
Chapter 92: Good Girl Krische

Chapter 92: Good Girl Krische

Krische\'s army and Verreich\'s army formed a column and headed south.

They made a temporary base at Kielzaran, from where the two armies would move.

Selene remained in Mirskronia, leading the corps under her command to stabilize the rear.

Depending on the opponent\'s move, she would move to support Krische and the other, or acted as the rear guard, but either way she would temporarily leave Krische and the other and stay behind.

Krische and Nozan went to the capital.

The battle would be the final battle in the civil war.

Was how they would move, but it was a while before that.

"...So, what do you want Bald Eagle? Krische should have already ordered Bald Eagle to be sent to the rear right."

"This operation----I\'ve come to ask Krische-sama to allow me to accompany Krische-sama."

In the tent were Krische, Selene, and Anne.

Mia and Kahlua\'s 1st Squad joined by Corinth and Tagel.

And Birza\'s 17th Squad, which was taking care of Dagra.

And in front of Krische, who had her arms crossed and a grumpy face, was the Black Centurion----Dagra, kneeling on one knee and bowing his head.

"...Birza, Krische should have entrusted you with the Bald Eagle. Krische ordered so. If that order has not been carried out, this constitutes a violation of order."

"Please wait. I\'m the one who ordered him, Krische-sama As his superior, I ordered Birza to bring me here----"

"Krische has no intention of retracting that order. Usually, unless another order is given or an urgent problem arises, it is Krische\'s order, the superior, that takes precedence. Krische\'s sure the squad leader should have been well-trained about this."

"Be quiet, Bald Eagle", Krische said as she glared at Birza

Birza, who did not feel alive because of Krische\'s glare, swallowed his spit and looked at Krische without looking away.

"......Yes ma\'am. I certainly understand the orders and am aware of the basic principles. However, I judged that Captain Dagra was in a condition to command combat, and on that basis, I considered sending him to the rear to be unjustified by my judgment, and I sent Commander Dagra here to seek a new judgment. That judgment and responsibility belong to me, as the leader of the 17th Group."

Birza, the slender young man, made an effort not to let his voice tremble as he saluted.

After persuading Dagra, who wanted to visit Krische first, Birza and the others visited the Black Century before visiting Krische and asked for their cooperation.

There, together they held a light \'Krische persuasion reasoning meeting\' where they came up with a plan to deal with multiple situations, ignoring Dagra, who insisted that they speak their minds and be honest.

They came to the conclusion that it was not a good idea to appeal emotionally to Krische for understanding.

They all knew that Krische was a sweet, young girl by nature, but they also knew that she was very concerned about the rules of the military organization.

They knew this was going to happen, so they had to answer her with \'a very ambiguous answer that can\'t be said to have violated her orders\'.

There were many rules in the military, but not all of them were clearly defined and there were many vague parts.

----Due to the change in the given situation, they sought a new judgment and brought Dagra to Krische.

With this kind of argument, they didn\'t need to fear Krische getting angry.

Krische\'s order was to send the injured Dagra to the rear because he was deemed unable to continue fighting.

However, what a surprise, he recovered quickly, and if he is recovering so well, it can be assumed that the judgment that he was incapable of continuing the battle which acted as the premise of the order was a mistake, and that a new judgment should be sought. ----Birza\'s indescribable excuse that this should be reassessed was one that Krische had the most trouble with.

Although Krische adhered to rules that were clearly defined and was strict about them, she often became frozen when it came to judgements that were neither good nor bad.

Kalua, for example, often took advantage of this and slipped away from the brunt of Krische\'s anger.

If that was the case, then------they were sweating badly because of the tension, but at least they seemed to have guessed the correct answer.

Krische sat down on her desk examining his words, putting her hand on the chin and swoosh swoosh swaying her legs.

It was ill-mannered to do so, but it was a habit she sometimes exhibited when she was concentrating on something.

In that case, she no longer paid attention to the gazes around her.

