
Chapter 84.1: Character Introduction *Includes spoilers up to Arc 4

Chapter 84.1: Character Introduction *Includes spoilers up to Arc 4

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit, and martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one\'s own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it\'s very long because it includes all of the areas under one\'s management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel. Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author\'s)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half - 159

Kreschenta - 130, first half - (I’m still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 159

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

□ Survived until the end of Arc 4

■ Died by the end of Arc 4

- ------Major Character

□ Krische Rinea Christand --- Order Evil

Krische Rinea Christand is an unhinged girl who can kill people without hesitation. She is the adopted daughter of the Christand House and is considered the main character of the story.

Krische is known as the “The baby who doesn’t cry\'\' and is the Cursed Child of the royal family. She was supposed to be killed, but her caretaker servant let her escape, and she was brought up in the village of Kalka.

Krische was an abnormal person who lacked empathy and had no remorse for murder or violence. However, as a result of the strong love she received from good people, she has come to be able to understand ethics and emotions as well as anyone else. She can only take people\'s words as they are and is not good at reading their emotions.

Apart from this, Krische is literally a genius with superhuman talent in every aspect. She has the ability to easily absorb and develop any technology with just a glance.No matter what she does, she acts on the basis of her idea that “it is natural that she can do it\'\'. She is strongly obsessed with her own excellence and is a hard worker.

In terms of human relationships, Krische basically acts on a profit-and-loss basis, but she is not good at reading other people\'s emotions. As a result she tends to overestimate what others have given her, and underestimates what she gives to others.

Therefore, she tends to demand an excessive amount of "return" in exchange for the genuine favors she receives from others. However, she has the nature of sparing no effort necessary for it.

Krische behavior is based on her poor skill of human relationships. Although one side of her can be said to be very good, her reputation differs greatly depending on whether you see her as a mere deviant or a girl who is too pure.

Appearance: Long silver hair. Purple eyes. Very petite (small stature). Slender. Moderate chest. Like a fairy.

Armor: casual wear, gloves, reinforced boots.

→Self-evaluation: Very smart and talented, but still has a lot of immature parts. She thinks she might be \'a little\' more spoiled and gluttonous than most people.

Strong points: Murder. Magic. Calculation.

Likes: Housework in general, including cooking. Sweet stuff. Be spoiled. Kisses, hugs and general physical contact. Caring others.

Dislikes: Anything that disturbs the peace around her.

Worries: Work is hard. Krische want to be spoiled more.

□ Selene Argalitte Rinea Chritand --- Neutral Good

A serious and affectionate girl, she is the head of the Christand House and a General. As the sole heir of the Christand main House, she works hard to follow in the footsteps of her heroic and respected father. She used to have a complex about being a woman instead of a man, but meeting the overwhelmingly talented Krische helped her broaden her perspective and appreciate the small things in life.

Despite being talented, hardworking, and outstanding, she tends to underestimate herself due to growing up surrounded by gifted people. She has a serious and overly responsible personality, often imposing unreasonable expectations on herself. With a workaholic constitution, she dedicates herself to her studies and works whenever she has free time.

She loves Krische as a younger sister but is also very concerned about her abnormality.

Armor: Plate mail with silver wind and silver wings.

→ Krischee: Stupid and clumsy child. Adorable. I want to let her live like a normal child.

Strong Points: Horseback riding. Command (army).

Likes: swordsmanship. Reading. Spoiling Krische.

Dislikes: War. Her powerlessness.

Worries: The relationship between the servant and her sister is very immoral. She herself is suspicious too.

□ Bery Lipus Argan --- Neutral Good

A slightly sickly motherly woman. A servant of the Christand house. She is the daughter of the Argan house, which fell into ruin due to a business failure. She is Selene\'s aunt. She is originally sickly and weak, and because of this, she has extremely low self-esteem and an introverted temperament. She is worried about the trouble she causes others with her body, and when she was a child, she intentionally adopted an indifferent attitude so that others would not have to worry about her, however, the more the servants hated her, the more she agonized, and she began to live wishing for her own death. Her house is ruined, she comes to Christand and her body problems are resolved, but her self-loathing only grows.

When her older sister, whom she adores, entrusted her to take care of Selene, who is too serious, she tries to act cheerful to take her sister\'s place, but that doesn\'t work either, and she curses herself for not being able to do anything right.

