
Chapter 285

Chapter 285

In response to Repone’s question, Ho Sung Lee looked up at the sky with a shocked face

“Are you... from Beatrice?”

In response, Repone glared his eyes at Ho Sung Lee.

After Ho Sung Lee and Bowl exchanged glances, they looked back at Repone with great tension.

This was earth, not Beatrice.

The fact that a player from Beatrice came here to look for Min Sung hinted at a serious situation that couldn’t be looked upon favorably.

Ho Sung Lee increased his focus and smiled awkwardly at Repone.

“Shall I lead you to him?”

Repone smiled at Ho Sung Lee.

The meaning behind the smile was unknown, and Ho Sung Lee instinctively felt fear because of Repone.

It wasn’t like he challenged him to fight, but he still felt pressured by his presence alone.

He had a presence that he had never experienced before aside from that of Min Sung.

Step, step.

Repone began to walk, and Ho Sung Lee gulped as he watched Repone approach him.

Repone stood right in front of Ho Sung Lee, who appeared nervous.

He then smiled and gestured with his chin.

It meant he should lead the way.

Ho Sung Lee’s back was sweaty, but he tried his best not to show it and turned with a straight face.

As he led the way, Ho Sung Lee was certain—that bringing him to Min Sung was the surest way to resolve this once and for all.

He would lead him to Min Sung without irritating him.

As long as he led Repone to him, Min Sung Kang would solve everything.

So why was it that his body felt so stiff?

It wasn’t like he was giving off any offensive or cold attitude, but he still felt so pressured that it was hard to breathe.

Was it because he was a high-ranking player? Or because he was in Earth right now, not Beatrice?

Whatever the reason, he knew for certain that this player was suspicious.

Ho Sung Lee continued to walk as he glanced over at Repone.

He was enjoying the scenery and sunlight as he walked in a leisurely manner.


Those who had evacuated in order to dodge the Iris Tree returned to their homes, and businesses were back up and running.

Min Sung, who was aware of this, immediately left his house to get something to eat.

Since he had Woong Jang, he could just eat at home, but upon returning to earth, there was something that came to mind.

It was the most popular food out of the carbohydrates.


Min Sung wanted to eat some bread, so he was on his way to a bakery that he had searched online.

It was a bakery of the major P brand, and since it was closeby, he walked slowly.

He was wearing a black mask, so no one recognized him, and thanks to that, Min Sung walked the streets comfortably without gaining any attention.

As soon as he walked down the alley and stood in front of the crosswalk, he could see the bakery across the street.

As soon as he saw the blue sign, his appetite shot up.

It was the type of appetite that was different from simply wanting a meal.

Min Sung waited for the traffic light to change with great anticipation.

And at the end of his wait, the light turned green.

After quickly walking across the street, Min Sung opened the door to the bakery and walked in.


A young woman wearing a blue hat greeted him.

Min Sung stopped in front of the entrance and scanned the inside of the bakery with blank eyes.

The reason why he froze up at the entrance was because the bread inside the shop looked so vibrant.

All he remembered about bread was bread with cream or red bean inside.

But now that he took another look, the variety and designs of the bread were artistic.

They had fancy sandwiches as well as hamburger bread, pizza bread, sausage bread, and more.

Even the cream and red bean bread that Min Sung remembered didn’t look average.

The outside shined due to the oil, and he had to taste it to see how moist it was inside.


The employee called Min Sung, who appeared blank.

When Min Sung glanced over, the employee smiled and handed him a tray and tongs.

Min Sung accepted them with a gulp and began his bread shopping for real.

First, he grabbed everything he wanted to eat.

He figured he could eat some later if he couldn’t finish and just took everything that caught his eye.

He added pizza bread, sausage bread, mini hamburger, croissant, cream bread, and more, and only when his tray was completely full, did Min Sung walk over to the cash register.

When the employee looked at the heap of bread with surprised eyes, Min Sung’s gaze was already fixed elsewhere.

The refrigerated desserts.

It was cake.

Min Sung stared at the cake with big eyes and walked closer to take a better look.

The cake was unbelievably beautiful.

In Min Sung’s eyes, the cake looked like such a work of art that he wondered how they made such a thing.

