
Chapter 85 - 62: Imminent

After the day the stars fell, the Chaos World had become peaceful for a long time.

The disputes over the ocean gradually ceased, and with the expansion of the world, the ever-increasing sea territories had largely been divided. Oceanus of the Circumterrestrial River had acquired more than seventy percent of the share, and he had distributed some of it to his deserving children before integrating most of it into his own godhood.

Unsurprisingly, once he fully assimilated this power, the Ocean Deity Sovereign could also reach the peak of mighty divine power. Henceforth, the Primordial Sea God would no longer be his equal, and thus Pontus plunged into the deep sea trenches, the concave of the earth, as if not wanting to see the exalted ocean deities.

Among the children of Pontus, most concealed themselves with their father god, except for two deities. The once peril of the sea, later Goddess of Beauty, Keto, and her following Three Furies still roamed the seas. Or rather, Keto had long stopped considering herself a daughter of the Sea God, viewing Uranus as her father, since she and her three ‘sisters’ were deities reborn from his divine blood.

The other one was Pontus’s eldest son, Nereus, who had united with the Oceanides Doris. He and his wife begot fifty mermaids, among whom were the future Sea Empress Amphitrite and Thetis, the mother of Achilles—one of these fifty deities.

Compared to his own father, this ‘gentle’ Sea God had great rapport and was closely associated with many deities.

With the cessation of conflicts over the seas, the Mountain God Ourea also returned to his domain. Unlike the Sea God, the thousands of years of warfare had brought him nothing but pain and loss.

Meanwhile, in the starry sky, under the auspices of the Divine King, the gods had divided the territories once held by the God of Sun’s family.

Cronus gifted the ‘distant starry sky’ to the God of Stars and also commanded the Moon and Sun to venerate Phoebe as the lord of luminous celestial bodies. Although this was but a titular homage, not involving power or authority, Phoebe was still overjoyed.

Having ceased cooperation with the Divine King halfway before, she had thought Cronus would not honor the agreement. Evidently, as long as it would stabilize these two Titan deities, the Divine King did not mind such a token contribution.

Besides, as the Mother of Light, Theia was, although part of the defeated faction, still treated with great courtesy by the Divine King. He reserved for her the orbit through which the Moon passes in the night sky and allowed some stars that survived the solar uprising to remain under her command.

As for what these star deities, looking towards the empty Zodiac Regions in the distance, truly thought, that was no concern of His Majesty, the Divine King.

“Themis, my sister who staunchly upholds justice, I wonder if you would be willing to do me a small favor?”

Having redefined the trajectories of the stars with the Divine Artifact, the Divine King handed the Codex of Creation to the Goddess of Law.

By defining the trajectories of a group of stars, the power of this Divine Artifact had risen slightly, but it still couldn’t break through that barrier. Or perhaps, a complete Genesis Artifact not only requires power but must also have a complete “symbol.”

The Life Vase could originally take this step, as it inherently symbolized the origin of life. When life capable of reproducing thrived upon the earth, it could naturally cross that threshold. But once it split in two, this symbolism was torn asunder, and unless it is repaired in another manner, mere power alone can only bring it infinitely close yet will never complete that crucial transformation.

The Codex of Creation is somewhat more special. Being one component of a complete Divine Artifact, it can only achieve ascendance in conjunction with the other two pieces.

As for what the three Genesis Artifacts could combine into, that’s a realm even Laine and the Primordial Gods remain ignorant of.

“If your request aligns with what befits the status of a Divine King, then I shall not refuse.”

In the starry sky, Themis took the brass codex and nodded in agreement.

Her implication was clear: if this was a scheme or a stratagem unbecoming of a Divine King’s stature, she would not be involved.

“Of course, it’s just a minor matter.”

“I heard that Laine asked you to stabilize the Zodiac Regions, so if possible, I’d like you to also sort out the surrounding starry domains.”

While destruction is easy, rebuilding is another matter entirely. Having Themis assist was one of the most cost-effective choices.

“The destruction caused by Perion was too severe, with over thirty percent of the star deities falling into eternal slumber. These territorial gods are rarely of any use, but it’s quite troublesome when many of them are missing.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Frowning slightly, even though he was somewhat dissatisfied with Cronus’s attitude towards the star gods, all the Titan deity clan were like this now.

Besides possessing an immortal essence, the powers of these quasi-gods were surprisingly weak. If they didn’t also possess divine power, no one would consider them deities.

“I can help you, of course, but I must also remind you, Cronus, do not follow in the footsteps of our father.”

Looking at the Spirit Realm angels waiting in the distance, Themis spoke earnestly.

“…What do you mean by that? Do I look like a tyrant to you?”

“You know what I am talking about, Cronus.”

With the Codex of Creation in her hands, the current laws of the world were clearly visible to the Goddess of Law. Although the conquest of the stars had further increased his divine authority, in Themis’s eyes, the countdown for Cronus to resist the law of birth had essentially begun.

In five hundred or six hundred years, the child of the Divine King would be born. No one knew what choices he would make then.

“The Father God harmed the Mother Goddess by committing such atrocious acts, Cronus, I won’t meddle in matters between you and your children, but if you dare to treat Rhea like the Father God did, I will not stand idly by.”

Resting her left hand lightly on the hilt of her sword, the Goddess of Justice’s stance was very clear. It wasn’t just talk for her; she would indeed act if necessary, and she had the capability to do so.

After enacting the laws thousands of years ago, Themis not only saw a strengthening of her godhood but also received two nascent divine artifacts. Now, both artifacts had come into the world.

One was the Golden Scales, born alongside her function as the Goddess of Fairness, capable of passing judgment on all things in the world, distinguishing their weight. Whether the items placed on either side of the scales were physical objects or more abstract notions, it would accurately make the judgment—the heavier would sink, the lighter would rise.

The other was the Sword of Vanquishing Evil, which went hand in hand with her function as the Goddess of Justice. It could sense sin and differentiate the good from the bad. When facing actions that were ‘unjust and evil,’ the weapon’s power was especially formidable,

In later generations, these two artifacts had made a significant name for themselves, and even though they were yet to be unsheathed, Cronus faintly sensed a threat.

While unexpected for the Divine King, the fact that the Goddess of Justice, who had just reached Divine Power Level 17, had this kind of power was quite surprising.

“You worry too much, Themis, after all, this is my business, it has nothing to do with you. Do you intend to partake in the struggle for the throne of the Divine King as well?”

Taking a deep breath, Cronus’s expression darkened. If it were anyone else, he would have already demonstrated his divine authority, but he refrained from taking action against his sister.

This was partly because he couldn’t do without her given the situation among the stars, and partly because he had no intention of mistreating his Queen of Gods.

It had been thousands of years since Rhea had firmly stood by his side, facing the desolate Mount of the Gods together. He would not show mercy to his own Divine Child, but he had the same respect for his wife.

“Rhea will forever be my Queen of Gods. She was in the past, she is now, and she will be in the future. She is the only one worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with the Divine King, but Themis, I also warn you, anyone who sides with my offspring is my relentless enemy.”

“The strife for the throne of the Divine King is a matter for your own family, but be sure not to use your tactics on a wife, a mother. Remember your promise, Cronus, I will be watching you.”

Turning to leave, the Goddess of Justice did not say more; she merely made her stance known.

The fight for the throne of the Divine King was, of course, justified, but Themis had no wish to see the events of her own past replayed on Rhea and her children.

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