The way her legs swayed swoosh swoosh and her lips pouted in dissatisfaction was like that of a child, Mia looked at her troubled, while Kalua and Selene stared at Krische exasperated.

"Bald Eagle, your stomach"


"Please show it."

"...Yes ma\'am."

Dagra stood up and turned up his shirt, pointing to the area of the scar.

The bandages wrapped around his well-trained abdominal muscles wes layered and brand new.

Krische furrowed her brows.


----The curved sword that was pulled out accurately tore only the bandage with its cutting edge.

Everyone\'s reaction was delayed for a moment, and only Kalua exclaimed, \'Oooh\' as if impressed.

The bandages drooped, and the wound on the side where it had been sewn was visible.

A wound that couldn\'t be said to have fully healed yet.

Krische pouted her lips displeased.

It was such a deep stab wound.

It would take at least a month for the wound to heal completely.

It hadn\'t even been a week yet.

She thought that perhaps the treatment had gone quite well, but the way it looked, it was hard to believe that he was completely healed.

Krische had only applied pressure and tourniquets to the internal wounds.

"Is this in a state where you can command battles? Birza"

"N-no...it\'s, uh"


Dagra raised his voice and kneeled again.

"I certainly can\'t say I\'m completely healed. There are still some pains. But I assure you that I am ready to pick up my sword and fight, and it is not affecting my ability to command."

"...That\'s not the point."

"The next battle will decide the fate of the kingdom. If that\'s the case, something like this...if I couldn\'t even support Krische-sama by her side in such an important battle, and is only resting leisurely on my bed. I will regret it for the rest of my life. If Krische-sama can\'t trust me, I don\'t care if it\'s just as a soldier or a mere squire. ...I beg you, please allow me to accompany you."

Hearing those words, Krische groaned \'Uuu\', and *swoosh swoosh* swayed her legs, as she thinks.

Anne, who was watching it, was moved by what seemed to be some kind of heroic tale, and watched over it, while Selene watched quietly without saying anything.

As her older sister, she was more than happy that Dagra had pledged his loyalty to Krische, and also knew that, in truth, was not really angry.

When Krische brooded with this ill-mannered behavior, there was more frustration than anger, and it was usually when something was troubling her.

And if she looked at this situation, she could understand why.

Krische was endlessly kind to those who showed goodwill to her.

On top of that, it\'s what Krische should judge herself----if that\'s the case, there\'s no need for her to intervene.

Mia and Kalua were generally the same as Selene.

They know that Dagra is Krische\'s favorite, and although it was true that their behavior was close to violating orders, they did not believe that she would treat Dagra cruelly.

Mia looked at Krische, wondering what she would do as she looked at Dagra with concern, and Kalua looked at Krische\'s troubled face with a wry smile.

After a moment of contemplation, Krische looked at Dagra\'s wound and answered him.



"Please, we beg of you, Krische-sama. Please allow the commander to accompany us."

Corinth and Tagel----the two captains stood side by side with Dagra, kneeling and bowing their heads, and Birza and the others who were behind them followed suit.

\'Uuu\' Krische groaned again, then sighed and said.

"Um, well... First of all, it\'s not a matter of whether Krische can trust Dagra or not."

She pointed her finger at Dagra.

"Bald Eagle is Krische\'s excellent Centurion. That\'s why Krische needs Bald Eagle to continue to work under Bald Eagle as he has and have him do his best under Krische for a long time. Uhh, Let\'s see, yes, such a long time, until Bald Eagle get old and couldn\'t even hold a sword anymore."

Krische got off the desk, crouched down, and put her hand on Dagra\'s head.

Surprised, Dagra raised his head and looked at Cliche.

"After the civil war, the Kingdom will become unstable. There may be many battles instead of just one. During all that, Bald Eagle has to fight under Krische. Krische will order the healthy Bald Eagle to do this or that, and Krische wants Bald Eagle to do his best at that time."