She was one of the people who were saved when she met Krische by her pure affection and her goodwill. Although outwardly gentle and good-natured, she suffered from a slight distrust of men after the fall of the Argan house, and her introverted temperament has also led her to draw a line when it comes to human relationships. She is a genius and has a talent that is too good to be left just as a servant, but due to her temperament, she is content with her position as a servant and does not want to be in the public eye. She is currently devoting most of her talent and passion to cooking, Bogan, Selene, and others have always felt that her talents are wasted.

Despite her looks she is stubborn, and although she looked like a logical person she is on intuition/feeling faction.

When it comes to what she feels is good, she puts feelings before reason.

She has a strong affection for Krische and puts her well-being first.

Appearance: Red hair trimmed at her shoulders. Brown eyes. Small stature. Large chest. sweet baby face.

Armor: Maid\'s uniform.

→Krische: Honest and pure. Her purpose in life. I want her to be by her side all the time.

Strong points: Housework in general, including cooking. Etiquette. Sophism. Art of self-defense.

Likes: Housework in general, including cooking. Teaching. Loving Krische.

Dislikes: Selfish people. Herself.

Worries: Krische is so defenseless that her reason is sometimes in danger.

□ Kreschenta Fana Vera Alberan --- Order Evil

An unhinged girl who can poisons people without hesitation. She is the first princess of Alberan Kingdom.

Known as the "The baby who doesn\'t cry\'\', the royal family Cursed Child. but thanks to the quick wit of her servant named Nora, she survived and was raised as a princess. Like Krische, she lacks empathy at the cost of a high level of intelligence and has no remorse killings other for her selfish purpose. She has killed her own father, brother, and servants in various ways to gain power, and has no hesitation in getting her hands dirty to protect herself. As a result of being almost killed as a Cursed Child, she is obsessed with the idea that she is in a position where her life is always in danger. In a sense, she is even more abnormal than Krische, but her upbringing in the royal palace has given her a morbid ability to act, and her abnormality has not been exposed.

She recognizes her sister Krische as the only equal being to her, and feels that they can cooperate with each other, she frames her uncle Gildanstein for the king\'s murder and takes refuge in Christand.

Her interactions and relationship of mutual trust with Krische and the people around her, Bery and Selene have caused changes inside her.

Appearance: Long reddish-gold hair. Purple eyes. Very small stature. Slender. Chest non-existent. Fairy-like.

→Krische: The only being in the world who is on the same level as her. She is a bit silly, so I\'m worried.

Strong points: Poisoning. Murder. Lying. Acting. Grasping people\'s hearts. Calculation.

Likes: Herself. Be pampered. General skinship.

Dislikes: Anything that threatens her safety.

Worries: Her older sister was ensnared by the servant. The obvious impureness of the servant\'s affection for her sister. She herself, who is happy to be treated like a dog.

- ------Characters close to Krische or Christand Family

◻ Bogan Argalitte Vezrinea Christand --- Order Neutral

A heroic man of high integrity and decisiveness. Selene\'s father. Bery\'s brother-in-law. Deceased. The "Thunderbolt".

The Kingdom\'s hero who rose from a fallen baron to a Margrave in one generation, and from a captain to a general.

Because of his experience, climbing up from the bottom, he knew the various problems of the army, and assigned multiple adjutant officers with excellent tactical intelligence to each corps commander to divide up the tasks and succeeded in raising the level of their capabilities.

Although he is known for his aggressive attacks, staged tactical retreats, and flamboyant tactics, He believes that the Christand strength lies not in his on-the-spot tactics, but in his ability to process information through advance preparation.

Although he is calm now, he used to be reckless in his youth and loved to wield his sword on the front lines.

With his fierce swordsmanship, he cut down countless enemies and was called "Christand the Thunder" by his soldiers.

A rare nobleman, who is devoted to his dead wife and has never taken a concubine.

He died in single combat with Gildanstein, the Royal Prince.

Appearance: Blonde hair with a sprinkling of gray. Blue eyes. Large and muscular. Fearless, A masculine fierce dace. Moustache.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

→Krische: Child prodigy with exceptional talent. Distorted but kind daughter.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. organization building. command operation.

Likes: War history. Liquor. His daughter.

Dislikes: Politics. Extremist (radical party).

Worriess: There is no young man who seems to be worthy of his daughters. Bery\'s partner.

□ Gallen Rinea Kalka --- Neutral Good

A simple and sincere, blunt man. Krische\'s adoptive grandfather. Bogan\'s former superior and Selene\'s current adjutant.

He is a brilliant centurion who rose from the ranks of a single soldier who has achieved many military feats together with Bogan despite his lack of magical ability.

He was respected by his men and had the ability to become a general in the future, but he resigned from the army because he regretted the burning of a village on his superior\'s order.

