
Chapter 118 Village Life 5

Chapter 118 Village Life 5

"Come on in!" Grandma Moppo smiled when she saw Zero at the door. The inside of her cosy home was brightly lit and Zero felt his stomach rumble when he smelled the wonderful aroma of stew in the air.

"Is that venison stew?" he asked.

The half-dwarf grinned. "Venison stew loaded with herbs. It’s good for blood circulation. Your teacher is here already so go wash up real quick. Dinner will be served soon."

The brunet bounded away and the half-dwarf went back to stirring the pot when there was another knock on the door.

"I’ll get it," Hua Tuo told the old lady.

Zero helped set the table and heard his teacher greet the cockatrice descendants. Amaraline and Clowis turned out to be regulars at Grandma Moppo’s place. Lowis happened to drop by for a meal and Zero wondered if there would be enough food for everyone.

"Sorry for the intrusion," Clowis bowed as they entered. He guided Amaraline to the chair and Zero beamed.


Lowis looked tired and was startled when Zero greeted them. He didn’t think he’d have the opportunity to see the interesting child so soon and smiled. Zero noted the fatigue and can’t help but worry slightly when he recalled how the hunting trip went.

"Oh, it’s Zero!" Amaraline smiled. The brunet allowed her to touch his hair and settled into an easy conversation answering the siblings’ questions about his day.

"Really? That’s amazing," Clowis mused. "Mitchnew isn’t a sociable person."

Amaraline frowned. "Don’t say that. She’s a nice person with a great heart! Besides, Zero said that Mitchnew helped make Zero’s lab coat."

Clowis rolled his eyes and even though his sister couldn’t see it, she smacked him on the arm lightly.

"Don’t you dare roll your eyes when I’m talking to you!"

Clowis gawked. "How? You can’t see!"

The fortune-teller grinned and Zero shuddered. "I don’t need eyes to see what you’re doing. I can hear your thoughts."

"Alright kids, settle down. Dinner is here," Lowis scolded and helped Grandma Moppo set the table. Zero scurried over to offer his assistance while Hua Tuo spoke with Amaraline in low tones.

Dinner was full of chatter and stories. Clowis and Lowis took turns telling tales about their hunts, making Zero slightly envious. Amaraline and Grandma Moppo kept urging Zero to eat more and everyone was slightly amazed by how much Zero could eat. Truth be told, that pot of stew was meant to last several days but Zero who didn’t know that thought it was rude to refuse and opted to absorb what he couldn’t eat.

Hua Tuo didn’t comment anything but tried to hint to Zero to stop. Unfortunately, his dense student didn’t get the message and the brunet ate everything Grandma Moppo brought out. The half-dwarf was slightly concerned when her guest didn’t seem to show any signs of stopping. It took Zero to force a burp to convince her that he had enough before the old lady stopped trying to find food for him.

The brunet felt slightly guilty for eating everything. He promised silently to make it up by secretly hunting or gathering more food from the forest tomorrow.

Washing the insane number of dishes took forever and by the time it was done, Grandma Moppo had to excuse herself to bed. The night was chilly and her knee ached badly so Zero used some healing magic to ease the pain. Grandma Moppo thanked the wonderful brunet and headed for bed while her guests saw themselves out.

Lowis excused himself to take his night guard shift while the siblings invited master and student back to their home. Zero didn’t decline and Hua Tuo followed. Despite the long day, Zero was still brimming with energy so he decided to allow his student to stay up a little longer. Once they returned, Hua Tuo would have a serious talk with his student. The discussion Zero’s proposed use of healing magic with Lovina and Cleo had finally reached a conclusion. After some trial and errors, Lovina managed to prove that it was possible. Cleo was still worried as their collected proof only worked on plants. Hua Tuo was confident that if anyone could pull it off successfully, it would be Zero.

"Come on in," Amaraline smiled and Clowis lit a candle behind her.

The blind girl made her way to the small kitchen and prepared some soothing tea for her guests. Clowis decided to excuse himself and Zero wondered why he had to go in such a rush. The look he gave Amaraline seemed strange as well but the brunet caught sight of something that set the suspicion alarm in his head off. He’d only heard of it but Zero was almost sure that Clowis was secretly sneaking those talon guards when he left for a ’bath’.

