
Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Eichmann held his sword forward and showed a stiff look on his face.

“You disgust me. I know you surrendered to the command of the 12 signs. You should be ashamed of yourself, Krok!”

In response to Eichmann’s shouting, Krok appeared annoyed.

“The 12 signs, the 12 signs. You won’t stop talking about that. What’s so great about them that you’re trying to hold them above my head? I’m going to swallow up everything. I won’t let anything stand above me!”

Krok screamed.

“You’ve completely lost your mind. I shall cut off that rotten head of yours.”

A light flashed from Eichmann’s sword.

As if it was an engine that was warming up, Eichmann’s sword unleashed its power with a flash.

Krok clenched his fists and unleashed his magic energy.


The ground shook.

The air around them was distorted even before Krok and Eichmann began their battle.

A moment of silence.

And as soon as they attacked each other, a loud thundering noise rang.

Bright rays of light flashed from Eichmann’s sword while the light of an Aura radiated from Krok’s fist.

As soon as their forces collided...

A light flashed in all four directions followed by the wave of the force.

Krok’s subordinates, who were already a distance back, had to use their shields to protect themselves from the wave.

That was how powerful it was.

After the impact of their magic energy, Eichmann’s sword and Krok’s fist collided.

The hissing sound was deafening.

The heat was fierce.

Meanwhile, Krok’s eyes flashed green.

At the same time, a phenomenon resembling 9 snakes arose from behind Krok’s back and immediately chewed on Eichmann’s armor.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The silver armor ripped to shreds as if it was simply eating its meal.

Eichmann stared at Krok in surprise and tried to step back, but Krok’s fist was much faster than his movements.


Krok’s fist punched Eichmann in the chest.

Eichmann spat out blood and his face turned red.

As a result, Eichmann’s body twisted around, and once he lost balance, Krok’s continued attacks became that much more effeetive.

Krok stared at Eichmann with wide eyes as if he was a hungry predator and attacked him non-stop.

As if he was a dinosaur preying on another dinosaur.


The little girl’s name was Marie.

She was 12 years old.

At first, she had her guard up like a street cat, but after eating the pork cutlets and ice cream, she slowly began to open up.

As Ho Sung Lee chatted with the little girl, she turned from the timid street cat to just a regular 12-year-old girl.

“That was so delicious! I can’t believe it. I had no idea such food existed. It was so good.”

The girl was certainly full, but she still talked about the pork cutlets and ice cream as if she couldn’t get over it.

And Ming Sung was able to understand her.

After all, he came to earth after starving in the Demonic Realm.

As long as he had Ho Sung Lee and food ingredients, Beatrice was no different from Heaven for Min Sung.

The only problem was that the ingredients and time were limited in Beatrice.

“In what world do they eat food like this?”

The girl asked, and Ho Sung Lee answered in a friendly manner.

The little girl was very interested in Ho Sung Lee’s story about earth.

She looked as though she was listening to a fairy tale story.

During their long chat about earth, something cut them off.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Someone was knocking on the door.

The little girl’s face quickly turned from bright to stiff in response.

She began to cower again.

“Don’t worry. He’s the most powerful man in this world. He’ll protect you,” said Ho Sung Lee while pointing at Min Sung.

The girl looked at Min Sung with scared eyes.

Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee, who just said he would protect her.

Ho Sung Lee coughed and got up.

“I’ll go and see who it is.”

Ho Sung Lee ran over to the door and opened it.

Outside were four adults.

One of them was a weak elder.

And two of them were middle-aged men.

And the last one was a middle-aged woman.

Their stiff faces looked so determined that it was clear that they were ready to fight just from their expressions.

But since words came first, Ho Sung Lee calmly started a conversation.

“What’s the matter?”

Ho Sung Lee asked.

In response, one of the middle-aged men stepped up with an angry look on his face.

“We know the witch is in here.”

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung and shrugged, and Min Sung gestured for him to handle it on his own.

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue and scanned the four adults.

They didn’t look like players from Krok.

Their clothes and their energy seemed all too ordinary.

But the fact that average Beatrice natives came here despite knowing what had happened was quite unusual.

“We came prepared to die. That’s how important this is.”

Ho Sung Lee grabbed his head and groaned.

“Hm. So you’re saying you have to kill that little girl that you call a witch?”

“That’s correct. That witch is in this house. Please don’t protect her out of chivalrous spirit.”

The eyes of the middle-aged man looked very sincere.

But to Ho Sung Lee, something seemed off.

It didn’t seem like they were trying to kill the little girl, Marie, just because a higher order commanded them to, but when he thought about it, it seemed like the Krok players were trying to take her away.

Things didn’t fit into place.

It was strange, but Ho Sung Lee decided that finishing off their conversation came first.

“I just need to know. What makes you think that girl is a witch?”

Ho Sung Lee asked with a bitter smile.

And the answer that the villagers offered was shocking.

He thought it was just a superstition, but what they told him was much more serious.

“We saw that little girl kill someone with our own eyes,” the elder explained.

And the middle-aged woman added.

“I saw it, too.”

“Hmph! Killing is nothing. Do you know what I saw?”

The middle-aged man trembled and spoke with a grimace, “As soon as that little witch used her witchcraft, people in our village started to get sick. She spread a disease. That was her doing!”

The middle-aged man huffed and puffed.

There was both fear and rage in his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and looked at the girl.

Seeing how the villagers hated Marie this much, perhaps it wasn’t just something to pass over as a superstition.

But since he didn’t see it himself, he wasn’t in a place to say anything either.

“So are you going to take that girl and kill her?” Read more chapter on NovelFull

As soon as Ho Sung Lee asked...

“We must burn her,” the elder responded.

Ho Sung Lee stared at the four adults with a troubled look on his face.

In this case, Min Sung had to make the final call.

“What do we do?”

Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung as if he had surrendered.

Min Sung slowly got up and walked to the door.

The four adults stood straight without movement and stared back at Min Sung.

Min Sung then smirked at them.

As soon as he did, the adult’s stiff faces were shaken.

But they immediately got back to their senses.

“Didn’t we just explain how dangerous that little witch is? Hand her over,” the elder spoke while making eye contact with Min Sung.

“I don’t know if you’re stupid or brave.”

Min Sung tilted his head and continued, “If that girl has that kind of power like you said, don’t you think she would’ve killed you by now?”

The adults looked taken aback.

“Are you naïve or just stupid?”

The adults’ faces turend stiff.

“If you’re telling the truth and you try to kill her... Do you think it’ll be her that’s dead or you? Actually, maybe the whole village would go down.”

Min Sung made sense.

Even if she was a little witch, her influence would be huge.

She might have been a Beatrice native, but she was not to be underestimated.

But that was in the case that what the adults were saying was true.

“You came here prepared to die?”

Min Sung smiled.

“You’re gambling the lives of your entire village right now. Whether they consented to this or not.”

Min Sung wiped off the smile from his face and scanned them with cold eyes.

“I’d better check for myself if you really came here prepared to die.”

Min Sung took out his Gungnir S from his item window.


A loud, thundering noise rang.


The four adults all fell over backward as if it was rehearsed.

They stared up at Min Sung with scared eyes.

In their eyes, Min Sung was much more powerful than the little witch.

“You won’t die easily. A human life is more persistent than you’d think. I also control it so that it stays that way.”

The three adults aside from the elder peed their pants.

As for the elder, he shook with fear but didn’t back down to Min Sung.

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