After that, he worked as a hunter in his home village of Kalka, where he lived a peaceful life with his daughter and her husband and his adopted daughter, Krische, but he lost them in a bandit attack, and when Krische could no longer stay in the village, he left the village with her to live under Bogan and returned to the army.

He is a hard worker who is more than happy that Krische has found someone who understands her and happiness in the Christand house.

Appearance: Messy gray hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Brusque fiece face.

Armor: Dark grey half-plate.

→Krischee: A little different from others, but is a good girl and kinder than anyone else.

String points: Archery. Command operation. Forest. Adversity. Never losing sight of himself.

Likes: drinking. Hunting. Tool care.

Dislikes: Unjust.

Worriess: Being predeceased by those around him. Self-control when Krische brings her marriage partner.

□ Anne Giterns --- Neutral Good

A late-stage clumsy girl. A servant of the Chritsand house.

She is the daughter of a marquis. She was given various tutors and an education for gifted children, but it did not go well, and her parents, fearing for her future, sent her on an apprenticeship as a servant of the Royal estate.

However, there she encounters Bery, a servant of the Chritsand house.

She adored her so much that she threw off the position of servant in the Royal estate that her parents begged to to accept their daughter, and became a servant of Christand house, albeit on the verge of being disowned.

She is not stupid or lacks the ability, but her stage fright, delusions (imagination), and optimistic-thinking tend to cause her to make mistakes at important moments, which often irritates those around her.

She is serious and good-natured, of good family background and good looks, and would be a favorite if she could just sit quietly, but she has a temperament that prevents her from sitting quietly.

Recently, he has witnessed the immoral reality of the Christand house and cannot stop fantasizing about it.

Appearance: Black hair that hangs down her back, tied back in a bun. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Cute.

→Krischee: A sweet kiss demon. The master of a servant she respected and the center of her delusion.

Strong points: Decent cook. General household chores. An all-right etiquette. Favorable interpretation. Badness in between. Bad timing.

Likes: Delusions.

Dislikes: Her own misbehavior even at the best of times.

Worriess: The immoral reality of the Christand house is not only limited to the servant Bery, but also includes the General\'s daughter Selene and Princess Kreshcenta, and not only kissing, but also princess-dog play and other advanced, unspeakable things happen on a daily basis------As a result, she can\'t sleep at night because of her fantasies.

◻ Lazura Christand --- Chaos Good

A fatalist girl with a steel mentality. She is the wife of Margrave Christand. Bery\'s older sister.

The daughter of the Argan family, which fell due to their business failure. She is Selene\'s mother.

She has a bright personality that is the complete opposite of Berry, and she is a strong-willed and lively woman.

She is an unconventional woman who pushes forward without worrying about social rules if she feels it is right. When the Argan house fell, she gave herself up without hesitation to protect the young Berry from the malice of the merchants and nobles.

She is earnest and overly kind, and she is always thinking of Berry\'s happiness first, even when Bery push her.

Even after she learned that there was no future for her, she was worried that Bery would follow in her footsteps. She asked entrusted Serene not only out of concern for her child as a parent, but also to give Bery a purpose in life.

Her second child was stillborn and later died of postpartum fever.

Like Serene, she is clumsy and rather crude.

Appearance: Long red hair. brown eyes. Petite. Big chest. Beautiful.

→Krischee: ...who is it?

Strong points: Quibbles. Winning argument. Breaking rules.

Likes: words such as love and belief. Destiny. Siblings.

Dislikes: rich people.

Worries: not being able to give Selene a sister or brother. Leaving Bery behind.

- ------Black Century

□ Mia --- Neutral Neutral

Although she is excellent, she is treated as a pitiful girl. The Black Century adjutant. 1st squad leader.

She is from Kilnan village in the northern part of the kingdom. Although far from the village, it is a neighboring village of Kalka, where Krische was picked up.

At first, she joined the Christand army as a migrant worker, thinking that she could make use of her stamina and physical strength to help carry luggage for the army, but she was recruited by Krische, who saw through her magical talent and excellence, and before she knew it, she was forced to fight on the front lines.

Although she is uneducated and has only the knowledge of a country village girl, she has a good head on her shoulders and is quick on the uptake.

She is a gem in every sense, having learned to build virtual muscles with magical power without learning from anyone, but perhaps due to her stubborn and somewhat slow nature, her swordsmanship skill is faster to be counted from the bottom of the Black Century.

On top of often being absentminded at the most critical moments, she is prone to backtalking.