"But after participating in the next battle, Bald Eagle\'s wounds got worse and ended up dying. Then not only will Krische lose Bald Eagle, Krische would also have to raise Mia, that the Bald Eagle has raised half-heartedly. This is an inexcusable dereliction of duty."

\'Ugh\', Mia groaned with an indescribable expression, and Kalua laughed happily.

Anne looked at Mia, who felt a mysterious sympathy from yesterday\'s festivities, and she felt like she had made a comrade.

"In some cases, soldiers need to die on the orders of their superiors...But Bald Eagle is Krische\'s direct subordinate, so the only time Bald Eagle can force himself and die is only when Krische ordered Bald Eagle to die."

She said this with a serious face and pointed her fingertips at Dagra.

"Until then, it\'s Bald Eagle\'s duty to take care of your health and live a long life that needs to be followed. It\'s an order, okay."

Krische\'s words.

Seeing her said that Dagra lost his words and put his face down and his hands on his face to hide something that was rising in his eyes from those purple eyes.

"Do you understand?"

Dagra did not answer, he could not answer.

For a moment he was silent then slowly opened his mouth.

"...Yes ma\'am. Until this body rots away on the battlefield.... Until then, I will be by Krische-sama\'s side----I swear by this name."

Without looking up, without getting up.

Showing a salute with his hand on his heart, Dagra answers.

Krische\'s cheeks puffed up saying, \'Didn\'t you hear what Krische said?\'.

"Like Krische said, don\'t just rot away on your own. If Bald Eagle turns into a wimpy old man and becomes useless, then Krische will drive Bald Eagle out of the army, so please wait until then if you want to die. Skeleton is already nearly 100 years old and he\'s still active, so even Bald Eagle should at least try that hard too.

"Yes ma\'am. ... I\'ll etch it deep in my mind."

Selene smiled approvingly at Krische\'s words and quietly sipped her tea.

The people around her were delighted to see the meaning of her words, and Anne was moved to tears just by watching the beautiful scene of their master-servant relationship.

She was supposed to be the only one who was a complete outsider, but perhaps she was overwhelmed with emotion, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Ehehehe, Usa-chan is a good girl."

"Huh? Ah..."

Kalua hugged her and stroked Krische\'s head.

Puzzled, somewhat annoyed, but a little pleased, Krische glared at Kalua----Selene, who had been quietly drinking tea, froze for a moment and stared at the two of them.

She had noticed from yesterday\'s festivities, that Kalua cares a lot about Krische, and Krische seems to be quite attached to Kalua.

Seeing how she can do things like \'say, aaaah\' to Krische with a calm and composed attitude, she guessed Kalua was a pushy type who didn\'t care what other people think.

According to Krische, she even slept together with her and an adjutant named Mia while Selene was not with her.

Following Bery, who had been liberated (from her restraint), a suspicious presence appeared out of Selene\'s sight.

Selene was somewhat restless.

If she had praised her first----no, Selene\'s position would not have allowed it.

"Fufufu, Onee-san too is glad that she\'s Usa-chan subordinate."

"Ehehe, is that so?"

Krische nuzzled her head, her cheeks loosened and happy.

Whatever the case, Krische was supposed to be the superior officer, but Kalua didn\'t seem to mind it.

Selene was feeling fuzzy.

She wondered if she should say something.

If she criticized Kalua\'s attitude toward her superior, she would end up denying Krische, who had worked hard to build a good relationship with even though she was not very good at socializing.

Krische was fine like this.

But, but.

Selene, who was looking at the two of them and searching for words, looked at Dagra, who was still on his knees, and finally called out.

"K-Krische, it\'s pitiful for Dagra and the others to stay like this all the time."

"Oh, right. You can raise your head."

She pulled away from Kalua and patted Dagra on the shoulder signaling him to get up.

There were already no tears on his face, and he had a bright smile on his face.

"Yes ma\'am."

