
Chapter 336

Chapter 336


With the help of Central Institute, Ho Sung Lee managed to avoid the reporters and bring the fainted Leight inside the building.

“What happened?” Ji Yoo Kim, who arrived later, looked down at Leight, who was strapped down to a gurney, and asked.

Ho Sung Lee explained that he tried to commit suicide twice.

Ji Yoo Kim looked surprised at first, but her expression then fell heavy.

“We’d better put a 24-hour watch on him,” said Ji Yoo Kim while looking at Leight.

“Min Sung will probably meet him in the evening. Then... who knows what will happen?”

“He won’t kill him, because we need him to solve our problem.”

Ho Sung Lee looked at Leight and smirked.

“It’s probably better to just kill him.”

“I’m sorry?”

Ji Yoo Kim looked at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee opened his mouth with his eyes still fixed on Leight.

“It might be good if he died after meeting Min Sung. That’s how scary Min Sung is.”

“But Min Sung isn’t the type to use force for no reason.”

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

“He’ll be the judge.” Ho Sung Lee looked at Leight while tracing back on old memories and mumbled in a quiet voice.

At that moment...

Leight slowly opened his eyes, and he began to shake like crazy.

But Leight was unable to move.

His entire body was strapped down, and he was gagged so that he couldn’t even bite his tongue.

Leight opened his eyes wide and wriggled as hard as he could.

Ji Yoo Kim gave out a signal, and in response, one of the doctors on standby grabbed Leight’s shaking body and gave him a shot.

It was anesthesia.

Leight’s movements grew slower and slower.

He then stared at the ceiling with wide eyes and caught his breath.

“I’ll probably be back with Min Sung in the evening,” said Ho Sung Lee, and Ji Yoo Kim nodded in response.

“Then I’ll see you later.”


Through the media, the news that Min Sung Kang got control of criminal organizations got out.

That was not all. Rumors that the head of a drug criminal organization called X-HIT was dragged away to Central Institute in Korea.

But despite that fact, the streets of brazil where drugs ran rampant was lively as ever.

When Min Sung heard the news, he was able to check the facts while sitting on the sofa at home.

The hunter leaders and presidents of every country were delivering all the information to Min Sung.

Of course, that wasn’t unexpected at all.

But what bothered him was that there were going to be bothersome issues to take care of.

“Sir, I’m here.”

Ho Sung Lee bowed to Min Sung, who was sitting on the sofa. He then briefed him on Leight who was currently at Central Institute and how he tried to commit suicide.

“He’s alive, right?”

“Of course.”

Min Sung nodded without a care in the world. He closed his laptop and got up.

Min Sung then pressed his temple while thinking before looking back at Ho Sung Lee.

“I’m going to Central Institute after dinner. Look for a pork restaurant for dinner.”

“Yes, Sir. When would you like to go?”

“In 5 minutes.”

“I’ll wait for you outside.”

Ho Sung Lee took the car keys and went outside.

Min Sung slowly got ready to go out. He sprayed cologne on his wrist and put on a cool jacket.

He was ready to go, but he paused for a moment and equipped his wrist with the language watch that he had forgotten.

He had to meet with X-HIT’s head, Leight, today.

For that reason, he needed the watch to translate their languages.

Once he put on his designer sneakers and went out, Ho Sung Lee had already started the car and waited for him.

Ho Sung Lee opened the back door.

‘Wouldn’t the smell of my cologne get masked if I go to a meat restaurant?”

While Min Sung had such thoughts while getting into the car, Ho Sung Lee stepped on the gas pedal and headed over to the restaurant of his choice.


They arrived at the meat restaurant.

It was a small place.

And since it was small, Ho Sung Lee rented out the whole place so that Min Sung could eat in peace.

Min Sung sat down, and the owner as well as employees approached with nervous faces and handed him water and wet wipes.

The side dishes had already been set up, and coals were ready to be lit up.

On top of that was a pan for meat, and the owner immediately delivered the meat.

Since Min Sung wanted to have pork today, he expected pork belly or neck meat, but the actual menu that came out was different.

And it wasn’t even Korean.

Just as Ho Sung Lee sat down across from him.

“What’s this meat?” Min Sung asked.

“It’s black pork from Ibericos.”

“Black pork from Ibericos?”