In contrast to her quick-witted best friend Kahlua, she\'s easy to pick on, and she\'s often unreasonably yelled at.

Although popular in the village, she has low self-esteem and is dense, and has been confessed to by a man in the village on several occasions, but she has let t all of them slip without realizing it.

Appearance: Shoulder-length chestnut hair. Blue eyes. Average height. Gentle undulation. Cute.

Armor: Black leather armor.

→Krische: A lovely, pure, and scary corps commander. She is smart and strong, but she is childish and can\'t be left alone.

Strong points: Tact. Physical strength. Poor sleeping position and timing.

Dislikes: unreasonableness.

Worries: The current situation in which she got scolded for some reason.

□ Kalua Belyus --- Chaos Neutral

She is a dangerous girl who loves fighting with sword. She is a member of the first group of the Black Century.

She is from Belyus village in the southern part of the kingdom. Daughter of the village chief.

She used to be a graceful village chief\'s daughter. She has a reputation for being a caring, clever, and good-natured girl, and is loved by everyone in the village because of her temperament.

She had planned to learn business from a merchant with whom she had a connection for the further development of the village, but when her youngest sister was kidnapped by a slave trader, she left everything behind and traveled all over the country in search of her sister.

Traveling alone as a woman was not an easy one, and she continued her journey for several years as various realities wore her body and mind, but her strength was not enough and she could not find any clues.

Somewhere along the way, she realized that resignation was filling her heart, but she could not stop.

She chose to fight out of inertia and volunteered for the Christand Army, which was hostile to the notorious Gildanstein------a royal family said to be connected to many slave traders.

Through her various experiences on her solo journey, she developed a manly manner, preferring to use a brusque tone of voice and a rough attitude.

However, she was born with a strong sense of etiquette and can act like a lady if she wishes.

She has lost her innocence and is not interested in love affairs.

Appearance: Waist-length black hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender and relatively tall. Large breasts. Beautiful.

Armor: Black leather armor.

→Krische: A slightly crazy girl genius. She is kind and admirable child. So defenseless that it\'s scary.

Strong points: Self-taught swordsmanship. Flight. Hiding.

Likes: Slashing. nap. child.

Dislikes: Slave traders.

Concerns: Krische is too naive to be leave alone.

□ Dagra Rinea Arkus --- Order Good

A serious man who loves military life. The Black Centurion. Bald Eagle.

A commoner with magic power. Although he has no outstanding points, he has no weaknesses, He is an experienced, quick witted, soldier who respects military discipline and orders and is favorable towards Krische.

He is an ideal centurion who is strict but always treats his subordinates with sincerity. During the war against the Holy Elsren Empire, he participated as a centurion in the special attack force of Selene and Krische.

He was highly praised for his solid performance there, and was nominated as the captain of the Black Centurt a unit under Krische direct control consisting of only those who possess magical powers.

At first, he was terrified of Krische unusual abilities and cool-headedness, but when he learned of the trust she had placed in him, the magnitude of the role he had been given, and the true image of the girl Krische Chrishtand, he pledged his wholehearted loyalty to her.

He is a serious and strict man, a soldier by nature, who prefers life in a military organization above all else.

He thought marriage was out of the question for a soldier like him, but he has fallen due to his friend\'s daughter\'s enthusiastic advances and is now a father of a single child.

He shaved his bald head every day to keep it clean even in military service, and there is not a single loose hair on it, and although his aquiline nose stands out, he is by no means ugly.

Appearance: Skinhead. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Eagle nose (aquiline nose).

→Krische: A superior officer to be respected, a girl to be protected and assisted even at the risk of his own life.

Strong points: Action in the mountains. Battle command. Inspiring. Leading.

Likes: Discipline. Military organization. Black Century.

Worries: the dislike (hatred, disgust, revulsion, fear) many have for Krischee.

------ Members of the Black Century------

□ Bagu --- Chaos Neutral

A young man who can\'t be a villain. Member of 1st squad.

A war orphan, he grew up in a slum and stole from an early age.

He was good with his hands and good at rough work, but he was ridiculed by those around him because he couldn\'t do jobs such as kidnapping and robbery.

He fell in love with Kalua at first sight, and when he tried to forcibly approach her, she turned the tables on him.

Since then, he has been making efforts to win her over through a straightforward approach, and recently he has been trying to become a serious soldier.

He is good at acrobatics and is ambidextrous, so he is often paired as a follower of Kalua, who rely on brute force.

□ Adol --- Neutral Neutral

He is an older brother-type man who seems to frequent bars. Member of 1st squad.

