
Chapter 296

Chapter 296


“Wow... I can’t believe it with my own eyes.”

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw after seeing a large container of magic stones set up near the tent.

There was a mountain of magic stones accumulating.

Since the hunters from all around the world were sending over magic stones like crazy, a substantial amount of magic stones were accumulating.

Ho Sung Lee watched the magic stones gather before lowering his gaze.

Bowl was sitting on the ground and chewing on the magic stones without rest.

“Is it good?”

In response to Ho Sung Lee’s question, Bowl flipped his head back and snickered with joy.

“Sir, is it okay that he keeps eating these?”

“It’s fine. Eating magic stones will help Bowl grow. Maybe seeing Bowl eating magic stones will make that guy eat it, too.”

In response, Ho Sung Lee’s eyes went from Bowl to Repone.

Repone was taking turns looking at Bowl and the magic stones.

“Maybe the dragon will try to eat the magic stones after all.”

“Since we have no other way, we’re going to give this a try. And if Bowl and Repone happen o become friends, Bowl might be able to help Repone use his magic.”

“It sounds like Bowl might have more potential than me.”

“Even if he helps Repone use his magic, Bowl’s abilities are on a whole different level from that of Repone’s. It’s almost possible. We’re just hoping that he helps him open up his heart.”

Ho Sung Lee sighed.

“Anyway, it’s been quiet after that demon creature popped out of the gate.”

“Declaration of war.”

“Declaration of war?”

“The owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, invested his experience points on me in Beatrice. The same goes for the Dionysus Gods.”

“But you returned to earth.”

“That’s right, so it’s possible that the Dionysus Gods ordered Veld to attack the human world in their stead.”

“The Dionysus Gods?”

“Veld can’t handle me on his own, and it’s not possible for a demon creature to be this powerful. It’s obvious they got the help of the Dionysus Gods.”

“Those petty bastards... I thought they’re supposed to be gods.”

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue. He then looked over to Min Sung, and the way he stared at the pile of magic stones was not light.

It appeared that he was anxious that it might not be so easy.

Recently, he saw expressions that he had never seen before on Min Sung.

As a hunter, Ho Sung Lee made up his mind to do whatever it took to do his part in preventing a crisis to mankind.

But regardless, Ho Sung Lee still couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

But Min Sung’s face continued to stiffen up for a reason.

He tried everything he could to teach him the language, but there seemed to be no progress.

As a result, Ho Sung Lee scratched his head and tried to think of another way to get it done.

But when Ho Sung Lee saw the red dragon, Repone, approach Bowl, he jolted his head back up.

This was the first time he saw Repone approaching Bowl.

As for Bowl, he continued to eat his magic stones without putting his guard up.

And Repone, who was watching this happen, began to eat magic stones as well.


Once Repone took a bite, his eyes jolted wide open.

It must have been delicious.

Repone took a seat next to Bowl and began to chow down on the magic stones.

Ho Sung Lee was surprised that a red dragon was able to eat magic stones like Bowl, but Min Sung didn’t seem surprised at all.

After all, it was Min Sung’s order to bring the magic stones in the first place

“Sir, did you know Repone would eat magic stones?”


“Then why did you ask for so many? What if Repone wasn’t able to use them at all?”

“Then Bowl would have ended up eating them, and we would have used that guy for something else.”

He intended to use him however he could.

And since Bowl was able to eat more magic stones than ever as a result, he was ecstatic.

Ho Sung Lee watched Bowl and Repone enjoying their magic stones together and smirked.

For just a moment, he almost forgot about the situation with the devil gate.


But once he felt pressured again to teach him the language, Ho Sung Lee felt a shiver up his spine.

The shiver spread all over his body.

Due to the sudden physical reaction, Ho Sung Lee glanced over at Min Sung, and Min Sung was already looking at the gate.

And naturally, Ho Sung Lee’s eyes moved to the gate as well.

A devil was coming out of the gate.


“I don’t know why only one’s coming out at a time.”

Min Sung took out his Gungnir S from the item window.

He wished to go to the Demonic Realm and wipe them out all at once, but the Demonic Realm was not a place he could go casually.