Hua Tuo didn’t say anything. He was used to it. The siblings were very close and relied on each other heavily. However, they had a habit of keeping things from each other as not to worry the other party. That often led to arguments that Lowis had to intervene. Hua Tuo didn’t know if he should call it an admirable trait or foolish one. Both siblings try so hard to protect the other while putting themselves on the line. How long would it take them to understand that it would take both of them to be safe for any of them to be happy? They should learn to rely on the village more but it wasn’t his place as a wandering doctor to comment so he held his tongue.

Zero thought of the same thing his master did. Clowis was foolish in his opinion. He had his uncle, Grandma Moppo, Lady Zenobia and the whole village looking out for both him and his sister. It wasn’t necessary to put his life on the line for her. Amaraline was blind, not defenceless or weak.

There was strength in numbers and only fools would charge into a battle alone. Zero read many stories about heroes who ’single-handedly’ saved the world by killing thousands of enemies. The brunet could only roll his eyes at that. He didn’t believe in heroes. To him, they seemed like a bunch of arrogant and ungrateful people who pass of the contributions of others as their own accomplishments. Didn’t the blacksmith make the hero’s armour that enabled him to withstand a swipe from the dragon’s claw when he was careless? That high-grade healing potion was brewed by an alchemist. Those magically enchanted weapons were only possible with the help of wizards. How dare heroes claim that they saved the world ’single-handedly’?

No, Zero decided that he didn’t like the Clowis who was trying so hard to be his sister’s hero. Still, he said nothing because Amaraline was in front of him.

"To be honest, I invited the both of you over for a reason..." Amaraline admitted after the silence stretched for too long.

Zero blinked. He was too deep in his thoughts to notice how serious Amaraline looked until she spoke.

Hua Tuo remained calm. Knowing the girl, she must have had another vision.

"How can we help?" the doctor asked. Zero didn’t quite follow but chose to observe for a little moe.

Amaraline shook her head and place the cup of tea own.

"It’s not your fight. We should be able to hold them off on our own so you shouldn’t get involved as per the agreement. However, I beg you to please save my uncle! He raised us when we lost our parents, I do not wish to see him die. I intend to drug his tea the night before so please drag him away while he is unconscious. He will die if he meets the Count."

Hua Tuo didn’t know what to say. On one hand, it wasn’t in his nature to meddle with the affairs of mortals. On the other hand, it went against his principle as a doctor to let a patient die. If death could be prevented, Hua Tuo would do anything within his means to help. However, that was for a normal circumstance. In war, everything changed. It wasn’t his place to decide if Lowis should enter battle or not. After all, the chieftess had the last say.

He wasn’t too sure about the details but Count Carrabas seemed to be hell-bent on taking Half Moon village down. The number of mercenaries and soldiers recruited for this expedition required every able-bodied member of the village to fight. The village was always disadvantaged in terms of numbers. However, with Wiser’s strategy and Zenobia’s ability to lead them on the battlefield, the village managed to hold its ground. Hua Tuo wasn’t too sure what would happen but he had Zero to worry about. Becoming a village doctor was a very different experience as compared to becoming a doctor during a battle. A village doctor saved anyone and everyone within their means. A doctor on the battlefield decides who gets to live and who to let go. It wasn’t something the Hua Tuo wanted to ever teach his apprentice.

"Sorry," the physician bowed his head in apology. "You should take this up to Lady Zenobia. I’m in no position to interfere with village matters. If what you mentioned was true, you should tell her your vision in detail so that Wiser can devise a better plan that can save your uncle."

Amaraline was devastated. Even though a part of her knew that it was hopeless to ask Hua Tuo of such a favour, she still had to try. The power to see the future was both a blessing and a curse. All her visions came true and as much as Amaraline tried to change the course of action, it was like fighting against the strong underwater current. The fortune-teller simply wasn’t strong enough to defeat the power of fate. She could shift it just a small bit but she couldn’t prevent it from happening.

"I understand," she said weakly. Amaraline despaired.

The only hope she thought she had was gone when Hua Tuo refused to help. The physician was stoic and Zero felt slightly mad. However, his teacher’s next words made Zero change his mind.

"I won’t be helping but I will stay. My duty as a doctor doesn’t end when there is a battle, I will continue to treat anyone who needs it. If your uncle gets injured, I’ll have him treated immediately."

The brunet looked at his master’s hardened gaze and swallowed nervously. Hua Tuo may have his stern moments but this hardened look wasn’t something was familiar with. Zero didn’t like the look his teacher had now. Although he didn’t know what Hua Tuo was thinking about, Zero was certain that it had something to do with the time when Hua Tuo was still alive. It looked sad and defeated. Zero didn’t know what he could do to remove that pain.