He was the eldest son of a farming family, but he got fed up of working in the fields and came to the city.

He is confident in his skills, which he puts to good use as a caravan escort, where he meets Kels and they hit it off.

After teaming up with Kels, they became well-known and joined the Chritand Army, where they thought they would be able to rise in the ranks.

Along with Kels, he is the most powerful person in the squad.

□ Kels --- Neutral Good

A boy who lavishly spends his money in a day. Member of 1st squad.

Like Adol, he is the eldest son of a farmer and left the village because he got fed up with fieldwork.

He is a caravan escort for the same reason as Adol, and he and Adol hit it off when they meet by chance.

Their reasons for leaving home, the way they spend their money, and the way they work.

All of them miraculously matched, and they formed a pair, thinking that if they were to team up, it would be with this guy.

His swordsmanship is as strong as Adol\'s.

□ Koza --- Order Neutral

He is family oriented, the type that Krische would even smile at. He is the leader of the 2nd squad.

He has a fierce face with old scars that stand out, but he loves to cook.

He is homely and attentive to details, and when he gets home, he does more housework than his wife.

Naturally, Krische evaluation of him is pretty high.

He is also an excellent soldier with a broad perspective, and his overall strength has earned him the position of 2nd squad leader, which will acts as commander in case of emergency.

□ Tagel --- Neutral Good

A refreshing sportsman type boy. A captain of Black Century. 3rd squad leader.

Like Mia, he has consciously learned to use his virtual muscles since he enlisted, and he is an excellent talent.

He is an impeccable type of person with military experience, a good head, good swordsmanship, and a good personality, his lack of flaw is his only flaw, a man without any interesting points.

He is a hot-blooded man, and as a military commander, he is still a little inexperienced.

He is usually in command of 2nd to 10th squad.

□ Corinth --- Order Good

A calm veteran non-commissioned officer. A captain of Black Century. 11th squad leader.

He was originally a subordinate of the century commanded by Dagra, and was originally in the position of captain.

Although his ability as a magical power possessor is not very high, he has a high command ability in melee battles and has a broad vision.

He has the mental strength to keep calm in any situation and is deeply trusted by Dagra.

Basically, he often commands the 11th to 20th squads.

□ Beltz --- Neutral Neutral

A man who is good at cooking, the type that Krische would even smile at. 11th squad leader.

He was born into a family of chefs, but when he was young he had a fight with his parents and ran away from home.

From the start, he had a fierce face and strong physical strenght, so he lived from day to day while working as a caravan escort.

Because of his past, he disliked cooking, but after joining the Century, with Krische\'s guidance, who places an emphasis on cooking, he rediscovered the fun of cooking.

He gets along well with Koza, who also likes to cook, and they cook together at Koza\'s house on holidays. He look squalid.

□ Birza --- Neutral Good

The Black doctor is me type of guy. 17th squad leader

He was born in a pharmacist family, but as the third son, he could not take over the family business and spent his days working in the fields.

When a wagon stopped by his village looking for soldiers, he thought his knowledge might be useful, and joined the army.

He is a thin young man who is not good at fighting, and like Mia, he is not very good with a sword, but he has knowledge of medicinal herbs and simple medical skills and is in charge of treating injured people.

His team was originally made up of people not suited for combat, and their role is similar to that of a medical team.

□ Kilik --- Neutral Neutral

He is a craftsman-type man with dexterous hands. 19th squad leader.

He was born into a family of craftsmen, but the business was not going well, so he left the house to his older brother and worked away from home.

He originally worked as a merchant escort and bouncer, and lost one eye in the process.

Although he has no military service experience, he has plenty of experience as a caravan guard, and because he was born into a family of craftsmen, he is also very dexterous with his hands.

He also has knowledge of inspecting and repairing carriages, and was chosen as Kreschenta\'s carriage escort.

His swordsmanship is second only to Kalua\'s, and he has been through many rough battle.

Many of his team members are craftsmen.

- ------Christand Mlitary

□ Nozan Nerle Wolferinea Verreich --- Order Neutral

A dangerous fanatic guy. Theformer commander of Christand Army First Corps. Current General of the Kingdom\'s east.

He is the youngest son of a baron and has been a subordinate of the Hero Bogan Christand since the very beginning.

He was fascinated by the character, bravery, and intelligence of Bogan, who was born of the same baron family as his superior. He has supported the Hero Christand in his long battles.

