
Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Refman huffed and puffed and looked through all over the volcano with red eyes in order to find whoever stole his life energy.

Since not much time had passed, it was very likely that he hadn’t left the volcano yet.

Since his troops set out to look for him already, there was still hope.

Even if he had stolen his life energy, all he had to do was swallow him whole to gain it back.

He had to do whatever it took to find him and get his beloved life energy back.

While he searched through the volcano at an explosive speed, Refman slowed down at the sight of a trace, and his pupils dilated.

He had just started searching, so he didn’t think he would find him so soon.

He sighed because he wasn’t sure if he was lucky, or if he was unlucky since he had his life energy stolen in the first place.

The ruler of the volcano, Refman, moved quickly toward where he sensed the movement.

And then he soon discovered a human being that was glancing around.

He was holding quite an impressive-looking sword in his hand, and seeing from his weapon, he appeared to be a player.

As soon as he discovered him, Refman felt a strong sense of pressure.

Was he powerful enough to be able to swallow the life energy?

Refman kricked his teeth and walked toward him, who was standing in the middle of the base scattered with lava.

When he did, he looked back at him.


Ho Sung Lee was moving as quickly as possible so that he could find Min Sung before he was detected by any monster.

But the volcano was a large place, and there were many monsters searching here and there, so it was no easy task.

Since it was hard enough to use his skills to find Min Sung, he was afraid that he would be sensed by either Refman or his underlings.

For that reason, he had to be as thoughtful as possible.

Anything rash could lead to the worst-case scenario.

But looking for Min Sung while an entire search team was out looking for him was no easy task.

The skill that he picked and leveled up was a skill that was useful when searching for someone.

When it came to hiding himself, there were limits.

‘All I can really do is turn into a shadow, but it’s hard to avoid them and find Min Sung with just that...’

While Ho Sung Lee thought to himself, an idea jolted him wide awake.

The shadow skill evolved.

In the beginning, he had to consume a great deal of focus and magic energy in order to enter through small cracks in a short period of time.

But once he was tortured by the strange red sphere and he woke back up, a surprising phenomenon took place.

What felt like an unlimited source of magic energy continuously flowed through him.

There were small cracks even on the ground.

If he moved through those cracks, it was going to be hard for them to locate him and track him down.

With that thought, Ho Sung Lee increased his focus through the shadow skill and used a daring amount of magic energy.

As a result of the skill, the power of the Aura emitted a light.

Ho Sung Lee was not able to utilize a skill that hid him so well that not even his shadow could be seen.

Ho Sung Lee activated the best hiding ability that he had ever used and sped up in order to find Min Sung.

Surprisingly, despite how much magic power was required for this skill, he was able to keep going without running out.

Ho Sung Lee splurged on the skill with his unlimited magic energy and began to look for Min Sung.


Min Sung stared back at the ruler of the volcano, Refman, and tilted his head sideways.

“It’s you, isn’t it? The ruler,” asked Min Sung.

As soon as Refman saw the look in Min Sung’s eyes, he suppressed his emotions.

The way rationality ruled over his instincts as soon as he looked into his eyes was very surprising.

He had never seen his face before, and his reputation hadn’t been known either.

So if he still gave off such a presence, Refman wondered if he was a relatively new ranker player.

“... It’s you. The one who stole my life energy.”

“Life energy?”

Min Sung asked while knitting his brows.

“You despicable bastard... Don’t play dumb! I worked so hard to gather that much. You motherf*cker. How dare you steal it from me?”

Refman’s increasing rage made the ground shake and the magic energy that was launched from his body wrapped around Min Sung.

But Min Sung didn’t even blink an eye at Refman’s attack.

He just looked annoyed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about... I should just kill you,” said Min Sung.

He spoke in a leisurely voice, and not a single ounce of nervousness could be sensed in his attitude.


Refman squinted his eyes and laughed with his mouth.

His body was covered with such big muscles that it looked like his blood vessels were about to burst.”

“Do you really think you can defeat me just because you absorbed that life energy...?”


Before Refman could finish, Min Sung jumped off the ground and leaped into the air.

Before he could even catch him with his eyes, Min Sung grabbed onto Refman’s right horn with his left hand.