That was because the Demonic Realm didn’t have an ideal geography for battle.

The Demonic Realm was unbelievably vast, and having to endlessly fight without recovery was more like torture than battle.

For that reason, he believed that it was much more advantageous to fight in the human world instead.

And Min Sung had no intention of allowing such devils to mess with earth.


The Gungnir S in Min Sung’s hands rang with thunder.

And at the same time, a devil popped out of the gate.

The devil had his shoulders and back hunched over as it glared at Min Sung with its red eyes.

Before the devil charged at him, Min Sung charged toward him with ghostly eyes first.

The devil swung his black hands.

Three rays of dark energy charged toward him, but Min Sung calmly blocked it out with his Gungnir S and approached closer.

Every time Min Sung swung his sword and the devil swung his hand, light flashed as if there was lightning.

Min Sung grew annoyed during the battle.

That was because the fighting ability of the devil was much better than he expected.

There was no doubt that once more devils flooded out, the situation would become much more serious, and he hadn’t felt that way in quite a while.

But as always... he would find a way to solve it.

It was best to keep his thoughts short and act first, and that was what he had to do now.


The Gungnir S exploded with unbelievable power and charged toward the devil’s head.

But the devil swiftly dodged the attack and swung his hand at Min Sung’s body.

Min Sung blocked the devil’s hand with his left elbow. He grabbed his Gungnir S with both hands and lowered it upon his shoulder.


The devil screamed in pain, and his body trembled.

But when Min Sung took his sword back out, the devil didn’t collapse and attacked even harder than before.

Min Sung dodged his attack and clenched down on his teeth.

It took way too long just to fight one devil.

Min Sung unleashed his Gungnir S at the devil, and the sword, which flew over on its own, slashed through the devil’s chest.

But the devil still didn’t collapse as if it was a zombie and charged toward Min Sung at a high speed.

He approached with his mouth open in order to bite him, but Min Sung swung his fist with substantial magic energy.


The devil smashed into countless pieces and exploded in all directions.

Thud, thud, thud!

Min Sung looked down at the devil’s pieces on the ground and clicked his tongue.

It required way too much magic energy just to defeat one devil.

At this rate, once more devils began to pour out, things were not going to go the way he wanted.

He had to think of another way.


Upon timing how long it took the Black Slaughterer to defeat one devil, Veld was certain that he would soon take over the human world.

The only one in the human world who could defeat his devils was the Black Slaughterer.

But soon, an army of devils would show up, and he wouldn’t be able to handle them all.


‘I can’t wait to see that Black Slaughterer struggle.’

Veld looked down upon the human world with excited eyes before thinking about the Dionysus Gods again.

There was no doubt that the Dionysus Gods would try to take away his power once he took over the human world.

‘What would be the wisest way to handle this?’

He continuously thought about this issue, but he still hadn’t found a solution.

It was just a matter of time before he dominated the human world, and he would find a solution before then.

Veld’s eyes flashed.


Bowl, who was watching Min Sung fighting off the devil, only looked back at the red dragon, Repone, once he checked that Min Sung defeated the devil once and for all.

Repone was eating his magic stones when they met eyes.

Bowl had already eaten a lot of magic stones, and he was ordered by his master, Min Sung, to attempt communicating with Repone.

Since Bowl felt like he became friends with Repone, he tried to talk to him.

He used his dark magic to do so.

Bowl’s eyes flashed with black flames, and his dark magic began to absorb into the red dragon, Repone.

Repone had already accepted Bowl as a member of his family, so he didn’t reject the power of his magic.

Repone’s will to exchange as well as Bowl’s dark magic began to mix together.

And once they made a connection, Bowls’ dark magic integrated with Repone.

As a result, Bowl’s language abilities began to transfer over to Repone.

Repone’s red scales flashed with a black light to signal the beginning of the magical transformation.

Ho Sung Lee stared at Repone and Bowl with his jaw to the ground.

The magic stone had the ability to advance one’s magical abilities.

And as a result, they were able to make an exchange.

Upon realizing his language ability through Bowl’s dark magic, Repone flashed his eyes toward the sky and breathed out.

A huge flame shot into the rainy sky and pierced through the dark clouds in the sky.

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