
Chapter 175: Stylist (3)

Chapter 175: Stylist (3)

Only then did Chae Sang-Woo snap to his senses and hesitantly suggested discussing it with his wife.

I went back to the coffee shop on the first floor with Chae Sang-Woo.

Sitting down, Chae Sang-Woo held his wife\'s hand with a much-improved expression. "Honey, I got a job at Hoop Entertainment as well."

"What? How?"

"Mr. Jung suggested I work there too, although at a lower rank than you."

Lee Mi-Ri was too surprised by the streak of luck to continue speaking.

"When both of you are working, you\'ll need a caregiver to take care of Eun-Byul. But when Eun-Byul is sick, we\'ll arrange for one of you to always be able to go to the hospital."

The two embraced each other and began to cry profusely. "M-Mr. Jung..."

Do Ran-Hee sitting next to them also started to sob and cry. "That\'s such good news, unnie. Sob."

"Thank you, Ran-Hee." Lee Mi-Ri replied.

\'Ran-Hee, when did you become sisters with Mdm. Lee Mi-Ri? How typical of Do Ran-Hee, the social butterfly,\' I thought to myself.

Lee Mi-Ri and Do Ran-Hee held hands and began to sob. Because of this, everyone in the coffee shop on the first floor turned their attention to us.

When I awkwardly scratched my head, Lee Mi-Ri wiped her tears and said, "I\'m sorry. I just got so happy..."

Lee Mi-Ri wiped her tears and soon took out a handkerchief to wipe her husband\'s eyes.

"I\'m okay," Chae Sang-Woo said.

"Stay still for a moment, honey." Lee Mi-Ri urged.

Chae Sang-Woo gazed affectionately at his wife as she wiped his eyes.

Seeing them care for and love each other despite all the hardships caused by poverty, I understood why Lee Mi-Ri had lost her mind after her husband\'s death in my past life.

\'The deeper the love, the deeper the despair.\' I reflected silently.

Once the three finally calmed down, I brought up the conversation I had just had with Chae Sang-Woo again.

"Let\'s move Eun-Byul to Asan Hospital as soon as possible to start with a re-examination. They handle pediatric cancer well," I suggested.

"Asan Hospital?"

In my past life, I had heard that Chae Eun-Byul would have lived if she had undergone surgery. That\'s why I wanted her to receive proper treatment as soon as possible.

The startled-looking Lee Mi-Ri began to ask cautiously, "Um, Mr. Jung. Even though the company supports the medical expenses, the overdue hospital bills alone exceeded 30 million won. I\'m sorry, but we have absolutely no money..."

The faces of Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo reddened with embarrassment.

I thought to myself, \'I don\'t know why poverty should make people so miserable and weak.\'

I held both their hands and encouraged them.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll arrange the surgery funds for now and you can pay me back slowly while we work together for a long time."

\'I understand the urgency of two people wanting surgery more than anyone,\' I remarked silently.

"Please consider my offer and think only of Eun-Byul\'s health," I added.

The couple looked at each other and then nodded in haste.

"Thank you, Mr. Jung. Then we humbly ask for your help!"

Finally, team Jung had two exclusive stylists—and one of them was a future top stylist.

After the verbal agreement, I picked up my half-finished cup of coffee and stood up. "They say strike while the iron is hot, so let\'s proceed with the process now. Follow me."

"N-now? Right now?"

I led the bewildered couple straight to the hospital\'s administrative office.


Perhaps because I had paid in full a little earlier, the administrative manager of the hospital greeted me with a bright face.

"Oh, what brings you here this time? You could have just called if there\'s any inconvenience."

"We\'re moving hospitals," I said in a straight voice.

"Excuse me? Not just the room...but you mean the hospital itself? What exactly do you mean?"

"Didn\'t you hear me? I don\'t want to stay in this hospital for a moment longer, so please prepare for the transfer. We\'re going to Seoul Asan Hospital."

The administrative manager started to panic. Cancer patients were a big source of income regardless of age, and they didn’t want to lose them especially if they had financially capable guardians.

"S-sir. That is...the reason we couldn\'t provide treatment earlier was because of the hospital\'s internal regulations. From now on, there won’t be such an issue. So..."

The administrative manager was dragging out his words, but I had no intention of listening any longer.

