
Chapter 514 Won’t You Reward Me with Some Magic Treasures?

Chapter 514 Won’t You Reward Me with Some Magic Treasures?

Macaque King had quite a placid temperament and there were only a few demons who could make him angry, with the exception of that monkey who was born out of a rock. But that did not mean that he had a good temper. It was just that few cultivators dared to provoke a Golden Immortal.

Macaque King was immensely enraged by Li Ye’s arrogance. He was angry even before Li Ye came into the hall since he had a bad impression of him already. He could not stand being insulted by Li Ye any longer.

“You are looking for your death!” The angry Macaque King snarled and slashed at Li Ye. He exerted his full power of a Golden Immortal. Even the surrounding space was distorted by his power. Everything in the hall seemed to be rippling before their eyes.

All of a sudden, Macaque King’s hand increased in size. Then it came through the distorted space and appeared in front of Li Ye. It seemed that Macaque King was the Buddha while Li Ye was the monkey under the Five-finger Mountain. There seemed to be no escape for Li Ye

Even the cultivators of Real Immortal Realm would not be able to dodge his clutches, let alone cultivators of Ground Immortal Realm. But Li Ye was different. He was already on the alert for anything untoward, especially after he called the monkey petulant.

Li Ye flew out of the hall to the sky above the plaza before Macaque King finished speaking because he noticed the killing intention in Macaque King’s eyes.

Li Ye was well-prepared, but his level was low when compared with that of Macaque King. The moment Li Ye jumped into the air, the giant hand of Macaque King stretched out from the hall and captured Li Ye. No matter how hard Li Ye tried, he could not get away from it.

Li Ye suddenly shouted loudly to alert the cultivators beneath the nine hundred steps, “Help! Macaque King is trying to kill me! The Great Sage Tongfeng wants to kill Prince An of the Tang Empire!”

The six thousand cultivators Li Ye brought were gathered in the plaza in front of the hall. They also wanted to see Macaque King, but this demon was too busy to meet them. So after Li Ye walked in, they chatted with each other and tried to sneak a peek at what was going on inside.

Since it was located above 900 stone steps, the main hall was at a rather lofty area and everything could clearly be seen at a glance. Although Li Ye did not fly very far away from it, he could be seen by these cultivators.

The observant cultivators, especially some Great Cultivators, felt confused when they saw Li Ye flying out. They were even more stunned when they saw a hairy hand coming after him. They vaguely guessed whom that giant hand belonged to. They all seemed shocked when they heard Li Ye shouting.

All of them gasped. White Wolf, the panther demon, Wei Weiwu and the other cultivators even rose to the sky to come to Li Ye’s aid.

Although Macaque King was still in the hall, he felt something when he heard Li Ye’s voice. He spread out his senses and could feel the reactions of the six thousand cultivators. But his hand failed to grasp Li Ye.

He never expected that Li Ye would dare to provoke him at their first meeting and had prepared his escape route! He even cried for help. Without any second thoughts, Macaque King believed that this was all part of Li Ye’s plan.

If Macaque King had known that Li Ye would call out to his followers for help, he would have silenced this man first. How was he to know that Li Ye would carry out such an action?

Li Ye did not give him the chance to react.

It was too late for Macaque King to do anything.

“Despicable and shameless!”

Macaque King cursed inwardly.

While the monkey was in a state of shock, Li Ye disentangled himself from the giant hand and floated above the cultivators, seemingly very vigilant.

He shouted at the direction of the hall in a very grievous tone, “The name of Great Sage Tongfeng is known and respected by many, which is why I paid this visit. But why do you want me dead before I can greet you? Many assassins have tried to kill me since I stepped into your territory. I thought I would be safe in Macaque Mountain and I even intended to ask you for justice and find out who hired these assassins! I never expected that the sage also wants my head! May I know the reason?”

Li Ye sounded righteous and angry. Others even felt that he was on the verge of tears as if he had been terribly wronged.

Macaque King withdrew his giant hand in the sky and fell silent in the hall, which made people wonder what this monkey was thinking about. But Li Ye was very sure that this demon must be in a rage.

While the cultivators were buzzing about it, they heard Macaque King’s laugh drifting from inside. “Prince An, don’t make a great fuss. I am just curious to find out why you are at Ground Immortal Realm when you are human, so I attacked you tentatively. It is just a joke. But you seemed terrified. Are all mortals that easy to scare?”

Li Ye found this demon rather good at shifting topics. If Li Ye continued to argue with him, it meant that he admitted that this was all a joke.

Li Ye would not give up the opportunity to hold it against his foe. He instantly spoke in an angry tone, “I will not trust a single word you say! I saw the brutality in your eyes and I nearly got killed! Now I am very angry and I want justice!”Read More chapter on vi pnovel. com

Then he looked at the thousands of the cultivators beneath him, “I am honored to have fought with you, the elites of the demon clan, in Blackstone Mountain. We helped Great Sage Tongfeng to eliminate the beast tides in his territory. Isn’t it enough to prove my friendship with your kind! But Great Sage Tongfeng tried to kill me within minutes of my arrival! Doesn’t that sound ridiculous, where is your conscience?”

All the cultivators jeered and wondered why Macaque King did this. They all hoped that they could get a satisfactory explanation from Macaque King. Otherwise it would be rather distressing.

