
Chapter 945 Hidden Scenario

Chapter 945 Hidden Scenario

[An Auxiliary Mini Quest has been triggered automatically]: [Quickly! Find the four necessary Relics!]

[Well done! You\'ve found the four relics in time and assembled the special combination. Now that the eye is pointing at a direction, follow it! The culprit behind the Darkness Traces might be where you\'re going to.]

[Quest Conditions]: [Find the Four Necessary Relics: 4/4: Complete]

[Completion Rewards]: [+100.000 Score Points.]

[Current Score]: [800.000]

[Break Time Left]: [0 Hours, 15 Minutes.]

As we ran outside of the house to follow Mercedes and everyone else, I saw the system notification again. This was apparently the last Auxiliary Mini Quest, yet it seemed that break time wasn\'t over yet. We were, in fact, moving towards a certain direction without hesitation.


"Over there…"

"To the north!"

"The west? Is he moving?"

Mercedes was growing restless as we kept running around the entire city, letting a few people startled as our large party moved around like a small army. Our target was constantly moving around, as if intentionally making us waste time. It was getting annoying, especially because six minutes went by quickly, leaving only nine minutes left.

Whatever this was, it seemed very important, we had to find this person to trigger something special in the second scenario, and we couldn\'t let them fool us!

"Alright, I got a plan. We separate into three groups, and we run to the opposite directions of where they are right now." I explained. "Familiars, do the same!"

I quickly commanded our party, Mercedes group agreed immediately after having seen that my leadership skills were quite acceptable. They moved accordingly, as the target started to move, they quickly meet with my daughter\'s party, who was directly livestreaming it to us!

"We got you! Stay where you are!"

I heard my daughter\'s roar, as the figure of an elf man appeared in the end of an alleyway, wearing gray robes like anybody else. His eyes opened widely, as he started to run away, only to find another dead end. He quickly imbued Mana into his legs, trying to kick the air and escape from the sky.


"Where do you think you\'re going?"

I appeared right above him, flying with my fake fairy wings combined with my draconic wings. I imbued Mana and Ki into my fists, as I grew three pairs of enormous wooden fists covered with golden dragon scales through my Draconification Skill and pummeled him down before he was to attack me with a black scythe made of the same energy as the Darkness Traces.



His body was quickly smashed into the ground. As he was immediately surrounded by all of us. The four researchers arriving in the last moment. Once he stood there, surrounded from all sides, both the sky and the ground, he gritted his teeth.

"W-What?! Who are you! Let me go!" He protested, as I quickly fired an arrow made of wood towards his head. He evaded as I imagined, but his hoodie was torn apart, revealing to us his appearance. "Argh!"

He had long green hair and sharp emerald eyes. However, his eyes seemed slightly odd, they were emanating a black and purple energy from within, while constantly spiraling. There was some dark power coursing through his entire body.

"Let me go! I haven\'t done anything wrong!" He cried.

"Nothing wrong? You literally planted all those Darkness Traces!" Mercedes said. "What are you planning to do with our city?! Did you lifted the seal of the Demon King Fragments that were given to us?!"

"Huh? What? What are you talking about? I don\'t… Ugh…! I don\'t remember! Leave me aloneeee!" He man screamed, his aura of darkness constantly surging from his body, like an eruption of pure Malice.


"The darkness has made him go insane!" Hermes cried.

"Just what is happening now?! How come someone was infested by darkness like this!" Elbedo said.

"It doesn\'t matter how it happened, what matters is that we have to stop him, NOW!" Mercedes said.

"That man… He looks similar to someone I know." Cecilia said, feeling a slightly strange feeling.

"Uggh….! AARGH!"

However, the man was groaning furiously. The darkness encompassing his body into a complete suit of black armor. His size increased from two meters to over ten meters. His bulky black armor made of metallized miasma started blazing with phantasmal flames fueled by nether, as his scythe flared with dark red flames made of demonic energy.

"We know most people here, Cecilia!" Hermes said. "Quickly, we have to put it down before it ends up destroying half the city!"

"He\'s wielding the energies of darkness seamlessly!" Said Elbedo. "He\'s the culprit without a doubt!"

"Dammit, he\'s coming!" Mercedes cried.

The giant started rushing towards the quartet of researchers, making the ground shake with each step as his groans echoed across the city. Every step he gave set everything ablaze with black, blue, and red flames.

The buildings slowly started to melt, and people began running away. Not everyone in this city was a fighter. At the same time, system messages appeared once I noticed the break time had finally ended. Almost synchronizing with the transformation of the elven man.

[Thanks to all the efforts you did in the break time, you were able to find the culprit behind the Darkness Traces… However, he\'s completely mad with the power flowing through his body and charges against you after transforming into a giant monster.]

[You have triggered the Hidden Second Scenario, changing its structure from what it was originally going to be!]

[Scenario 2/4 has begun: [Defeat the [Abyssal Dark Hell Knight: Lv300+] while protecting the four researchers from death and the citizens of the city!]

[Careful! The Boss monster will spread his flames everywhere, constantly destroying his surroundings and putting every civilian nearby at risk! You must stop him and help the civilians in danger at the same time.]

[The more civilians you save from death, the higher your score will be.]

[Scenario Requirements]: [Protect the four Researchers, kill the Boss, protect at least 30 civilians from death.]

[Scenario Hidden Requirement]: [???]

[Time Limit]: [1 Hour]

The second scenario finally started, and it was much more difficult than I imagined.


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