He then stared right into Refman’s red eyes and lowered his Gungnir S.


Along with the sound of thunder, he dodged the sword that targeted his shoulder and bit onto Min Sung’s Gungnir S with his large mouth.

Then a sword covered in lava appeared in Refman’s hand.

Refman’s eyes smiled while he swung his lava sword.


The heat capable of melting just about anything splashed with lava as it charged toward Min Sung’s chest.

Min Sung let go of his Gungnir S and dodged the attack, but the powerful Aura launched from the lava sword pursued him.

Min Sung kept his eye on the Aura with unwavering eyes and smacked it with the palm of his hand.


Refman’s Aura and Min Sung’s magic energy collided with a loud explosive sound, and the impact prevented them from seeing in front of them.

A mixture of dirt, dust, and lava was flying between Min Sung and Refman.

But at this point, their bodies moved quicker than their eyes.

Min Sung reduced the distance between him and Refman and approached him through the dust, dirt, and lava.

Refman was holding the Gungnir S in his left hand, and his lava sword in his right.

Min Sung didn’t let this faze him and immediately grabbed Refman’s right horn with his left hand once more.

Refman was so enraged about having his horn grabbed 2 times in a row that he glared at Min Sung and swung his lava sword.

But Min Sung’s fist was a step ahead of Refman’s lava sword.


It sounded like a car crash as Refman’s large head bounced back.

The impact was so powerful that one of Refman’s legs flipped up.

But he didn’t fall over, and as soon as Refman tried to attack, Min Sung’s fist charged at Refman’s face over and over.

“Ugh! Ugh...! Ugh!”

Refman couldn’t open his eyes due to the repeated impact.

The striking points were perfect, and the speed was unbelievable.

As a result, Refman had no choice but to swing his lava sword without being able to see in front of him.

Min Sung ducked so that the Aura from the lava sword wouldn’t reach him, which led to it simply swinging in the air.

Right as the Aura that Refman launched made an explosive sound, Min Sung punched Refman in the gut.



Refman coughed up blood and wobbled around.

Min Sung reached out his hand and grabbed Refman by the neck.


Refman’s eyes jolted wide open as he looked into Min Sung’s eyes.

That was because Refman sensed a crazy amount of magic energy from within Min Sung’s fist.

For a moment, Min Sung, who pulled his fist back, looked like a giant in Refman’s eyes.

Min Sung’s fist charged with power proceeded to punch Refman’s face repeatedly once more.

His face sunk in, and he dropped Min Sung’s Gungnir S and his own lava sword and rolled on the ground like a bowlingball.

Min Sung stared at Refman and grabbed his own shoulder for a nice stretch.

“Stop acting like a baby and get up,” Min Sung told Refman.

In response, Refman slowly got himself back up.

There was a wound on his face due to Min Sung’s fist, but it was healing at a fast pace.

However, his eyes looked dead.

He almost looked like he was disappointed.

“That’s weird... If you absorbed the life energy, your attacks wouldn’t be like this. This level of force is much above that of stolen life energy.”

“What are you mumbling about, you red son of a b*tch?”

As soon as Min Sung raised his hand, the Gungnir S on the ground flew into his hand.

Refman wasn’t surprised by the sight.

He had seen skills like that plenty of times during his time in the inner continent.

What bothered Refman weren’t trivial tricks like that.

The battle that took place before he used his fist.

He sensed an unbelievable level of combat power during that battle.

The man standing in front of him wasn’t someone who simply got stronger from stealing his life energy.

“If you don’t come, I’ll walk over to you. I hate wasting time.”

Min Sung swung his Gungnir S.




Along with the thundering noise, the magic power that Min Sung launched split the ground into two and charged toward Refman at the speed of light.

In that short period of time, Refman gathered his power.

A red curtain covered the space around Refman’s body.

Min Sung’s magic power collided with the curtain around Refman.

The impact transformed into a white light that flashed in all directions.

After blocking out Min Sung’s attack, Refman took out a new lava sword from his item window and launched his upgraded Aura toward Min Sung.

The red sword was covered in lava, and the Aura covered such a wide area that there was no space to dodge it.

The Aura was more powerful than any that Min Sung had experienced thus far.

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