"I am merely an acquaintance of the patient\'s parents here, not a guardian," I clarified.

At my brisk attitude, the administrative manager turned his head toward Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo standing next to me. The administrative manager started persuading them with a demeanor as gentle as the spring sunshine.

"It seems you don\'t fully understand. But considering the physical condition of Miss Chae Eun-Byul, transferring to another hospital could lead to bigger problems. You might want to reconsider..." explained the manager.

"Do you remember telling us to leave if we have no money, asking if we thought of the hospital as a charity?" Lee Mi-Ri questioned with furrowed brows.

The perplexed administrative manager started to stutter. "N-no, that’s not..."

"And how about when you said to take Eun-Byul home before she dies, to feed her tasty food and send her off?" Lee Mi-Ri continued, barely able to contain her rising anger.

Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo, perhaps understanding the reason I had brought them here, started to unleash their pent-up frustrations.

It seemed like I made the right decision to bring them here.

"Being someone in charge of administration, the pressure from above was too intense and..." the manager tried to explain himself.

Beads of sweat formed on the forehead of the administrative manager who was lost for words.

Chae Sang-Woo, not to be outdone by his wife, added his part. "The insult you hurled at my wife and daughter, I will never forget it as long as I live."

The father\'s anger, who had to watch his daughter suffer and be unable to afford treatment, was palpable in his words and expression.

I wondered how agonizing it must have been for Chae Sang-Woo, working three part-time jobs a day. His words heavily laden with the weight of suppressed emotions carried an immense gravity.

Eventually, the overwhelmed administrative manager raised his hands in defeat.

"Enough! This is why you don\'t deal with the poor and uneducated... Damn it. Do whatever you want!"

Vitriol burst from the mouth of the flustered administrative manager.

I thought about recording it to trample on him once more, but that seemed unnecessary looking at the brightened faces of the couple after having vented their frustration.

After finishing our business, we left the administrative office immediately.

"Since you don\'t have immediate funds, use this money first and we can write up the contract tomorrow," I said as I extended an envelope containing 5 million won out to them.

Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo clutched my hand. "We\'re in no position to refuse now, so we\'ll accept it with shame. In return, we\'ll work ten times as hard."

Seeing them repeatedly bowing their heads made my nose tingle inexplicably.

These were people who could have lived the most glamorous lives in the New York fashion scene if they had aspired for success. Yet here they were, bowing their heads to me solely for their daughter.

Having never been a parent or even having parents myself, I couldn’t fully understand their feelings.

But I was filled with a sense of awe at their sacrificial attitude.


The next morning, we transferred Eun-Byul to Asan Hospital.

We secured a private room to set a treatment plan after the reexamination.

In the vastly improved environment, Eun-Byul hugged me tightly and thanked me. "Thank you, Uncle!"

Eun-Byul, now calling me uncle, clearly showed how close we had become.

"Eun-Byul, I need you to be strong even if the treatment is tough. Pinky promise?" I smiled and extended my pinky.

"Pinky promise!"



Only after linking our pinkies and pressing our thumbs together as a stamp did we finally unclasp our hands. Driven by the moment, I wanted to give Eun-Byul small goals to strive for as she battled her illness. I hoped it would give her motivation to persevere through the painful chemotherapy.

"Eun-Byul, I\'ll bring you some drawing books soon. And colored pencils too."

"But I usually color on a phone app."

"O-oh. Really?"

"But I\'ll give it a try if you bring them. It seems like I\'ve been playing with my phone for too long."

"Alright. Then I\'ll also buy you a backpack, pencil case, and notebooks for next year."

At that moment, Eun-Byul\'s eyes widened significantly. Her shoulders shook, barely containing her excitement. "Really?"

"Yes. But why are you so happy about it?" I asked.

"I... I really wanted to go to school." Chae Eun-Byul replied as she looked down.


What seemed like simple school supplies meant something entirely different to Eun-Byul, who had been waiting for her days to end.

Thanks to this, it looked like she harbored hope of living a normal life like everyone else.

"I\'ll definitely bring them! I promise." I said with a smile.


When I made a pinky promise with Eun-Byul one more time, I noticed tears welling up again on the faces of Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo standing by my side.

A moment later, the door to the private room opened and the attending doctor entered.

