
Chapter 308

Translator: Tseirp

“As such, it would be perfect to make weapons in My World . Are you able to mine metals such as Orichalcum or Adamantite?”

In the men’s hot spring . I asked Pionia as she gave me a back massage saying that it was to replenish magical power .

I thought of creating a new mine just like how we made the silver mine .

“Unfortunately, the rarest metal that can be mined in a mine created using the World Creation Book is only gold ores . ”

“I see — In that case, I guess I have to obtain it from outside My World . ”

“If it’s Hihiirokane you seek, I have it desu!”

Sheena No . 3 announced all of a sudden .

” — This is a male bath . Before that, as an Automata, will you be all right with entering a bath —”

I asked if she was fine but I had previously made her do salvaging activities on the seafloor so I guess her waterproofing was flawless .

So I decided to change the question .

“I know that you will be fine but do you even need to enter the bath?”

“Sheena No . 3 is a self-cleansing model so there is no need desu!”

She stated it plainly . Also, she was probably using the self-cleansing term wrongly . (TL: The term here is used more toward self-purification etc)

“Sheena No . 3, do you actually possess Hihiirokane? Hihiirokane should be a metal that is even more precious than Mithril .

Pionia asked .

“Yes desu! I do desu!”

“Really? In that case, please hand it over . ”

“Here desu!”

I unexpectedly got my hands on a legendary metal .

That’s lucky .

“Since they are built into Sheena No . 3’s parts, first disassemble —”

“So it is a part of you! There’s no way I’ll do that!”

Since she was already malfunctioning conspicuously, I obviously can’t cause her to become an even bigger piece of junk .

Well, even if she is a piece of junk, she is still an Automata (Ultra-High Performance Machine Doll) made by Miri . It wouldn’t be strange that she has one or two valuable parts .

… Now that I think about it .

“Hey, Sheena . You seem to possess some strange knowledge . ”

“How rude to say that desu! Sheena No . 3’s memory function has been input with all the information from how to make delicious tofu to how to make delicious natto desu . ”

“Doesn’t that mean you’re filled with only knowledge on soybeans? You’ve never been a soybean lover from the beginning either . ”

Is she actually working all right?

“Do you have any knowledge of where valuable metals can be mined?”

“No desu . ”

“I’m disappointed with myself for expecting anything . ”

I guess it isn’t so easy in reality .

“In Sheena No . 3’s database, the valuable metals in the southern continent was mined by the arrogant Demon Lord and have been taken to the Demon Lord Castle except for a portion of it desu . ”

“What about that portion?”

“There are records that an adult dragon stole the Adamantite 500 years ago desu . ”

There’s no use talking about such old stories now .

Nevertheless, I guess dragons really love shiny objects .

Stealing gems, stealing metals . The difference would be ancient and adult dragon though .

… Hn?

I don’t know the lifespan of dragons but I imagine they live quite long?

Leviathan, that was sealed for hundreds of years, was still so lively after all .

If it was called an adult dragon 500 years ago, would it be called an ancient dragon now?

“Hey, Sheena . Do you know where does that dragon live?”

“I know desu! Mount Fujyaku . ”

It’s completely different!

Oh well, I guess there won’t be such coincidences .

There’s no way the dragon that snatched the Adamantite would coincidentally be the same dragon that took the Job Snatching Gem —

“Mount Fujyaku — is now called Mount Landau . ”

“There actually are such coincidences!”

All right, now there’s a chance!

There’s a chance to obtain both at once — the Job Snatching Gem and Adamantite .


Next morning .

After recovering the MP that Pionia sucked from me, I left the room and exited the country with Haru and Carol .

We’ll probably return soon so I didn’t exchange the Goats bill for coins .

“It’s been a long time since I felt this . ”

Fuyun pulled the carriage, Haru sat at the driver seat holding the reins while Carol and I worked our side jobs in the carriage .

I used a hammer to convert sterling silver into silverwork to level up my blacksmithing job .

Carol was crushing the dried medicinal grass using a mortar and pestle .

She didn’t have any Herbalist recipes so she couldn’t compound managrass but the action of grinding medicinal grass could give slight amounts of experience points for Herbalist .

Normally it would take 3 days of 12 hours work to reach level 2 but Carol received【Acquired Experience x4】 and 【Required Experience 1/4】, lesser versions of my blessings so she could grow at 16 times the speed of a regular person .

As a result, after just 2 hours of work —

“Ichino-sama, my Herbalist level went up . I acquired the Compounding skill and Beginner Potion recipes . ”

Carol announced . Just as she said, Carol’s job had changed to 【Herbalist: Lv2】 .

“Congrats Carol . ”

“Congratulations Carol . ”

Haru and I congratulated Carol .

All right, I should level up my Blacksmith too .

I raised the hammer to the silver ring — when .

The carriage stopped .

“It is break time?”

“Monsters are approaching . ”


I didn’t catch anything with my Presence Detection … ah, I see . This is downwind .

In that case, she probably caught the scent of monsters .

“Can you tell their numbers?”

“There are at least 5, if not about 10 . The beast-type monsters are heading straight in this direction . They are quite fast . We probably won’t be able to escape them using the carriage . ”

“No, there’s no need to . The chickens and Sugyu in My World have not increased enough for consumption yet . Let’s capture the beasts here and make it a souvenir for everyone . ”

I actually wanted to buy meat in Goats Rocky but they were still facing a shortage of meat due to the effects of the Sugyu Disease and I would stand out if I purchase close to 50 people’s worth of meat alone .

I jumped off the carriage and saw the shadows of the monsters .

“That is — a herd of pigs?”

Seven Pigs two times the size of those I was familiar with were running toward us .

Two fangs not seen in ordinary pigs stood out . Ordinary people won’t stand a chance against them if they were bitten with those fangs .