"Dagra, please take a seat. Before the meeting, Krische would like you to know what Corps Commander Faren and Corps Commander Varkus think. Bald Eagle has a general idea of the situation, right?"


"...Krische too, here."


*Trot trot*

Krische strode over and sat down next to Serene, pulling her chair closer to her, putting their shoulders closer.

Selene breathed a sigh of relief.

Kalua, who tilted her head at Selene\'s strange appearance, made eye contact with Selene, who also saw Kalua.

However, Selene quickly averted her eyes, feeling awkward.

*Pon* Kalua clapped her hands as if she just understood something.

Then she smiled wryly and returned to her position and smiled as she looked at the General\'s youthful profile from the side.

In the large tent built in the center, the main princess faction General, corps commanders, and battalion commanders gathered.

Selene Christand sat at the top of the rectangular table.

Krische and other Christand army corps commanders were lined up on her left, and Nozan Verreich and his corps commanders were lined up on the other side.

Garren folded his arms behind Serene, satisfied with the powerful eyes of the corps commanders.

Two battalion commanders from each corps were selected and allowed to be present, and they lined up at the entrance to the tent.

As usual, the Black\'s 1st squad and Anne were preparing black soybean tea, etc. for all of them, but as expected, there weren\'t enough people, so Selene sent around five attentive soldiers to help.

Behind Selene was a map with an overview of the Kingdom.

And on the desk, a central map depicting the surroundings of the royal capital was spread out, and several small pieces were placed on it.

"----As I have just said, we had a meeting with General Verreich in advance and decided on a certain policy. Corps Commander Varkus, Corps Commander Faren, are there any problems?"

"Nothing from me."

"In general, it\'s fine. General Verreich is responsible for the sword, and Selene-sama is responsible for the shield. There is no question about that policy."

The two nodded, but Eluga continued.

"However, wouldn\'t it be better to have the number of soldiers a little more even? Selene-sama has 25,000, and General Verreich has 37,000, including Krische-sama. However, I have heard reports that His Highness is preparing 70,000 soldiers------or even more, depending on the situation. The mish mash rabble------putting aside its proficiency, the advantage in numbers is great."

Serene acted from the southern part of Kierzaran to block the enemy\'s detour, while Nozan moved further south with Krische, aiming for the royal capital as the main offensive.

Considering the abilities of Nozan Verrich and Krische Chrishtand, it was certain that they would be able to defeat the enemy in a head-on confrontation------it was because they thought that.

However, no matter how capable the Generals were, their numerical inferiority couldn\'t give them an advantage.

If Gildanstein came to clashing to them with all his strength, the Verreich army would have to fight an opponent that doubled his number alone, and even if Selene were run hurriedly, it would take two days to arrive.

In short, he would have to hold out for two days in that condition.

There were certainly means to win against an enemy with superior forces.

Heroic tales depict innumerable figures of heroes defeating multiple enemies, but in reality it is not an easy task, and the basic principle in battle was to secure numerical superiority over the enemy.

Equipment, proficiency, and such things can be a means of overcoming a slight difference in numbers, but unless there was a significant difference in power, they will never be a means of overcoming an enemy who doubles their own.

And Gildanstein was not incompetent, but a great General who defeated the hero Bogan Christand and made a great contribution to the expansion of the eastern part of the country.

It was the height of folly to expect incompetence from the enemy and to challenge an enemy who was twice their size.

The reason for this was that the area around the Royal Capital was a plain, and there was little terrain that could be used for the scheme.

"I think it would be better to have another corps commander in addition to Krische-sama, to be directed towards General Verreich. By no means do I doubt General Verreich\'s ability, but..."

"Yeah, I understand. I can understand the concerns of Corps Commander Faren. It\'s true that if the entire army comes here, it will be a big problem but------"

"Skeleton, it\'s Krishe\'s suggestion."

A young girl\'s sweet voice resounded in the tent.

Eluga looked at Krische.

"A decisive battle with a head-on confrontation------certainly, there would be various problems if His Highness was to choose that, but Krische wouldn\'t let His Highness choose that."