They left not long after and Zero secretly cast a spell of calming on Amaraline before she went to bed. Hua Tuo didn’t speak and Zero followed behind wordlessly all the way to their apartment. There were many things flying in his mind and Zero needed time to sort the thoughts out. Sadly, the day couldn’t end just like this.

"After you wash up and get changed, we need to talk. It’s about treating Grandma Moppo’s knees with healing magic that you mentioned yesterday..."

Zero felt his heart speed up in both excitement and nervousness. What if Hua Tuo said no? Zero didn’t know if he would cry or be angry at his teacher.

"Ok. I have something to tell you too, it’s about cleaning magic."

Hua Tuo made a face but Zero glared at the old man and huffed. Conceding, the physician agreed that they would talk about it.

Zero changed and washed up in record time. He even brushed his teeth without having to be told, impressing Hua Tuo.

"Alright, would you like to go first or would you like me to go first?"

Zero hummed and thought for a while. In the end, he decided that it might be better to let his teacher go first because it was only right to respect his elders.

"That healing magic has been tested today. It worked on plants but it is very difficult to control it. We can go over to Lovina’s for breakfast tomorrow. She will teach you how it is done. Only you can perform this healing magic for Grandma Moppo and we do not know if it will make it better or worse for her. If done correctly, Grandma Moppo can walk again without the staff. If not, she might never walk again. You will be the one to decide if the risk to heal her knees should be taken."

Zero swallowed and his hands turned cold with anticipation. He wanted to help ease the half-dwarf’s pain but at the same time, he was afraid to make it worse.

"I’m done. It’s your turn," Hua Tuo sighed.

Zero didn’t know what to feel. He’d have to talk to Truen about everything that happened today. The wood elf might have some advice and Zero missed his friend very badly now of all times. Still, he told the physician about how he helped clean the soot today as well as Mii’s pranks.

Hua Tuo seemed genuinely surprised when he heard of the bubble cleaning magic.

"I see... it might work if you use that bubble magic. I didn’t know that it was possible to replicate slimes using magic but the world of magic is full of mystery. Alright, I’ll give you permission to use this bubble magic to clean the house when we get back. However, if this still fails, you need to promise me never to try again. The house can’t handle any more damage... we still need to fix the roof."

Zero agreed. He had more confidence in cleaning his teacher’s house with magic than healing Grandma Moppo’s knees. The physician excused himself to prepare to retire for the night and Zero jumped on the opportunity to call his best friend.

Truen sounded happy to hear from the brunet and Zero almost cried. Without giving the wood elf any chance to speak, Zero launched into a detailed story about his day and the problems he faced. With the patience rivalling Buddha, Truen listened to the brunet babble and rant. When Zero finally calmed down enough, Truen spoke again.

"I get what you’re saying now. So you have three problems. Well, the first problem about having enough money to get the lab to create the tools you want... you can leave that to me. Finance will never be an issue for your travels. For your second concern, I think it is best to leave it in the hands of Lady Zenobia. If Lowis is going to die, I believe that you will be able to save him. I have faith in you. That is also my answer to your third worry. If Grandma Moppo has already said that she doesn’t mind trying, then you should believe in yourself. If you mess it up, I’m sure you will find a way to fix it. After all, wasn’t this idea yours to begin with? Nobody else has the answer to it. You’ve already exceeded Hua Tuo’s expectations so why not go even further and impress him? If anything, this new type of healing magic can transform lives. There is more good than bad to it, have faith in yourself."

Zero nodded and felt his heart calm down at Truen’s reassurance.


"Yes, Zero?"

"I miss you."

The wood elf paused. He had to put the flask down to savour the moment. Parallel minds or not, he needed all his minds present to enjoy the short moments he has with Zero.

"I miss you too but we’ll be seeing each other really soon. Don’t give up alright? I want to see the Great Doctor Zero once we meet again. We’re going to go to so many new places and explore so many new things."

Zero smiled and yawned.

"It’s getting late," the wood elf smiled. "You should sleep. Also, be careful when the battle happens. If the doctor is hurt, the villagers cannot be saved on time. Don’t do anything reckless, ok?"

"I won’t," Zero promised and bade his best friend goodnight.

Hua Tuo was already tucked in so Zero blew out the candle before snuggling into his blanket. He didn’t know what would happen tomorrow but it had been a long day. Within moments, the brunet was fast asleep.

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