sailboat? Yes / No? ]

[ Historic storyline description: Spain had sensed the threat of the British Royal Navy fleets, and have begun attempts to weaken their opponent’s power through factors outside the battle. ]

[ With the eloquence and beauty of Madam Gaspar and 5,000 guineas, the arrogant and combative British navy gradually seized a dominant position. ]

[ With their haughty and domineering admirals as core, the British navy commenced a gradual elimination of british pirates. Recognizing the instability present, the honeymoon period between the british navy and the pirates soon concluded; crescendoing into a hostility as incompatible as fire and water. At this time, Beckett of the East India Trading Company and the young and promising, Captain James Norrington, begun standing out as conspicuously brilliant…… ]

[ Coincidentally at this period; the Flying Dutchman was suffering from a curse, Blackbeard became infatuated with his study of witchcraft, and the whereabouts of the esteemed Black Pearl couldn’t be determined. Therefore, the days of the pirates became increasingly bitter, and had to exist amongst the cracks. ]

[ In this magnificent grand naval war, the majority of the pirates of the caribbean had banded together to issue a final despairing struggle! If victorious, the pirates of the caribbean would be able to continue their brazen, intoxicated and wanton days. But if they failed, they would sink into a predicament of constant fleeing from the British Royal Navy. ]

[ This is an epic war of an era, a war that had been persisting for close to a month, a secret affair that had been concealed in the dust of history…… ]

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