"...Now, why is that?"

"It\'s not a tactical problem, but... Krische met His Highness once in the Dragon\'s Maw. Krische killed some guards, but Krische... uhh."

Krische embarrassedly relayed her conversation with Gildanstein on the cliff.

"... As a result, Krische fell for His Highness\' words, and let him go. That\'s why Krische\'ver decided to definitely kill him the next time Krische saw him. If he appeared in front of Krische, it would be easy, and if you create such a situation----Krische will surely kill His Highness."

A cold voice echoed and filled the quiet tent.

After coming this far, no one could argue that her words were conceited.

For everyone knows she was that kind of being.

Even if there were those who doubted it, seeing that Nozan, Kolkis, and Granmeld------the three men who were famous for their martial prowess had no doubts about her words, there was no one who would dare to intervene.

"Krische doesn\'t think that His Royal Highness, who once fled without fighting Krische, would want to fight Krische head-on. He doesn\'t look like the kind of person who would challenge a battle he doesn\'t have a chance of winning. That\'s why, if you think about it normally, Krische thought that His Highness would be aiming for Selene."


"However, if Krische goes to Selene\'s side, there is a high possibility that he will challenge General Verreich to a decisive battle with all his might. On the other hand, if we go in a decisive battle stance from the beginning, there is a high possibility that the rear will be threatened. In terms of logistics, His Highness, who can connect the logistics from the royal capital on the side, has an overwhelming advantage."

Krische traced her finger across her lips as if troubled.

"Of course, the basis is Krische\'s imagination... Krische is not very good at thinking about such things, so Krische can\'t be sure, but... Krische felt that this was fine. Actually, it would be nice to let the Skeleton take all possible measures but."

If Gildanstein split his army, they wouldn\'t be able to cooperate.

There was also a proposal to leave Krische, Selene, and Kolkis behind and attack with a small number of soldiers, but if the same or slightly larger numbers were directed against them and a thorough delaying battle was conducted, the Verreich side conclusion would be doubtful.

On the other hand, even if the forces were concentrated on Selene\'s side, it would be difficult to challenge the overwhelmingly superior enemy with around 15,000 without receiving support from the Verreich army.

Gildanstein was a man of extraordinary valor, and now that he has taken control of King\'s Landing, he had a good quality of commanders.

------When she met the enemy, she was sure to kill them, no matter what kind of heroes they were.

Although she was a mere individual, Krische blade, which unilaterally hunts down the heads of enemy generals, was very important at this strategic meeting.

In order to tilt the 50-50 battle that the Verreich side was forced to challenge to victory, it was an essential element for Krische to be on that side.

Possessors of magical power beyond a certain realm------to confront a monster, you need a monster to match it.

Although Nozan, Granmeld, and Verreich forces all had the ability to deal with Guldanstein, it was a 50-50 bet that they would be able to achieve a sure victory over him.

There was some debate as to where Krische should be placed, but it was decided that Selene\'s army should be thickened and Krische to accompany Verreich\'s army.

"...I see. I understand."

"Krische wants Skeleton to properly support Selene at Selene\'s place. If Skeleton is there, Krische can rest assured."

"Haha... This is a serious responsibility. Certainly."

Eluga laughed with a cheerful------very wicked smile and Krische accepted it with a smile too.

The naming \'Skeleton\' that would be more apt to be called abuse.

Mysterious relationship of trust.

Everyone was puzzled by Eluga\'s wicked smile, known as the \'misanthropic, ruthless, and terrifying corps commander\' and the implications of that smile.

However, no one could ask him about it at a serious meeting.

Even though everyone was concerned about the name, they only looked at each other in silence.

Since the other day, the name \'Skeleton\' has been coming out of Krische\'s mouth------and the same applies for General Nozan too, who was intellectual and serious and was currently fixing his eyes on the map.

Every time the word \'Skeleton\' came out of Krische\'s mouth, his body twitched secretly.