Bogan felt that his talent surpassed his own, and after he became a general, he tried to persuade him to become a general whenever he had the chance, but he was concerned that the strength of the Kristand army would decline, so he decided not to do so. He refused and waited for the Kristand army to show up with a talent worthy of his own recognition.

Selene and Krische were the talents he finally recognized, and he cursed his own fate when the tragedy in the Dragon\'s Maw occurred just as he was relieved to step aside.

He has a similar temperament to Serene and is a serious and hard worker.

He has mastered the Lorka-style swordsmanship that Bogan taught him and is unrivaled when it comes to fighting with a large shield and long sword.

Appearance: Reddish-bronze hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Handsome.

Armor: Full plate with silver winged visor.

→ Krische: Possessor of talent far exceeding his own. Good but twisted. Beloved daughter of his deceased lord.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Command operation. Tactics.

Likes: Self-discipline. wine.

Dislikes: Anything that mocks Bogan. Gildanstein.

Worries: Secretly wondering how the nickname Skeleton comes to be.

□ Grunnmeld Rinea Varkas --- Neutral Neutral

A combat maniac who is scary when he laughs. Commander of the Verreich Army First Corps. Leader of the Wolf Pack. Woof Woof.

Former bandit. Undefeated at the time, this man built a large band of thieves with just one iron club, rampaged in the Great Sea of Trees in the northeastern part of the kingdom, and as a result encountered Gallen\'s corps, which was sent out to subdue them.

In the process, he had a one-on-one fight with Nozan and was defeated, but accepted the invitation from Northern, who valued his strength. He became his subordinate.

At first, he intended to escape at any opportunity, but he realized that the battlefield was where he wanted to fight, and through his military exploits, he became his confidant.

The Wolf Pack has several subordinates from that time who play a central role.

He has a lively and refreshing personality, but he will not allow himself to be mocked.

Appearance: Black hair brushed back. Brown eyes. Large and muscular. Fearless, masculine fierce face. A deep scar on his cheek.

Armor: Dark grey wolf plate mail.

→Krischee: A beautiful and lovely-looking girl, and sometimes makes him dumbfounded. A genius with absolute combat skills.

Strong points: Self-styled iron club fighting technique. fighting. Killing each other.

Likes: trampling. The feeling of crushing humans. woman.

Dislikes: Being Looked down.

Worries: Woof Woof

□ Sardin Rinea Garcalon --- Order Good.

A serious, strait-laced guy. The Commander of the Verreich Army Second Corps.

A soldier who loves peace and values order.

He is second only to Granmeld in the Werreich army and is the one who tightens up (displine) the army.

He is a man who feels compelled to speak out against those who break the rules, even if they are his superiors, and his personality has delayed his advancement, but he was bought by Nozan and joined its ranks.

He often acts as an admonisher of Grandmeld, who often acts arbitrarily.

He looks scary and strict, but he is kind and loves children.

Appearance: Bald head. Brown eyes. Tall and slender. Muscular face. Glasses.

Armor: Full plate of magic eye visor.

→Krischee: Possesses a demonic talent. Although she is different from other people, she is an obedient and cute girl who matches her appearance.

Strong points: organizational management. control. Paperwork. Handling children.

Likes: Taking care of children in an orphanage. Home garden.

Dislikes: People who selfishly disrupt discipline.

□ Kolkis Nactra Rinea Agrand --- Order Neutral

A watchdog-type guy with a loud voice. The Commander of the Christand Army Second Corps.

A losing battle with a massive loss. When he was trying to escape as a defeated soldier, he was picked up by Gallen\'s century who were planning a counterattack.

Although in addition to basic tactics, he also doesn\'t like quirky strategies and is not good at attacking the opponent\'s weak point, he has demonstrated overwhelming power by standing at the forefront in commanding assaults and defenses.

He is well-liked because of his inherent bravery and personality, and many brave men gather around him. Because of his emphasis on military training, his army has never been defeated in a simple head-to-head confrontation.

He views Nozan as a rival but has never won in maneuver practice.

Appearance: Short-cropped black hair. Dark brown eyes. A rare large stature and muscular. Even his face is muscular.

Armor: Full plate of silver tiger visor.

→ Krische: A genius. She is a taciturn but beautiful girl.

Strong points: Combat. Inspiring. Loud voice.

Likes: simple and straightforward strategy. One to one combat. Warrior.

Dislikes: Complicated tactics.

Worries: His son defected to the enemy.

□ Terrius Saza Rinea Melchikos --- Neutral Neutral

A man with a thin presence. The Commander of the Christand Army Third Corps.

He is a corps commander who became a subordinate to Bogan after he became a general.