After a brief greeting, we discussed the future treatment plan with Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo.

"Although we need to reevaluate her condition, it seems that surgery might not be necessary looking at the chart from Hanmaeum Hospital."

"A-are you sure, Doctor?"

\'Wow. No need for surgery? That\'s good news!\' I thought to myself.

I began to feel just as elated as the two of them.

Doctor Kim Oh-Jun continued with a bright expression. "Conditions like pediatric leukemia can often be treated without a bone marrow transplant these days."

Leukemia used to be a fearsome disease, but lately, chemotherapy alone often showed a very good success rate. Hence what\'s called hematopoietic stem cell transplant was increasingly avoided when possible.

"Also, the chemotherapy drugs our hospital has introduced have been showing very promising outcomes," Kim Oh-Jun added.

"Can Eun-Byul really be treated without surgery?" Lee Mi-Ri asked with hopeful eyes.

Kim Oh-Jun nodded to Lee Mi-Ri\'s question. "About 92% of pediatric cancer patients are cured using chemotherapy alone in our hospital. It\'s difficult to conclude prematurely since it\'s not 100%, but we\'re approaching it optimistically. Most people only think of bone marrow transplantation when they hear about pediatric leukemia."

Lee Mi-Ri and Chae Sang-Woo looked at each other with uplifted expressions.

That\'s when Eun-Byul sitting beside me tapped my arm.

"Eun-Byul, what is it?" I turned to ask.

"Uncle, do I really not need surgery?"

"We need to confirm to be sure, but it seems like it."

Eun-Byul sighed softly in relief. "That\'s good. I was scared."

"Were you?"

"Yes. I\'m actually really scared of many things. I take after my mom," Chae Eun-Byul explained.

In my past life, Lee Mi-Ri was nicknamed the Ice Witch.

But the person in front of me now was just a tearful mother, hoping only for her daughter\'s recovery.

Unlike her past self who always sported a sharp, short haircut and a frown, now she was just an ordinary mom with her hair casually tied back in a bob, often shedding tears.


As soon as we left the hospital, I checked the planner.

[Everyday V10]

[Date: February 1, 2021]

-08:00 p.m. <Deleted Schedule>

(Deleted Schedule: Stylist Lee Mi-Ri\'s only daughter, Chae Eun-Byul. Hanmaum Hospital Funeral Hall. Wreath delivery.)

A sigh escaped me unknowingly.

"Phew~ looks like she\'s not going to die now," I muttered under my breath.

Switching from Hanmaeum Hospital which insisted on a bone marrow transplant to Seoul Asan Hospital where they treated patients with better new drugs was the right choice.

The fact that I could make a good decision to save someone made me even more grateful for traveling back in time.

Then, I promptly returned to the company and reported the hospital events to Kang Ji-Yung.

"That\'s good to hear. If it costs too much, let me know. I can help arrange the needed funds," said Kang Ji-Yung.

"No, I can handle it," I replied.

"Please keep me informed about the progress. I really hope the child recovers well."

I smiled reassuringly with confidence because I had checked the planner. However, I noticed that Kang Ji-Yung\'s expression was unusually stern.

"Is there something wrong? You look quite concerned," I asked her.

After a long sigh, Kang Ji-Yung began to speak hesitantly. "Have you ever heard the name Choi Man-Sik?"

\'Choi Man-Sik?\' I pondered over the name.

I knew him. He was one of the shareholders of Hoop Entertainment and had played a major role in splitting the company by backing Kim Dong-Soo in my past life. Kim Dong-Soo had faithfully served that wealthy son of a bitch. No, saying that he\'s a dog\'s son would be an insult to the dog. To correct it, he was even worse than a dog.

"Yes, I know him. He’s one of the company shareholders, right?" I asked.

"Yes. He has contacted the company saying he wants to come in right now. And he specifically asked to see you, Team Lead Jung," Kang Ji-Yung shared.


Apparently, Choi Man-Sik, the youngest representative among Hoop Entertainment\'s shareholders, was on his way to the company to meet me specifically.

At that moment, my heart started beating rapidly.

I had a feeling I might perhaps finally find out the real reason behind the split of Hoop Entertainment.

But then Kang Ji-Yung began to say something totally unexpected.

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