It was something that bothered him, but there was no way he could ask what Skeleton meant in front of Eluga who was once his superior and mentor.

On top of that, it\'s ridiculous for a general to be so intrigued by a single name like that that he can\'t resist asking------It will affect his honor.

The pride inside Nozan would not allow it.

"......But even our enemies have their own famous heroes. It\'s very exciting. His royal Highness is so too, but I have also heard that at the time of the attack, the stalwart Nakhilu Felizar and Walter Zagan, the heir of Elmer-Zein, were also at his side."

"Don\'t get hung up on competing too much, Granmeld. What we seek is victory."

Nozan said, reprimanding the gleeful Granmeld, and Krische tilted her head at the familiar name.

"Hm... Zagan?"

"Sounds familiar? He is the legitimate heir to the Zain style of swordsmanship. He is renowned as one of the best swordsmen in the Kingdom. Perhaps he might have been by His Highness\' side when Krische-sama confronted His Royal Highness..."

Hearing Granmeld\'s words, she nodded and clapped her hands.

"The uncle who was on the side of His Highness was also called by that name. He was in the way, so Krische killed him but"

"............is that so"

"Krische ended up stealing Woof Woof\'s fun"

Everyone froze at Krische, who said troublingly.

Along with the Lorka style, there are many soldiers who learn the Zain style. They were perplexed by the death of the master, the legitimate successor, who was killed so easily, and so was the name given to Granmeld.

In an instant, the air was frozen.

"Ah, uh, Krische...? Woof Woof is..."

Serene asked, even as she thought \'no way\'.

Krische answered happily.

"It\'s a nickname that Krische thought up for CorpsCommander Varkus. Ehehe, his smiling face looked just like a dog, so Krische named him Woof Woof."

It was a child\'s idea was at the level of an insult.

However, Krische was in a good mood, as she put her hands on her cheeks and a reddish blush on her face.

As usual, she, alone, didn\'t notice the frozen air, and seemed to be enjoying herself.

However, everyone knew the man named Granmeld.

He was originally a ruffian and a thief, and it was said that no one had lived after mocking him.

------and she called him Woof Woof.

They were all looking at Granmeld in astonishment.

"...Uhh, Commander Varkus, if you don\'t like it, you can honestly say no, okay? This child is stupid so she doesn\'t really understand..."

\'Krische is no stu------\', Selene ignored Krische who puffed up her cheeks.

"... No. Well, I can\'t complain if someone like Krische-sama named me that."

The voice sounded as if it was trying to seal everything in its heart.

She was stronger than him, and it was without any malice------rather, it was pure goodwill.

Her despairing naming sense was unbearable, but even Granmeld hesitated to throw cold water on the cheerful Krische.

"...only when it comes to Krische-sama."

He gave a piercing glare to those around him, and those who were watching him looked away.

Eruga is the only one who smiles------smiling and nodding with a face like those of a skeleton permeated in evil.

"What, Corporal Verkus. You\'ll get used to it soon enough."

"... Haha, when you\'re the one who says it, it sure is heavy."

Gallen, who was watching with a wry smile, nodded once and said nostalgically.

"My my, the man who was called a mad dog has become softer than he used to be. I think it\'s a good thing but."

"... I had intended to choose carefully who I was biting since a long time ago though."

"Haha, I guess so. Anyway, she\'s this kind of girl. Treat her well."

With a smile on his wrinkled face, she stroked Krische\'s head.

\'Ojii-sama\', he nodded to Krische who seemed happy and said that, then he clapped his hands.

"We\'ve digressed from the topic. The board movement is fine, but we have to work on the details. Isn\'t that right, General?"

"Y-yeah... that\'s right. Then picking up from where we left off----"

And so the meeting proceeded smoothly, albeit with some problems.

\'Skeleton\' the name that he had been secretly curious about.

Nozan, who found out how it was born, seemed to have been convinced and satisfied in his heart.

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