Since he became a corps commander at the same time as Bogan, he regarded Bogan as a one-sided rival at the time.

However, Bogan rushed to the rescue of Terrius\' corps when it was in dire straits and was deeply grateful to him for saving it, and he later pledged his loyalty to him.

He specializes in field castle construction, but even in field battles, he builds his own unique placements and coordination, and Bogan\'s highly regarded his defensive abilities.

His hobby is building shelves.

Appearance: Short-cropped dark brown hair. Blue eyes. Muscular. Eagle nose. Somewhat resembles Dagra.

Armor: Silver castle carved plate mail.

→Krischee: A girl of marvelous talent, but dangerous.

Strong points: Fieldwork. Defensive command. Weekend carpentry.

Likes: one-sided shooting. Fort. Architecture. Woodworking.

Dislikes: Unprepared emergencies.

Concern: His adjutant defected to the enemy.

□ Eluga Giglite Rinea Faren --- Order Good

He is the guy who takes first place in the championship for the face you don\'t want to see when you wake up from sleep. The Commander of the Christand Army Fourth Corps. Skeleton.

A veteran general who possesses unparalleled ingenuity and has achieved great results in battle, but has been shunned due to his personality.

Bogan was once his subordinate but also his mentor in tactics.

He possesses a brain that could be called a genius and can be said to be first-class in all kinds of techniques on the battlefield.

However, because of his excellence, he demands the same of others as a matter of course. Those who do not meet his standards are discarded without mercy as unnecessary on the battlefield, resulting in him losing popularity.

Even those of royal blood were no exception, and because of his thoroughgoing meritocracy, the path to becoming a general was politically closed.

He changed his mind after Bogan, his subordinate at the time, suggested it to him even at the risk of being punished, but there was no longer anyway for him to rise in the ranks, and when Bogan became general, he offered himself to become a subordinate of his former subordinate.

Despite his evil appearance, he is a man of manners and usually prefers to speak in a gentle and polite tone.

He is a rare, good man who believes that his status as a noble is to support the weak people.

His thorough meritocracy was not meant to be malicious, considering the role required of an army that should not be defeated, but his appearance also had a negative effect.

He considers his former subordinates, the Bogans, to be his students, teachers, and comrades-in-arms who are all pursuing the same goal.

Appearance: Skin head. Dark blue eyes. Very thin. Face with prominent bony features.

Armor: Dark grey half-plate.

→Krische: A resourceful girl who could be the star of this era. Cute. The apple of his eyes

Strong points: Tactics. Zain-style swordsmanship. Command operation. Organizational operations.

Likes: Tactics. Tending the garden. Flowers. Children. Tranquilness (Peacefulness).

Dislikes: incompetence on the battlefield.

Worried: Found a reason to live longer after old age.

□ Quinez Nea Kaza --- Order Neutral

A man of the type who would like to be reassigned. He is the adjutant of 4th Corps Commander of the Christand army.

He is a small, fat second-in-command who handles everything flawlessly, his lack of flaw is his only flaw.

Although he respects his superior Eluga, he wishes to be reassigned because of his strict demands and scary face, but because of his excellence, Eluga will not let him go and he is unable to escape.

Appearance: Dark brown hair. Dark blue eyes. Overweight. Kind face.

Armor: Dark grey flower-carved plate mail.

→Krische: A girl who is a genius but crazy. A beautiful girl. His superiors are crazy about her.

Strong points: Command and operation. Organizational operation. Reading the minds of his superiors.

Likes: Eating. sleep. March training.

Dislikes: Battlefields. Scary superior.

Worries: The obvious difference in attitude between his superior\'s response to Krische and his own recently makes him sad.

□ Bagil Rinea Sandika --- Chaos Neutral

A slightly lascivious battalion leader type man. The first battalion commander of the first corps of the Christand army.

Climbed up from a single soldier, he was once the adjutant of the "Wolf Pack" led by Granmeld Varkus.

He is a free man who remained in the Christand Army half out of ulterior motive and half out of loyalty, wanting to work for the incomparably beautiful Selene and Krische.

He is a very capable fighter, and has been fighting in frontline battles for many years without serious injury, and is one step ahead of monsters such as Granmeld.

He enjoys beautiful girls and watching them, but is afraid to touch them because he is afraid of his wife.

Appearance: Black hair mixed with gray. Dark brown eyes. Slim and muscular. Beard mixed with gray hair.

Armor: Silver goddess half plate.

→Krische: A beautiful girl who cleanse your heart just by looking at her. He likes her legs you can see through her skirt. She is defenseless.

