
Chapter 478: Set sail!

Chapter 478: Set sail!

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Oh, why didn’t Sheyan receive a notification like them? Alright, to one that had attained a ‘Respected (3113/6000)’ reputation amongst the pirates, and one hailed as the Third Mate* of of the legendary pirate ship, The Flying Dutchman, his allegiance had been sworn long ago. Moreover, the label of a pirate had long been etched deep into his soul.

(TN: *Third Mate is the same term as Third Officer, i decided to change it as it would be more suitable in pirate context.)

By now, Sheyan had equipped the hidden title - Pirate Ringleader*. Due to the hidden title bestowing him with strength +2 and physique +2, he had to unwield an equipment to avoid a boundary breakthrough. Nevertheless, the property of bolstering all his party members’ offensive capabilities within a 30 metre radius, was enjoyed by Reef and Brother Black; hence, it was a worthy sacrifice.

(TN:*He acquired this ch 20 of the first PotC world (vol 3))

With Sheyan’s guidance, he and Reef proceeded to assist in rescuing the pirates. Instead, Mogensha resorted to heinous deeds, which was obviously, to commence a massacre! With the advantage of his shooting range, he gunned down the marines paddling in the water from aboard. This was practically an effortless target practice to him.

In this manner, not only could Brother Black receive an abundance of reputation (Sheyan and Reef naturally received a portion), but he could shamelessly hamper the contestants that pledged their allegiance to the british navy! Preventing foes from chasing up right at the get go, this self-delightful act was undoubtedly one that would anger even the heavens.

Very quickly, furious curses of several contestants drifted over. In spite of that, Mogensha remained aloof as he focused on gunning down the floating british marines. By now, the contestants had learned from him; following suit in a more glorious fashion. They didn’t attack marines but directly assaulted Brother Black, intending to strangle this unlawful brat.

But at that instant, Reef raised his hand, as a transparent ‘Faith-guard’ slithered over Mogensha’s body. Sparks scattered as the opponent’s assaults volleyed against the ‘Faith-guard’. Instead, their damage were totally absorbed by Reef’s outstanding ability.

At present, the individual combat prowess of the trio could be considered as near the pinnacle of this world. What more, they were additionally boosted by their Silver prestige party? In Mogensha’s perspective, long range attacks from other contestants didn’t prove to be a huge threat. Withstanding the long range firepower pressure, Brother Black proceeded to cleanse the british marines who were within his effective range in an orderly fashion. He then lit a cigar for himself, before he started retaliating against the contestants!

Following the fiery tongues spat out from his Golden AK, woeful groans echoed through the darkness. Regrettably, as it was impossible to rapidly dispatch a contestant, that brat who was on the point of demise was rescued by another. Besides, picking up dropped keys between firefights over the sea would prove challenging. Thus, Mogensha didn’t feel very regretful.

The present Mogensha to other long range combatants, was akin to the first time he squared off with Eros in the previous world; delivering an overwhelming suppression onto them. Furthermore, Mogensha’s ‘Beastly Instincts’ was an innate ability exceptionally suited to chaotic battles, resulting in an impetus of him alone suppressing several foes.

At this moment, he could faintly hear the terrified shrieks from the opposing distant.

"The enemy has encroached upon us!!"

"What approached us?"

"I swear on my necklace, I didn’t see any hostiles swimming towards us!"

"Heavens, what is this creature. Sheet, its attacks are impeding my movement speed!"

"A summoner?"

"Quick slay it!"



Naturally, while Brother Black unleashed his bullets, he successfully activated the ability of his newly upgraded silver storyline grade ‘Viperwolf’s Beard’; summoning out those nasty alien lifeforms to pounce ravenously against his foes.

Caught unaware, those brats were obviously disadvantaged, and were nastily rummaged by the summoned viperwolf spirit. Fortunately, naval warfare was fought over an expansive sea area. The trio merely colonized a territory that currently floated with the most survivors, while the surrounding contestants could only submit to their circumstances; obediently distancing themselves to accomplish their mission, submissively yielding this sea territory.

By now, the trio had already rescued a total of 30 plus pirates. After being rescued, these uncouth and ugly pirates became evidently rowdy, as they started to brawl mutually amongst themselves atop the boat. Yet after Sheyan swept his incisive gaze through them, they immediately sensed a tremendously suffocating oppression; instantly turning well-behaved. With every vocal command Sheyan issued, those pirates immediately shivered with austerity, and implemented their tasks efficiently.

Mogensha and Reef turned a blind eye towards this rather common scene. Except, the other contestants who had pledged their allegiance with the pirates looked on with amazement; because the pirates they rescued were like fiends, lying brazenly on deck while cursing profanities whenever they wished…just by noticing the spiteful gazes of these vile pirates, they knew the pirates held them with utter disregard. Don’t even talk about the pirates labouring for them.

When those 30 plus pirates settled down, the trio suddenly realized a large swarm of finger sized fishes swimming towards them. These fishes had slightly phosphorescent scales. When the fishes swam to the broadside of the boat, they congregated together to form tiny words.