Just looking at the strawberry cake, chocolate cake, fruit cake, and cheesecake made time pass by without him knowing.

Min Sung was completely entranced.

He wondered, ‘Should I take all of these cakes?’, but those thoughts soon disappeared.

It was too much.

Min Sung came back to his senses. He only took the bread that he could eat and returned the rest.

The employee looked at Min Sung strangely, but Min Sung didn’t care.

He couldn’t waste all the enjoyment in just one moment.

It was important that he enjoyed his bread today and returned on another day.

Greed could easily ruin happiness.

Min Sung only bought enough so that he could finish.

“Thank you. Have a nice day.”

Min Sung listened to the employee’s cheerful greeting as he left the bakery.

The bread and cake inside his hands brought him great joy.

Min Sung smiled down at the bag of bread and the box of cake in his hands and walked back home.

The red light at the crosswalk lasted quite a while, but Min Sung remained patient.

On the contrary, he enjoyed the wait.

It was the process until his next meal.

Min Sung wanted to enjoy that process.


The light turned green, and Min Sung walked at a steady pace without any rush.


“... Oh, he’s not home,” mumbled Ho Sung Lee as he looked around the house with a shocked face.

“Earth is a cool place. I’m still in the middle of experiencing just how advanced civilization has become,” said Repone as he plopped down on the couch and looked around his house.

“He must have left for a moment. I’ll try calling him.”

“Take your time.”

Repone waved his hand as if he was the owner of the house.

Ho Sung Lee went to the yard and called Min Sung.

As soon as the line rang, the call went through.


“Hello? Sir?”

What is it?

“Where are you?”


“I know. I’m at your house right now.”


“Where are you exactly?”

Nearby. I’m coming home with bread.

“... Bread?”


Ho Sung Lee looked back at Repone.

Repone was looking at him.

Ho Sung Lee flinched, but he smiled at Repone to hide it, and he looked back toward the yard and gulped.

“Then you must be close.”

What is it?

Min Sung asked in an annoyed tone.

“A player from Beatrice is here.”


“So I brought him to your house. He was looking for you and didn’t show any signs of aggression.

I’m on my way. Keep him there.

“Yes, Sir.”

After hanging up, Ho Sung Lee sat down on a sofa near where Repone was seated.

“You’ll be able to see the man you’re looking for soon.”

Repone showed a light smile and nodded as he continued to look around the house.

“But... What brings you all the way here?” Ho Sung Lee asked with a nervous face

Repone looked back at Ho Sung Lee, and their eyes met.

The smile faded from Repone’s face

Ho Sung Lee felt like sparks were flying from within his eyes.

“What do you think? I came to kill them.”

The air turned cold.

He felt even his skin getting cold.

Ho Sung Lee tried not to show it, but his face couldn’t help but twitch, so he immediately put an exaggerated smile on his face

“I see.”

Repone, who was staring at Ho Sung Lee with a low gaze, smiled.

“Seeing how you brought me here, Min Sung Kang must be very strong. What do you think? Do you think he’ll kill me today?” Repone asked.

“It’s very likely,” Ho Sung Lee answered honestly.

Repone breathed in and then breathed out.

“I see.”

While he stared into space with much thought...

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Someone was pressing the passcode on the front door.

Ho Sung Lee sprung up, and along with a clunk sound, the door opened.

Bowl and Ssol ran toward the front door.

With Bowl and Ssol on his shoulders, Min Sung walked into the living room.

Repone looked at Min Sung with a grin, and Min Sung met eyes with Repone without much emotion in his face

Silence fell.

Min Sung then showed the bag of bread and the box of cake in his hands to Ho Sung Lee.

“Put these in the kitchen.”

Ho Sung Lee quickly took the bag of bread and the box of cake from Min Sung’s hands.

Once his hands felt lighter, Min Sung stared at Repone and tilted his head.

“I heard you came from Beatrice. Why are you here?” Min Sung asked with a low glare.

Repone pointed at Ho Sung Lee in the kitchen with his chin.

“I already answered that.”

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee sighed with a troubled look on his face.

“... He said he came to kill you.”

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