Strong points: Zain-style swordsmanship. Front line command. Inspiring. Controlling people\'s hearts and minds. Peeping.

Likes: Beauty appreciation (wholesome). Gentle wife.

Dislikes: Touching. Scary wife.

Worries: Krische\'s unconscious fan-service mentality. He can\'t concentrate when she is face to face with her because of her skirt.

□ Fagran Rinea Alhajid --- Chaos Neutral

A guy with a bit of a loud voice. The second battalion commander of the first corps of the Christand army.

A native of the "Wolf Pack" led by Granmeld Varkus, he has been a subordinate since the bandit days.

Like Granmeld, he\'s a combat fanatic, and he\'s a freak who likes risking his life on the front lines more than anything else.

He has fought with Krische in training in the past, and after suffering a crushing defeat, he fell in love with her skill and decided to stay in the Christand Army with her.

Rather than killing each other, he prefers comparing skills, and often asks talented people to a match.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Bear-like face.

Armor: Dark grey wolf plate mail.

→Krische: A beautiful genius with a sword. Combined with her tactical prowess, he has a lot of respect for her.

Strong points: Lorka style swordsmanship. Sparring. Front line command. Inspiration (raising morale).

Likes: Contest of skill (sparring). weightlifting.

Dislikes: Cowards.

Worries: Other peopled often disliked contest of skill (sparring) with him these days.

□ Keith Sale Rinea Kirtins --- Order Neutral

A taciturn, smoldering man. The third battalion commander of the first corps of the Christand army.

He is from the 4th corps led by Eluga Faren.

He considers discipline and control to be the strength of the army, and is a steady battalion commander who places an emphasis on marching and formation change training.

Although he has no outstanding abilities, broad perspective and is an excellent soldier who never loses his cool in any situation and has a solid decision-making ability.

He was resentful that his own battalion was used as a decoy and many of his best soldiers were abandoned, but when he was given a role equivalent to that of an adjutant, he recovered and was unable to figure out what kind of person Krische was.

Regardless of his feelings, Keith himself is the type of soldier that like.

Appearance: black hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Thin build. Face with deep wrinkles.

Armor: Silver half plate.

→ Krische: Distorted genius. A cold-hearted person. She\'s as childlike as she looks.

Strong points: Command and operation. training. Paperwork.

Likes: Fishing. Mountain climbing.

Dislikes: Alcohol.

Worries: He doesn\'t really understand Krische as a person.

□ Varga Nea Kurtos --- Order Neutral

A hot-blooded gut with a strong sense of justice. The fourth battalion commander of the first corps of the Christand army.

He is from the First Corps led by Nozan Verreich.

A lower-class noble who admires the Hero Bogan-Krishtand, and is fascinated by Bogan and his daughter Selene.

His abilities are excellent, but his sense of justice is too strong, he can\'t tolerate injustice, and he dislikes people who treat soldiers as mere numbers.

As a result, although he pledges strong loyalty to Selene, he does not get along well with Krische, and a deep rift has formed between him and Krische, who used the 3rd Battalion as a decoy when he offered to join the rear in the Dragon\'s Maw.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Large build. Hairy, square face.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

Strong points: Inspiration (raising morale). Lorca-style swordsmanship. Rear command.

Likes: training. Heroic tales. Military history.

Dislikes: People who don\'t see soldiers as human beings.

Worries: Using the 3rd Battalion as a decoy and losing the lives of many brave soldiers.

□ Gaines Rinea Tosca --- Neutral Neutral

A mischievous, old-looking man. The fifth battalion commander of the first corps of the Christand army.

He is from the 4th Corps led by Eluga Faren.

He is a hunter who commands a battalion of mainly archers, and is the only battalion commander in the First Corps who cannot use magic.

But his talent more than makes up for it, rising from a private soldier to battalion commander with his brains and commanding ability.

He is always calm, cautious------and bold.

He is a masterful archer who utilizes his experience as a hunter, and is respected to by the battalion commanders of the first Corps.

Even on the battlefield, he never forgets his sense of humor and cracks a joke about anything, but sometimes it slipped.

Appearance: Black hair mixed with gray, tied back. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Wrinkled, aged face. Narrow eyes.

Armor: Leather armor.

→Krische: A sweet girl with no sense of humor. An excellent commander who always entrusts discretion.

Strong points: Archery. Short sword technique. Command of archers. Rear command.

Likes: Hunting. fishing. tree climbing.

Dislikes: Being in a town.

Concerns: trying to figure out what kind of joke Krische would understand.

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