[ You have chose to pledge your allegiance with the pirates in this Pirates of the Caribbean world. ]

[ Silver Party: Ace. Welcome to the Nightmare world. ]

[ You must complete the given main mission within 48 hours, or face elimination. ]

[ Main mission: Set Sail! ]

[ Mission summary: Within a 48 hours duration, set foot on the pirate port - Tortuga land. Failure will result in missing out on a marvellous act, along with the penalty for latecomers - Highest attribute will drop by 5 points, and 10,000 utility points will be deducted. ]

[ Mission pointer: The pirates you have rescued are all veterans of the sea. 10 of the pirates can effortlessly steer a ship towards Tortuga, the largest neutral standing for pirate plundering. Therefore, I suggest you best establish a good relationship with them; at the very least, until you reach Tortuga. ]


[ Note: You can accomplish the following milestones in this world. (Extended to other worlds) ]

[ Keen-eyes Swift-hands: Obtain a random Voodoo doll. ]

[ Fearless: Slay a legendary creature after encountering it. (Note: you must deal over 10% of damages to the creature). ]

[ Smuggler: Sell a Tortuga specialty at any random British Royal Navy port. ]

[ The Seafarer: Complete a round trip around the New World. ]

[ The collector: Become the owner of the Compass that cannot point North*. ]

(TN:*Something like Jack Sparrow’s compass in the movie)

[ Pirate Captain: Possess a pirate ship with a displacement of above 2 kilotons. The pirates of your storyline crew cannot be beneath a hundred members. (Prerequisites to initiate this title: your reputation must be ‘Respected’ or higher) ]

[ Trafficker: Abduct Barbossa’s pet monkey, Jack, for 3 days or more. ]

[ Artillery Crew: Sink at least 5 other warships (above 5 kiloton displacement) while controlling your warship. (Prerequisite to initiate this title: Your reputation must be ‘Respected’ or higher) ]


[ Due to insufficient achievement points or other conditions, you are unable to view other milestones. ]


Consecutively, his ears rung with a clear notification:

[ Time: Great Ocean era, year 243, May. Night time, 11pm. (The period of this world, is set half a month before the official Pirates of the Caribbean 1 timeline) ]

[ Location: ? Europe ? Caribbean Sea? (Latitude 1.11 degrees, Longitude 82.4 degrees) ]

[ Setting: Pirates of the Caribbean. ]

[ Difficulty: Medium (B- difficulty) ]

[ Pain limitation: 50%. ]

[ Additional capability enhancement: 0% ]

[ Current setting exploration rate: 15.33% ]

[ Additional details: Base setting is a free world setting. ]

[ You automatically grasp the relevant language, able to interact freely with characters of this world. Erased upon leaving this world. ]

[ You have acquired a relevant setting passive ability: Swimming - if you’re incapable of swimming in the present world, you will automatically grasp this ability. If you know how to swim in the present world, your swimming speed will be additionally boosted by 100%. This ability will be erased upon leaving this world. ]

[ Accepted mission count: 1. ]

[ Your appearance/identity have been settled; restored upon returning to the present world. You can also commence modifications within the nightmare realm. For any doubts, voice the relevant queries to the nightmare imprint; if your scope of authority is adequate, you will receive an answer. ]

[ Contestant no.1018. You have entered this world once again, interpersonal relationships between characters have been reestablished. Your reputation and status will be acknowledged. Please retrieve your respective items deposited in this world. ]

[ Details: You receive an unknown item - The diary of Morgan Fokke. ]

[ Details: You receive 174 guineas* and 7 shillings. ]

(TN: Note i changed the currency from pounds to guineas (the legit british gold coin that is used))

[ Details: You receive 6 glass of ordinary rum, and the clothing you wore before leaving this world previously. You can choose to alter your exterior appearance, but I must warn you. This requires a service fee, and your identity may still be recognized. ]

[ Details: Your relationship with several important storyline characters are as follows - Captain Ammand (Nemesis), Little Lord Fokke (Nemesis), Jack Sparrow (Amicable). ]

[ Details: You have attained a ‘Respected (3113/6000)’ reputation amongst the pirates. Therefore, when you come into view of any British Royal Navy fleet or any British Royal Navy controlled port, you may be apprehended. ]


(TN’s IMPORTANT NOTE: This Tortuga (特图加) is a different Tortuga island from his first pirate of the Caribbean experience world’s Turtuga (土图加). Both changed to english is Tortuga. HOWEVER, this current Tortuga (特图加) should be the one in the pirate of the caribbean movie. The Turtuga (土图加) in the previous world, should be a made up port by author. To prevent confusion, I will address the first world’s one as Turtuga (土图加) with a U instead.

TN: Important terms to note:

Broadside battles (long range battles) - ships facing their broadsides to each other and firing cannons at a distance.

Naval Boarding battles (close combat battles) - to come up against, or alongside, an enemy ship to attack by placing men aboard the enemy ship. The goal of boarding is to capture, or destroy, the enemy vessel.

TN: note that for this pirate of the caribbean world, author combines elements from the game Uncharted Waters 4, and brings in a lot of magic aspects to this world. Therefore, the magnitude of certain specifics are magnified in this pirate of the caribbean world, and magic is quite a big portion here. For example: the sizes of ships (how many masts it has), the number of pirates on a ship, currency, some game elements fantasy stuffs etc.

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