
Chapter 271 - Looking For A New Empress (2)

Chapter 271 - Looking For A New Empress (2)

?The Empress will spend the rest of her life here. It\'s better if she accepts this place like home,? I explain. ?The character and personal charms of such a person are relevant while choosing. The wrong woman might bring misfortune and difficult years.?

?You did tell me to choose a young lady from a country with not too amicable bonds to Ethiro.?

?Yes, your majesty. That was my initial advice. It\'s the easiest way to choose. But now that I\'m informed of how the Empire works and what are the challenges your majesty has to overcome every day, I think that the Empire shall wait a little more for an Empress. It\'s a choice that has to be made wisely.?

The Emperor sips his tea, looking at a spot on the table. He is considering my words, and he doesn\'t seem to be convinced.

?I still don\'t understand what I should do.?

?I believe your majesty should start talking with young ladies from the court.?

He raises an eyebrow, surprised by such a piece of advice.

?I mean,? I add. ?Your majesty should chat, walk, and have tea with women your majesty\'s age. To better understand how ladies think. We\'re different when observed from up close. And we behave differently in front of the Emperor. The first step is to understand the first manipulations that every lady on the continent knows how to pull out. Your majesty is still young. I believe few, if anyone, have tried offering a woman in exchange for some benefit. However, that kind of thing will happen more often in the future. I believe your majesty ought to learn how to ripe the fruits of such games without compromising the throne.?

?How to ripe the fruits?? he repeats, dumbfounded.

?Your majesty doesn\'t need to reject any offer just because of it. There are times when one should openly make clear what is intolerable, that\'s right. But your majesty\'s subjects will obey regardless of the rewards promised,? I point out. ?No one will expect an Emperor to send all women away. It might even become bothersome if gossip were to circulate because of it. However, there\'s a way to learn who to accept and in which manner.?

?You\'re telling me to have mistresses?? he chuckles. ?Have you said the same things to Duke Kyre??

?No, I haven\'t,? I admit. ?But my husband is married and will soon become a father. No one can question his ability to have children and produce an heir.?

?So, you\'re telling me I either have mistresses or wed a bride.?

?That\'s the simplest way to put it, your majesty. But it\'s true. By the way, one thing doesn\'t exclude the other. I think it\'s even better if there are both. I mean, if the public opinion thinks so. I won\'t dare to question your majesty\'s private life. What happens behind a closed door should stay private. I will only counsel your majesty about the public reputation...?

As I talk, some light red spreads on the Emperor\'s cheeks. He\'s regal and powerful, so much that I forgot that he\'s actually so young. Fourteen: in between a child and a teenager.

It is too early to think about mistresses and concubines. He can have a white marriage for the time being; there\'s no need to have an heir for a few years more. It\'s enough if the Empire has a promise for it.

In that regard, a bride younger than him could be even better than one just close in age. Too bad it would mean bringing in an uneducated, spoiled brat.

But one can still teach a young lass.

I\'m not sure... I can\'t picture the perfect Empress.

It\'s very difficult, and any lady that is chosen might reveal her true face only when it\'s too late.

?I think there is something that might make the task easier,? I pronounce, half lost in my thoughts.

Only when I realise that I\'ve talked out loud, I sigh. It\'s a bit extreme as an idea. However, at most, his majesty will wave it off like dumb and pass on the next matter.

Regardless, it\'s too late to stay silent.

?How?? he presses me, looking at me in the eyes.

Am I supposed to lower my gaze now? Yet, I can\'t let him think I\'m hiding something; and we\'re alone in here. It shouldn\'t be seen as disrespect.

I keep my head up while answering, offering my expression and gaze as proof of sincerity and firmness.

?What does your majesty think about a selection??

?A selection? As in hosting a bunch of ladies and making them fight each other until one remains??

?Yes, exactly like that.?

?It would make the one with the strongest character stay, which could not be what we need,? he points out.

I chuckle, realising that thinking out of the box isn\'t as common as Alexander makes it look.

?We should let the ladies fight until their real selves come to light. Only later, we will choose the most appropriate. Your majesty doesn\'t have to follow any rule while choosing the bride. They will believe we will take the best, so they\'ll trample one on the other until surrender.?

?You\'re suggesting to choose the one with the fairest game??

?Oh, no, your majesty! I\'m saying to consider every part of those girls\' personalities and background. Even what comes out from the selection, unexpected.?

?Is that so? I\'m almost afraid of you now, Duchess. Is not following the rules what made you resist for years??

?No, it isn\'t. In the end, I lost because I was firm on not breaking rules that no one has set. I was a fool that believed in some kind of justice and fairness. People\'s lives take precedence over all of that, followed by a country\'s well-being. If I had this conscience back when we were at war, I wouldn\'t have been so easy to beat.?

It\'s a lie, of course. Alexander would have predicted my change of ethics after the second move. He learnt to know the new me as well as how I was once.

He would have understood even such an occurrence.

?Let\'s not say it to Duke Kyre,? the Emperor sighs. ?He won\'t like to hear such words from you.?

?Oh, I believe he wouldn\'t be that annoyed. But let\'s keep it confidential.?

?I\'m pleased that you found your determination, Duchess. You didn\'t look like a woman itching to survive in the beginning.?

?In the beginning? Oh, you mean at the end,? I chuckle. ?My first summer in the Palace was supposed to be my last. I was ready for any outcome but this one. I wish everyone could just forget how I was those days.?

?It wasn\'t meant to sound like a critic.?

?I know.? I nod.

?Returning to the selection. How would we proceed??


?You came up with the idea, Duchess. Don\'t think you can wash your hands of it. You will be in the council appointed for the task.?

All right, there already is a council. My single contribution will be less, like this. But I will be able to monitor the situation from within.

?Only if your majesty will be the one making the decision and no one else. The council and I will only be there as support.?

He drops his shoulders and realises that this Duchess won\'t take any responsibility. It\'s my price for collaboration.

?All right.? He accepts.

?First thing, we need to list some ladies from this court. Then, send invites from those coming from other kingdoms. As we already agreed that a woman from a regal family would be too powerful. Those we send the invite to won\'t have issues making such a long trip to reach here. They will be our guests for a month or so.?

?From this court??

?Yes, your majesty. Even if we already know they won\'t be chosen. First of all, the opposing factions will pause their attack if a daughter of their own is chosen as a possible candidate. Then, it will make competition stronger. We need to check how the future Empress behaves with ladies that will one day be part of her court.?

?Isn\'t it dangerous? What if grudges arise? I don\'t want a Palace full of catfights.?

?It won\'t happen, your majesty. We won\'t choose an Empress who isn\'t able to cope with the court.?

?Oh, right. Well, in the end, it doesn\'t seem like a bad idea. We just need to make sure no one is in danger during the selection.?

?The Royal Guards exist for this kind of matters.?

?About the candidates from the court... I believe you should attend the debut. It\'s in a few days. A few ladies will be presented to society for the first time. After the event, they won\'t be around for a couple of weeks, not to seem too eager or something. It could be the only chance to know the newest generation.?

?A debut?? I mumble. ?It seems interesting.?

?It\'s boring if you\'re not among the young ladies or part of their family.?

?Oh, but I think it won\'t be boring at all!? I say, clapping my hands in excitement.

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