Qi Potian even shouted along with the other members of Killing Hands, “You must give his highness an explanation. You should not let him bleed for nothing!”

The cultivators of Liuxi Town joined in the sentiment when they saw the members of Killing Hands taking the lead. Zhao Junyi and the rest of the bearded cultivators bellowed, “Give us an explanation. His blood will not run for nothing!”

“We will not let his highness bleed for nothing!” Soon, all the six thousand cultivators joined in the sentiment and shouted.

But they did not hear any sounds from the hall.

Li Ye almost burst into laughter because through the gate he saw Macaque King lifting his throne and smashing it on the ground.

Soon Li Ye heard Macaque King’s angry voice in his head. “Li Ye! What the hell are you trying to do? You think I can’t kill you without anyone finding out? You don’t believe that I can make your death seem completely normal?”

Li Ye knew that Macaque King sent his voice to his mind. The message could only be heard by him.

Li Ye realized that Macaque King dared not talk to him face to face, since he used such a method to talk. He was afraid that the cultivators would do something worse if they were incited.

Li Ye felt complacent, but he did not show it. He replied to Macaque King in a bland tone that concealed what he was thinking, “Aren’t the other sages supposed to know about my arrival at Macaque Mountain? Even if these cultivators were not strong enough to sense the abnormality, won’t the other sages feel that something is wrong? I don’t think Monkey King is unable to find out what you are up to?”

Macaque King growled instantly, “Don’t mention that damn monkey or call me petulant! Otherwise you will be flayed!”

Li Ye began descending after he heard this, while replying to Macaque King by sending his voice, “Sorry, what did you say? If you make me feel unhappy again, I cannot guarantee that these cultivators will not do anything!”

Macaque King: “...”

Macaque King believed that if he did not do anything, he would be completely manipulated by Li Ye. So he instantly cast a spell to try to pull Li Ye back to the hall. However, in the eyes of others, Li Ye was flying toward the hall.

But before Macaque King could do anything, Li Ye sent a voice message to the cultivators. Then Qi Potian shouted, “Great Sage Tongfeng is forcing his highness to enter the hall! What is he doing? He wants to kill his highness?”

“What? Seriously?”

“What is Great Sage Tongfeng’s purpose? Why is he doing this?”

“His behavior is so strange? Is he trying to kill Prince An because he hates him?”

All the cultivators were shocked and there was a great uproar among them. When they looked at the hall, there was suspicion and vigilance in their eyes.

Macaque King was on the verge of erupting. He kept punching the pillars in the hall. Of course, the others could not hear his punches. “Li Ye, if you make it worse, I will try all means to kill you!”

Then Macaque King isolated Li Ye from the outside world with a special spell. No matter how hard Li Ye tried, he could not get in touch with the other cultivators.

Li Ye laughed inwardly because he had not expected that he could drive a Daluo Golden Immortal so mad.

But Li Ye decided to stop because if he kept provoking Macaque King, there would be bloodshed. After all, Macaque King had his dignity and LI Ye was not here to insult him.

So Li Ye said, “My Lord, I am not asking for many things. But at least you should show us your hospitality since we came from afar. And perhaps you can help me find out who wants to kill me.”

Macaque King felt a lot more comfortable when there were no more insults from Li Ye. “That is the reason for all this fuss?”

Was Macaque King making it easy for Li Ye?

As the saying goes, one does not know what he has until it is gone.

Li Ye said, “Actually I am a very reasonable person. Besides, you offended me first. You can’t blame me for this.”

Of course, he knew that it was impossible for Macaque King to find out who wanted him killed. Perhaps Macaque King did not even care to find a scapegoat. Li Ye merely wanted to stay here for a few days.

As long as Macaque King would not confine him, Li Ye would make sure that Macaque King would not forget the several following days.

Macaque King said, “Damn it! Is it a feast you want? I will give you one!”

Macaque King now understood that he did not hold any grudges against Li Ye. Li Ye’s request was nearly nothing. But more importantly, he was really irritated by Li Ye’s accusation. He only wanted Li Ye to be quiet now and he did not want to argue with this man on this matter anymore. Otherwise he would lose his appetite for days.

Macaque King decided to figure out a way to deal with Li Ye after Li Ye was treated like a guest. He could return to his cave and ponder on this matter.

But he would never let Li Ye go that easily. After all, Li Ye called him a petulant monkey so many times. He decided to make Li Ye pay the price.

By then, even if Li Ye wanted to leave, Macaque King would not let him. He had to avenge himself.

Macaque King released Li Ye from the spell and flew out of his hall. He had to show himself since all these cultivators were protesting on behalf of this immortal. He did not know how Li Ye managed to coax them into this.

Macaque King felt extremely displeased.

“Prince An, it is just a joke and I hope you will not mind. You came all this way here and I will give you the hospitality you deserve.” Then Macaque King feigned a smile and said to the other cultivators, “You will all be given a treat since you contributed to the victory in Blackstone Ridge.”

But he thought inwardly, “After I am done with Li Ye, I shall deal with you! Shouting in Macaque Mountain is not a wise choice!”

Li Ye clenched his fists and said, “I feel relieved. I was really terrified then. Speaking about the battle in Blackstone Ridge, I did not see you there while we were fighting with those beasts. Now the beast tides have been eliminated and the territory is safe under our protection. Won’t you reward us with some magic treasures according to our merits?”

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