“They are Flock Boars . They are dangerous monsters that rampage in a group and is a monster recommended for subjugation . If you bring the fangs to the Adventurers Guild, you would get a small amount of reward . Their meat is delicious . ”

“Can they be domesticated?”

“Flock Boars are said to be unfit for domestication using regular methods . It might be possible with the abilities of a Monster-user but it would be impossible for the Dark Elves . ”

Recommended for subjugation, can’t be domesticated and yet their meat is delicious .

That’s nothing but a hassle .

The Flock Boars split into two as I was thinking .

“Haru, I leave the left side 3 to you . Carol, support Haru! Also, Haru, if you are able to, please avoid using attribute attacks with the Fire Dragon Fang . ”

We got our hands on rare fresh meat . It would be a waste to burn it .

“Understood . ”

“Please leave it to us . ”

Even though giant boars were heading this way, Fuyun was gracefully standing on the spot . I guess I don’t have to worry that it will flee in panic .

“All right, I guess I’ll go too —”

I ran toward the four boars on the right side .

My Slash won’t reach from this distance . Tornado Slash would shred the Flock Boars . In that case, I’ll start with magic .

“Petite Wind . ”

The wind blade that was generated from my hand beheaded one of the approaching Flock Boars .

Angered by the murder of their companion, the Flock Boars raised their speed and snorted as they charged toward me . They didn’t look like they will flee . They seem to be reckless in nature .

That’s good for me .

I didn’t expect to down one with Petite Wind . Since I was working on Blacksmith just now, my current jobs were physical occupations including Blacksmith . Was it because of Magic Strengthening (Emperor)?

Haru probably won’t lag behind if they are only at this level . In that case, I don’t have to rush .

Maybe I can test out my skills a little .

I took out three copper coins from my item bag .

Then, I shot those copper coins using a flick of my finger .

Coin toss — a skill that literally uses throwing money as a weapon .

I thought that it would be convenient when I don’t have a bow and arrow .

” … Eh?”

It flew several times faster than a stone thrown with the throwing skill and it traveled in a straight line as though an arrow released from a bow —

” … Geh . ”

The Flock Boars became pieces of meat .

I intended to defeat them with minimal injuries to their body but they encountered a nasty end .

I guess we won’t be eating those three .

【Ichinojo leveled up】

… Hn?

It seemed that Haru and Carol finished their side as well .

Unlike the torn up pieces of meat on my side, they beautifully defeated the Flock Boars .

【Samurai General skill: 「Katana Equip」has skilled up to「Katana Equip II」】

【Samurai skill: 「Cross Slash」acquired】

【Alchemist skill: 「Alchemy Initialization」acquired】

【There are no further levels for Alchemist】

【Title: Peak of Alchemist acquired】

【Job: Advanced Alchemist is now available】

【Recipes acquired】

Ou, my level went up .

I did not learn any Blacksmith skills but I seem to have more recipes now .

And Alchemist recipes too .

“Recipe open . ”

I checked the added recipes .

… What a coincidence .

Blacksmith and Alchemist recipes for rare metals were added .

It was for Hihiirokane and Adamantite .

Also, when I reached the peak of Alchemist, I gained the ability to smelt Mithril but I did not get any recipes to create equipment from Mithril .

As expected, working with Mithril was tricky .

Although in games, Hihiirokane and Adamantite were more precious compared to Mithril .

For now, I applied Clean on the minced up Flock Boars .

“Haru, please wait a bit . ”

I said and opened the door to My World to bring Desert Runner over .

And let Desert Runner eat the minced meat .

Even with its large appetite, consuming three entire boars was impossible so I left the remaining as feed for it .

And then, I sent the remaining boar with its head cleanly taken off as well as the three defeated by Haru and Carol to My World without dismantling them .

I’ll let Rarael and the other dismantle it on the other side . Rarael had raised her level as Hunter so she should have the dismantling skill .

It should be fine leaving it to them .

” — Master, wonderfully done . I never knew it was possible to defeat Flock Boars with a single copper coin . I must work harder . ”

” … . . ”

Haru praised me exaggeratedly as usual but Carol complexion wasn’t good .

I could tell the reason why .

“Sorry, Carol . Are you angry because I used copper coins as weapons?”

As a Peddler, Carol would not praise me for using coins as weapon — that was what I thought .

“Sorry . I am not angry . Using an arrow would incur the same cost as well . The used coin can be used after collecting it so it is the same .

… You plan to use it?

I have a feeling it would have been bent and useless after that impact .

“Then, what’s wrong?”

“My Herbalist level went up … it’s level 5 now . ”

“Congratulations, Carol . ”

“Ah … so it’s because of that . ”

Haru gave her honest congratulations .

But I understood what Carol was saying .

… Yup, it’s tough .

She spent over 2 hours slowly grinding medicinal grass to finally level up once but just defeating Flock Boars raised her level by three times . It’s tough to think of leveling up diligently that way .

” … Well, life is like that . There are people who work ordinarily and earn 2000 sense and there are people who defeat a monster and earn 10000 sense in reward . That said, you don’t believe the people who work ordinarily are stupid, right?”

“It’s as Ichino-sama said … sorry . I ended up thinking there was no need to put in diligent work . ”

“Yup, well, I thought of it many times as well but doing so will reduce the risk of getting injured from battles, right?”

I once told myself that and diligently raised my Alchemist job . But in the end, I collapsed due to magical power depletion though .

“That’s right … Thank you . ”

Carol once again convinced herself of my words .

Yeah, no action is useless in this world .

As we came to that conclusion, Haru said to me with a sorry tone .

“Master . My second job Swordsman reached the peak but I forgot to have the job changed . ”

… Ah, that’s a waste of experience points .

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