
Chapter 42 - Date Night?

Chapter 42 - Date Night?

April waited for Michael\'s response hopeful that it would be an easy yes.

Micheal had already been told by his lover Casey that Dean would lend them one of his limited edition cars and he was really excited to go on an epic date in it and maybe fool around a little. But now seeing April asking for him to join her and Dean for dinner he felt conflicted.

It would be once in a lifetime opportunity to drive a car like that and to have a little fun inside. But on the other hand here was his friend April practically begging him to join her for dinner.

"What night is it?" Micheal was still considering.

"This Saturday at seven, so you will join us?" April smiled up at Micheal sure now that he would agree.

Not wanting to leave the cute little rabbit to be fed on by the wolf Micheal nodded, "Yes me and Casey will keep you company."

"Oh, you will ask Casey that\'s great." April was over the moon not to be left alone with Dean. It would be too much too soon. She wanted to run away from the nervous butterflies he gave her.

"Why don\'t you just go to dinner just the two of you?" Michael wondered.

"Because he puts me on edge.?Not in a bad way but like a feeling, I haven\'t felt before and I can\'t trust that it\'s real. So why take chances." April honestly opened up as Micheal was so easy to talk to.

"You know you don\'t get those feelings from just anyone, sometimes it\'s worth the risk to feel alive again." Micheal gave some genuine advice he had once followed himself when he first started dating Casey.

"What if I don\'t want those feelings?"

"April sometimes you have to let go and fall in order to fly again," Micheal remembered Dean calling April his angel so many times he felt that analogy was appropriate. Although Dean had many faults he had seen him change and show a softer side around April so why not help Dean.

"So you will come on Saturday and bring Casey." April took in everything Michael had said and she would honestly think about his words more but as for this Saturday, she wanted back up so she could ignore the feelings Dean gave her.

When all you have had is people bringing you down, using you and casting you aside when they are done it\'s hard to accept the good and see it for what it is.

Butterflies or not maybe he gave those words and flirty eyes to others.

Seeing her thoughts drift and her eyebrows furrow Micheal knew she was thinking something idiotic. He flicked her forehead.

"Ouch, why did you do that?" April touched her forehead.

Micheal laughed at her face as she winced from his flick, "Okay I\'ll get back to work. Text me about Saturday, don\'t work too hard."

Micheal got up and left he walked straight past Emily who had stood and tried to approach him again.

"Micheal sorry Mr Palmer can I do anything for you or Mr Walker?" Emily beamed as she ran after Micheal.

Micheal didn\'t look back as he got in the lift, the lift doors opened and shut without him even responding to Emily. He wondered how she even made it to the position she had got. Everyone knew her team was hard working and that she came in late and left work early.

Micheal didn\'t return to his office and instead went to see Casey. He had to break the news that they probably would lose out on that date night they had planned.

Casey was behind his desk buried under paperwork as usual. Why did a hard working man always look so sexy? Maybe his drive and ambition are what Micheal found attractive about Casey.

Casey lifted his head and smirked at his lover as he approached, "We only left each other a few hours ago, did you miss me already?"

"Maybe or maybe I did something." Micheal always confessed straight away he didn\'t like to hold back, he may as well hold his hands up.

"What did you do?" Casey set down his paperwork and gave Micheal his full attention.

Micheal smiled and put his arms around Casey\'s shoulders as he came around the desk.

"Okay I may have messed up, I told April we would go on Saturday. So I have ruined our date night plans and Dean\'s." Micheal blurted it all out in one go, like ripping off a band aid. Quick and painless.

"I thought you would do that so I have a backup plan." Casey knew his lover would do this and so did Dean so they came up with a backup plan.

"You do?" Micheal was shocked for a moment.

"I knew you were going to look at her Bambi\'s eyes and give in to her. So mine and Dean\'s back up plan is to say you are unwell and cannot go on Saturday and as your amazing boyfriend I am staying with you to look after you." Casey returned his smile.

"You knew I would give in, your right I can\'t help it she\'s is like a cute little bunny and leaving her with Dean I felt bad. Although they would make the perfect couple he makes her smile like I have never seen before and Dean is like a teenager with his first crush. They are both cute together." Micheal looked forward to seeing April happy and Dean try to win her heart and find his happiness also.

"I agree so we cannot spoil it for them." Casey wanted his best friend to be as happy as he is and if April was it then he would do everything he could to help him.

"Agreed, so does that mean we still get our date night?" Micheal got excited and kissed Casey.

"Yes, we get our date night and so does Dean."

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