“Yes. It’s a type of black pork from Spain. The pigs from a region of Spain were raised on acorns, so the taste of feed and fat go well together. The first dish is the softest part of the black pork from Ibericos.”

Min Sung nodded with satisfaction, and Ho Sung Lee began grilling.

Ho Sung Lee was very skilled at grilling meat.

He grilled them perfectly to retain the fat while not burning them.

The taste of the meat was completely different depending on how they were cooked.

In that sense, Ho Sung Lee was capable of providing the best tasting meat at a meat restaurant.


The sound of meat grilling could be clearly heard.

The smoke got sucked in by the ventilators, but he could smell it clearly.

Min Sung waited for the meat to finish cooking.

And by the time Ho Sung Lee offered him a piece that was ready, Min Sung moved his chopsticks as if he was a predator ready to eat its prey.

He dipped it in oil and ate it with green onions.

It was unbelievably soft. And the strong scent of the juices was charming.

It was surprisingly strong, but it wasn’t too greasy.

Of course, the part of the meat was so strong that it was hard to eat large amounts of it, but he was able to feel complete satisfaction from eating 2 portions.

Min Sung took the meat that was grilled in an instant, and Ho Sung Lee also tasted it and was in awe.

“I know I picked this place, but it’s really delicious,” said Ho Sung Lee while wiping the oil away from his lips.

“I thought only Korean meat was good, but that’s not the case.”

“This meat is trending these days. Food critics are all about it.”

“I can see why.”

“And the price is reasonable. The price seems similar to that of Korean meet, but unlike the Korean meat, you can see on the menu that it’s for 130 grams. That’s a very good price.”

“I see.”

Min Sung agreed as he looked at the wall, and that was when he saw a frame.

It was a certification verifying that the meat was from Ibericos.

That meant they could trust it.

While he looked at the certificate.


A different part of the black pork from Ibericos began grilling.

This time, it was the flank and ribs.

“Since we’re going to go to a place that’s famous for neck meat another time, I’ll leave it out this time.”

Ho Sung Lee then proceeded to grill the flank and ribs.

In the case of neck meat, Ho Sung Lee found it particularly picky.

That was because it was hard to find good neck meat at ordinary restaurants, and in the case of black pork from Ibericos, it was difficult to make it taste good.

In any case, the flank and ribs were cooking, and Min Sung focused on the meat on the grill.

Since the grill was warmed up completely, it didn’t take long for the meat to cook.

Min Sung put a piece of the rib meat in his mouth first.

Om nom!

It was chewy, and he was able to smell the scent of the black pork from Ibericos.

Normally, the rib region was popular for beef, but he just realized that the rib region of pork could taste just as delicious.

In addition, the flank had a tendency to roll up, and the way it was dripping in oil made it too appetizing to give up.

Min Sung tried the flank next.

It was known to be crispy and soft at the same time.

Min Sung enjoyed the flavor of black pork with a happy look on his face.


Leight felt miserable while being strapped down with a gag in his mouth.

He failed at committing suicide.

As the head of X-HIT, the thought of having his family being swung in front of him as bait was horrific, and he couldn’t stand the feeling of humiliation and mortification that resulted.

He didn’t know what kind of magic they used because he was unable to use his Aura.

When he tried to use his Aura, it disappeared into thin air.

Since he was unable to escape from the magic, all he could do was wriggle around.

When a hunter who was on guard saw this, he clicked his tongue.

“Stop trying. It’s better to give up. That magic was specially made, and as expensive as it was, you can’t undo it unless you’re at the level of a hunter leader.”

Leight glared at the hunter on guard.

In response, the hunter smirked.

“You’ll meet Min Sung Kang soon. Be nice. If not, you’ll end up being subjected to a tragedy.”

Leight scoffed.

If he was afraid of death, he wouldn’t have tried to commit suicide.

He wasn’t going to let anyone intimidate him.

If he tried to threaten him with his family, he would provoke Min Sung Kang and choose death.

That was his last pride as the head of X-HIT.

By the time he made up his mind, he heard footsteps.

Leight clenched his teeth.

The heavy metal doors opened, and Min Sung entered.

The hunter on guard paid his respects.

Min Sung waved his hand at the hunter on guard.

After paying his respects, the hunter quietly left the room.

Creak! Slam!

The sound of the door slamming shut caused the room to ring loudly.

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